OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #1

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Edited for simplicity: in this case the rights of the rest of us outweigh the unlawful gripes of a few. Past time for the feds to stop employing book-smart but real world disastrous short term strategy and to just get it done.
1 rancher renounces federal grazing contract at Bundy event
Associated Press
Jan. 23, 2016 8:49 PM EST


“BURNS, Ore. (AP) — A rancher from New Mexico renounced his U.S. Forest Service grazing contract at an event held by an armed group occupying a national wildlife refuge in Oregon to protest federal land use policies.

Adrian Sewell of Grant County, New Mexico, took the action at the event attended by about 120 people at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. A group led by Ammon Bundy began occupying the area in eastern Oregon's high desert on Jan. 2.

Bundy has said the federal government has no authority to enforce federal grazing contracts with ranchers.

Sewell said he didn't mind being the only rancher to renounce his federal contract at Saturday's gathering.

"I don't mind standing out and standing alone," he said.

Bundy, who had previously met with local ranchers urging them to tear up their federal contracts, also said he wasn't disappointed that Sewell was the only one to take him up on his idea.

"I'm very happy he came all the way from New Mexico," Bundy said.”


Bundy's group plans to open the 300-square-mile Oregon refuge for cattle this spring.

1 rancher renounces federal grazing contract at Bundy event
Associated Press
Jan. 23, 2016 8:49 PM EST


“BURNS, Ore. (AP) — A rancher from New Mexico renounced his U.S. Forest Service grazing contract at an event held by an armed group occupying a national wildlife refuge in Oregon to protest federal land use policies.

Adrian Sewell of Grant County, New Mexico, took the action at the event attended by about 120 people at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. A group led by Ammon Bundy began occupying the area in eastern Oregon's high desert on Jan. 2.

Bundy has said the federal government has no authority to enforce federal grazing contracts with ranchers.

Sewell said he didn't mind being the only rancher to renounce his federal contract at Saturday's gathering.

"I don't mind standing out and standing alone," he said.

There are going to be rancher(s) in New Mexico so pleased with Sewell! This will free up grazing rights to other rancher(s) and the low prices the BLM asks for. Bonanza for his neighbors!​
This whole article is interesting but I think this part of this AP article is especially noteworthy:

The group has recently bolstered a front entrance blockade with timbers and set up another checkpoint at a back entrance. The AP was not allowed to enter the area Friday without an armed escort.

Snipped for space and focus.

Next they'll be planting land mines, I guess. With impunity.
These idiots really believe the FBI will negotiate with them - they really believe they will come out of this unscathed. Unbelievable!! The FBI has them right where they want them. They are cornered with no way out. When Hannah Anderson was kidnapped and taken to Idaho - my brother who lives in Cascade, ID saw 5 FBI Blackhawk helicopters swoop in and take that guy out without even giving him a chance since he had already killed 3 people. I fully expect the FBI to swoop in and put an end to this also. They just do not want to be on the news risking the wrath of the American people. My thought is, I am a taxpayer and I am sick of these people treading on the property I pay to maintain. Ammon Bundy is from Nevada and came to Oregon to protest the Hammond's prison sentences to begin with. They have nothing to do with the Hammonds, it was just an excuse to cause trouble. After watching an incredible video about the Hammond's I see why the people of Harney are so upset that they are in jail. The BLM is in the right as far as the law, but completely morally wrong. I have signed two petitions for them so far. :mad:

It is only a matter of time before one of these radicals shoots a gun , even by accident and it will be "game over". They are all going to prison and I can hardly wait!!!
This whole article is interesting but I think this part of this AP article is especially noteworthy:

The group has recently bolstered a front entrance blockade with timbers and set up another checkpoint at a back entrance. The AP was not allowed to enter the area Friday without an armed escort.

Funny, they're too busy trying to give the area back to the locals so they have posted armed men from out of state to refuse the locals access to the refuge.
In light of some recent comments here, some might find this an interesting read:

Too Many Captains Could Undermine Armed Occupation
by Anna King Northwest News Network | Jan. 22, 2016 3:01 p.m. | Updated: Jan. 22, 2016 4:58 p.m.


“I grew up on a small cattle ranch, and I recognize differences among rural subcultures and people. The differences I noticed that day among the occupiers stayed with me and made me wonder about what’s next for them.

The occupiers style and comport themselves very differently from each other.

The Bundy brothers, who self-identify as some of the leaders of the Malheur occupation, wear winter felt cowboy hats in brown and lined flannel shirts. They speak about their beliefs and plans in a cowboy-like manner: soft voiced, deliberate and calm.

But others who have flocked to their Mormon banner of Moroni in remote Oregon are more agitated, make sharp movements and yell. Some sport camouflage or all-black clothing and neck tattoos. Some speak with a military staccato and have shaved heads.

Pete Simi, associate professor of criminology at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, studies radical groups, extremist movements, social movements and violence. He told me my observations about the occupiers’ differences in dress and comportment signal deeper differences in ideology.”​

Thanks- this IS an interesting read, and the photos in it are not to be missed. Does anyone believe those th-ugs would still be in our gift shop if the media stopped showering them with attention?

The article itself......The author describes the various types of "occupiers" as if he is writing a field manual for identifying species of th-ugs, lol.

Eta..wonder why th-ug is treated as a curse word here...
These idiots really believe the FBI will negotiate with them - they really believe they will come out of this unscathed. Unbelievable!! The FBI has them right where they want them. They are cornered with no way out. When Hannah Anderson was kidnapped and taken to Idaho - my brother who lives in Cascade, ID saw 5 FBI Blackhawk helicopters swoop in and take that guy out without even giving him a chance since he had already killed 3 people. I fully expect the FBI to swoop in and put an end to this also. They just do not want to be on the news risking the wrath of the American people. My thought is, I am a taxpayer and I am sick of these people treading on the property I pay to maintain. Ammon Bundy is from Nevada and came to Oregon to protest the Hammond's prison sentences to begin with. They have nothing to do with the Hammonds, it was just an excuse to cause trouble. After watching an incredible video about the Hammond's I see why the people of Harney are so upset that they are in jail. The BLM is in the right as far as the law, but completely morally wrong. I have signed two petitions for them so far. :mad:

It is only a matter of time before one of these radicals shoots a gun , even by accident and it will be "game over". They are all going to prison and I can hardly wait!!!

Can you please point me in the direction of well balanced info that explains why the Hammonds are worthy of support? My understanding is they committed arson on federal land to cover up their crime of poaching...on federal land.
I will admit when this first started, and Bundy and company didn't get the shootout they wanted I thought they would be heading home. I believed there was no way they came prepared to stay for any length of time without bringing supplies with them.
I also believed that being at the refuge there wasn't much damage they would do. I thought that if they destroyed a building or two they could be replaced through restitution they would have to pay.
Boy was I wrong. These people are destroying so much. Peoples lives, artifact, bird migration and more. They care about nothing but thier cause. They will not let anything stand in thier way. Even having thier children (and foster children) taken away doesn't phase them.
I don't see how this can end peacefully with the oath keepers and others supporting them. Maybe I am wrong, but IMO if the feds go in and remove Bundy brothers and company off the refuge all heck is going to break loose off the refuge from the other groups that are not staying on the refuge.
The people of Burns have got to be so scared for thier families.

Eta..wonder why th-ug is treated as a curse word here...
I think because after Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases it was being used here and nationwide as a replacement for the "N word". It was very offensive. IMO.
This is an especially good article:

‘I would support this to the death’: Raw Story goes inside OR occupation where militants say they’ll die for their cause
Raw Story
By Arun Gupta
23 JAN 2016 AT 18:40 ET

“On a Friday morning there was a traffic jam outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, renamed the “Harney County Resource Center” by armed militants who've seized the facilities.”

Edited for simplicity: in this case the rights of the rest of us outweigh the unlawful gripes of a few. Past time for the feds to stop employing book-smart but real world disastrous short term strategy and to just get it done.


I am usually in favor of non-violent means to diffuse criminal situations. But this has crossed the line from non-violence to downright coddling and, dare I say?, enabling!

Just effing go in there and Waco their azzes. Seriously. These criminals have been afforded courtesies and privilege the likes of which I have NEVER seen. I still have not seen a real explanation for why this has been allowed to go on for a month. It is total BS.

This will not end well, whether it ends today or in the Spring. So just do it now, FBI, ATF, etc. This is your job. Do your job, please.

So when Bundy and company show up with their weapons they're going to be asked to please leave? They are not going to appreciate being denied entry.

Pshaw! Don't be ridiculous!

Of course they will be welcomed, guns and all. See, the law doesn't apply to them like it does you and me. In fact, I bet the sheriff will take them out for ice cream after.

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — An online petition to President Barack Obama urges the president to “end the armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge immediately.”

“We the People” is the First Amendment platform hosted on the White House website for citizens to bring issues directly to President Obama’s attention. If a petition reaches a certain level of signatures, the White House will issue a response — but won’t necessarily act on it.
Here's a new name:


Armed Occupiers Convene Common Law Grand Jury Against Local Officials
by Kristian Foden-Vencil OPB | Jan. 24, 2016 11:15 a.m. | Harney County, Oregon

“Armed occupiers in Harney County are moving forward with efforts to change the legal system.

Occupiers say they’ve voted to ask Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta-Folch, a long-time Tea Party activist, to convene a common law grand jury.

He tracks its origins back to the Magna Carta, British common law and the U.S. Constitution and he warns, the jury meets in absolute secrecy. “The media, you cannot ask the question to them. That’s a felony,” he told reporters.”​

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