OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #2

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Sasquatch, I feel the same way For Ashley feels. It is a beautiful video but hard to watch without crying through the whole thing! I am stealing For Ashley's quote "It is perfect"! Thanks again for making it!
I think this case has some of the most creative and kindest WSers! It has often seemed like when cases move slowly and little new information comes out posters get to bickering but here people make beautiful and hilarious things! I wonder if perhaps Stephanie's joyful spirit is expressing itself here.

Yes Radiator you hit the nail on the head! Stef's joyful spirit is probably what it guiding everyone (whether they know Stef or not) to keeping this thread going especially when we are going through slow times in the case. Everyone is being so thoughtful and sympathetic towards her family and friends and it is so much appreciated. I just don't have the words to describe how much everyone here means to me!
Thank you all for your encouraging words & prayers & smilies! They mean the world to those who love Stephanie!
I am so glad that you like the video, Lilibet! When putting the video together, I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just another video flyer. I thought that it was important to add personal elements to Stephanie's video, with a touch of added emotion. After reading the many posts from those close to Stephanie, and hearing their stories, it was important to create the video looking through their eyes. If we have even for a moment, touched on what they are seeing or feeling, then I know that they have felt our hands reaching out to them, to help them get through this ordeal.

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?” - Henry David Thoreau


What beautiful sentiments, Sasquatch!
Thanks y'all* for liking the smilies. It was fun to do. :) Everyone on this thread is a treasure. You and Stephanie inspired me.

* You NOLA friends are rubbing off on me. :D
Two weeks before she disappeared, Steph called me VERY UPSET that POI spilled an ENTIRE glass of Pepsi on her Macbook Pro. The computer had belonged to her Michael and she was very attached to it. She asked me what to do and I told her that we should take it to my Mac specialist in Ashland. POI kept pressing her to "just get rid of it," that "it was completely trashed and there was no saving it" that "HE WOULD BUY HER A NEW ONE!" I had her take it to my Mac guy (he's a miracle worker), and she did. I was in such a spin that I didn't recall the Mac incident until two weeks AFTER Stephanie disappeared. I immediately texted and called Henderson, telling him specifically WHERE the Macbook Pro was, and telling him that I strongly felt that there was evidence on that computer that would be crucial, as POI was the one that had destroyed it, then urged Steph to get rid of it. Henderson indicated that he'd get right on it. (Oh yes, I've kept all the text and voice mail messages).

At this time, I was still deluded into thinking LE was truly following up on important pieces of evidence, being shushed by Henderson and Sharon.

After discovering from Rush friends that several KEY pieces of information had NOT been followed up on, I had a horrible feeling and I called my MAC guy. THE COMPUTER WAS STILL SITTING ON HIS FIX-IT TABLE TWO WEEKS AFTER I CALLED AND TOLD HENDERSON ABOUT IT!

You can IMAGINE how upset I was. At this point in the case, I still felt there was a chance that we would find our dear Stephanie ALIVE, so I became totally hysterical. I called Sharon and told her she HAD to take action; she HAD to pressure LE, or I was going to go against the bio-family wishes and would be calling one of the NUMEROUS news stations that had been hounding me. I then called Henderson and told him I KNEW he hadn't picked up the computer. That was on a Friday afternoon; my MAC guy called and told me the computer was picked up by LE the NEXT day. I have NO WAY of knowing how long it sat in HIS office before it was taken to the crime lab.

You can understand WHY, when I see news articles touting Henderson's stories about how they don't know long the forensics will take, I am left upset and wondering...

FYI: My MAC specialist said the computer was mostly toast, but that the hard drive was completely INTACT and that any specialist would EASILY be able to get ANY and ALL documents and history off Stephanie's Mac.
Henderson indicated that he'd get right on it. (Oh yes, I've kept all the text and voice mail messages).

Snipped for space

At this time, I was still deluded into thinking LE was truly following up on important pieces of evidence, being shushed by Henderson and Sharon.

After discovering from Rush friends that several KEY pieces of information had NOT been followed up on, I had a horrible feeling and I called my MAC guy. THE COMPUTER WAS STILL SITTING ON HIS FIX-IT TABLE TWO WEEKS AFTER I CALLED AND TOLD HENDERSON ABOUT IT!

Snipped for space

I then called Henderson and told him I KNEW he hadn't picked up the computer. That was on a Friday afternoon; my MAC guy called and told me the computer was picked up by LE the NEXT day. I have NO WAY of knowing how long it sat in HIS office before it was taken to the crime lab.

Snipped for space

You can understand WHY, when I see news articles touting Henderson's stories about how they don't know long the forensics will take, I am left upset and wondering...

FYI: My MAC specialist said the computer was mostly toast, but that the hard drive was completely INTACT and that any specialist would EASILY be able to get ANY and ALL documents and history off Stephanie's Mac.

Lack of attention to detail seems to be a common problem in all areas of life nowadays. I'm often amazed at things that fall through the cracks in medical offices. So it doesn't surprise me that this has happened in LE's investigation into Stephanie's disappearance. While it's fairly easy to be your own advocate with your doctor's office, I don't know how anyone other than family could stay on top of LE. And the family could only follow up about things they know about. You did what you could, Dicentra. I wish you peace.

Some cases are solved quickly. Others take years. Being local, you may be familiar with the murders of Ed Krahel (confession after 11 years), Dave Lewis and Troy Carney (unsolved 5 years), David Grubbs (unsolved 2 years). These cases actually had bodies. But each case has it's own complexities that makes it hard to solve. It would be nice if human error wasn't a factor too, but of course it is.

My heart goes out to the friends and families of these victims who have endured uncertainty for so long. I hope they can find a certain amount peace and hope in the meantime. And I wish the same for Stephanie's family and friends, no matter how long this takes (hopefully months, not years).

I also told LE, the day they took Stephanie's SUV for processing, that they needed to immediately check the DNA evidence on the mouth blower thingie - that whoever drove the SUV last (whoever blew into the mouth blower thingie last), was the one who HAD her! I also told LE that they needed to immediately determine if the automobile had been driven (something that is easy to do since the device clocks all times the automobile is blown into, stopped and started).

LE released a picture of her SUV and FIRST brought it to public attention (I believe), a MONTH after Stephanie disappeared.
Sasquatch, I feel the same way For Ashley feels. It is a beautiful video but hard to watch without crying through the whole thing! I am stealing For Ashley's quote "It is perfect"! Thanks again for making it!

You are welcome! Thank you, Sad Eyes! I am glad that you like it, even though it may be difficult to watch.


What beautiful sentiments, Sasquatch!

Thank you, Lilibet! Also thank you for the roller coaster ride visuals!
Every morning when I wake up I hope today is the day for Stephanie! I will be travelling later today and might not be on this forum for at least a week. I just want those on here--The ones I haven't made promise to contact me in the event of developments--to know that I am not gone because I have given up!I will continue to think positive thoughts for Stephanie and "see" you all here when I return.
I know this sounds odd but I am going to miss each and every one of you!!!:)
Keep up the great work!
Last night my son was talking about Stephanie and how she "never gave up" when they were playing a game or wrestling... How she always laughed, how she was touched by the spirit of animals. How easily she cried at injustice and how much she loved our farm.

It's Fall, which means harvest time for our farm. This is the time of year Sissy would be helping bring in the apples, pears, french plums, figs, hazelnuts and winter squash. Last year, I taught her the art of canning, drying and preserving - she loved the farm life and Fall had become her favorite time of year! When I close my eyes, I can still see her sitting under the hazelnut trees with my mother, visiting and collecting nuts. This year, the hazels sit untouched under the trees; a gift for the animals she loved so much. They will come to eat them when they run out of food in the winter; a small tribute to my dear Sissy.

I will continue to work toward gentling my frustration and turn my loss toward positive action. Thank you all for your kindness, your humor, your steadfast support and your prayers. I can't begin to express what they mean to those of us who loved our dear Stephanie.
Every morning when I wake up I hope today is the day for Stephanie! I will be travelling later today and might not be on this forum for at least a week. I just want those on here--The ones I haven't made promise to contact me in the event of developments--to know that I am not gone because I have given up!I will continue to think positive thoughts for Stephanie and "see" you all here when I return.
I know this sounds odd but I am going to miss each and every one of you!!!:)
Keep up the great work!

Have a great trip, OUOTP. I hope it's somewhere fun and relaxing. Miss you too, but we'll do our best to "keep calm and carry on"...well, I can't promise the "keep calm" part. :scared: But we will carry on. :) And we will hope each day is the one that brings Stephanie home.

See you later. :seeya:
Last night my son was talking about Stephanie and how she "never gave up" when they were playing a game or wrestling... How she always laughed, how she was touched by the spirit of animals. How easily she cried at injustice and how much she loved our farm.

It's Fall, which means harvest time for our farm. This is the time of year Sissy would be helping bring in the apples, pears, french plums, figs, hazelnuts and winter squash. Last year, I taught her the art of canning, drying and preserving - she loved the farm life and Fall had become her favorite time of year! When I close my eyes, I can still see her sitting under the hazelnut trees with my mother, visiting and collecting nuts. This year, the hazels sit untouched under the trees; a gift for the animals she loved so much. They will come to eat them when they run out of food in the winter; a small tribute to my dear Sissy.

I will continue to work toward gentling my frustration and turn my loss toward positive action. Thank you all for your kindness, your humor, your steadfast support and your prayers. I can't begin to express what they mean to those of us who loved our dear Stephanie.

I love your son's description of Stephanie. And what a beautiful word picture you painted, Dicentra. I could actually see Stephanie sitting under the trees, her beautiful red hair glowing in the warm October sunshine. I can picture the squirrels busily scampering to collect their unexpected bounty! I pray Stephanie is found during her favorite season.

I've gotten to know Stephanie as a real person, thanks to you and her other friends. You've given a gift to this thread and trusted us enough to allow us to walk with you on this rugged path. It's been an honor to help lighten your load, even a little.

Turning your loss toward positive action is a beautiful way to keep Stephanie close to you.
As always, thank you Lilibet for the kind words. They really do help!

Dicentra, I too can just imagine Stef sitting under the tree enjoying the season and helping you harvest your crop. What a beautiful memories you have! Keep sharing them cause they are giving us all HOPE!

OUOTP, have a nice, safe vacation and do try to enjoy yourself! Stef would want you to have a fun time! Keep her smile in your mind and you will find peace!

Prayers, prayers & more prayers! Come home Stef, we all miss you!

Lots of Love & Hugs going out to everyone! Have a nice day!
READY, A Poem by Morgan Farley

I am clearing a space here, where the trees stand back. I am making a circle so open, the moon will fall in love and stroke these grasses with her silver. I am setting these stones in the four directions, stones that have called my name from mountaintops & riverbeds, canyons and mesas. Here I will stand with my hands empty under the moon, and if something takes my life, if a sudden wind sweeps through me, changing everything, I will not resist. I am ready for whatever comes.
I found this today on YouTube. It is video defending Lennie Ames, posted by someone else. Currently, it is at 30 views. The main theme is that the media is leading a witch hunt.

This may be hard for close friends of Stephanie's to watch. He discusses her mental health issues. But it has points to discuss, and that is our purpose. One noteworthy point is that it says that Ames put $10,000 in Stephanie's bank account, but does not have access to it.

Here is the caption that goes with the video:

Uploaded on Oct 12, 2013
Where is Stephanie? We would all like to know. Missing now for about 3-months, the local news media in Medford, KDRV 12 and KOBI 5, have repeatedly distorted the facts in their recent reports in what can only be characterized as an attempt to incite a lynch mob mentality in the Public. Interviews with her boyfriend by these news channels lasted at least 30 minutes each and were redacted down to only a couple of minutes. The Public should demand that Channels 12 and 5 release the entire unedited interviews.

I’ve just been catching up on WS posts and last week’s news coverage of Stephanie’s case. Some observations:

1. Sister made her onscreen debut. Good, finally. For her benefit and the benefit of this case, here is some conventional wisdom about criminal cases – because that’s what this is.

Cold cases are often the result of:

Solved cases are often the result of:
Prayers + Work + Accountability + Obeying Laws + Sweat

2. For those who have been following this case, it’s pretty clear that when Henderson refers to “Northern Oregon” he means Silverton, a small town located outside of Salem (Oregon's capital). Junior and Dil, who is now slinging hash nearby, are in Silverton according to social media. They now live 250 miles from where the crime was committed and 4 counties away from Jackson County. It is a small town with few cell towers. We know Ames is never far from Junior and likes to make himself invisible, especially now, after what he did. He will likely fall into the old habit of staking a “camp” someplace in the woods. Likely near one of the few cell towers and near a place with free wi-fi access.

3. Using his “air time” to convey confidence to the public, Henderson was especially adamant about Ames not leaving the State – no, no, no, no, he’s been right here in Oregon all along (in other words, I hope FBI doesn't take over my case). Fact is, unless Ames is actually living with Henderson or has an ankle bracelet -- having traveled 250 miles from Henderson -- Henderson can give the public no such guarantees. These assurances by Henderson are an affront to anyone with common sense.
I found this today on YouTube. It is video defending Lennie Ames, posted by someone else. Currently, it is at 30 views. The main theme is that the media is leading a witch hunt.

Well, Ames and I are in agreement about one thing: Henderson not being forthcoming with information he gives to the media. Although, we'd disagree on what information that is.

I'm going to assume the video was created by Ames, as it has his special brand of anti-media vernacular.

As for Stephanie's less than flattering incident... This remark by Ames about his missing girlfriend during an obviously difficult time in her life 3 years ago says more about Lonnie Ames than it does about Stephanie Warner. How could someone who calls himself a “husband” publish that to the world about someone he claimed to love and whom he spiritually “married” just days before she went missing? Wonder what the jurors will one day think about this video created by Ames – because, if it’s true about Stephanie’s state 3 years ago, than this fact cuts an even more tragic figure of Stephanie as a victim.

This is someone who rose from the depths of despair and turned her life around. This is someone who went from helplessness to helping the poor. Who literally worked regularly swinging an ax and hauling wood so that people who had no heat would feel warm and comfortable. Stephanie knew personally what it was like to not be “OK” and she didn’t want this for others. This is a woman who was considered by head of Jackson County Fuel Committee as being “totally reliable” – she did what she promised she would do. Stephanie Warner went from a naked, confused mess found in an Ashland street to a proud woman – a star community volunteer – whose last day was spent marching in a parade in an Ashland street.... What a story!
It would be interesting to know if Junior sold, or attempted to sell, a Marshall Amplifier MG100 HDFX series "used less than 20 hours" last month to fund his trip to "Northern Oregon".

Wonder if this might be some of the equipment he referred to on that very public news site -- the music equipment Stephanie bought for him.
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