OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #3

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If not for enlightenment, I thank you all for entertainment.
John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 13h13 hours ago Portland, OR
heard from a federal source FBI is finding "rudimentary booby traps" at the Malheur national wildlife refuge

@JohnLGC what? Like water buckets over the door, or spikes under the carpet?

John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 13h13 hours ago
actually it's more serious - vehicles rigged to burn or blow when turned on.

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 15h15 hours ago
A 21-day trial in the federal conspiracy case stemming from armed takeover of Malheur refuge tentatively set for 4/19 #Oregonstandoff

oy, the day one of my gd's were born and the day of the the OK City bombing...not a good choice.

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 16h16 hours ago
A tearful Sandra Anderson appeared in court, blew kiss to .@VoteFiore and mouthed 'Thank you' #Oregonstandoff

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Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 16h16 hours ago
David Fry, in full-length green anti-suicide smock, appeared in court,waved & nodded to @VoteFiore entered not guilty plea #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 15h15 hours ago
Ammon Bundy's latest statement from jail - released by lawyer #Oregonstandoff

John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 13h13 hours ago Portland, OR
heard from a federal source FBI is finding "rudimentary booby traps" at the Malheur national wildlife refuge

@JohnLGC what? Like water buckets over the door, or spikes under the carpet?

John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 13h13 hours ago
actually it's more serious - vehicles rigged to burn or blow when turned on.

One might think constructing potentially deadly booby traps on Federal Property might lead to some charges though I wont hold my breath these guys have gotten pass after pass that would have gotten others locked up for life.(or worse.)
Would love to hear one of these "Patriots" explain and equivocate how there is a difference between setting up a roadside explosive device in Iraq to kill or maim American Troops ....and setting up an exploding device to maim or kill American Law Enforcement personal or American Federal employees?
Or setting up an explosive device to maim or kill innocent bystanders and participants at a marathon?
They just want to make this country great again ,right?
One might think constructing potentially deadly booby traps on Federal Property might lead to some charges though I wont hold my breath these guys have gotten pass after pass that would have gotten others locked up for life.(or worse.)
Would love to hear one of these "Patriots" explain and equivocate how there is a difference between setting up a roadside explosive device in Iraq to kill or maim American Troops ....and setting up an exploding device to maim or kill American Law Enforcement personal or American Federal employees?
Or setting up an explosive device to maim or kill innocent bystanders and participants at a marathon?

Agree. Could you imagine what would happen if a group of armed, low income minority folks took over a federal building for a month , shot at police, stole government vehicles, then booby trapped everything with bombs before leaving? They would end up dead. Why are these cretins given a free pass?
Well, they wouldnt have been occupying it for a month,rest assured.
Or be allowed to come and go as they pleased,transport supplies in to prolong the stand off threaten Law Enforcement with firearms and issue death threats or incite others to kill any member of Law Enforcement or the Federal Govt. that interfered with them on social media. or be allowed to have live entertainment inside the perimeter to keep the occupiers morale up.,among other things...
I mean your an armed individual in a car full of folks just involved in an incident with Law Enforcement where one person has been shot by police..." Oh! So your just here with your gun because your a BODY GUARD ?...you can go."
Can you imagine?
If it had been others that had done those exact things these same "Patriots" would be invoking it as "proof" that people like that need to be rounded up and scourged from among us if we ever hope to transform this Nation back into Mayberry circa 1959.
These type of folks enjoy special status and they always have which is clear to everyone on the planet except them.
All of which makes their 'Victim' stance all the more gag-inducing.
Agree. Could you imagine what would happen if a group of armed, low income minority folks took over a federal building for a month , shot at police, stole government vehicles, then booby trapped everything with bombs before leaving? They would end up dead. Why are these cretins given a free pass?

I think you answered your own question, there.
A very long and very interesting essay includes info on Neil Wampler, Blaine Cooper (aka Stanley Blaine Hicks), Sean and Sandy Anderson, Jason Patrick, and James the legless guy among others:

Can we make sense of the Malheur mess?
A writer finds camaraderie and despair inside the Oregon standoff.

High Country News
Hal Herring ESSAY Feb. 12, 2016 Web Exclusive


“What more can be said? I was one of the hundreds of journalists who went to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge during the Ammon Bundy occupation, and I saw the same things that all the rest of them did. If there was any difference between myself and those hundreds of other journalists, maybe it was that I went there looking for kindred spirits.”


“I went to the Malheur looking for kindred spirits. I found the mad, the fervent, the passionately misguided. I found the unknowing pawns of an existential chess game, in which we are, all of us, now caught. Driving home across the snow-packed Malheur Basin, through mile after mile of sage, with towering basalt cliffs in the near distance, herds of mule deer appearing as gray specks in the tongues of slide rock and wind-exposed yellow grass, I did not wonder what Edward Abbey would have said about all of this, or Kropotkin or the lugubrious monarchist Thomas Hobbes. I thought instead of the old C.S. Lewis books of my childhood, and of Lewis’ writings on the nature of evil, where evil is never a lie, because lying implies creation, and evil, by its nature, has no creative power. Instead, the nature of evil is to take a truth and twist it, sometimes as much as 180 degrees. Love of country becomes hatred of those we believe don’t share our devotion, or don’t share it the same way. The natural right of armed self-defense becomes the means to take over a wildlife refuge, to exert tyranny on those who work there, or those who love the place for the nature it preserves in a world replete with man’s endeavors. The U.S. Constitution, one of the most liberal and empowering documents ever composed, becomes, with just a slight annotation or interpretation, the tool of our own enslavement.”​

If you read it, you won't be disappointed, imo.
Since Sheriff Doug thinks Sandy and Sean did nothing wrong, I'm thinking about moving into his taxpayer paid office and maybe set up a cot and a bonfire. Please send snacks. Snickers would be good. Maybe s'mores...
Except that a sheriff in Idaho has zero jurisdiction in Oregon. Unless he's a Federal Marshall (like on the show Eureka), his opinion is worthless.
His opinion has no bearing on the legal outcome of this case but as an important law enforcement officer of his own county it could have huge consequences if he thinks it's OK to make threats and so on.
Cliven Bundy arrest 2 years later: strategy or serendipity?

Former law enforcement officials say just as federal rangers didn't want to get in the middle of a firefight at the 2014 standoff, they likely wanted to avoid launching what could become a gun battle if they tried to arrest Cliven Bundy at his 160-acre ranch.

"I have done a lot of tactical operations and the best option is to be patient and to get them isolated," he said.

It's not unusual to take time to build a strong case, as well as build the confidence among targets that they can move around without fear of arrest and speak freely on social media, experts said.

The FBI seems to have drawn from the same page of the playbook on both Cliven and Ammon Bundy's arrests, Coulson and others said.

In a news conference after the arrests, the FBI's Bretzing addressed why authorities had chosen that moment for the arrests.

"In any operation there's a group of leadership that's running the show, so to speak, and at this juncture it appeared those in a leadership position would be off the refuge and traveling elsewhere," he said. "We took the opportunity to effect the arrest at that time."

After those arrests, Cliven Bundy grew increasing vocal in support of the remaining occupiers and called on others to join the movement. He, too, "traveled elsewhere" as he made the flight to Portland from Nevada – a move he'd announced on social media.

He was arrested at the airport -- a location that provided protection for agents because he couldn't carry weapons on the flight.

"This was an opportunistic approach," said Tung Yin, a professor at Lewis & Clark Law School who specializes in criminal justice.

"If you put yourself in the shoes of government and the FBI, in terms of what they knew back in 2014 and what they thought might happen if they rushed in," he said, "the likelihood of another Ruby Ridge or Waco is possible."
I had been reading here daily and then was out of town and missed the whole surrender except for hearing on the news that it had indeed happened. So thank you all for this play-by-play accounting of the live broadcast. It is much appreciated.

I can tell it became very tense a few times, but I must say, some of the comments in here just cracked me up a few times! I particularly laughed at the part about "okey dokey, then he should not have an abortion" and the "now he wants marijuana". And I heartily agreed with the "Okay, so send him in a pizza laced with tranquilizers" - which was a brilliant idea in my opinion. But I guess the Feds would get accused of poisoning him if they did that.

Only in America could we have an armed protester being broadcast live on national media asking for a pizza! And a jail named "Purgatory"!

On a more serious note, though, I do think this man is a prime illustration that these types of fringe groups seem to have a great deal of appeal to those who are already on shaky ground mentally. And put that together with guns and it's a toxic mix, for sure. I really don't see how Law Enforcement could have handled it any differently than they did - to wait them out, what with being under the kind of pressure they are nowadays. Obviously they could have taken everybody out of there on Day 1 had they wanted to.
Question asked on twitter to John Sepulvado, OPB

Single federal source about booby-traps at Malheur. Strange no one else reporting this.

John SepulvadoVerified account
actually it's more serious - vehicles rigged to burn or blow when turned on.

John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 6h6 hours ago Portland, OR
John Sepulvado Retweeted Gary M. Bourret
Again, I stand by. not saying they were advanced, but the account is credible.

John Sepulvado ‏@JohnLGC 6h6 hours ago Portland, OR
John Sepulvado Retweeted Dog Canyon
just an account from a federal source who was on the scene.

I saw those John Sepulvado tweets earlier today. I will be watching to see if that is really true. I imagine if true, that could make for some much more serious charges in the future.
I'll be watching too, i.b. The evil eye is on John S. lol

Prove it or lose it. I can't imagine half these occupiers not knowing how to hotwire a vehicle or make it blow nor the FBI not being able to establish the difference. jmo

This may have been posted:
Nevada rancher Cliven D. Bundy asked for a court-appointed attorney as he made his first appearance Thursday in federal court following his arrest the night before at Portland International Airport.

Stick it to the taxpayers again, buddy! (How come he's OK with this federal service?)


The crime scene starts at the Sod House Lane bridge over a canal, roughly a quarter-mile from the entry into the refuge headquarters. A large front-end loader is still parked, blocking the bridge. The protesters dropped it there sometime the evening of Jan. 26 – hours after Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, 54, was shot and killed while eluding police on a highway roughly 50 miles north of the refuge.

That night, protesters scrambled to provide make-shift roadblocks to stop police who didn't show up.

The front-end loader was part of their hasty defensive moves. Later, protesters would complain that someone lost the key to it, preventing them from moving it out of the way later to make their own easy escape.

Now, the equipment is evidence. FBI technicians will be looking for fingerprints, and there could be future charges of vehicle theft.


The risks and rewards of the FBI’s strategy remain up for debate. Federal authorities seemed to approach the situation with the goal of not replicating the catastrophes at Waco and Ruby Ridge, where overwhelming force led to many deaths and serious backlash against the federal government. In this case, where the occupiers were specifically alleging an overweening federal government, such a response would have validated that view for many critics. Yet other critics have complained that the hands-off response only emboldened the occupiers. There are calls for thousands more armed “Patriots” to descend on Burns. And after all, it seemed like Cliven Bundy had gotten away with his rebellion in Nevada.

But it turned out the feds hadn’t given up on nabbing Bundy—they were just waiting patiently for the right moment. Whatever the perverse incentives risked by the wait-’em-out approach, it’s hard not to look at the result in Oregon and be impressed: Every occupier gone, the leaders apprehended and in jail, and only one violent death—and that of a man who had declared his intention to die before being arrested, was reaching for a pocket with a gun, and, according to the testimony of another occupier, crying, “Shoot me!” The difference between the FBI’s hesitation and the hasty resort to force by local police departments in dozens of high-profile shootings over the last year couldn’t be clearer, and might provide a model for how more cops should operate.
Calling all militia: go to Idaho County for future standoffs.
Giddings said he believed the Andersons had been "radicalized."

"Then they got that gang mentality of, 'We're going to stick together,' and then through sleep deprivation and self-talk and all this crap, they were really stupid in their decision," he said.

Giddings added that if a similar occupation of a federal facility were to occur in his county—home to both U.S. Forest Service and BLM offices—"the sheriff's department would deal with it. The FBI would have nothing to do with it. It would be a $300 fine and go home.

He gets to decide if the FBI investigates incidents in federal buildings... ?
Calling all militia: go to Idaho County for future standoffs.


He gets to decide if the FBI investigates incidents in federal buildings... ?

BBM. This guy is dangerous. I think the FBI needs to have a talk with Sheriff Doug and set him straight on who has more authority on Federal property. He thinks he knows better than the sheriff of Harney/Burns county and he's basically inciting people to take over federal property in Idaho by telling them they will only face a $300 fine and he won't arrest them!!!
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