OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #1

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There are many more petitions out there-too bad they can't all combine to get a real total. I believe the majority of the signatures are from local people and ranchers. This is a small community banding together so the numbers represent the area. The Hammonds are well known, well liked patriotic citizens with no intent to do anything wrong. JMO from speaking to the locals.
We will see how many tickets they can get their hands on. The guns will be in their trucks. No way Pete Santilli is going to miss an opportunity to make rude gestures on camera. What an imbecile.
One of the names of one of the Bundy militants who are ensconced at the refuge is a guy named Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart. He commented on an article I read about the Indians and the artifacts saying he was there, in the refuge, in the area where the artifacts are stored, etc., etc.

Edit to add link to article I read: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwo...-hold-paiute-history-artifacts-hostage-163116

See the comments section.

I don't really want to link to his website/s, they are easy to find if one is so inclined. His flickr account pretty much says it all in pictures without having to read his insane ramblings. In some ways, he troubles me. Maybe he is harmless, but, he troubles me more than some of the others I have looked into so far.

I did find this which revealed just a smidgen about him:

“One speaker topped the conspiracy theory charts. Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart, an Oath Keeper who set his theatrical speech against a backdrop of patriotic music, said that the Department of Homeland Security “blew up Boston” and committed murder to hide it.”


“Lacovara-Stewart encouraged people to visit his website, --- which ... promotes a remarkable collection of conspiracy theories, in addition to the charge that the Boston bombing was a “false flag” operation. Many are focused on conspiracy theory staples: Zionism, the Rothschilds, the Federal Reserve. Others are more creative. Lyme disease is biological warfare being carried out by former Nazis that were allowed entrance into the U.S. ...”​

- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...ty-behind-boston-bombing#sthash.YTAAnohv.dpuf

A little background check:

° The guy who posted the video at zeekly is this guy at an OathKeepers Meetup site:

Bloomingburg, NY
Hometown: Westtown
Member since:
March 1, 2013

I'm a 69 Year Old Senior who is Retired living in New York State all my live... working with technology to spread the word of patriotism and to keep informed.

° The person he quoted at zeekly is: KafkaWinstonWorld who makes opinion videos and thinks this lastest storm Jonas is manmade, manufactured by the government.

° And, Stefan Molyneux is an Irishman who lives in Canada who is probably planning on running for President of the United States. He has no special knowledge about the Hammonds.

Why do people believe this stuff?
The person he quoted at zeekly is: KafkaWinstonWorld who makes opinion videos and thinks this lastest storm Jonas is manmade, manufactured by the government.

Conspiracy theory nuts are my favourite nuts.

edit: Why do people believe it? What I've read is once you fall for a conspiracy theory they keep getting easier, and that conspiracy theorists are the opposite of skeptics.
Conspiracy theory nuts are my favourite nuts.

edit: Why do people believe it? What I've read is once you fall for a conspiracy theory they keep getting easier, and that conspiracy theorists are the opposite of skeptics.

Plus, it makes for fascinating reading.....the depths to which sone will reach to "prove" a conspiracy.....awesomely crazy!
A couple of summers ago I took my son on a 6 week long , 12,000 mile roadtrip, just the 2 of us. I wanted him to see the glaciers in Glacier National Park before they melted, the Sequoias before many burned or were otherwise felled by drought. I thought it important for him to see firsthand the differences in how his fellow Americans live...city, suburb, rural areas, remote, desolate, solitary. All of it, sea to shining sea and everything in between.

And though I'd been back and forth across the US more than a dozen times, this trip was different, and one way it was different is that this time I noticed that from sea to shining sea this country devotes an inordinate amount of finite resources to the raising of our future hamburger and steak products.

Cows. Cattle. In every state and in every climate and terrain, and where cattle weren't, the crops that feed them were. It was nothing short of astonishing, seeing thousands of miles of cattle -centered country unfold.

What a mind- boggling, unnecessary and unsustainable consumption of limited resources. The waste of it all!

I love me a great big thick grass-fed fresh steak, but the reality is Bundy et al are profiting off the rest of us by having our tax dollars help prop up not only his way of life, but a use of land and resources that is simply neither sustainable or justifiable.
One of the names of one of the Bundy militants who are ensconced at the refuge is a guy named Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart. He commented on an article I read about the Indians and the artifacts saying he was there, in the refuge, in the area where the artifacts are stored, etc., etc.

Edit to add link to article I read: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwo...-hold-paiute-history-artifacts-hostage-163116

See the comments section.

I don't really want to link to his website/s, they are easy to find if one is so inclined. His flickr account pretty much says it all in pictures without having to read his insane ramblings. In some ways, he troubles me. Maybe he is harmless, but, he troubles me more than some of the others I have looked into so far.

I did find this which revealed just a smidgen about him:

“One speaker topped the conspiracy theory charts. Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart, an Oath Keeper who set his theatrical speech against a backdrop of patriotic music, said that the Department of Homeland Security “blew up Boston” and committed murder to hide it.”


“Lacovara-Stewart encouraged people to visit his website, --- which ... promotes a remarkable collection of conspiracy theories, in addition to the charge that the Boston bombing was a “false flag” operation. Many are focused on conspiracy theory staples: Zionism, the Rothschilds, the Federal Reserve. Others are more creative. Lyme disease is biological warfare being carried out by former Nazis that were allowed entrance into the U.S. ...”​

The tick whisperers...
Conspiracy theory nuts are my favourite nuts.

edit: Why do people believe it? What I've read is once you fall for a conspiracy theory they keep getting easier, and that conspiracy theorists are the opposite of skeptics.

Based on what we've seen of the current occupiers, I don't think they can read or cannot understand what they do read. They are the actual "sheeple." Easily led by others. IMO.
I've always thought conspiracy theorists must have never pondered how long it takes even two people going out for a meal to agree on a restaurant. Much less 4, or 6, and upwards.
Demands by Oregon standoff leaders defy logic and law, authorities say

Occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for three weeks have made sweeping demands that local and federal authorities say are both brazen and unrealistic.

[snipped by me]

Interviews with lawyers, ranchers, federal authorities and others make clear: Little of what they want is likely to happen for reasons that include legal principle, basic property rights, economic forces and cost. Federal authorities also say the occupiers are making demands that fly in the face of the U.S. Constitution.

ETA: Ooops, forgot link again.

Thread #2

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