OR OR - Union Co, Finley Creek Jane Doe, UnsFem 14-25, UP11902, preg, on wooded hillside, Aug'78

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DNA Solves
Either that or we wait until investigators somehow find the missing hands, arms, and pelvic bone of Jane Doe. Finley Creek Jane Doe's Facebook page posted a video which said that cadaver dogs have caught a scent near the gravesite for the past 2 years.
Yes they did but LE dug at the site where the dogs indicated and nothing was found. Maybe archeologists could find more? Though i believe LE sieved the soil fairly well.
Yes they did but LE dug at the site where the dogs indicated and nothing was found. Maybe archeologists could find more? Though i believe LE sieved the soil fairly well.
LEA and Search and Rescue re-excavated what was believed to be the original burial site; they barely scraped the surface on the other areas that the dogs gave trained final responses on. I DEFINITELY think we need to get a forensic archaeologist involved and spend some serious time out there!
Jane Doe's NamUs was modified today, but I don't see any changes made to her file. The exclusions remain the same 6 people that I listed back in January.
If you look at Sherry Jean Pickle's profile, FCJD is now listed there: The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Unfortunately, this did not get cross posted onto FCJD's page so I've reached out to Dr. Vance to see if she can make the update.

Dr. Vance has also confirmed that Benita Gay Chamberlin (The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)) has been ruled out as being FCJD via dental records; so hopefully she'll be able to make that update on NamUs, as well.
I am aware that it is believed that FCJD could be Patricia Lee Otto (I also think it could be her) but I would like to investigate if Nancy Perry Baird could be a match for FCJD or not. And if it's not Nancy, at least she's added to FCJD's exclusion list at NamUs.

Agree! I've emailed Dr. Vance, NamUs and the Cold Case Coalition of Utah numerous times to see if the two could be compared; nothing has ever come of it. I will keep trying!
Agree! I've emailed Dr. Vance, NamUs and the Cold Case Coalition of Utah numerous times to see if the two could be compared; nothing has ever come of it. I will keep trying!
I would say that Nancy's resemblance to FCJD is striking. This really should be investigated and if it doesn't match at least Nancy Perry Baird is added to the FCJD exclusion list at NamUs.


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I would say that Nancy's resemblance to FCJD is striking. This really should be investigated and if it doesn't match at least Nancy Perry Baird is added to the FCJD exclusion list at NamUs.
I followed up with Dr. Vance on this and all she could say at this point is that Nancy cannot be excluded at this point and she is on the list of possible candidates.
The NamUs file was modified again today, but the exclusions of Benita Chamberlin and Sherry Pickle haven't been added yet.
I had an email exchange with Dr. Vance about this; she assured me that she has listed both of them as exclusions under UP11902 and that when she reviewed both of their cases, UP11902 is listed under their exclusions, as well. What we think is going on is that the edits she has made need to be approved by NamUs before going live to the public and we don't know how long that might take.
I would say that Nancy's resemblance to FCJD is striking. This really should be investigated and if it doesn't match at least Nancy Perry Baird is added to the FCJD exclusion list at NamUs.
She absolutely resembles the sketch and appears to have perfect teeth, too, like the UID.
But the circumstances of her disappearance make wonder if it is a match. She disappeared wearing work gear, FCJD did not wear work clothing. Yes, she could have been picked up by some guy and changed into nicer clothing but it seems she left in a hurry, leaving her purse and other personal belongings at work, which makes it unlikely she changed clothing and yet left her purse.
Also, there is no evidence she was in advanced pregnancy (but that is disputed as the files apparently have little evidence of it)
I would say that Nancy's resemblance to FCJD is striking. This really should be investigated and if it doesn't match at least Nancy Perry Baird is added to the FCJD exclusion list at NamUs.
As an update - I have now reached out to Dave Cawley from the Cold podcast as he recently did an episode on Nancy and was able to see Nancy's investigative files. He recommended I reach out to a case analyst for Utah's Dept of Public Safety to see if she can provide any more information. I've done this so, we'll see what happens!
It's very disappointing to hear that there's a good chance that the only identifier for FCJD will be her dental chart as it is unlikely that DNA will be an option with her body having been creamated and almost no chance of a composite being done for her. I do have to say though Jason, that your drive to investigate these cases personally in whatever way you can and speak for those like this UID who cannot do so on their own behalf is inspiring. I think that your efforts can only do good in situations like these where there is little else to go on. Best of luck to you with your research!
Just want to say thank you for bringing this case to attention! Because of Jason and the FCJD Taskforce she was given a forensic image that led me to her case! I find it so interesting that no one really considered my missing mother, who was wearing the SAME clothing as FCJD. Also interesting that Dr Vance claimed no photos exist, yet the Taskforce has them? What else does Oregon “not have” in this case? No death certificate. No final disposition of the remains.
Thank you so much for trying. I would like to say: Love you for that, but I don't even know you. It's a hard to swallow that this girl probably never will be given back her name. At least some people care(d) and will keep an eye open, including me.
I WILL give my mother her name back. Despite Oregon trying to quietly dispose of her in 1990.
From the files a couple of women were mentioned as a possibility. Ruled out on dentals is Melanie D. Flynn.

Two other women are mentioned Lauri Clausen and Dana Lou Sanchez.... @JasonFutchLakeCityFL , maybe I missed it but did this pend out? Interesting in the filed information there is mentioning of the extensive dental work including a front cap. Sorry if I missed that earlier in all the information....it feels new to me. Do they mean her front teeth were capped? I'm not familiar with dental charts and the terminology used. My imagination produces an image of the cap....but I'm not sure it's accurate. Can you, somebody, help me out?
The photos do not show a front cap. This is just one of many errors in this case. Do you see Patricia Otto mentioned anywhere in the FCJD file? No. But they did a rule out in 1978. Why no documentation of this?
Although I think that the chances that FCJD is Patricia Otto are pretty likely, we shouldn't forget that the daughter is trying to recall details from over 45 years ago. Also, it's important to note that research suggests that witness testimony is actually quite unreliable and she may be experiencing some confirmation bias.
I am not relying on my memory but the facts in the case. I can line my mother’s X-ray up with the autopsy photos. The face they created with the skull was what led me to this previous rule out. I had no idea all the other facts matched my mother’s description too! And I clearly remember my father strangling her that night. My statement is also documented in a 1976 police report.
Although I think that the chances that FCJD is Patricia Otto are pretty likely, we shouldn't forget that the daughter is trying to recall details from over 45 years ago. Also, it's important to note that research suggests that witness testimony is actually quite unreliable and she may be experiencing some confirmation bias.
Dr. Vance doesn’t necessarily believe she’s FCJD only because she’s limited to what she can do in this case. We don’t have DNA, dental x-rays, or evidence in this case; however she still remains open to looking into her again in the future should something compelling come up, like the current efforts to extract DNA from a set of cremains that were located recently in Walla Walla County.

We do hope that the result will yield a positive extraction from the cremains, but as mentioned previously, we remain cautiously optimistic that the cremains and Patty Otto are one and the same.
Why would Oregon willingly admit they were wrong? Think of the liability if rule outs are proven to be incorrect?
I don't think she is Patty. For one thing, this Jane Doe was rather far along in her pregnancy and there is no evidence that Patty was pregnant at all from what I've read, much less far along. Yeah, maybe if she was pregnant and trying to hide it, her husband may have thought (I'm assuming rightly?) that it was someone else's child and that could have been what led him to kill her..as well as thinking she wasn't faithful to him. I know I read in addition she had dated someone else earlier that year when she was on a break from her husband who she was trying to leave, and of course he would have been aware of that. Patty and Patty's daughter do resemble this Jane Doe, but I think it is just too far fetched of a match. It would be nice to solve both mysteries.
There is no actual evidence the Doe was carrying a full term fetus. No photos, X-rays or measurements to confirm gestational age.
PattysVoice, do you, by any chance, know how long before Patty's disappearance the dental x-rays were taken?
My mother’s X-ray was done in 1975, she disappeared August 31, 1976.


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Worth repeating (quoting @PattysVoice (that is you, right?)): "Timms believes the discrepancy is due to an error made by the OSP’s medical examiner while doing examinations of the skeletal remains for two Jane Does in his office at about the same time in 1978. She suspects he assigned his reports to the wrong Jane Does because his report for the second Jane Doe matches her mother’s autopsy photos and dental records."
Correct. I have the documentation to show this medical examiner was clearly describing another Doe’s dentals. He contradicts what he documented and what can be seen on the autopsy photos. She clearly has three ERUPTED wisdom teeth and minimal dental work.


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