OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #10

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Does anyone remember that case where the little girl was kidnapped right at the end of a CHristmas party at the church? She just walked off with the perp without anyone noticing at all. She was right there with her mother talking to some people and then when the mother turned around to get the girl to go home, she had vanished.

This remind me of that because the little girl was in plain view but no one really noticed because there was nothing remarkable about her being there. The perp was also a familiar face (the janitor perhaps? cannot recall) and so no one noticed him either because he did not seem out of place. They just walked out together and no one was the wiser. He murdered her and IIRC, it was solved through forensics.

I remember that case JBean - didn't the little girl leave her winter coat with mom saying she was going to the little girl's room - and she was never seen again. I believe it was the janitor? who raped and killed her. Awful case and shows how quick things like that can happen. moo
Does anyone remember that case where the little girl was kidnapped right at the end of a CHristmas party at the church? She just walked off with the perp without anyone noticing at all. She was right there with her mother talking to some people and then when the mother turned around to get the girl to go home, she had vanished.

This remind me of that because the little girl was in plain view but no one really noticed because there was nothing remarkable about her being there. The perp was also a familiar face (the janitor perhaps? cannot recall) and so no one noticed him either because he did not seem out of place. They just walked out together and no one was the wiser. He murdered her and IIRC, it was solved through forensics.

I have remarked before that, frighteningly, this is a great tactic for a perp. Imagine taking a child, waiting to see if anyone notices or follows you, and if you are noticed then you just make up some reasonable excuse to have the child and let them go.
Thanx ........

Hello, My name is Tony Young and I am Kyron's stepfather. The family has asked me speak on their behalf today. I would just like to say, Kyron, we miss you, we love you and we need you home right now. We're doing everything we can to work with law enforcement and the search and the rescue crews to make sure you can get back to us as soon as possible.

"We want to say how much we appreciate the outpouring of love and support, prayer and thoughts as we wait for you. Your school friends and their families and teachers and staff at your school and the community as a whole have shown how much impact one little boy's smile can have on a community.

"You mean everything to us and until you come home, this family is not complete. Please Kyron keep up the hope. We believe in you and we know you will be back with us soon."

Kaine Horman, Kyron's father, then spoke:

"Hi, I'm Kaine. I'm Kyron's father. We want to thank the community the parents, the children, the bus drivers and all of those who are being interviewed multiple times to help find Kyron. Thank you. We as the family know how difficult and stressful this is, but your memories and statements can help us find Kyron.

"We will never be able to thank you enough for that help.

"Finally, we would like to thank the media. If it was not for you showing Kyron on every newscast and printing his story in the paper, his face would not be known to everyone. People from around the nation have seen his picture. This helps tremendously.

"Please help us bring Kyron home."

Why say who were interviewed multiple times. Hmmmmmmmm
Thank you, Salem!

Because we have no confirmation that Kyron was seen by anyone after his stepmom left the school, because LE has termed this an "isolated incident" and say they have no evidence of an abduction, because LE has advised parents to not change their security behavior towards their children, because LE is staying with the stepmom and husband 24/7, because the parents have made no plea to a would-be abductor, because LE wants information on anything suspicious seen during Kyron and his stepmom's way to school, it looks to me as if LE is waiting to find Kyron before they arrest his stepmother. I've arrived at that speculation through my own analysis of the situation, and I realize that others may disagree.
LE wants information on anything suspicious seen during Kyron and his stepmom's way to school.

Did he say this in the presser?What exactly did he say?
The talent shows during school hours are generally for the other students. Parents are typically invited to an evening event. So maybe she didn't go because her son went missing.

No the talent show as at 1ish in the afternoon, and she didn't realize Kyron was missing until 3:45 or so.
Yes I remember that case. Wasn't she wearing a rabbit coat or something and they found the fibers in subjects car? She was found deceased.
It was a blue fiber in her little Disney or Pooh Outfit or something. There was a special dye in the outfit and the matching fiber was found in the car or other location special to the perp. Point is no one noticed anything at all.
Well yeah, I've been there as an adult, it can be a fun place. I really suggest that you listen to the scanner, I think you'll see why they are slow to respond... it's non-stop 24/7 craziness, assaults, people being chased with a machete, homeless guy verifying his gender at the bus stop, robberies, domestic violence. Sorry, got off topic. Done.

Gosh, which top 30 city (population) do you live in that does not have that sort of wackiness?
I don't have that impression from the cops I work with here, that's all. And it's probably cabin fever from everyone being stuck in side this month! :crazy:

Plus, we have donuts.
It was a blue fiber in her little Disney or Pooh Outfit or something. There was a special dye in the outfit and the matching fiber was found in the car or other location special to the perp. Point is no one noticed anything at all.

Tragic. :(
May I respectfully ask where the baby was during the time that SM took Kyron to school? I'm not accusing, insinuating, criticizing, blaming, etc. I was 'spanked' a few days ago for including that question among a couple of others, presumably b/c it involves a minor, but I have never heard if she was along for the ride or with a babysitter or whatever and I'm simply asking a question out of pure curiosity. Is that okay?

It has never been stated, as far as I know.
Has anyone here followed the Riley Fox case - 3YO Riley was taken right from her living room when sleeping, raped, murdered, and thrown in the river. They recently made an arrest of a child predator who lived just a couple blocks away, was one of their first suspects, only to be replaced by Riley's dad. Dad has won millions in a lawsuit from Illinois for - well you name it. And those who thought dad was guilty seem to continue to think he is guilty even in spite of DNA evidence proving otherwise. moo
Speaking of the toddler daughter I never have heard where she was the morning SM took Kyron to school.

You know, I've read just about everything, and I've never seen that answered either. Then again, there is much (most) we have not been told.

Great question I am curious too.
Was there a 911 call? or an non-emergency call. Do they record both types of calls.

They haven't released anything of substance though.. why would they release the 911 calls?
(which, btw, always freak me out.. no one needs to hear that. :( )
Perhaps the toddler was feeling sick.
Perhaps the toddler screams at those types of things without a nap.
Perhaps SM just didn't want to go because she had went to science fair.
Whatever the reason I do not see the relevance.
I have missed events that my children have done but that doesn't mean I did not care or wasn't a loving parent. She also is not the only parent.

Wow...what's this I see...the voice of reason???? There has NEVER been even the slightest bit of confirmation that Kyron was to do anything but be in the audience at the talent show. As a shy kid, it seems doubtful he was to do anything other than stand up for a song performance by the whole class. It is quite doubtful that all 275 students had an individual performance, that is a ridiculous idea. Most schools limit participation to either certain older grade levels or have some kind of tryouts to eliminate acts down to about an hour or so of performances.

LE wants information on anything suspicious seen during Kyron and his stepmom's way to school.

Did he say this in the presser?What exactly did he say?

I would like that answer as well. Have not found anything on it.
Has anyone here followed the Riley Fox case - she was taken right from her living room when sleeping, raped, murdered, and thrown in the river. They recently made an arrest of a child predator who lived just a couple blocks away, was one of their first suspects, only to be replaced by Riley's dad. Dad has won millions in a lawsuit from Illinois for - well you name it. And those who thought dad was guilty seem to continue to think he is guilty even in spite of DNA evidence proving otherwise. moo

I know the case. She was a beautiful looking little girl. Are you saying they had a recent arrest in the case, or just in the past?
I remember that case JBean - didn't the little girl leave her winter coat with mom saying she was going to the little girl's room - and she was never seen again. I believe it was the janitor? who raped and killed her. Awful case and shows how quick things like that can happen. moo

I don't believe it was the janitor, it was a guy who walked in off the street and apparently the rest room was close to the door - that was all she wrote.
It was on Cold Case Files and the little girl had a Winnie the Pooh sweater. I believe the perp was the maintenance man at the apartments that were hosting the Christmas party that night. He was married and washed all of his clothes when he arrived back home. I can't remember the little girl's name but am looking for it.
It was a blue fiber in her little Disney or Pooh Outfit or something. There was a special dye in the outfit and the matching fiber was found in the car or other location special to the perp. Point is no one noticed anything at all.

There was also a child taken from a school in Oregon and no one saw anyone either. It happen years ago. Stacy Wil,,,something. She was found, someone heard her crying. Subject never found.
The questions about the bus stop are because it was reported that step mom and dad met the bus and talked to the bus driver and discovered he was not on it. People are wondering if the bus would even stop if he was not on it. If you look at the bus schedule I posted earlier, you can get an idea of where the bus stops. There is one other house on their road that it stops at.


162xx NW SHELTERED NOOK RD 3:30 PM 146
15725 NW SHELTERED NOOK RD 3:31 PM 146 (Kyron's house)

It is reported the SM called 911, right? Why not Dad if he was there too? Just curious?
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