OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #2

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So, Ritzheimer was arrested in Arizona. Where was he off to I wonder...
This is unbelievable. Talk about being on the run - people are saying Santilli is an FBI informant - this video almost makes me believe it.
I can't seem to get the video to work. Is it just me?
This is unbelievable. Talk about being on the run - people are saying Santilli is an FBI informant - this video almost makes me believe it.

I've seen a few tweets suggesting it. Why do you think he might be?

(To me he's just an azzhole who wants to be a hero.)
I am so going to H*ll for laughing at this, from reddit-tarps at half mast.
I'm sad that anyone got killed. However, if Lavoy gets held up as a martyr who died as a result of police brutality, I'm going to rage quit the Internet.

Pack your bags. That's exactly what will happen. Martyrdom and making the Feds look bad has been the endgame all along. I'm truly sorry to see it come to this. I hoped it could end without shots being fired or anyone dying for the "cause." I believe this death will have big repercussions. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a very bumpy road ahead, if not immediately, in the near future; if not in Oregon, somewhere else.
I've seen a few tweets suggesting it. Why do you think he might be?

(To me he's just an azzhole who wants to be a hero.)

Only because he started acting like a city boy the minute this all went down - took off his cowboy costume and seemed to be telling everyone to tuck tail and run. How dumb to think the FBI is having random people tell Pete Santilli that everyone at the refuge is allowed to leave if they hurry. OMG!
If there's any justice in the world, Michele Fiore will be indicted for treason.

And now just a little O/T relief. Please enjoy, my friends.

You can't really be surprised by their spin on this. I feel pretty confident there was no misconduct on the part of LE in this incident - too many eyes on the situation. The "patriots" don't need any help getting riled up - by the Bundy's or anyone else.

I'm not at all surprised by their spin. I've been saying this all along. The comments of their followers show the extent of their influence.

Now they have their martyr. I'm sure Finicum's actions were for the purpose of dying at the hands of LE. Martyrdom by cop. JMO
Some may gloat now that the Bundys and their lieutenants are dead or in custody. But the anger remains, an anger they stoked for months with a simple explanation and simple solution: get back to the basics of the Constitution, give back local control, and everything will be right. The anger will reverberate whether as more anti-government violence, more mass shootings, or more violence that is turned inward in communities, in the home, against oneself.

So glad to come home to this news tonight!!! It's OVER!!! Especially after winning a pet issue at my school board meeting! If the FBI didn't belong in Oregon, then neither did any of these terrorists, none of whom were even from Oregon!!!
Now we can rip down their stupid signs and restore the Malheur Wildlife Refuge to what it's supposed to be and the land to the American people and to the citizens of Oregon.
So the sheriff in the next county "unwittingly" just stumbled into some sort of picnic lunch these guys were having, whips out his own weird mm copy of the Constitution for the privilege of their autographs... and invites them over to his own county to host one of their organizing I mean safety meetings.

What????? Who believes this garbage?!?

Also may I add that $1.69 A MONTH per PAIR for the feed of two extremely large animals (calves are large imo!) who will end up being sold per head for significantly more per pound, well it just boggles my mind! Quite the profit margin there.... Yet these guys feel oppressed.

I realize ranching is a hard way of life, nothing cushy about it, and there are other costs like labor, equipment, and vet care-- but these people CHOSE to pursue this lifestyle.

I think they're getting a great deal from the (FEDERAL!) government that they wish to denounce and defame.

$1.69/month is what they're *****ing about??? Who can't afford that?
Today's things to think about:

#1 - “The militants plan to hold a public meeting Tuesday evening at the John Day Senior Center, in Grant County, where they will urge residents to form a Committee of Safety — another extralegal maneuver that would essentially form a shadow government in anticipation of the elected government’s failure or removal.”

Remember, Bundy set up a Committee of Safety in Harney County a couple of weeks before the takeover of the Refuge.​

#2 - “Sheriff Glenn Palmer (Sheriff of Grant County) has told The Oregonian that “the government is going to have to concede something” to end the three-week-old occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve.

He suggested they start by releasing Dwight and Steven Hammond, a father-son ranching duo serving prison terms for arson on public land, and then sending home the FBI, which is directing the law enforcement response to the occupation.

The militants attempted to make inroads in Grant County on Jan. 12, when Palmer said he was unwittingly invited to a lunch meeting with Ryan Payne and Jon Ritzheimer, two military veterans helping to lead the occupation, and about 10 local residents.

Ritzheimer said Palmer — who was named “Constitutional Sheriff of the Year” by an anti-government group in 2011 — asked him and Payne to autograph his pocket Constitution, an annotated copy of the founding document conspicuously carried by all the militants.”

#3 - Former Undersheriff Todd McKinley has filed to run against current Sheriff Glenn Palmer.
Blue Mountain Eagle
January 25, 2016

“Former Grant County Undersheriff Todd McKinley filed to run for sheriff Monday, Jan. 25.”


In a written statement, McKinley said he decided to run after witnessing the “audacity of individuals who think they can dictate the course of Grant County, without the input of all.”

“When I took my first oath of office as a reserve deputy on April 3, 2000, it was that I would support the Constitution and the laws of the United States and of the state of Oregon, and to honestly and faithfully perform the duties imposed upon the member under the laws of Oregon,” he said in the statement. “I do not remember that there were any clauses that told me this was optional, and up to my interpretation of the Constitution and laws.”


Good! I hope McKinley soundly defeats this idiot Palmer for Sheriff of Grant County. Palmer sounds like he sympathizes with the idiots. The FBI didn't need to concede anything!
Good! I hope McKinley soundly defeats this idiot Palmer for Sheriff of Grant County. Palmer sounds like he sympathizes with the idiots. The FBI didn't need to concede anything!

I'm wondering now if Sheriff Palmer was actually working with the feds to draw these guys out. I'd like to believe that scenario much more than how it appeared initially to me!

Finicum unarmed? Really? Since when? I call BS on that and also think he intended for cops to shoot him, having lost face and tarp.

I am sorry that I cannot muster up a kind word to say for the deceased, so I will stop here.

As for those arrested? Bout freaking time.

I also want to note *rumor because FB* that I have read some scary threats on FB posted to people who made comments celebrating (or just not mourning) Finicum's death.

So please be careful if you post using your real name on SM. I would not put anything past these loons. Be safe, friends.
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