OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #1

DNA Solves
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One of the commenters on the Stephanie FB page goes by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and says he's a retired District Judge from Silverton. Seems not to think too highly of Lonnie, etc.

ETA: Silverton, Oregon near Salem is a former location listed for Lonnie/Lennie Ames. There is still family in that area.
There's nothing on KTVL FB. I hope this isn't another Seinfeld news moment. I'll be out so I will have to record it. Can you give us a hint?
A reporter messaged the Stephanie Anne Warner--Missing Person Facebook page asking if she could be put in touch with someone close to Stephanie, for an interview. She was working on a piece for the 6pm news. She was told she'd hear back from the sheriffs office but never did. That was a few hours ago.
A reporter messaged the Stephanie Anne Warner--Missing Person Facebook page asking if she could be put in touch with someone close to Stephanie, for an interview. She was working on a piece for the 6pm news. She was told she'd hear back from the sheriffs office but never did. That was a few hours ago.

Lilibet, we can't mention names from the fb page. But since you did, trust me... He's no lawyer.

Thanks. I've deleted it. It's such an obviously fake name, I forgot the rules.

ETA: And he also put a comment on the KTVL FB page. Someone is stirring the pot.

ETA: And he joined FB an hour before he started posting!!
I am personally not going to make any conclusions on the data, other than if the Xterra and the Volvo were both parked in the same spot in the same way over the years, then this might show a parking pattern for Stephanie. If they swabbed the steering wheel for Touch DNA (which I sure hope that this basic step was not overlooked), and it has only Stephanie's DNA, then that might help support the theory that she might have at least made it to her house and parked her SUV, the night of July 4th/July 5th.

Awesome find, Sasquatch - I don't know much about the vehicle part, but this is the first time I've seen photos of the front of the house. The photos on file with the tax assessor don't include many of the house. The media photos have (naturally) only shown her gate and there is only so much one can sleuth on a gate.
Awesome find, Sasquatch - I don't know much about the vehicle part, but this is the first time I've seen photos of the front of the house. The photos on file with the tax assessor don't include many of the house. The media photos have (naturally) only shown her gate and there is only so much one can sleuth on a gate.

Thank you, Neptune! Your Google Earth coordinates list, has been very helpful! I hope that in the near future, that we can track down better photos of Stephanie's property and possibly a higher resolution photo of her Xterra.
Just catching up and checking in. Sending prayers and love to Stephanie's family and friends. ♥
Thank you, Neptune! Your Google Earth coordinates list, has been very helpful! I hope that in the near future, that we can track down better photos of Stephanie's property and possibly a higher resolution photo of her Xterra.

The sleuther who has access to high res, low altitude aerial photos was not able to get them for this area. No planes covering Ruch/Applegate Valley.

On the list, note the coordinates to Steamboat Mining District. Important, because POI had a Placer claim there for 20 years and people generally retreat to the familiar in times of crisis. This area is POI's world for a long time -- he knows the area. He knows the few people that live here. They know him.

All coordinates below are approximates and could be wrong. I worked from a 100 year old mining map so bear that in mind. Only one Placer claim indicated on the map and it is located at the confluence of two streams.

Area defined as Steamboat Mining District (triangle):
Mountain Top (highest peak in area) 42° 5'23.60"N 123°12'21.62"W
Mountain Top (nearest to Steamboat marker originating from Google)
42° 4'45.95"N 123°11'36.18"W
Confluence of two streams 42° 5'2.93"N 123°11'24.47"W According to old mining maps, this is approximately where the Placer Claim is. Two intersecting streams run across it.

North access road to Steamboat 42° 5'55.88"N 123°13'52.22"W -- I believe there's an old miner/pioneer cemetery nearby.

South access road to top of mountain
42° 4'17.69"N 123°10'29.92"W (other side of the white picket fence after the farmhouse)

Areas nearby:
Carberry Creek
Carberry Creek Road
Steve Fork Road intersects with Carberry Creek -- draw an imaginary line from Steve Fork Rd up the mountain and that is Steamboat area.
Sturgis Fork (Josephine County) This is claim owned by POI's fellow miner Dave Everist, also someone prosecuted in same court case as Ames. Holds the same philosophy about the government.


146.181 Missing persons; police report; supplementary report. (1) When a person is reported as missing to any city, county or state police agency, the agency, within 12 hours thereafter, shall enter into state and federal records maintained for that purpose, a report of the missing person in a format and according to procedures established by the authorities responsible respectively for the state and federal records.
(2) The law enforcement agency to which the report is made:
(a) May request from the person making the report information or material likely to be useful in identifying the missing person or the human remains of the missing person, including, but not limited to:
(A) The name of the missing person and any alternative names the person uses;
(B) The date of birth of the missing person;
(C) A physical description of the missing person, including the height, weight, gender, race, eye color, current hair color and natural hair color of the missing person, any identifying marks on the missing person, any prosthetics used by, or surgical implants in, the missing person and any physical anomalies of the missing person;
(D) The blood type of the missing person;
(E) The driver license number of the missing person;
(F) The Social Security number of the missing person;
(G) A recent photograph of the missing person;
(H) A description of the clothing the missing person is believed to have been wearing at the time the person disappeared;
(I) A description of items that the missing person is believed to have had with the person at the time the person disappeared;
(J) Telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses of the missing person;
(K) The name and address of any school the missing person attends;
(L) The name and address of any employer of the missing person;
(M) The name and address of the primary care physician and dentist of the missing person;
(N) A description of any vehicle that the missing person might have been driving or riding in when the person disappeared;
(O) The reasons why the person making the missing person report believes the person is missing;
(P) Any circumstances that indicate that the missing person may be at risk of injury or death;
(Q) Any circumstances that may indicate that the disappearance is not voluntary;
(R) Information about a known or possible abductor or a person who was last seen with the missing person; and
(S) The date of the last contact with the missing person.
(b) May request in writing from any dentist, denturist, physician, optometrist or other medical practitioner possessing it such medical, dental or other physically descriptive information as is likely to be useful in identifying the missing person or the human remains of the missing person.
(3) The law enforcement agency, upon obtaining information pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, shall make a supplementary entry of that information into the state and federal records described in subsection (1) of this section. The supplementary report shall be in a format and according to procedures established by the authorities responsible respectively for the state and federal records. [Formerly 146.525]


§ 146.187
DNA sample
(1) If a person who has been reported as missing has not been located within 30 days after the missing person report is made, the law enforcement agency that accepted the missing persons report shall attempt to obtain a DNA sample from the missing person or from family members of the missing person in addition to any documentation necessary to enable the agency to use the samples in conducting searches of DNA databases.
(2) A law enforcement agency shall forward a DNA sample obtained for use in a missing persons case as directed by the Department of State Police.
Neptune thanks for posting Oregon State Law concerning Missing Person and DNA protocol...again. I posted this way back on July 31 encouraging the family to make sure it had been done. Shortly thereafter the NamUs listing showed up and I thought JCSO had done it (albeit weakly). Much later, I found out that you were the one who submitted the info, but LE watered it down. So it appears to me that Oregon state laws regarding missing persons have not been followed by JCSO in this case.

Again, I will encourage Stephanie's family to insist that JCSO follow every letter of the law posted above by Neptune, and follow up to make sure they have done so. You have lots more leverage than we do.
Neptune thanks for posting Oregon State Law concerning Missing Person and DNA protocol...again.

Sure, Lilibet. I was not aware of these Oregon Revised Statutes until you originally posted them back in July.

Must say, there seems to be more bullying and power trips in this case by the people who are "in the know" than focus on state and federal law and the enforcement of it. When it all gets put in front of a judge and jury, this is what counts. Did you do what you were supposed to and what the law expects of you?

That includes missing person procedures, DNA procedures, and probable cause -- Oregon law is perfectly clear on these.

ORS § 131.005
Probable cause means that there is a substantial objective basis for believing that more likely than not an offense has been committed and a person to be arrested has committed it.​

I came across this video on Youtube explaining why our POI has both the Helias314 and the 314Helias usernames. According to this video, Helias314 was canceled by Youtube at one time, so a second username was created to carry on his video sharing mission.


It appears that both channels are still running. There is only one explanation that I can think of, why Helias314 is back up. I believe that this happened within this year, because Youtube allowed users to change their username again. It is obvious that our POI likes to use symbolism in all of his names. Most of this was discussed earlier, but I figured that I would re-post a summary of this again.


Explanation of the name Helias314:

Helias (Masculine form of Greek - Elias) = Elijah = (Elijah = my God is Jehovah) = "El" being theophoric, embedding the name of God within a name. Elijah being the true prophet (of the one true God) that conquered the prophets of Baal(who were worshiping a false God). He ascended to Heaven alive, and was suppose to return to prepare the way for the second coming of the Messiah. (prepping for the End of Times).

An extremist could possibly see parallels, in that the Government is the same as a false God, and that these groups must prepare for the fall of the Government and the bankruptcy of the Banks. One must learn to prepare for the end. Survivalist Videos, Doomsday Videos and references that their ideology is backed by their one true God (YHWH is referenced a lot). Some calling themselves Patriots, God's Warriors or even the infamous "Lone Wolf". In a sense, they are trying to prepare the people before these end times and prove that our leaders in the government are the false Gods. (buzz words like Chip Implants, Mark of the Beast, Communists, Second Revolution and another "Holy War")

314 = Exodus 3:14 = God Speaks His Name "I am That I am" = Tetragrammaton YHWH

LA's Twitter Account


Helias = Elijah (referenced above)
Chrusion = Greek word meaning gold (only currency for a government collapse/end of times)
Thanks so much for your Helias314 summary, Sasquatch. It's great to have it all in one place.

I definitely feel that LA perceives himself as a prophet like Elijah.

I hadn't realized that Chrusion means "gold". This also ties in with his gold mining. And I believe I read somewhere that Patriots are upset that money stopped being backed with gold in the 1930's I think. I'm too tired to look for a link.

LA is also adamant about using Yahweh (not Jehovah) and Yeshua or Yashuwa (not Jesus). He can be very rude and profane about it in his comments to people!
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