OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #1

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"Bundy, speaking with an intensity unusual given his typical mild demeanor, insisted on knowing if the FBI had gotten permission to operate in the county......"

LOL. What an...interesting interpretation of a "typically mild demeanor." Where I come from folks who make threats while brandishing guns, destroy federal property, incite armed insurrection, refuse to acknowledge federal authority, trespass on and break and enter into property that doesn't belong to them aren't typically described as having a "mild demeanor." Typically they are described as dangerous criminals, but heck, right? Maybe some of us are just quaint.

Yes, this is a must read! I'm sure people poked fun at the Taliban and ISIS/ISIL and didn't take them seriously at the beginning. Even though these Burns extremists seem ludicrous, they are not a joke. I'm sorry to keep repeating myself, but they are extremely dangerous.

Agreed. This has brought to mind Jerad and Amanda Miller, who joined the Bundys at their little standoff in Mesquite in 2014. They were asked to leave at some point and wound up killing two LEO's at a pizza place and a citizen at Walmart in Vegas not long after - in their quest for a revolution:

In light of some recent comments here, some might find this an interesting read:

Too Many Captains Could Undermine Armed Occupation
by Anna King Northwest News Network | Jan. 22, 2016 3:01 p.m. | Updated: Jan. 22, 2016 4:58 p.m.


“I grew up on a small cattle ranch, and I recognize differences among rural subcultures and people. The differences I noticed that day among the occupiers stayed with me and made me wonder about what’s next for them.

The occupiers style and comport themselves very differently from each other.

The Bundy brothers, who self-identify as some of the leaders of the Malheur occupation, wear winter felt cowboy hats in brown and lined flannel shirts. They speak about their beliefs and plans in a cowboy-like manner: soft voiced, deliberate and calm.

But others who have flocked to their Mormon banner of Moroni in remote Oregon are more agitated, make sharp movements and yell. Some sport camouflage or all-black clothing and neck tattoos. Some speak with a military staccato and have shaved heads.

Pete Simi, associate professor of criminology at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, studies radical groups, extremist movements, social movements and violence. He told me my observations about the occupiers’ differences in dress and comportment signal deeper differences in ideology.”​
I think there are plenty of options in between LE going in guns blazing and allowing these clowns to drive around in town gift and grocery shopping with shotguns strapped to their strutting chests.

As in..block all roads going into the refuge and shut off their power. As LE said they would do...what, 2 weeks ago?

An even easier solution would be that the next time Bundy comes to shake the hand of a LEO, that the officer have a pair of handcuffs in his left hand, and just slap them on. Bundy is making it as easy as possible for them to arrest him. But that will not happen because they have already said they don’t want to arrest him. They just want him to leave. Which he is not going to do.
Since these fellows fail to recognize the authority of the authorities, here's my plan:

We put together our own militia made up entirely of actual Constitutional experts, (armed only with certified copies of the Constitution), dispatch them immediately to the refuge where they will question the authority of the Bundy's band of buffoons, inform them their reign is over and send them on their way.

The Bundys talk, they don’t listen.
Speaking of differences, one guy who hooked up at the refuge recently seems somewhat different. I first ran across him earlier today in some MSM KOIN-TV video report/interview. He doesn't seem to be the kind that wears the camoflauge, nor does he wear the plaid flannel shirts and cowboy hats. He doesn't seem to be wedded to guns and swords and bombs and things. In fact, he dresses quite simply and doesn't appear to carry alot of gear.

He is an author and has a few 'books' available at Amazon.

Look him up, his name is Kelly Gneiting. Look him up via Googles handy images feature.

Yes, this is a must read! I'm sure people poked fun at the Taliban and ISIS/ISIL and didn't take them seriously at the beginning. Even though these Burns extremists seem ludicrous, they are not a joke. I'm sorry to keep repeating myself, but they are extremely dangerous.

I agree. The biggest problem is that people think this is a joke, and it’s not.
I agree. The biggest problem is that people think this is a joke, and it’s not.

Two things jmo:

Humour is often the way I deal with scary, bad things.

These men are easy to make fun of, but I don't underestimate what they're capable of.

And IMO the biggest problem is LE at every level letting them get away with what they're doing. What's it going to take?

Yes, this is a must read! I'm sure people poked fun at the Taliban and ISIS/ISIL and didn't take them seriously at the beginning. Even though these Burns extremists seem ludicrous, they are not a joke. I'm sorry to keep repeating myself, but they are extremely dangerous.

But do you think LE, the sheriff, politicians, the FBI, DHS (are they involved yet?) are laughing at them?

If we can't laugh at them what are we supposed to do?
The Oath Keepers and others that are not held up at the refuge to me are a lot more scary than Bundy brothers and company.
The Oath Keepers and others that are not held up at the refuge to me are a lot more scary than Bundy brothers and company.

Be that as it may, this isn't an unbeauty pagent, and so I don't mind stating that they're all filthy, rotten, un-American scumbags.
Assemblywoman Michelle Fiori just delivered boxes of food to them. She's a real piece of work...now aiding and abetting these terrorist squatters.
Thanks for your replies. I don't really disagree with either one of you. But I didn't say that negotiating with terrorists is justified. I haven't commented on the "negotiations."

I was unclear if my response suggested to you that I thought you were saying negotiating with terrorists is justified. I was simply jumping off from your post. I apologize for not saying so more clearly.
This is ominous:

How Militants May "Indict" Non-Believers
by Geoff Norcross and John Sepulvado OPB | Jan. 22, 2016 8:42 a.m. | Updated: Jan. 22, 2016 3:20 p.m.


“The FBI has begun negotiations with militants at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, specifically with militant leader Ammon Bundy.

Guards at the occupied refuge are now openly carrying assault rifles on the grounds, while men drive federally owned bulldozers to pave roads. More people are coming too — from Cleveland, San Diego, and right here in Oregon.

These new recruits are joining a culture increasingly hostile to people who disagree with their beliefs. And now, they want to try and convict those people.

It’s called a Citizens’ Grand Jury and to explain how it works, OPB’s John Sepulvado, reporting from Burns, joined Morning Edition host Geoff Norcross for a Q&A about the newest development inside the Oregon occupation.”​

Gotta read it!

Also, at 4 pm today, there is some ceremony scheduled where a couple of ranchers are going to tell the Feds to stuff their grazing rights.

To me this is simply more evidence that more effort should have been made to nip this thing in the bud a long time ago.

I hope we learn at some point in the future this has all been a brilliant chess game played by LE that ended in the terrorists' clean defeat, but I fear we will not.
I agree. The biggest problem is that people think this is a joke, and it’s not.

While I think the terrorists are buffoons, and the tarp man jokes made me laugh until I nearly peed my pants, I have never considered this a joke.

These people may be buffoons, but they are well armed buffoons. Always a dangerous combination.
But do you think LE, the sheriff, politicians, the FBI, DHS (are they involved yet?) are laughing at them?

If we can't laugh at them what are we supposed to do?

No, I don't think anyone knowledgeable at any level of government is laughing at them.

I wish I had an answer about what to do if you don't laugh. I know laughter relieves stress, and I'd love to join in the laughter, but these are scary people beneath their joke-worthy exterior. I just don't want anyone to be surprised when these bozos keep upping the ante. It may resolve peacefully at Malheur Refuge, as it did at the Bundy Ranch and in Josephine and Jackson County here in southern Oregon. But it won't go away. I'm so sorry, but I have no answers.
I was unclear if my response suggested to you that I thought you were saying negotiating with terrorists is justified. I was simply jumping off from your post. I apologize for not saying so more clearly.

No problem. :) I wasn't sure at first if I had indicated that somehow, so after checking, I wanted to clarify for the record.
Assemblywoman Michelle Fiori just delivered boxes of food to them. She's a real piece of work...now aiding and abetting these terrorist squatters.

Nice. A lawmaker supporting violators of the law.

Shame on you, Nevada, for electing her.
Wow, I finally watched the meeting video. This is really getting out of hand when citizens are this angry. I used to live in Malheur County, which is a neighboring county to Harney. I even saw a couple of deputies that I recognize. This is too close to home. I am in Idaho now and sure glad it is not happening in my community!
The Malheur Field Station is another casualty of the standoff.

The field station was once a Youth Civilian Conservation Job Corps camp, subsequently abandoned in 1969 by the federal government. A consortium of universities created the station in 1971, using a collection of 36 buildings as a base for research and education. In 1987, the Great Basin Society stepped in as stewards. The nonprofit owns the buildings and equipment.

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