OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9

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Oooohhhh is it too late after 15 years of marriage to try this? I'm not sure my hubby knows where the kitchen is much less how to actually cook or gasp! bake.

LOL! They can be such fascinating creatures, these men things, no?
Drives me nuts.... I do a few things before I ever ask a question.

Up at the top of the thread, below the page numbers... there is a "search this thread" option. For example if you are wondering about the horse pasture... do a search for horse. If you are wondering about the VW bug with the lady wearing gloves... do a search for VW bug, or gloves. Usually, if you pick the right word this is pretty effective.

You can also view one person's posts if you think you remember the person who posted what you are looking for.

If that does not work, I will go to Google News. I will do a search for Kyron ______. Such as Kyron helicopter when looking to see what air support was being used. Or Kyron polygraph when searching to see if anyone has been given one.

See what I mean?

Then, if those do not turn up anything... I may come and ask IF I still care enough. But it really doesn't take very long and it can save a lot of space in the thread. :twocents:

Hear, hear! I'm afraid it's too exhausting, and too time consuming, to continue with the threads here. While I'm sure there is good information added, it gets lost in the rumors, speculation, laziness of others not reading back, and lack of courtesy to look up answers for themselves.

Peppered with the demands for the victim to come home, rhetorical questions to him, prayers and typical OT chit chat (hey, it has to happen) it's just too much.
I have read most of the threads since this case began last week. I have no idea what happened but I have to believe that LE is handling it correctly. Considering the terrain they're searching in, I can understand why they don't want everybody out there.

But if Kyron had gotten lost in the woods ... especially if he became disoriented and went into a panic ... Wouldn't you think some trace of him would be found? A scrap of clothing ? A shoe ? I'm just grasping at straws here.

Praying for a miracle for Kyron today.
Yep, people fabricate all kinds of stuff in these witch hunts. The families are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's phenomenal. Each case gets worse and worse. It's shameful.

Why is it a "witch hunt" when people are asking very logical questions? Is there something going on? Have we, the public, been asked not to voice our thoughts on this, steering clear of the most obvious ( to some of us) suspect in this case?

Does anyone else find it odd that the officer giving the family statement said that there is an officer basically living with the family, going home only to sleep?

Just my thoughts. I came over here from the HaLeigh thread and find that it is like being in a different place, altogether, where things are not allowed to be said.

my questions, concerns, and opinions
Isn't it odd that when most people ask friends , family and co-workers or employees not to talk about something, that "something" immediately becomes the hottest subject around, but when Kyron's dad sends an e-mail asking people not to talk...no one talks? How does that happen?
In my experience, familes split by divorce are rife with resentment , disapproval and accusations of wrongdoing. Having to "share" your kids with whomever the ex decides to allow into their life, multiple sets of in-laws, division of the friends; all are cause for gossip, even when both spouses try to get along.

It would take something big to keep everyone...EVERYONE, from speaking out when a child with so many branches on his family tree is missing.

I smell lawyers all over the place. I don't believe that they are there just to protect the family from harrassment. There are lawyers running interferance for Intel, the school, the county and no teling who else. Even the cops are walking on eggshells so they won't be accused of jumping to conclusions.

I think that , until they have a "smoking gun", LE continue to play the "no reason to think abduction" game.


When someone is asked not to talk about the latest family drama, who did this, who did that, etc. then they talk anyway is completely different than someone asking others not to talk when his son's life is possibly on the line. One is trivial, the other is a matter of life or death and I think most would respect the wishes and remain silent since it is in the best interest of the child.
Oooohhhh is it too late after 15 years of marriage to try this? I'm not sure my hubby knows where the kitchen is much less how to actually cook or gasp! bake.

Not at all! I have found it worthwhile to encourage men to find their inner chef. Once that sense of creativity sets in, they're often hooked. Of course, you'll wisely let him take all the credit for his transformation!
Isn't it odd that when most people ask friends , family and co-workers or employees not to talk about something, that "something" immediately becomes the hottest subject around, but when Kyron's dad sends an e-mail asking people not to talk...no one talks? How does that happen?

In my experience, familes split by divorce are rife with resentment , disapproval and accusations of wrongdoing. Having to "share" your kids with whomever the ex decides to allow into their life, multiple sets of in-laws, division of the friends; all are cause for gossip, even when both spouses try to get along.

It would take something big to keep everyone...EVERYONE, from speaking out when a child with so many branches on his family tree is missing.

I smell lawyers all over the place. I don't believe that they are there just to protect the family from harrassment. There are lawyers running interferance for Intel, the school, the county and no teling who else. Even the cops are walking on eggshells so they won't be accused of jumping to conclusions.

I think that , until they have a "smoking gun", LE continue to play the "no reason to think abduction" game.


Just jumping in to comment on your post!

I'm not sure it is odd at all that people would keep quiet when asked to by a missing child's family. Beth Holloway had made the same request when Natalee went missing, and there wasn't anything sinister in the request: they merely wanted to protect the investigation and discourage rumors and gossip from interfering. I think that just makes good sense.
I recall Gates saying "isolated incident". I would like to know if he has ever said other children are not at risk, or if it's all just reporters who have said that, or said he said that, because I've watched every presser, more than once, and I don't recall him ever saying that other children are not at risk.

That would definitely have gotten my attention - I would have been apoplectic - so I don't think I've just forgotten it or missed it. That is possible though.

But if anyone comes across a direct quote of Gates - or any other LE - making that statement, I would appreciate if you'd holler at me.



My recollection is that Gates did not use the exact words "not at risk." He said that Kyron's case was an "isolated incident," and told parents to use the same precautions with their children that they would normally use. He did not advise extra caution. What he said amounted, in my opinion and in many other people's opinion, to the same thing as saying that the other children are "not at risk" from whatever incident has resulted in Kyron being missing.
The point is, though, that when posters say that LE has said other children are not at risk, they are getting that directly from respected news sources, not blogs, not comment sections, not iffy pseudo-news sites.
I would be curious to know what you interpret Gates' remarks about "isolated incident" and for parents to take the same precautions they have been taking to mean, if they don't mean that other children are not at risk from whatever has caused Kyron to disappear.
I would like to know if LE has checked out each and every parent that attended the science fair. Just a quick check to see if the person has a previous record of being a sex offender. Yes, tedious, but IMO, worth it. I am wondering if anyone who attended came with a friend, a relative, etc. that did not go home with them when they left the school.

This is a good idea; I just wonder if there is a way to do that with accurate results, is all. I would imagine sign up sheets for visitors (if they have such a log) were null and void that morning, considering the days' events. jmo
Best of my recollection this was posted as being attributed to an aunt but I have never seen a link provided showing anyone making that statement.

I have chalked it up as yet another unsubstantiated rumor til someone provides a link.

Rumor: Kyron's backpack and coat were left in his classroom.

Source: A comment on a news article by someone claiming to be Kyron's aunt.

Link: http://www.katu.com/news/local/95669809.html#IDComment78668234

Identify: Look for a comment 6 days ago by username kittysaunt

Paraphrase: She says his backpack and jacket were left in his classroom. She also says the other children told the teacher that Kyron was missing.

I used my LIP :)
Why is it a "witch hunt" when people are asking very logical questions? Is there something going on? Have we, the public, been asked not to voice our thoughts on this, steering clear of the most obvious ( to some of us) suspect in this case?

Does anyone else find it odd that the officer giving the family statement said that there is an officer basically living with the family, going home only to sleep?

Just my thoughts. I came over here from the HaLeigh thread and find that it is like being in a different place, altogether, where things are not allowed to be said.

my questions, concerns, and opinions
There was a time when one would have been removed from the forum for accusing Laci's stepfather of having anything to do with her disappearance. In the case of Dr. Petit in CT whose entire family was murdered and he was the only survivor of a home invasion, many wanted to accuse him, we waited for more information before that discussion was allowed and thank God we did.

We are trying to be careful No more no less. The same respect we would have for you if, God forbid, you should ever find yourself in any smiliar circumstance. The case is relatively new and all we want to do is hang tight. We like to follow the lead of LE when we can.

You can discuss all the reported information. Just be careful about accusing anyone of anything at this point in time. That's it.

As more information is revealed then we will open up discussion.

I wish we could move on as it disrupts the thread every time.
"I'm not going to put a time when we're going to scale down," Gates said. "The longer it goes, the more critical it becomes."


If Kyron wandered away, they have more than reached the critical point.

Our little 7yo has now been missing 7 days - what does he mean...'the longer it goes'?

Why on earth do LE think a child like Kyron, would carelessly walk out of a science fair he proudly contributed to? That thinking is beyond MY comprehension. Maybe he stopped at the boy's room, given some chloroform, put in a bag, and carried out, but certainly, I don't think for a minute he left on his own. MOO mho and all that stuff
Isn't it odd that when most people ask friends , family and co-workers or employees not to talk about something, that "something" immediately becomes the hottest subject around, but when Kyron's dad sends an e-mail asking people not to talk...no one talks? How does that happen?

In my experience, familes split by divorce are rife with resentment , disapproval and accusations of wrongdoing. Having to "share" your kids with whomever the ex decides to allow into their life, multiple sets of in-laws, division of the friends; all are cause for gossip, even when both spouses try to get along.

It would take something big to keep everyone...EVERYONE, from speaking out when a child with so many branches on his family tree is missing.

I smell lawyers all over the place. I don't believe that they are there just to protect the family from harrassment. There are lawyers running interferance for Intel, the school, the county and no teling who else. Even the cops are walking on eggshells so they won't be accused of jumping to conclusions.

I think that , until they have a "smoking gun", LE continue to play the "no reason to think abduction" game.


Not sure what the "something big" is that you're referring to, but I'll just jump off your post here.

I agree the family has legal counsel and they are guided. I agree it's likely that Intel employees have been asked to follow certain preferred corporate protocol out of respect to their fellow employee.

However, Horman is an Intel engineer. And Intel has lots of engineers. They often work in professional teams. On projects. I haven't seen evidence that he's a major stockholder or in upper eschelons - not the CEO or the like. I don't think he controls the company exactly. ;) He could be management level. Caveat: I'm just giving this my best guess here, so consider this my best speculative opinion based on personal relevant knowledge. If any one knows more about Mr. Horman's relationship with Intel, perhaps they'll share, but I'm betting they'll follow protocol. :)

That the extended family tree and close friends and relations has at this time closed ranks and is not speaking out - to me - indicates excellent family tree relations. Which creates trust and loyalty, even love and support, and even when families have underlying issues and are not perfect. Crisis can bring loving healthy families even closer together.

If someone associated with the school was suspected of being involved there is no way LE would allow children to go back to school the following Monday morning (or continue to attend.) The liability would be too great....even if that person was in custody already or wasn't back at the school for whatever reason.

I keep going back and forth between the theory that LE and the FBI know so much more than they are letting on and the outcome is going to be the stuff that movies are made of (or maybe that is just wishful thinking on my part?)....or that they know absolutely nothing and are grasping at straws! :banghead:

So stinkin' sad. Where is that precious boy?????

Hmmm, I'm not sure. I think it depends on what evidence they may or may not have. They could also just as easily send in some plain clothesman as well to watch the POI, if indeed there was one at the school??
Hello there. First time posting on a Kyron thread, but I have been on WS from the start of the case.

Here is my theory if it was not abduction.

He idolizes big brother. This has been stated several times, and when you look at the pics that have been posted it looks to be true. Big brother is going camping with the Boy Scouts.

This would be something that he would have been excited about and talking about a lot leading up to it. Kyron, being a little kid, would think this is very cool. How cool to go camping in the woods?

I can see Kyron expressing that he wanted to go too. Big brother or parents would then say something along the lines of "this is for big kids, and when you are bigger you can go camping."

I can see Kyron "going camping" in the woods on his own. You don't think I am big enough to go camping, well let me show you kind of thing.
Hmmm, I'm not sure. I think it depends on what evidence they may or may not have. They could also just as easily send in some plain clothesman as well to watch the POI, if indeed there was one at the school??

I would think plain-clothed strangers standing around in classrooms watching would be quite disrupting. It would be criminally negligent in my opinion to allow children back into the school if they believed the person responsible for Kyron's disappearance was there.
Why is it a "witch hunt" when people are asking very logical questions? Is there something going on? Have we, the public, been asked not to voice our thoughts on this, steering clear of the most obvious ( to some of us) suspect in this case?

Does anyone else find it odd that the officer giving the family statement said that there is an officer basically living with the family, going home only to sleep?

Just my thoughts. I came over here from the HaLeigh thread and find that it is like being in a different place, altogether, where things are not allowed to be said.

my questions, concerns, and opinions

I haven't heard or read that. Do you happen to have the link to that article please? Thanks. :)
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