OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 July 2013 - #3

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DNA Solves
If they are so sure that Ames knows where the body is, and he is responsible for her death, It has to be one way for forcing Ames to talk...

If Ames is guilty of Stephanie' s murder, probably he can do it again, he can kill another woman, he can be dangerous for another people, it is not possible at all to do anything about it?

Welcome Rosa! I overlooked your first post here a few months ago. Thanks for coming back.

To answer your questions...

It’s important for all of us to know that no one is ever required to talk to law enforcement officials. Even though that is inconvenient for LE trying to solve a crime, and frustrating for victims, it isn’t legal for them to force anyone to talk. We all have “the right to remain silent.” If we have committed a crime, we are not required to help LE solve it.

The only way to prevent Ames from killing someone else is to convict him of killing Stephanie and lock him up. He is innocent until proven guilty, so even though the evidence points to him, it hasn’t been proven in court. And even though that provides other opportunities for him to harm someone else, the justice system isn’t designed to prevent potential future crimes.

So, although these fundamental rights allow a potential killer to walk among us, taking away those rights gives the government absolute power over individuals accused of a crime. I don’t think we want that, since any of us could end up tortured for a confession and locked up for something we didn’t do based on a false accusation. As it is, that sometimes happens despite laws protecting individual rights. In order for all of us to benefit from those rights, people like Ames have to benefit too.

And so we wait...51 months as of October 4. :(
Dear Lilibet,

This is so heart-wrenching.

I check once in awhile to see whether Stephanie has been found, as we all have hope.

Sending prayers of strength and love to Stephanie's loved ones.
November 4, 2017–52 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

Although most of us never knew Stephanie, we have been touched by her story and we keep a vigil of sorts on this thread, hoping for news and justice. The biggest hope of all is that she will be found and returned to her mama in New Orleans. We haven’t forgotten. :heartbeat:
Welcome Rosa! I overlooked your first post here a few months ago. Thanks for coming back.

To answer your questions...

It’s important for all of us to know that no one is ever required to talk to law enforcement officials. Even though that is inconvenient for LE trying to solve a crime, and frustrating for victims, it isn’t legal for them to force anyone to talk. We all have “the right to remain silent.” If we have committed a crime, we are not required to help LE solve it.

The only way to prevent Ames from killing someone else is to convict him of killing Stephanie and lock him up. He is innocent until proven guilty, so even though the evidence points to him, it hasn’t been proven in court. And even though that provides other opportunities for him to harm someone else, the justice system isn’t designed to prevent potential future crimes.

So, although these fundamental rights allow a potential killer to walk among us, taking away those rights gives the government absolute power over individuals accused of a crime. I don’t think we want that, since any of us could end up tortured for a confession and locked up for something we didn’t do based on a false accusation. As it is, that sometimes happens despite laws protecting individual rights. In order for all of us to benefit from those rights, people like Ames have to benefit too.

And so we wait...51 months as of October 4. :(

I hope they get Ames soon as he is up into his 60's. Somebody knows something. Some of the places in the woods he hiked or hunted. Some places he talked about or frequented. Unfortunately, it appears that if Ames does any time, it will be for something else in another state.
I hope they get Ames soon as he is up into his 60's. Somebody knows something. Some of the places in the woods he hiked or hunted. Some places he talked about or frequented. Unfortunately, it appears that if Ames does any time, it will be for something else in another state.

Indeed. It galls me that he’s had four years of freedom to enjoy his “golden years.”

I’m convinced that his years of mining in the surrounding hills gave him knowledge of hiding places few or none would know about. I would love to see someone with a go-pro camera on a long pole systematically and thoroughly explore the nooks and crannies in the area during the winter when deciduous bushes and trees are bare. The focus needs to be on the areas surrounding his several mining claims that were accessible in the time frame the car was driven. He would not go somewhere unfamiliar in the middle of the night to hide Stephanie. I think an organized project like this is the only way Stephanie might be found. Detective Henderson gave his blessing on independent searches a couple of years ago.

I believe Ames had help and I’ve given up hoping that this person close to Ames will crack. The narcissistic and probably sociopathic apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. JMO
December 4, 2017–53 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

Sigh. Another 4th of the month has arrived with no news of Stephanie. Sadly, there are other families just beginning this sad journey, hoping to find their loved one. Others have waited even longer than Stephanie’s family. Prayers for them all. :heartbeat:
Four years of Dateline’s Missing in America: 90 still missing


Thank you for posting this JerseyGirl. As I scrolled through the 90, I couldn’t imagine being one of those 90 families...and there are so many more. Stephanie is just one of sooooo many. :(

Last evening I was googling to see if I could find any new info on Ames. Nothing popped up, but I did end up on Stephanie’s first thread and read most of it. Some amazing work was done on that thread! Stephanie’s friends were there, telling us about her. A member started a FB page for Stephanie. One of the highlights of the thread was this linked video that Sasquatch and others put together. We distributed it to local MSM and got some renewed coverage. I’ve posted it before, but it’s worth watching again and again to remind ourselves of exactly who this missing Stephanie Warner is.

I hope 2018 is the year you get an answer. She's a beautiful woman.
January 4, 2018–54 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

As always, here’s hoping this is the year Stephanie is found and Ames is arrested. It gets harder to be hopeful, but giving up hope isn’t an option.




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February 4, 2018—55 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

I’d like to share a beautiful snippet about how the families of the missing deal with their loss. This is from an article by Kym Kemp about the many who are missing in the Emerald Triangle of northern CA, over the border from southern Oregon. Humboldt County, the Grand Central Station of marijuana growing, is reputed to have the largest number of missing in CA. I used to live there and participate on many of the threads. Kym’s news blog (Redheaded Black Belt) is a better source of info in most cases than MSM. She partnered with the North Coast Journal recently to shine a light on the missing in this wild and scenic area.

Here is what she wrote....

[FONT=&amp]Long after the missing posters on those who have vanished have faded and blown away in the wind, some family members will keep vigil. Some will keep vigil silently–barely acknowledging out loud the loose thread that caught on their heart when their loved one vanished and which now threatens to unravel their life. Some will keep vigil by reaching out to the media or police or both on a regular basis, hoping even decades after their loss that they will get answers. They hope but, at the same time, they fear to know for sure that their loved one is dead.


We NEVER give up hope, Lilibet. Our hearts will always yearn for justice for Stephanie.

We never give up hope... and we never forget.
Do you know if the same detective(s) are working this case, Lilibet?

I’m not sure, Think. Offhand, I doubt there’s much actual “work” going on. They’ve probably gathered all the evidence available and occasionally analyze it again. Now they need Stephanie to be found and/or Ames to slip up. I expect they have alerted LE to his presence wherever he is (or at least I hope so). But Ames is smart, and keeps a hard-to-find or non-existent presence online, unlike the old days. I’d love to know if he’s in touch with old friends or family here. He has two sons in Oregon AFAIK, in addition to the one he usually stays close to elsewhere.

And so, we wait. :(
I ran across this local 1984 case yesterday. The wife disappeared, was reported missing by her children, and her body was found in Applegate Lake (near where Stephanie lived) a year later. It was weighted down with pipes and only discovered when the lake level dropped. The husband was always a suspect, but was never prosecuted.

I remember wondering early on if Stephanie was in the lake. Since it was a holiday weekend there would have been more campers and boaters there, so it would have been hard to be undetected. But I remember discussing the possibility in some detail on the first thread. It’s more likely that she was hidden on or near one of Ames’ mining claims, but the lake has always been a possibility IMO. This old case reminded me of that.

I’m not sure, Think. Offhand, I doubt there’s much actual “work” going on. They’ve probably gathered all the evidence available and occasionally analyze it again. Now they need Stephanie to be found and/or Ames to slip up. I expect they have alerted LE to his presence wherever he is (or at least I hope so). But Ames is smart, and keeps a hard-to-find or non-existent presence online, unlike the old days. I’d love to know if he’s in touch with old friends or family here. He has two sons in Oregon AFAIK, in addition to the one he usually stays close to elsewhere.

And so, we wait. :(

Thanks, Lilibet...I'm awful at waiting. :waiting:
March 4, 2018–56 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

The vigil continues, even though we are “awful at waiting,” as Think put it so well. I wish we could be sleuthing away, but we did our best. Never forget these quiet threads. There are so many. Just as Stephanie adopted strays and nurtured them, go find a lonely thread, adopt it and keep it going with monthly posts. Stephanie would have done that with her big heart. So we can honor her memory by doing the same. :heartbeat:



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March 4, 2018–56 months since Stephanie disappeared and was murdered.

The vigil continues, even though we are “awful at waiting,” as Think put it so well. I wish we could be sleuthing away, but we did our best. Never forget these quiet threads. There are so many. Just as Stephanie adopted strays and nurtured them, go find a lonely thread, adopt it and keep it going with monthly posts. Stephanie would have done that with her big heart. So we can honor her memory by doing the same. [emoji813]beat:

That is a beutiful way to think of it, Lilibet. We can all do something, which might be *everything* to family and friends of the long-time missing.

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