Found Deceased OR - Merrilee Cooley, 68, Clackamas, 27 Dec 2016

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DNA Solves
Has it been said after finding Merrilee if LE went back and secured the house? If so has it been released to family?
I need to go back and read because I am curious to when her slipper was found in the yard? Unless someone else recalls basically before or after they found Merrilee? Also, I am assuming it was a slipper she was wearing when she went missing.

Sadly, I went thru Merrilee's facebook and I believe she was cautious. She had posted a safety article a ways doen and one of the tips was how to get out of the trunk of your car.(providing you are alive when placed in there) it made this so much sadder :(
Justice for Merrilee

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Her slipper was found in the yard when the friend went to check on her on Wednesday, the day after she went missing.

One of Cooley's slippers was found in the home's yard.
I keep checking back to see if there's any updates on this case.. I just searched google and not seeing any new news stories than what we already know. :( I really hope LE has at least a lead or two and some evidence to find out what happened. I hope we hear an update soon. Somebody out there has to know something, I pray we hear about an arrest or at least a suspect soon. Still praying for Merrilee's family and friends, everyone who loved her. She looked like such a sweet lady. Praying justice soon.
Merrilee seemed like such a special lady. I hope they find who did this to her.

Has anyone heard any word on the neighbor out of the country (IIRC) and the possible security camera on their home capturing some images?


Seems as if the perp was sloppy enough to miss the slipper other mistakes were made. Hoping forensics will be helpful. Hoping they have some....
What a dear delightful woman. I love that her family has asked for donations of toys and art supplies for kids instead of flowers. That continues her legacy in such a nice way.
What a dear delightful woman. I love that her family has asked for donations of toys and art supplies for kids instead of flowers. That continues her legacy in such a nice way.

That is really very very sweet of them. A wonderful way to remember her.
It saddens me that this seems to have fallen off the media's radar. I hope it hasn't been put on LE's back burner.

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From your link Insightful:

"Crimestoppers is asking the public for tips with information that may help solve the case. There is a cash reward of up to $2,500 for information about unsolved homicides."
From your link Insightful:

"Crimestoppers is asking the public for tips with information that may help solve the case. There is a cash reward of up to $2,500 for information about unsolved homicides."
You know, you'd think someone would jump on this. They are only asking for info that may help solve the case. Which is a lot easier than saying it has to lead to prosecution.

I know these monetary rewards don't often work but the bar has been lowered.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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Almost 6 weeks since this woman was abducted, and yet no named suspect, no person of interest, no arrests, and very few if any leads.

I'll go ahead and call it : unsolved case 1.jpg
Almost 6 weeks since this woman was abducted, and yet no named suspect, no person of interest, no arrests, and very few if any leads.

I'll go ahead and call it : View attachment 109457
I'm hoping they're working on some leads. Maybe they've sent DNA samples into the data base. There had to be something of value on or in the car. Fingerprints, hair.........I'm not giving up hope just yet. I also hope the family stays on this hard!
Might not hurt if fellow neighbors
called the PD too asking for updates.

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I'm hoping they're working on some leads. Maybe they've sent DNA samples into the data base. There had to be something of value on or in the car. Fingerprints, hair.........I'm not giving up hope just yet. I also hope the family stays on this hard!
Might not hurt if fellow neighbors
called the PD too asking for updates.

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This case was in trouble right from the beginning. Not only did they lose a week looking for her, at which time nobody really knew if she left on her own or not, but shortly after she was found, the cops were actually complaining that they weren't receiving any tips from the public. That told me all I needed to know right there. If they had strong leads, they wouldn't need the public.

Unless somebody comes right out and confesses, or gets to bragging to a friend, or somebody decides to play snitch, I don't see this case coming to a close any time soon. It appears that LE has virtually nothing to work with.
I haven't been on this site very often in the last couple of years, but came on hoping to find more information about Merrilee Cooley. I live only a few miles from where she lived and know the apartment complex where her car was found. It did not sit right with me that there didn't seem to be much information out there before she was found, and I haven't heard anything much at all since she has been found. I'll go back through the thread to find if there are any leads.
The apartment complex where her car was left is very near a major bus line and the MAX line (lightrail, for people not local). The MAX stop is across the street, maybe 1/4 mile up the hill, and it runs between 4:50am and midnight. The bus line in that same area begins at 4:50am weekdays, 6:00am weekends, and runs until 12:40am weekdays and 2am weekends. The MAX station will have security cameras there, but I don't believe the bus stations do. However, all the public transport has cameras on them. I wonder if these have been checked? The person dropping the car had to go somewhere, and those apartments aren't really close to anything and located on a busy highway; that side of the highway isn't so well lit at night, but it does have a wide sidewalk.

Ack! Went back and read through the threads. It's alarming that they didn't consider this hinky right from the beginning and a shame they let the family stay in her house, possibly destroying evidence. The family lives in Lebanon, which is just over an hour's drive away in regular traffic.
I found the video where the car was found. The apartment complex is really big and spans across the bottom of a hill, below the highway. The place where the car was found is this sort of back road above the complex. There are garages up there, and that is where the car was left. I work in social services and a client of mine used to live in that complex. It really isn't any more sketchy than any other apartment complex; my client had a brain injury and drank a lot and she was kicked out of her apartment for simply looking intoxicated while walking through the complex and then getting lost and asking for help. (Unfortunately, her brain injury made her appear intoxicated even when she wasn't.) But that stretch of road there loops around above the complex; there are fairly dumpy looking houses along that road, cars are parked there that look abandoned, and there are often people in that area car camping, at least in warmer weather. It may be different in the winter. It is very dark at night in that area. Up around the top of the loop where it connects to McLoughlin Blvd is a gun shop and a sketchy motel. The gun shop may also have security cameras.

I would have to believe that the person dumping the car there would have to have been familiar with that area, and would have had a plan to be transported out of the area by bus or on foot to the bus due to its out of the way location. They also could have easily left the car during the daytime without anyone really noticing.

Here's the Google street view where the car was found (based on what I know of the complex and the news video of the police removing the car):!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

You can "walk" up to the main street in street view (it loops up and around to the right, follow that until you come to McLoughln Blvd; the gun shop and motel is on the left). Then you can turn left and "walk" down McLoughlin and enter the apartment complex main entrance (on the right), and follow SE Short Road and then SE Whitcomb through the complex to get a better idea of the complex and where the car was left.

Here's the Google street view of Merrilee's trailer park. I haven't "walked" the park too much yet and haven't been able to find her house, but as you can see, it is a very nice community, and not what people think of when they think "trailer park".!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
I haven't been on this site very often in the last couple of years, but came on hoping to find more information about Merrilee Cooley. I live only a few miles from where she lived and know the apartment complex where her car was found. It did not sit right with me that there didn't seem to be much information out there before she was found, and I haven't heard anything much at all since she has been found. I'll go back through the thread to find if there are any leads.
The apartment complex where her car was left is very near a major bus line and the MAX line (lightrail, for people not local). The MAX stop is across the street, maybe 1/4 mile up the hill, and it runs between 4:50am and midnight. The bus line in that same area begins at 4:50am weekdays, 6:00am weekends, and runs until 12:40am weekdays and 2am weekends. The MAX station will have security cameras there, but I don't believe the bus stations do. However, all the public transport has cameras on them. I wonder if these have been checked? The person dropping the car had to go somewhere, and those apartments aren't really close to anything and located on a busy highway; that side of the highway isn't so well lit at night, but it does have a wide sidewalk.

Ack! Went back and read through the threads. It's alarming that they didn't consider this hinky right from the beginning and a shame they let the family stay in her house, possibly destroying evidence. The family lives in Lebanon, which is just over an hour's drive away in regular traffic.
I found the video where the car was found. The apartment complex is really big and spans across the bottom of a hill, below the highway. The place where the car was found is this sort of back road above the complex. There are garages up there, and that is where the car was left. I work in social services and a client of mine used to live in that complex. It really isn't any more sketchy than any other apartment complex; my client had a brain injury and drank a lot and she was kicked out of her apartment for simply looking intoxicated while walking through the complex and then getting lost and asking for help. (Unfortunately, her brain injury made her appear intoxicated even when she wasn't.) But that stretch of road there loops around above the complex; there are fairly dumpy looking houses along that road, cars are parked there that look abandoned, and there are often people in that area car camping, at least in warmer weather. It may be different in the winter. It is very dark at night in that area. Up around the top of the loop where it connects to McLoughlin Blvd is a gun shop and a sketchy motel. The gun shop may also have security cameras.

I would have to believe that the person dumping the car there would have to have been familiar with that area, and would have had a plan to be transported out of the area by bus or on foot to the bus due to its out of the way location. They also could have easily left the car during the daytime without anyone really noticing.

Here's the Google street view where the car was found (based on what I know of the complex and the news video of the police removing the car):!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

You can "walk" up to the main street in street view (it loops up and around to the right, follow that until you come to McLoughln Blvd; the gun shop and motel is on the left). Then you can turn left and "walk" down McLoughlin and enter the apartment complex main entrance (on the right), and follow SE Short Road and then SE Whitcomb through the complex to get a better idea of the complex and where the car was left.

Here's the Google street view of Merrilee's trailer park. I haven't "walked" the park too much yet and haven't been able to find her house, but as you can see, it is a very nice community, and not what people think of when they think "trailer park".!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Wow! I see how you came up with your name.

I did some random thinking yesterday but not as clear and concise as yours and darn if I can't find it as I think I tried to save it.

So will give it another go::

I was thinking this may have happened at night as Merrilee had her slippers on. I think she may have heard something near the front of the house, put on her slippers and used her walker to check it out. Something happened in the hallway because that's where her walker was found tipped over.

I think there were 2 perps. How did they get there unless maybe they drove a vehicle? Merrilee was not a small woman so I see it taking 2 people to get her in the trunk. I think she'd been conked on the head and was unconscious and not yet dead. Why would they take her?

I think perp #1 drove the car they came in and followed perp#2 driving Merrilees car. I agree they had to be familiar with the area around the apartment complex.
Why leave the car there. Maybe they live there.?

Did perp#2 then get into Perp #1 car and drive off?

Did they get anything of value from Merrilee? What was the purpose?

If it was one perp, that puts a whole other perspective on this.

I hope they checked the video around the transportation area.
Did they avoid the apartment complex proper because of cameras?

I don't know.

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Wow! I see how you came up with your name.

I did some random thinking yesterday but not as clear and concise as yours and darn if I can't find it as I think I tried to save it.

So will give it another go::

I was thinking this may have happened at night as Merrilee had her slippers on. I think she may have heard something near the front of the house, put on her slippers and used her walker to check it out. Something happened in the hallway because that's where her walker was found tipped over.

I think there were 2 perps. How did they get there unless maybe they drove a vehicle? Merrilee was not a small woman so I see it taking 2 people to get her in the trunk. I think she'd been conked on the head and was unconscious and not yet dead. Why would they take her?

I think perp #1 drove the car they came in and followed perp#2 driving Merrilees car. I agree they had to be familiar with the area around the apartment complex.
Why leave the car there. Maybe they live there.?

Did perp#2 then get into Perp #1 car and drive off?

Did they get anything of value from Merrilee? What was the purpose?

If it was one perp, that puts a whole other perspective on this.

I hope they checked the video around the transportation area.
Did they avoid the apartment complex proper because of cameras?

I don't know.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Hi there! Yes, my thinking too much tends to get me in trouble, or just keeps me up way too late. :)

I forgot about the slippers and also the CPAP machine that hadn't registered being used past a certain night so it probably had to be at night when she was taken.

Two perps makes a lot of sense. I agree, it would seem that it would be way too difficult for a single person to have gotten her into the car, especially without being noticed. Trailers aren't that well insulated. It all seems really risky. Her trailer park is on a "main road", but also somewhat isolated in a residential area. I "walked" the park in the Google street view for quite some time last night and couldn't find her trailer. I couldn't find that water tank or whatever it is behind it at all, so maybe it was put in after the Google street view, or maybe I just missed it. I was trying to see if it was close to the main road. Everything about this seems so inconvenient for a crime of convenience/opportunity. And, she apparently also had a pickup at her house, which if someone was just driving by and scoping out a place to break into, why would they choose a house that had two vehicles, which would suggest two people at home?

I'm definitely thinking two people, and it seems more logical/likely that they would have needed to be at least somewhat familiar with her or knew her from around the neighborhood to know that there wouldn't have been someone else in the house?

I can't imagine why anyone would need to take her if the motivation was simply burglary/robbery, unless perhaps they'd injured her badly enough with whatever happened in the hallway to cause her walker to be tipped over and maybe they panicked and thought she was already dead? Would that suggest younger people, like teenagers or young adults?

Do you think cash and/or prescription drugs could be a motivation? There's quite a market for prescription painkillers and benzos.

The apartment complex has an actual "lodge" building (the office). It is close to the main entrance, but down at the bottom of the hill. In the Google street view, as you come into the main entrance, there are two choices of roads to follow that will then loop off to the right. The lower one goes to the "lodge" and the other loops back up and is where the car was left. I don't remember ever seeing any cameras around there when I went to see my client, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. The web page for the apartments has photos that you can "walk" in as a virtual tour. The bottom two photos are of the "lodge". I saw motion lights, but no cameras.

I would think the gun shop would also have cameras, but I cannot tell from the photos on Google maps.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en

I was hoping to map out crime for that neighborhood, but sadly, the Clackamas County crime map is down. Keeping my fingers crossed it comes back soon!

EDIT to add: I found her house! It wasn't in the mobile village from my first link... it's further down the road from that park. Her trailer *was* close to the road, just a few trailers down the hill:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

(Here's a photo of the trailer from a twitter post... the Google maps picture is from 2011, so the landscaping is a bit different and it looks like they added a wheelchair/ADA accessible ramp):^tfw
Hi there! Yes, my thinking too much tends to get me in trouble, or just keeps me up way too late. :)

I forgot about the slippers and also the CPAP machine that hadn't registered being used past a certain night so it probably had to be at night when she was taken.

Two perps makes a lot of sense. I agree, it would seem that it would be way too difficult for a single person to have gotten her into the car, especially without being noticed. Trailers aren't that well insulated. It all seems really risky. Her trailer park is on a "main road", but also somewhat isolated in a residential area. I "walked" the park in the Google street view for quite some time last night and couldn't find her trailer. I couldn't find that water tank or whatever it is behind it at all, so maybe it was put in after the Google street view, or maybe I just missed it. I was trying to see if it was close to the main road. Everything about this seems so inconvenient for a crime of convenience/opportunity. And, she apparently also had a pickup at her house, which if someone was just driving by and scoping out a place to break into, why would they choose a house that had two vehicles, which would suggest two people at home?

I'm definitely thinking two people, and it seems more logical/likely that they would have needed to be at least somewhat familiar with her or knew her from around the neighborhood to know that there wouldn't have been someone else in the house?

I can't imagine why anyone would need to take her if the motivation was simply burglary/robbery, unless perhaps they'd injured her badly enough with whatever happened in the hallway to cause her walker to be tipped over and maybe they panicked and thought she was already dead? Would that suggest younger people, like teenagers or young adults?

Do you think cash and/or prescription drugs could be a motivation? There's quite a market for prescription painkillers and benzos.

The apartment complex has an actual "lodge" building (the office). It is close to the main entrance, but down at the bottom of the hill. In the Google street view, as you come into the main entrance, there are two choices of roads to follow that will then loop off to the right. The lower one goes to the "lodge" and the other loops back up and is where the car was left. I don't remember ever seeing any cameras around there when I went to see my client, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. The web page for the apartments has photos that you can "walk" in as a virtual tour. The bottom two photos are of the "lodge". I saw motion lights, but no cameras.

I would think the gun shop would also have cameras, but I cannot tell from the photos on Google maps.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en

I was hoping to map out crime for that neighborhood, but sadly, the Clackamas County crime map is down. Keeping my fingers crossed it comes back soon!

EDIT to add: I found her house! It wasn't in the mobile village from my first link... it's further down the road from that park. Her trailer *was* close to the road, just a few trailers down the hill:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

(Here's a photo of the trailer from a twitter post... the Google maps picture is from 2011, so the landscaping is a bit different and it looks like they added a wheelchair/ADA accessible ramp):^tfw
Wow. Great work again!

I did some "walking" and promptly got lost!

I would think that the 2 vehicles in her driveway would discourage prowlers. She had just had company so that would have been 3 cars. The truck looks like it could easily be owned by a man. There appears to be 2 entrances. The front door was unlocked but is it because the perps left it that way? I don't recall them saying that anything was breached.
So how did they get in?

I wonder if they're responsible for grooming their own landscaping or if the trailer park handles that. If they do it themselves, certainly Merrilee had someone do it for her. She had that little shack in the back .

It is very close to Root Road. If you go the other direction, it dead ends in a cul de sac. I wonder what is behind those line of trees. One way in and one way out. If the perp (s) did drive, where would they have parked their car? And again, why take her car with her in it? If they broke in for pills, it would have to be someone who knew she had them.

What is the machine for that she uses at night? Why does it have a timer on it? Do you know why she's in a wheelchair? If she uses the machine when she sleeps, does it make noise? Did the perp (s) know that and figure she wouldn't hear a thing.

It had to be someone who knew her and her habits.

Had there been blood, wouldn't that have been reported? Would the family have stayed there?

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Wow. Great work again!

I did some "walking" and promptly got lost!

I would think that the 2 vehicles in her driveway would discourage prowlers. She had just had company so that would have been 3 cars. The truck looks like it could easily be owned by a man. There appears to be 2 entrances. The front door was unlocked but is it because the perps left it that way? I don't recall them saying that anything was breached.
So how did they get in?

I wonder if they're responsible for grooming their own landscaping or if the trailer park handles that. If they do it themselves, certainly Merrilee had someone do it for her. She had that little shack in the back .

It is very close to Root Road. If you go the other direction, it dead ends in a cul de sac. I wonder what is behind those line of trees. One way in and one way out. If the perp (s) did drive, where would they have parked their car? And again, why take her car with her in it? If they broke in for pills, it would have to be someone who knew she had them.

What is the machine for that she uses at night? Why does it have a timer on it? Do you know why she's in a wheelchair? If she uses the machine when she sleeps, does it make noise? Did the perp (s) know that and figure she wouldn't hear a thing.

It had to be someone who knew her and her habits.

Had there been blood, wouldn't that have been reported? Would the family have stayed there?

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Here is info on the CPAP machine

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