OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 July 2013 - #3

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From the monthly remembrance on Stephanie's FB page: Someone asked if Ames' camp has ever been searched. The answer is "yes." It was done as early as July 10, 2013 we found out recently, as well as at other times. Dogs have been used. Last August there were more searches in other locations in Jackson and Josephine counties. We are waiting to hear the results, if any, of new searches Detective Henderson said would be happening. There have been small lightning-caused fires in the Applegate Valley recently. One was on the lower part of Beaver Creek Road, which leads to the road to Ames' camp. It's been very smokey all over the Rogue Valley, thanks to a big fire up north. I'm not sure if that affects the ability to search.

There is another new post on the Stephanie missing FB page. I don't know how to put the link on here. Someone says she was driving near Stephanie's house an had a weird thought. She suggested searching some park near her house.
There is another new post on the Stephanie missing FB page. I don't know how to put the link on here. Someone says she was driving near Stephanie's house an had a weird thought. She suggested searching some park near her house.

Thanks for the heads up, Sad Eyes. Yes, I see that she is referring to Cantrall-Buckley Park, which is very close to Stephanie's. When my dh and I went out there in Sept. 2013, we explored there a little, because it seemed to be a likely spot. I believe Sasquatch or Neptune did some research and found that many victims are left near water, so I wanted to go there. But I could see that the park would have been very busy over the July 4th weekend, so I figured Ames wouldn't go there. Of course, I could be very wrong, but I just don't think she would have remained hidden for long there.

Hamilton Road, leading to Cantrall Rd, is a shortcut to Ames' camp, as the comment mentions, and there are secluded areas. Cantrall Rd has many offshoots after leaving the park, so those are possibilities too. This is such wild country, that it's hard to know where to search, other than at places frequented by or known to Ames. He knows that land intimately.

The river was searched by helicopter, and there were grid searches done by foot near Stephanie's around July 9-10 IIRC. But I doubt they were looking for a grave at that time. :( As is so often the case, if anyone finds Stephanie, it will probably be someone who wasn't looking for her, and I pray that happens soon.


I have always believed that no news is good news. I DON'T ANYMORE! Just knowing that a MURDER SUSPECT is allowed to roam free just really ticks me off! Is it all a game for the media to get ratings on anniversary dates of missing or murdered people by running the story and then they stay silent the rest of the year? Why??? Why aren't they still running stories especially in Moultrie and Ruch! I'd hate to be the next door neighbor of a MURDER SUSPECT! I can't believe that there is no outrage from the neighbors in Moultrie! And if there is, then where is the media. I CAN'T find anything new in the news anywhere! :anguish::tantrum::maddening::dunno::stormingmad::badmood:
I have always believed that no news is good news. I DON'T ANYMORE! Just knowing that a MURDER SUSPECT is allowed to roam free just really ticks me off! Is it all a game for the media to get ratings on anniversary dates of missing or murdered people by running the story and then they stay silent the rest of the year? Why??? Why aren't they still running stories especially in Moultrie and Ruch! I'd hate to be the next door neighbor of a MURDER SUSPECT! I can't believe that there is no outrage from the neighbors in Moultrie! And if there is, then where is the media. I CAN'T find anything new in the news anywhere! :anguish::tantrum::maddening::dunno::stormingmad::badmood:

BIG HUGS!!!! I know! It's really frustrating! :gaah: And as we know, news stories come and go. We see that happen on national news and we see it on local news. No story stays for long. Something new comes along. Tips came in because of the stories over the fourth. Those take time to check out. We want this to be airtight!! I guess the only good thing about the news being quiet is that Ames and company won't go into hiding. Once someone is arrested, it either goes to trial or they are released for lack of evidence. I want there to be a trial, so I'll hang in there waiting until there is enough evidence. Deep breaths! :therethere: We can do this! Yes we can! :yesss:
Hoping there will be a break in Stephanie's case very soon.
Interesting and heartbreaking comment by JC, Stephanie's former boyfriend. This is the first time that I know of that he has spoken publicly and identified himself.


I met him rather serendipitously when my dh and I were out in the area looking around in early September 2013, shortly after Ames was named a POI and left the area with his son and company. We had a nice conversation which I posted about later that month, IIRC. He's a very nice man IMO.


On the video interview of Ames and his son from July 2013 that we finally saw a portion of last month, Ames came right out and said that LE should be looking at this man as a suspect!! My reaction at the time was "Who says THAT on TV?!!" The reporter played an audio clip of JC (unnamed) on the phone denying Ames' accusation. That interview is what brought me to this thread and led me to sleuth Ames privately while waiting for him to be named a POI.



ETA: After going back and posting these links from the first thread, just a few weeks after Stephanie disappeared, it's so sad. If you read that thread from the beginning, we tried so hard. Here we are over two years later in the same place. But at least some of us are still here keeping an eye on things...and waiting.

Thank you! :tyou:
Thinking of Stephanie today...26 months since she disappeared. The months keep rolling by. Stephanie is still hidden. For Ames, life goes on. May this month bring Stephanie back to her family...and an arrest...please!

Zwie's beautiful graphic...


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My dh and I had lunch in Jacksonville today and took a drive out to Ruch. I guess you could say in a way that we were paying our respects to Stephanie. We turned around in her driveway (which branches and is shared with another residence up the hill). Her gate is locked and the gravel driveway into her house looks unused, with grass growing on it. The red barn paint is faded and shabby. We couldn't see the house well through the trees behind the barn, but it looked untouched and unloved in the news video in early July with Roma Villavicencio and Detective Henderson. There is another driveway along the lower part of her property bordering the highway and the gate to that was open. We didn't venture in, of course. I think it leads to the pit where Ames and son were digging for gold. There are still several signs reading "Smile! You're on Camera" but no cameras are in evidence. The signs seem to me to be very Stephanie. :)

I'm not sure who owns it now, but it was sad to see the property she filled with love and animals falling into disrepair. I didn't stop at the Ruch Country Store this time to talk to anyone. I just couldn't. I wondered if her flier still hangs on the bulletin board out front, faded and shabby like her property. But I couldn't stand to see it, if it was...or worse...if it was no longer there. :(

Stephanie deserved better than this. She deserved to live on her property as long as she wanted. She deserves to be remembered. She deserves to be found. And she deserves to have her day in court. For her family and friends may it happen soon.
I'm glad you took that drive, Lilibet. It is reaffirming that Stephanie won't be forgotten. I don't think a day goes by that I don't think about her.

Have to say a bit of chill went through me reading about the pit where Ames and his son were working :(
I'm glad you took that drive, Lilibet. It is reaffirming that Stephanie won't be forgotten. I don't think a day goes by that I don't think about her.

Have to say a bit of chill went through me reading about the pit where Ames and his son were working :(

Thanks La Louve. I think we're here for the duration. I can't forget her either.

AFAIK, IIRC That pit has been thoroughly searched. But I've always been bothered by it too.
Just had this overwhelming feeling to come by Stephanie's thread today.
As we sit here thinking of Stephanie, and wishing for an arrest after over two years, it makes me think about families and friends who have been missing their loved one for many times longer. There are so many cases like this on WS. Cold cases, unlike Stephanie's. This week, Tricia, the owner of WS, asked us to take three minutes to post an encouraging word on cold case threads so families who find a thread by googling will know their loved one is not forgotten. Maybe we can honor Stephanie by doing this.

Here is a link. Take your pick. :)

One case that touches my heart is Amanda Jones from Missouri, missing ten years last month. It's very possible that the sperm donor of her unborn child "disappeared her" a few weeks before she was due to give birth. He still lives in the same community. Her body was never found. No arrest. She left behind a four year old daughter, now fourteen, who has been raised by her parents. Her daughter's birth father died a few years later. It's heartbreaking for this family, and somehow I think Stephanie would want Amanda found even before she is. JMO Let's hope they both will be found soon!

Here are some links to unsolved cases in Jackson county, Oregon where Stephanie is missing. All are missing or unsolved longer than Stephanie's. I imagine most have families and friends who want answers as much as we do for Stephanie's family and friends, so these cases give us some perspective. There are 24 of these cases on the JCSO website linked at the bottom. The following are just a few that have caught my eye that have threads on WS. :rose:

2011-- David worked at a local grocery where most of us shop. I had left the store just a short time before he was murdered on his way home from work.

2009--Garrett was from Ashland, and disappeared in IL. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?92417-IL-Garren-Rudolf-Beller-38-Chicago-19-Nov-2009

Brandon may have committed suicide.

Troy and Dave were found murdered on the same day, but apparently no connection.
Troy's Mom Linda posts on his thread.

Dave left three boys behind. Not knowing who killed their Dad must be so hard.

Robert just disappeared.

Cheryl's case is possibly similar to Stephanie's in some ways.

1978--Two youngsters, Christie and Edward. :(


1963--Unidentified toddler. Another discarded child like Bella Bond.

geez 24 unsolved cases....that's shocking to me.
Twenty-seven Months

Sunday, October 4th marks 27 months since Stephanie disappeared. Two years ago this month Sasquatch (and friends) made this beautiful video about Stephanie. We sent it to as many news outlets as possible. Sadly, Stephanie is still missing. We wait and hope...still.


OT-- Sasquatch has made a new video honoring the victims of the shooting this week at Umpqua Community College, two hours north on I-5 in Roseburg. It is another beautiful blend of photos and music. I'm sure Stephanie wouldn't mind if I post it here. Her heart would be as broken by this tragedy as ours are.


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