OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #11

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The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office is requesting recorded video images that may have been recorded from store fronts, private residences, security or any other surveillance recording for June 3, 2010 and June 4 2010 to add to current video collected in the continuing search for Kyron Horman. Video is sought specifically of vehicular traffic from the following locations:
NW Cornelius Pass Rd, NW Germantown Rd, NW Logie Trail Rd, NW Rocky Point Rd, NW Skyline Rd, NW 185th Ave, NW West Union Rd, NW Springville Rd, Bethany Blvd, NW Springville Rd, NW Newberry Rd, NW McNamee Rd, Highway 30 from NW Rock Point to NW Germantown Rd, NW Kaiser Rd, NW Thompson Rd and NW Laidlaw Rd.
Anyone possessing recorded video capturing the areas listed above on June 3rd or June 4th is urged to contact our tip line at 503-261-2847 and leave your name, contact information, preserve the recording and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.

All we are asking on this forum is for care and respect to be shown before throwing a family under a bus.A family that has a missing 7 year old.

We are not asking you to ignore behavior, statements to the press or anything else the family says or does. Feel free to discuss what you see and think. Link facts and stop rumors, that's what we like to do.

If you feel censored here then please post at a forum where they do not moderate and you can say anything you like. We do moderate and some people like it and some people don't. We know we cannot please everyone and so we do not try. We stay true to what we think is right and for now not accusing the family is in line with LE and that is the tact we will take. You can be suspicious of whomever you choose, just be cautious in your posting. As always it is not ok to sleuth family members on this board until they have been named as a POI or a suspect or LE leads us to believe they are being considered actively.

As always, if this changes we will roll with it and we will adjust. But to lay out a families personal affairs when they are not even on the radar at this time is just wrong. There will be plenty of time to investigate if things change and often they do.

Many of you continue to make comments ( direct and indirect) about your disapproval of our guidelines. It disrupts the flow of the thread and we are all growing weary of it.

I am asking, again, to please stop.


Kyron, where are you?
Since there seems to be no new info, I will share my experience from my daughter's school "carnival" day yesterday. I was extra observant given Kyron's disappearance from school.

Adults walked in and out of the school freely from all doors. Some signed in, as I did, but most just came and went as they pleased. My daughter's 1st grade teacher gave me responsibility for four children, including my own. I know these kids only by first name, and they know me only as "A's Mom". I took these kids all over the back grounds of the school. I could have easily put them in my truck and left and noone would have noticed for hours. I even signed my daughter out for 3 o'clock at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Around 2pm I saw a little boy fall by the water hose and hit his hip on the pavement. A teacher who was running the hose told him to go to the nurse with his "buddy". The boys had to be 5yo and seemed scared/injured/nervous/uncertain so I offered to take them inside. She never asked me my name, who I was, or anything, just let me take them. I walked the boys, along with my four charges, to the nurse's office and explained what happened. I could have stolen those boys along with the four I already had, but instead, since I am not some crazed lunatic, I left and took my four back outside to play. Most of the kids were unsupervised by any adult specifically. They just ran around from station to station as they pleased. School is K-3 but there were many older siblings at the event as well.

Had I not been there, my 7yo daughter would have been supervised by a stranger. If she had been injured, she would have been taken to the nurse by a stranger. If that stranger wanted to steal her, she/he could have without anyone even wondering where she went. Actually at one point I walked by a classroom where a baby in a stroller was outside in the hall completely unsupervised. I could have stolen her too if I wanted. My truck only seats eight though, so that would have been my limit for the day.

Needless to say, I was appalled by the scenario, completely appalled! I am a hover-mother, so I am at almost every event. After yesterday, I most definitely will be at every event until she is at least 30yo.

But I bet dollars to doughnuts that SOMEONE would have noticed you walking out and getting into your truck with a child who was not yours. I truly believe that, with people coming and going like you described, SOMEONE would have noticed even a familiar adult leaving with a child who was not their own, and would have remembered it if that child had disappeared that day. THIS is what has me stymied in this case, where it was a small school, and students and parents were familiar. I taught in a school this size for 25 years. Especially by the end of the year most faces were familiar. People there knew Kyron, and knew his stepmom from her involvement there. SOMEONE would have noticed him leaving with someone, even another familiar face, if it wasn't his family. I really feel strongly about that.
The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office is requesting recorded video images that may have been recorded from store fronts, private residences, security or any other surveillance recording for June 3, 2010 and June 4 2010 to add to current video collected in the continuing search for Kyron Horman. Video is sought specifically of vehicular traffic from the following locations:
NW Cornelius Pass Rd, NW Germantown Rd, NW Logie Trail Rd, NW Rocky Point Rd, NW Skyline Rd, NW 185th Ave, NW West Union Rd, NW Springville Rd, Bethany Blvd, NW Springville Rd, NW Newberry Rd, NW McNamee Rd, Highway 30 from NW Rock Point to NW Germantown Rd, NW Kaiser Rd, NW Thompson Rd and NW Laidlaw Rd.
Anyone possessing recorded video capturing the areas listed above on June 3rd or June 4th is urged to contact our tip line at 503-261-2847 and leave your name, contact information, preserve the recording and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.


I'm glad to see this, but it seems kinda late to be asking this? Maybe they've already collected the ones they felt were highest priority...
I don't post much either but have so many threads I try to follow. One thing that works well for me is to only read every other page or other 3rd page when I am way behind because most times if it is something important it will be included in the quotes from the previous pages. This way you can skip all the chatter that tends to make these threads so long. (no offense meant)

I watch the conferences and stay on the top of the news.

I was wondering about the shirt he wore, but was shut down quickly for being a recycler.

Unfortunately I didn't follow from page one so seems like it was discussed early on.

I'll just do every 3rd page as someone suggested, otherwise I would abandon my own kids
To anyone's knowledge, has a missing child ever been atop the FBI's most wanted list? Or anywhere on it, for that matter? Ever?

What is up with this?

How many missing children do we have in the U.S. right now?

Mind boggling.

I wonder if someone in the family does undercover work.
All we are asking on this forum is for care and respect to be shown before throwing a family under a bus.A family that has a missing 7 year old.

We are not asking you to ignore behavior, statements to the press or anything else the family says or does. Feel free to discuss what you see and think. Link facts and stop rumors, that's what we like to do.

If you feel censored here then please post at a forum where they do not moderate and you can say anything you like. We do moderate and some people like it and some people don't. We know we cannot please everyone and so we do not try. We stay true to what we think is right and for now not accusing the family is in line with LE and that is the tact we will take. You can be suspicious of whomever you choose, just be cautious in your posting.

As always, if this changes we will roll with it and we will adjust. But to lay out a families personal affairs when they are not even on the radar at this time is just wrong. There will be plenty of time to investigate if things change and often they do.

Many of you continue to make comments ( direct and indirect) about your disapproval of our guidelines. It disrupts the flow of the thread and we are all growing weary of it.

I am asking, again, to please stop.


Kyron, where are you?

10-4. The comments I am making about "do not look over there" are directed at LE, not this forum. Just to be clear. It's LE I feel is stifling information flow, not you or WS.
It was said that SM ran errands after she left the school. I'm quite sure that has been looked into. Various stores, banks, wherever she went probably one or more had cameras and verified that she was, in fact, there. Just because LE hasn't come out and said this - doesn't mean that it hasn't happened. If anything was amiss from investigating these errands than I think we would have known it.
FWIW....the media follows LE guidelines/requests every day. They do not release the names of accident victims until the family has been notified, they do not publish names of sexual assault victims, in some cases they have reasons not to release the names of minors accused of crimes. There are many other examples....that is where information that is "off the record" comes in. LE can give info to media that they do not want published. If media wants the inside track in the future, they cooperate, if they don't.....good luck getting an inside scoop in the future.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office is requesting recorded video images that may have been recorded from store fronts, private residences, security or any other surveillance recording for June 3, 2010 and June 4 2010 to add to current video collected in the continuing search for Kyron Horman. Video is sought specifically of vehicular traffic from the following locations:
NW Cornelius Pass Rd, NW Germantown Rd, NW Logie Trail Rd, NW Rocky Point Rd, NW Skyline Rd, NW 185th Ave, NW West Union Rd, NW Springville Rd, Bethany Blvd, NW Springville Rd, NW Newberry Rd, NW McNamee Rd, Highway 30 from NW Rock Point to NW Germantown Rd, NW Kaiser Rd, NW Thompson Rd and NW Laidlaw Rd.
Anyone possessing recorded video capturing the areas listed above on June 3rd or June 4th is urged to contact our tip line at 503-261-2847 and leave your name, contact information, preserve the recording and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.

I wonder why they are looking for that.WOW.
I'm still taken aback that finding Kyron is of a higher importance than finding Osama Bin Laden! (Of course he is, but you know what I mean...) I gotta think on that one...
I've been thinking about the "our boy" thing - asked myself why it doesn't bother me. (Never occurred to me...until my posting partners brought it up.)

Upon self-analysis :) I think it's because I've never felt the "our boy" was the LE rep inserting himself into the family. Rather, because he IS an LE rep, I interpreted this as the term that all LE currently has adopted on this case - "our boy" refers to their victim - Kyron.

I don't know why I thought this way from the get-go, I just did.

Maybe because I have so many brothers, who are all adult now and they talk all "coach-y" like quite frequently with the kids they do volunteer work with, etc. "our boy" "our girl".

The collective "our".

I know, my head's on goofy. :crazy: But FWIW I'm sharing. :blushing:

Our Emma :blowkiss:
But I bet dollars to doughnuts that SOMEONE would have noticed you walking out and getting into your truck with a child who was not yours. I truly believe that, with people coming and going like you described, SOMEONE would have noticed even a familiar adult leaving with a child who was not their own, and would have remembered it if that child had disappeared that day. THIS is what has me stymied in this case, where it was a small school, and students and parents were familiar. I taught in a school this size for 25 years. Especially by the end of the year most faces were familiar. People there knew Kyron, and knew his stepmom from her involvement there. SOMEONE would have noticed him leaving with someone, even another familiar face, if it wasn't his family. I really feel strongly about that.

Maybe not, no one has seen him leave with family or friends, nothing. This was the perfect storm. If you wanted to take a child and not be seen or get them to go with you, this was the day. Every thing just worked in the perps favor.
How many missing children do we have in the U.S. right now?

Mind boggling.

I wonder if someone in the family does undercover work.

I don't know BeanE. I don't understand it at all. Why doesn't everyone's missing child get on the FBI wanted list if this one did? It hardly seems fair to everyone else who is going to bed tonight missing their precious child, too.
If they have ruled anyone out, they are not telling. I believe the last word on it was a week ago when the sheriff said (paraphrased), "Everyone is of interest to us."

I went back to the beginning of this case this morning and found it very strange that in the first day or so LE had no problem giving information. The time SM and Kyron were at the school, that SM left at 8:45, that Kyron was seen by the south entrance after that, that the teacher had marked Kyron absent. It was pretty standard at the beginning. Then something happened that brought all information sharing to a halt. They wouldn't even answer the same questions they had freely answered before.

Something happened a day or two into this investigation, but I don't know what it was.

I've been watching all the pressers beginning to end. There is a very definite shift.
10-4. The comments I am making about "do not look over there" are directed at LE, not this forum. Just to be clear. It's LE I feel is stifling information flow, not you or WS.
LOL I was not referring to that..but now that you mention it :)

No worries at all.

NOT To CG but in general:
let's all stop judging each other out loud. Just curse at your monitor or something LOL
I have no opinion on what happened to Kyron at this point. But it is obvious that many of you do and many of you do not agree!

let the information flow, debate each other with respect and civlity and lets not put down those that see things differently than we do.

that right there is what makes WS go round.
ATTENTION: Discussing the SM within TOS and respectfully is NOT a witch hunt. If some posters do not agree, that is fine. Move past the post. Or respond with facts that state your opinion WITHOUT attacking other posters.

If it bothers you so much, put the poster with the different opinion/approach on your ignore list and then you won't have to read it (or skip over it).

If you have questions, contact a mod.

I think LE has done a very poor job with this entire case. (My opinion.) I think they did not recognize the fact that they did not have clue until about Monday or so and then began to scramble to gather resources and begin this very long, inch-by-inch search. I do not believe there is any sort of ransom, or kidnapping demand, as they could never justify doing this kind of search, as well as taking money from the public, if they were doing it as a "blind."

I can only hope LE is staying objective as to possible suspects. Police officers are human too, and can be swayed by emotion.

All that said, I think LE is no further along than they were 8 days ago and because of this, I do not think Kyron will be found alive, ir found at all.

I think they told the media in advance they were not going to answer any questions about the case and that this PC would focus on Kyron, not on the investigation and probably invited those who did not like their terms to leave. I think they backed off on earlier statements made when things were not adding up and decided to go with "no comment" for everything. I don't believe they have cleared anyone, including the family, from possible involvement; at this point, they might be pressed to say so, with all of the scrutiny from the public.

The good old days of investigative journalists seems to be a thing of the past.

All of the above are opinions and not meant to offend anyone. I have my own feelings about this case but that's all they are.
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