OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #7

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I think they figure they need to clear that area tomorrow so they plan to have the biggest search to get that done.

Sadly, it was Sunday, wasn't it, when he said the thing about bringing Kyron home? And now it is almost Thursday...hard to believe.

I think every possible theory has been put out on these threads...what could have happened that has not been listed here? And many of the things presented would not have been, if we had even one clue. But we don't, so it goes round and round.

At this point, I do not have even an opinion as to what has happened. Everything LE has said and done has done more to clear my head of theories than it has to help me to think of any that seem possible. But the ones I am not feeling, personally, are kidnaping for any kind of revenge/money/espionage or that a minor has done something to him. That's just based on personal feelings, obviously, nothing else it can be based on.
I won't quote my own thread, but I posted earlier about my feeling that Kyron's case is one revolving around a kidnapping and ransom. But, I feel that I need to clarify that a little as I don't necessarily feel those terms adequately describe the "vibe", so to speak, I'm getting about this case.

I strongly feel Kyron did not wander off. And, if I am wrong and he did go off looking for a tree frog, moss, or something else, I feel as though he was abducted along the way. But, generally speaking, I don't think that is the case. LE has stated that they feel Kyron's situation is an isolated incident. I believe that only because I feel as though Kyron was targeted specifically. That is not to say that I don't think this same scenario could play out involving another child. I think he was both a target and seen as an opportunity. I also feel that he does know his abductor. This is either someone known to him, in my belief, in a casual way. More specifically, this is someone he is aquainted enough with to leave the school grounds with -- either a minor or a female (or a combination therein). And, thus, this is someone who wouldn't particularly stand out in a school during an event such as a science fair. In my opinion, this is also why LE (and possibly the family -- I do not feel the immediate family is suspect) may be "speaking" to the abductor during press conferences as well as during their investigation. I don't necessarily feel the kidnapper is looking for money. I think it's something more nefariousthan that. Either something has happened in their lives to trigger them to want to take a child or this has something to do with a vendetta, real or fictitious. While money may play a part, I don't get the feeling that it is the basis for the "ransom."

The fact that we would potentially be dealing with a minor or a woman gives me hope that Kyron is still alive. I feel women or juveniles are more apt to keep the child alive and safe than a male predator. I can be wrong (and have been in the past), but this is just the general feel I get for the case. There are many scenarios. Did this woman or minor feel that she was possibly in a relationship with the bio-father or the mother's husband? Since I don't think the family is involved, this "romance" would be concocted in her own mind and not reciprocated. If her advances were shot down, is it a stretch to think she would take what is most important to the object of her affection? This is just one scenario among hundreds, but it is one that has not been discussed (some of my other thoughts have been talked about already) and is viable in my mind. Another possibility would be someone linked to the step-mother. Is this potential woman abductor jealous of TH or Kyron's bio-mom? Or, perhaps, it is a female-male team and they are after money, goods, or information? Even if that were the case, my gut would tell me that the woman may keep Kyron alive and care for him. Right now, I am strongly leaning toward the above possibilities.

No matter what, LE is doing all that they feel is necessary to help Kyron. I may not understand or agree with their tactics, but they are the professionals, not me. I also feel the family's every move is being made for them -- perhaps by profilers. I don't get the feeling they are involved at all and, rather, at this point, are as desperate as ever to get their little boy back. I think LE knows more than they're letting on and I think the media may be in on the game. Either way, I hope we can bring Kyron home as soon as possible. He needs to be with his family.

For the LE, FBI, searchers, family, and friends...may God watch over you and precious Kyron. I have hope tonight and just pray that you do not give up on Kyron or his situation. Thank you for all you're doing for Kyron. And, to those of us here, thank you as well. Together, we can help Kyron return to those who love him most.
I am on page four of this thread and I'm not sure if the ideas around here have changed since page four, but this irritates me a bit. I stated 3 days ago that I beleived this may be a ransom situation and listed all the reasons why I beleived that, and was quickly shot down. So why all of the sudden have we agreed to entertain this possibility, as it will be imposable for me to go through 7 threads to find what I posted, but I did post where Kyron's dad was a business architect for Intel along with a link.
So I figured I must be crazy thinking such a thing and started looking at other things such as it being a Elizabeth Olten situation, and now you guys are where I was a few days ago... Okay enough of my rant, do we know or is there anyway to find out if there are recent people from Intel who may have been laid off or fired?

lol butterfly! keep reading. :angel:

I looked & saw nothing about layoffs at Intel. In fact, it seems they managed to avoid layoffs in 08-09 even from what I'm reading...
OK - last night or yesterday poster Tarabull chimed in from the scanner thread about hearing of a possible sighting of missing child in a white VW (link - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #5 ) then LE switched to nextels so that she could not hear the rest - I dont know what became of it - but.....

I was just perusing IS boards and came across some folks talking about the kid in this vid looking like Kyron ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4p2VK2AYTM )
- near the end at 1:07 - and lo and behold - the car looks like a white VW.

Pic of white VW for comparison - notice the mirrors...

Could be an innocent explanation I suppose? Just a kid who looks a lot like Kyron? I sure hope they checked this out!

What I find somewhat startling is when the reporter says that " LE thinks that what happened to Kyron is an isolated incident,and other children are not at risk " This is probably not a sexual predator then. It does not leave many other scenarios. Kidnapping ? Might well be. But,the logistics are difficult. It would take some planning to do it,and it would take brains too. For what motive ? Could it be business related ? I never speculate about family members of missing persons. So that leaves me with ? Kyron ran off into the woods.... Unlikely IMO,because LE would be more forthcoming. I have no kids aged 7 any more. Does anyone know how common is it for kids this age to have their own cell phone ? Hope tomorrow brings answers and some good news. ....
OK - last night or yesterday poster Tarabull chimed in from the scanner thread about hearing of a possible sighting of missing child in a white VW (link - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #5 ) then LE switched to nextels so that she could not hear the rest - I dont know what became of it - but.....

I was just perusing IS boards and came across some folks talking about the kid in this vid looking like Kyron ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4p2VK2AYTM )
- near the end at 1:07 - and lo and behold - the car looks like a white VW.

Pic of white VW for comparison - notice the mirrors...

Could be an innocent explanation I suppose? Just a kid who looks a lot like Kyron? I sure hope they checked this out!

Thank you for posting this ! I think the boy looks enough like Kyron that this should be sent into LE. Has anyone from here submitted this ? Even if they get it 100 times it is better then them not getting it at all kwim....
No matter what, LE is doing all that they feel is necessary to help Kyron. I may not understand or agree with their tactics, but they are the professionals, not me. I also feel the family's every move is being made for them -- perhaps by profilers. I don't get the feeling they are involved at all and, rather, at this point, are as desperate as ever to get their little boy back. I think LE knows more than they're letting on and I think the media may be in on the game. Either way, I hope we can bring Kyron home as soon as possible. He needs to be with his family.



I agree. I think the FBI experts are calling the shots regarding what family does, and probably what LE is releasing (or rather not releasing) to media.
I have pretty much kept up reading this thread, but, has it been noticed in the 2 photos from that morning, the one of Kyron's project alone and the one of him standing with his science fair project, there are clearly other people in the room?
That is a pretty flashy car, sure to be noticed, for anyone trying to drive around with a missing child, IMO but I guess anything is possible...
Okay, I read enough in the astrology forum and I didn't want to go further :( I hope that's not right. (sigh)
Local news just showed video of convoy of searchers coming from Jackson County along with their mobile command center.

They said tomorrow searchers will be on foot, by air and horseback..
Thank you for posting this ! I think the boy looks enough like Kyron that this should be sent into LE. Has anyone from here submitted this ? Even if they get it 100 times it is better then them not getting it at all kwim....

I think someone over at IS emailed LE about the vid.

They don't have the scanner info like we do here (thanks scanner peeps!)

I normally wouldn't post about another board here - but it tied in with the scanner post so I did.

I hope Tarabull will see this and let us know what she heard again. I think she said that it was a woman who reported the sighting and that she had lost track of the car - I'm not sure though.
OK - last night or yesterday poster Tarabull chimed in from the scanner thread about hearing of a possible sighting of missing child in a white VW (link - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #5 ) then LE switched to nextels so that she could not hear the rest - I dont know what became of it - but.....

I was just perusing IS boards and came across some folks talking about the kid in this vid looking like Kyron ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4p2VK2AYTM )
- near the end at 1:07 - and lo and behold - the car looks like a white VW.

Pic of white VW for comparison - notice the mirrors...

Could be an innocent explanation I suppose? Just a kid who looks a lot like Kyron? I sure hope they checked this out!

Oh my Gosh...that resembles him way too much and someone else that has been talked about on some of the posts, and is totally a VW bug. I remember hearing that on the scanner I was listening to yesterday! I am frustrated :banghead: I think my fiance is ready to ditch me now...I am making myself insane and him over this and he is working on his finals..
Kyron's dad is not an engineer. He is a Business Enterprise Architect. He's in management, not engineering. Either way, I don't believe he participated in writing that "family statement" for the media. I think LE threw it together at the last minute because the family didn't write one at all.


I read that he's an industrial engineer and attended the University of Washington. I got the impression that he designs and troubleshoots large scale computer operations in some manner.
Oh my Gosh...that resembles him way too much and someone else that has been talked about on some of the posts, and is totally a VW bug. I remember hearing that on the scanner I was listening to yesterday! I am frustrated :banghead: I think my fiance is ready to ditch me now...I am making myself insane and him over this and he is working on his finals..

Who is the someone else? (If you can say)
Could someone be kind enough to pm me how to quote from more than one post and how to snip a post? Thanks! Gabby & kokopelli, I agree with everything you've written. I don't think it is a coincidence this happened during the fair. The "isolated incident" also made me think this was a kidnapping for reasons other than a sexual predator. How could they foreclose the possibility it was a stranger abduction when they haven't found him yet and its been almost 7 days?? Etc. Etc.
Local news just showed video of convoy of searchers coming from Jackson County along with their mobile command center.

They said tomorrow searchers will be on foot, by air and horseback..

And the weather is warming up.... Hold on, Kyron!
Search Effort For Missing Boy Ramps Up​

Multnomah Capt. Jason Gates said several hundred search and rescue crew members were called up from all 36 Oregon counties to help scour the area around a rural northwest Portland school. The move is part of the "natural progression" of the 24-hour-a-day effort to find Kyron, who was last seen at a Skyline Elementary School science fair, Gates said.
Gates said the additional teams are expected to begin arriving Wednesday evening and start working early Thursday. An FBI mobile command post is helping investigators coordinate the search, headed by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office. Authorities said additional resources, such as horse-mounted searchers, have been requested.

Klamath County Sheriff Tim Evinger said he arrived in Portland after a call went out to all of Oregon's sheriffs to assist with the search.​

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