OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #2

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It looks as if our PRESSURE on the family is finally paying off! I know that Sharon wants to do the right thing, she just needed a little support! Henderson told Rush friends she is coming to So OR, so now WE ARE ALL actively ADVOCATING for Stephanie!!!

I can't begin to express how appreciated this forum's loving support has been; it has helped me move forward ;)! Moving forward is MUCH better than standing still, crying.

A funny Auntie Steph Story...
Last year we went on our annual family camping trip. That's the trip where I do all the prepping, cooking, setting up and we all get to enjoy the beautiful wilds of Southern Oregon. I have a large tent, and Sissy was tired, so she put her gear in and shared our space. After Stephie and my 9-yr-old quit playing "kick your neighbor" (I'd put myself BETWEEN them but that didn't seem to alter their horseplay), and several growls from me - "Cut it OUT you two!" Things got quiet, we were just on the cusp of sleep when Sissy started thrashing about again. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I just need a little something to eat." Steph likes to snack at night, she doesn't eat much during the day, but she can plow through my fridge during the night! Ian started giggling and told her, "Grandma made us some banana bread - it's right there on the picnic table in a plastic bag!" At the time, I didn't pay attention to WHY he was giggling, I just wanted to go back to sleep! Sissy was out of her sleeping bag in a flash, she stumbled around in the dark, found the banana bread and came back to the tent. I then heard a horrible crunching sound; like lots of crackers being crunched. "Ummmmm, Ummmm! Mama can really cook - She even put flax seeds in this bread, so it's healhy, anybody want a bite? I'm gonna eat the whole loaf of it if y'all don't speak up!" By this time, Ian was absolutely convulsed with laughter. After awhile, I got everyone settled down and we all drifted off the sleep.

We awoke to "WHAT IN THE DICKENS?! I am gonna SKIN you, child!" The 9-year-old was once again laughing hysterically in his sleeping bag. Steph held the empty plastic bag up; it contained banana bread crumbs AND LOTS of sand! THAT had been the crunching sound! Ian admitted he'd dropped the bread and that it had rolled around in the sand before he'd popped it back in the plastic bag; he'd forgotten to throw it away. I was horrified and started to admonish my boy, but Stephie wouldn't have any of it. She started laughing and tickling Ian, "Well, you little MONSTER! I guess I'm gonna have a good movement today!"

Sissy told that story on herself, always laughing, to everyone. She had a most WONDERFUL sense of humor and never minded if the joke was on her ;)!
Dicentra what a beautiful funny story about Stephanie! It's those memories that are keeping Stef ALIVE! As us Saints (Who Dat) fans would said "WE BELIEVE"! I will continue to BELIEVE that Stef is going to be found! And, I think with POSITIVE vibes like your story that you posted, that helps everyone who is praying for her to cope with this situation. Thank you again for the wonderful story. It was a nice way to start the day!
Oh Dicentra! What a great story about Stephanie. Keep 'em coming! :floorlaugh:

I'm so glad Sharon spoke to Roma on KOBI and let her use the sweet photo with Stephanie and their Mom. It's extremely important for people (including the one who hurt Stephanie) to actually see who is in pain because of Stephanie's disappearance. Otherwise, it's too easy to depersonalize Stephanie into "just another missing person." But when people start to realize that this could be happening to them, they care. And caring moves people to action. And maybe, just maybe, the one person with the one tip that can lead to Stephanie will be moved to come forward. I'm feeling encouraged today.
I see that the Medford Mail Tribune has posted the video on their website.


That means three out of four MSM outlets in this area have publicized Stephanie's case since Wednesday, with two stories on KOBI! JCSO posted the video on their FB page. Detective Henderson has said more about the investigation, a friend of Stephanie's has publicly fingered Ames, and Steph's sister Sharon has spoken. I'd call this a publicity touchdown!

OK KTVL 12, we're waiting. :waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting:
I'm glad Stephanie's disappearance is getting some attention!

Anyone thought that maybe local TV in NOLA would maybe do a piece since Steph was originally from NO? That may help it start to get some national attention.
I'm glad Stephanie's disappearance is getting some attention!

Anyone thought that maybe local TV in NOLA would maybe do a piece since Steph was originally from NO? That may help it start to get some national attention.

That's a great idea. Maybe Stephanie's sister Sharon will see that it's time to get that ball rolling.
I'm glad Stephanie's disappearance is getting some attention!

Anyone thought that maybe local TV in NOLA would maybe do a piece since Steph was originally from NO? That may help it start to get some national attention.

Along those same lines, I wondered if it might help to send the email and video to the tv news stations to the east and west of Medford, such as in Klamath Falls, Coos Bay, Bandon, Gold Beach and Brookings. Forgive me in advance if those areas are already covered by local Medford tv.

On another note, I have something that has been eating away at me since I started following this case. The thought occurred to me, would it be possible that Stephanie is involved in some sort of witness protection program? From what I have read about the boyfriend and his militia rants on youtube, I wonder if she was acting as a paid informant aqainst him and the FBI decided to get her out of there.

I know it doesn't really make sense, but it has been nagging at me so I wanted to throw it out there. Perhaps this idea has already been considered and rejected?
Along those same lines, I wondered if it might help to send the email and video to the tv news stations to the east and west of Medford, such as in Klamath Falls, Coos Bay, Bandon, Gold Beach and Brookings. Forgive me in advance if those areas are already covered by local Medford tv.

On another note, I have something that has been eating away at me since I started following this case. The thought occurred to me, would it be possible that Stephanie is involved in some sort of witness protection program? From what I have read about the boyfriend and his militia rants on youtube, I wonder if she was acting as a paid informant aqainst him and the FBI decided to get her out of there.

I know it doesn't really make sense, but it has been nagging at me so I wanted to throw it out there. Perhaps this idea has already been considered and rejected?


Thanks, LaLouve, for these ideas.

The three Medford TV stations cover far northern CA and all the places you listed except Coos Bay and Bandon, I believe. Probably TV stations in Eugene reach them.

I don't recall that we've delved into the witness protection idea in depth, although it may have been mentioned. If it's true, we'll never know, unless she surfaces at a trial. I've seen the same idea pursued on the thread for the McStay Family, missing from near San Diego since 2010. Although it's always a possibility, and it keeps hope alive, I'm not sure how to reconcile that with the investigation going on. But I'm certainly open to hearing what WSers think, who know more about that scenario than I do.
I just re-watched the video about Stephanie, put together by Sasquatch, with some help behind the scenes. I was even more blown away this time by the perfect song lyrics timed to the second with captions and photos. The gentle pace drew me in and the teardrops near the end broke my heart.

If you haven't seen it, please watch it. And if you have, watch it again. Above all, share it. It's beautiful.

I just had to have a little fun with smilies today. :) I think Stephanie might get a kick out of this, so I hope everyone here does too.

This case has been a rollercoaster. :rollercoaster:

We've laughed. :floorlaugh: And cried. :tears:

We've prayed. :please:

We've been impatient. :waiting: And frustrated. :pullhair: :banghead:

We've been confused and scratched our heads. :waitasec:

We've done research. :lookingitup:

We've stayed up waaaay too late. :bedtime:

We've had lots of good posts. :goodpost:

We've ranted. :rant:

We've broken the rules. :tos:

We've needed to chill out. :chillout:

Sometimes we think this case is a trainwreck.

BUT WE HAVEN'T GIVEN UP!!!!!!!!!!! :yourock:

We all deserve a big hug. :grouphug:

And a huge thank you for supporting this thread. :tyou:

Let's celebrate how far we've come. :thewave:
Stephanie would LOVE it!! Thank you, Lilibet!! You have summed it up in such a sweet way!! I love that about you!!

Many, many, many thanks to ALL!!
Stephanie would LOVE it!! Thank you, Lilibet!! You have summed it up in such a sweet way!! I love that about you!!

Many, many, many thanks to ALL!!

Thanks so much, for ashley. I'm glad you gave it the Stephanie seal of approval. It was fun to put together. It would have been a lot longer, but WS has a limit of 36 smilies per post, I discovered. So I had to eliminate 16. :) Probably just as well!

I want to say, that I include Stephanie's family and friends in the thanks too. They are victims right along with Stephanie. They are more emotionally traumatized by this than we can even imagine! We all react differently to tragedy. They deserve our support and thanks for whatever they are able to do.
I just re-watched the video about Stephanie, put together by Sasquatch, with some help behind the scenes. I was even more blown away this time by the perfect song lyrics timed to the second with captions and photos. The gentle pace drew me in and the teardrops near the end broke my heart.

If you haven't seen it, please watch it. And if you have, watch it again. Above all, share it. It's beautiful.


I am so glad that you like the video, Lilibet! When putting the video together, I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just another video flyer. I thought that it was important to add personal elements to Stephanie's video, with a touch of added emotion. After reading the many posts from those close to Stephanie, and hearing their stories, it was important to create the video looking through their eyes. If we have even for a moment, touched on what they are seeing or feeling, then I know that they have felt our hands reaching out to them, to help them get through this ordeal.

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?” - Henry David Thoreau
I have only been able to watch the video once. It is so beautifully heartwarming but so very heartbreaking. Nothing has touched me the way the video has and I am so grateful for that! Eventually I will be able to watch it and I will again and again, forever!
Thank you Sasquatch and everyone who helped put it together. It is perfect!!
I just had to have a little fun with smilies today. :) I think Stephanie might get a kick out of this, so I hope everyone here does too.
Lilibet, you crack me up! :floorlaugh:
You Rock!:rockon:
I have only been able to watch the video once. It is so beautifully heartwarming but so very heartbreaking. Nothing has touched me the way the video has and I am so grateful for that! Eventually I will be able to watch it and I will again and again, forever!
Thank you Sasquatch and everyone who helped put it together. It is perfect!!

Thank you for ashley, for your kind words! I am glad that you find the video heartwarming and that it has touched you! I too, wish that the video was made under different circumstances. This video was made, because of people like you, who took the time to share your stories, photos and concerns about Stephanie. I am honored to be able to help in any way that I can!
I think this case has some of the most creative and kindest WSers! It has often seemed like when cases move slowly and little new information comes out posters get to bickering but here people make beautiful and hilarious things! I wonder if perhaps Stephanie's joyful spirit is expressing itself here.
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