OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #11

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The only time it is okay to go help an adult carry in stuff is if you tell your mom or dad where you are going and with whom. This way, they know who you went with and have a name.
Well no one has commented on my post a couple of pages ago - boo hoo - Just kidding.

Anyway - I was thinking the perp could be an older student at the school.

Could we throw out reasons that this would not fit with what we know - and how LE acts?

I can only think of maybe the horse pasture search - it is too far away.

Unless....let me stretch my imagination a bit....what if Kyron's family has been made aware of police suspicions....and Dad knows the perps family has ties to this pasture....he thinks maybe the kid perp could have had some help after the fact - so his mind goes to the pasture?

There were a bunch of kids absent after this happened - parents kept them home and such. Those otherwise understandable days off could have given someone a legitimate excuse not to talk to LE right away.

I hate to admit this but the older student as perpetrator is what keeps popping up in my mind too.
Well no one has commented on my post a couple of pages ago - boo hoo - Just kidding.

Anyway - I was thinking the perp could be an older student at the school.

Could we throw out reasons that this would not fit with what we know - and how LE acts?

I can only think of maybe the horse pasture search - it is too far away.

Unless....let me stretch my imagination a bit....what if Kyron's family has been made aware of police suspicions....and Dad knows the perps family has ties to this pasture....he thinks maybe the kid perp could have had some help after the fact - so his mind goes to the pasture?

There were a bunch of kids absent after this happened - parents kept them home and such. Those otherwise understandable days off could have given someone a legitimate excuse not to talk to LE right away.

There was a long discussion about the possible involvement of an older student or older sibling of a student starting back in Part#3. A lot of people had very good ideas about it. I think it's a viable line of reasoning personally. We've seen a few cases of teenagers perpetrating awful crimes lately. It's not unlikely at all anymore.
Good question. It's certainly a different angle than a child wandering into the woods on his own. Asking for that information at this late date may mean they have nothing and are brainstorming anything they can think of just to get a lead.

Which is not good on day 9, to say the least.

Or, they do know who is involved and are gathering whatever scraps of information they can to strengthen an arrest warrant.

Also not good.
Maybe they are looking for a specific car?
I don't know BeanE. I don't understand it at all. Why doesn't everyone's missing child get on the FBI wanted list if this one did? It hardly seems fair to everyone else who is going to bed tonight missing their precious child, too.

I think we better see if this has ever been done before.

Something about Kyron, or someone in his family, or this case, is special in a very rare way.

The secrecy, the 24/7 liaison, Kyron on the FBI Wanted page, looking for an alive Kyron after this many days with no expression whatever of the criticality of time running out for him...

I need to think.
Maybe not, no one has seen him leave with family or friends, nothing. This was the perfect storm. If you wanted to take a child and not be seen or get them to go with you, this was the day. Every thing just worked in the perps favor.
Exactly!! Which is why I hope something is done - countrywide - about our kids and the schools. Face it, the school is in deep over this and they know it. Our country is being run by the attorneys and the whocanisue . com mentality.

I've posted about our schools here. I withdrew my youngest this year and there is no way she will ever go back to a public school here in Broward county (and I've worked in them for years).

You have to be worried about who is teaching your children, the other kids that are around your children, what other adults are in the school around your children, the security (or lack of) in the school.

We have teachers here that have been convicted of soliciting a cop for prostitution - and they are still in their classrooms (elementary teachers at that). I've turned in some of my DD's teachers after seeing their myspace or facebook pages full of "boozin' and topless and whatever else they feel is ok to display to the world" - the school board does nothing.

A TV news reporter did a series of reports last year where she just walked into different schools and wandered around. Nothing was done - she was never stopped. Oh wait, two teachers in the hall one time asked her where she had gotten her blouse cause they thought it was pretty!

As for Kyron's teacher, I know she must feel really bad - and, IMO she should. When you are entrusted with our most treasured assets - you accept that responsibility and their care is first and foremost. Especially the little ones - 7 yrs old. Now we don't know if she did follow up with the office about him not being there and she may very well have - then the responsibility was shifted but still remained at the school.

Our schools HAVE TO CHANGE!! But more importantly the mindset of the the people working at our schools have to change. You can have the very best security system the world has to offer and its only as good as the person using it.

I remember a time when I had called the office about a student - we had a "sub" principal that I was never told about - never introduced to - and was not wearing any school ID - she came to my door and I politely asked her who she was. I GOT REAMED OUT FOR IT AFTER SCHOOL THAT DAY!!! Like I had done something wrong.

I hope to God that when school starts there in the fall every school has now installed security cameras. Just like we all complained but realized that after 9/11 going to the airport would never be the same again and we just accepted the "new" inconveniences because it was for the safety of us all - we have to start making our schools safe again and make the people that work them understand the huge responsibility they have taken on.

Ok - I'm done - I just go sit over there in the corner now.
Hi mom_of_five. The reasoning they have given for using a church sounded strange, and I think you just hit the nail on the head. They can control the media this way; or they can attempt to. I wonder if this is even Constitutional?

They are most definitely not allowing thoughtful questions. I'm surprised they let the one in about the Horman's going to the gym; but, by their ridiculous answer, it sounds like they were attempting damage control.

WHY is this family being treated with kid gloves, being protected by the police, becoming family to the police? ~ the one's tasked to be there for the VICTIM: KYRON

Would all families with a child missing, being last seen with a guardian, be treated this way? No way!

Sometimes families with disabled or terminally ill children are treated very gently because people have more sympathy/empathy for them. No, I don't know if there are disabled or terminally ill kids in this family. I am just providing an example of why some families get treated with "kid gloves" and in most cases, I think this is just fine.
There was a long discussion about the possible involvement of an older student or older sibling of a student starting back in Part#3. A lot of people had very good ideas about it. I think it's a viable line of reasoning personally. We've seen a few cases of teenagers perpetrating awful crimes lately. It's not unlikely at all anymore.

Yeah - I know it's been kicked around a bit before - but it was the comment by the alleged 13 yr. old from skyline that really got me to thinking it.

Anyway - this latest bit about wanting the vids to look at vehicle traffic really throws that theory a curve.
A big red flag would be if someone else was missing from the town. You may think they left with Kyron or had some involvement too.
ATTENTION: Discussing the SM within TOS and respectfully is NOT a witch hunt. If some posters do not agree, that is fine. Move past the post. Or respond with facts that state your opinion WITHOUT attacking other posters.

If it bothers you so much, put the poster with the different opinion/approach on your ignore list and then you won't have to read it (or skip over it).

If you have questions, contact a mod.


I fully agree.
I don't see a student getting away with anything like this for so long...in the past these cases have cracked quickest, in most cases.

Of course, it could be that, just as it could be anything suggested here. And to LE, it could be that, since I don't think they have any idea what they have; a good a theory as any. Not shooting down the theory as much as frustrated with LE. I think they are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
Something happened a day or two into this investigation, but I don't know what it was.

Take your pick:

Public School
Bloggers and Boards
Investigation progress
Leads, Tips
Change in Classification of Investigation for Resource Purposes
Direness of Situation grew

Just a few possible things that may have curbed their enthusiasm for show & tell time. :cow:
My opinion

When a youngster went missing last year in our area, the press immediately went to work and the radio and news begged for volunteers. Everyone in town dropped what they were doing and went to help. They searched heavily wooded and swampy areas for hours searching a 3 yr old that "went missing during nap time". Not once did anyone say to stay away. There was never an appeal or discussion of kidnapping. LE immediately thought the child wandered off yet had no evidence. It took over 5 hours after everyone was called in for the child to be found floating in a shallow pond many acres away from his home. If LE had any indication the child was with a stranger, they would encourage the family to PLEAD on television, they would make Kyron very real and beg. If they felt he was lost in the woods due his own curiosity, they would have everyone possible searching and would not tell anybody to stay home. If they had cleared both sets of parents, they would say so. If they suspected one of the parents they would keep their information quiet and wait for it to play out. If they suspected the child was alive and hidden by a parent, they would push the parent to tell. If they suspected the child was dead and hidden by the parent, they would play along but continue to search for the body. My opinion only -
I seriously wonder about witness protection program at this point... or Illuminati... lol I think I gotta step away for a while; it's getting to bizzaro for me right at this minute.

Don't forget alien abduction.. that's looking pretty strong right now too. :crazy:
It's the unusual-ness that is keeping our attention, IMO. Our minds want to settle this inside a familiar box where we know the answers. It's extra-bugging us because it doesn't fit and we can't solve the puzzle.

Yeah, I'm not getting why people are so defensive about LE behavior. You are just asking questions & merely stating that you hope LE remains objective.

Is this a sleuthing site?
The good old days of investigative journalists seems to be a thing of the past.

I registered to participate vs lurk this time because I like this site and I like the posters here and the way people work to share information with each other altruistically.
But I find it frustrating (as others have expressed) when people ask questions that could be googled in the same amount of time it takes to post the question. I know this is human nature, I deal with it on another information site I moderate, but a little more 'sleuthing' by participants might make it all more useful for everyone.

I also acknowledge that not everyone has the forum-use and web searching skills at the same level, but I did have the impression that this was something people here liked to do and wanted to develop.

Sorry for being the critical newb; I hate it when people do that on my forum too. :)
I don't know who's post to quote since there have been so many questions about the FBI list comment...

KYRON is NOT on the same page as Osama Bin Ladin......that is the most wanted list for criminals and fugitives. There is a specific FBI list for kids and there are many on there besides Kyron, his name and picture are just at the top for now.

So, before this grows into a completely new and incorrect rumor, here is the link:

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office is requesting recorded video images that may have been recorded from store fronts, private residences, security or any other surveillance recording for June 3, 2010 and June 4 2010 to add to current video collected in the continuing search for Kyron Horman. Video is sought specifically of vehicular traffic from the following locations:
NW Cornelius Pass Rd, NW Germantown Rd, NW Logie Trail Rd, NW Rocky Point Rd, NW Skyline Rd, NW 185th Ave, NW West Union Rd, NW Springville Rd, Bethany Blvd, NW Springville Rd, NW Newberry Rd, NW McNamee Rd, Highway 30 from NW Rock Point to NW Germantown Rd, NW Kaiser Rd, NW Thompson Rd and NW Laidlaw Rd.
Anyone possessing recorded video capturing the areas listed above on June 3rd or June 4th is urged to contact our tip line at 503-261-2847 and leave your name, contact information, preserve the recording and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.


Are they looking for a car? Do the addresses have anything in common? Are they major intersections or do they follow some route LE have been searching? Any locals have some ideas? TIA
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