GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #4

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If you'll look at my previous post, I looked up Oregon Revised Statutes on abuse of a corpse so I may have answered my own question -- the 8:40am crime may indicate the time Holt loaded her body into the SUV with the intention of disposing her. Which would mean the other crimes were committed, and she expired, prior to 8:40am.

Well, whatever the reason, I really am curious about their "8:40" decision. Maybe someday we will find out.

I hate to think there was a long period of time during which she was conscious and fearful. :(
<respectfully snipped>

A major, heinous crime, with a plethora of evidence (little to none of which was actually found by LE), a suspect and confession, the body and the weapon(s)...all in less than a week. This is sounding stranger with every new report. Pardon me, but my hinky-meter is now over the top. Too much, too fast.

Considering he is clearly not mentally stable (try making any sense of THAT, trust me, I speak from close personal family experience), and as a previous poster mentioned - it's a sad day in the world when people can't do good without having their motives and validity questioned, we have a confession, evidence, people pulling together to help out (a community, a family AND a church--not JUST a church), good police work, good cooperation by the parties involved, a seemingly stupid (thankfully) perp....with all due respect (and not just directed at you, PoirotryInMotion), I think that for some people, it could be served up on a silver platter, open and shut, and they would still be looking for that 1/100th of an ounce of a SHRED of evidence that isn't reported as 110% fact, for it to be "not hinky".

And to reiterate, I'm not directing that at any one person....just my thoughts from this forum, some others, and comments on news articles.
Two handguns were found directly by LE while they surveilled him. How compelling can evidence be?
Considering he is clearly not mentally stable (try making any sense of THAT, trust me, I speak from close personal family experience), and as a previous poster mentioned - it's a sad day in the world when people can't do good without having their motives and validity questioned, we have a confession, evidence, people pulling together to help out (a community, a family AND a church--not JUST a church), good police work, good cooperation by the parties involved, a seemingly stupid (thankfully) perp....with all due respect (and not just directed at you, PoirotryInMotion), I think that for some people, it could be served up on a silver platter, open and shut, and they would still be looking for that 1/100th of an ounce of a SHRED of evidence that isn't reported as 110% fact, for it to be "not hinky".

And to reiterate, I'm not directing that at any one person....just my thoughts from this forum, some others, and comments on news articles.

Maybe so, but for me--the fact that is WAS served up on a silver platter is what makes my hinky-meter go nuts.

I like to search a bit for feels more natural. ;)
If he admitted to having child *advertiser censored* would it be safe to assume he meant on his computer? Cripe i dont know what else to think at this point. It is scary he was a reported peeper????
Maybe so, but for me--the fact that is WAS served up on a silver platter is what makes my hinky-meter go nuts.

I like to search a bit for feels more natural. ;)

It's definitely not usually so tidy, that's for sure. I *am* glad for the family and community involved that closure may (hopefully) be able to come swiftly.

I DO wholeheartedly believe that this happened so fast (and this was said too by the LE in one of the reports up there somewhere) BECAUSE people acted FAST.

Some felt like it was odd that CH waited to call after checking the people/places he did, but many people would have waited until it was time for their spouse to be home from work? How many would have said "They MUST be having an affair, I will sit here and stew until I bust them!", and not act within a day, let alone within hours!

And how important is it that when we see, in our community, that there is an Amber alert, or a report of a missing person that we pitch in IMMEDIATELY and help out.

This whole WH situation has caused me to REALLY think about my readiness to help others, my 'gut' setting off alarms that I push aside so I don't seem like I overreact, etc.

and it has NOTHING to do with religion, with class, with my town, with my own has to do with being a good person, willing to help others.

*tries not to trip off soap box* ;P
if anyone is interested this is a local reporter for The Oregonian that is tweeting about the JH search warrant affidavits.
interestingly she tweets that JH stole WH iphone from her residence
Maybe so, but for me--the fact that is WAS served up on a silver platter is what makes my hinky-meter go nuts.

I like to search a bit for feels more natural. ;)

I think the evidence is there. Naturally. From forensic to his own confession. LE knows far more than we do. I'm sure they are matching it all up to move this case forward. That's just my opinion tho. I'm sure in those interviews he knew he was busted. Some admit and some dont. Why i will never know. Wish i did. I might win the Nobel Peace Prize :seeya:
I appreciate what a poster said about the JW religious taboo of not being alone with a man who is not her relative. Ordinarily Whitney probably would not have allowed Holt to ride with her. Had he called the night before and asked for a ride the following morning, that would have given her time to think and the answer would have probably been no. Instead, that morning he waited for her and approached her – putting her on the spot to make a quick decision. As she walks out to her car, there he is. It’s dark out, it’s been raining all night, he may look cold and shivering, he explains he’s going to walk to Napa Auto (or wherever), and does she mind giving him a ride in that general direction? Whitney knows it’s in the same direction as she is going and giving him a ride won’t make her late for work. Being who she was, her ultimate consideration was based on him needing her help and, therefore, she makes the “kindest” decision and gives him a ride.

*snipped, bold mine*

I TOTALLY agree! These have been my thoughts as well.
My mom (70yr old) repeatedly puts herself in potentially dangerous positions bc she is TOO KIND. Even with us all week discussing Whitney and how we all need to crank up our caution level, mom did it again just yesterday!
ooooohhh..latest tweet states that a bloody tooth was recovered in WH's SUV

I saw that too. I have always held the thought with some of the time line that ride may have had some length.....Listening to a rant and gawd knows what else. He made it sound so tidy. I asked for a ride. She agreed. 5 minutes in i pull a gun. Force a sex act and shoot her. Move her body to another location. I think he didn't fill in many blanks :furious: It had to be so terrifying :rose:
Guess i got my answer from the tweet. Admits to downloading child *advertiser censored* :furious:
I saw that too. I have always held the thought with some of the time line that ride may have had some length.....Listening to a rant and gawd knows what else. He made it sound so tidy. I asked for a ride. She agreed. 5 minutes in i pull a gun. Force a sex act and shoot her. Move her body to another location. I think he didn't fill in many blanks :furious: It had to be so terrifying :rose:

New info
According to the search warrant affidavit, they found the following things:WARNING GRAPHIC

The front passenger window was missing and there was glass on the inside and outside running boards
There was a light dusting of dry, dirty mist over the exterior
All four tires had &#8220;copious amounts of dried and evergreen needles stuck to them&#8221;
The inside of the windshield had some unknown clear and red and white-matter clumps stuck to it
Several red spots that were &#8220;consistent with the color of blood&#8221; were found inside the car
Detectives found clumps of long hair in several places
Detective &#8220;observed a large wet stained area in the middle of the floorboards partially under the front part of the rear seat.&#8221; The substance was red and looked like blood that had pooled. Some areas were darker, which is &#8220;consistent with coagulated blood.&#8221;

First shot fired inside the SUV?
so sad...poor Whitney :(
I'm guessing some posters were on the right track about shots busting out the passenger window. My heart breaks for Whitney and her family who have to hear these details about her final moments.
New info
According to the search warrant affidavit, they found the following things:

The front passenger window was missing and there was glass on the inside and outside running boards
There was a light dusting of dry, dirty mist over the exterior
All four tires had “copious amounts of dried and evergreen needles stuck to them”
The inside of the windshield had some unknown clear and red and white-matter clumps stuck to it
Several red spots that were “consistent with the color of blood” were found inside the car
Detectives found clumps of long hair in several places
Detective “observed a large wet stained area in the middle of the floorboards partially under the front part of the rear seat.” The substance was red and looked like blood that had pooled. Some areas were darker, which is “consistent with coagulated blood.”

First shot fired inside the SUV?
so sad...poor Whitney :(

So very sad. It sure sounds a lot more violent as i suspected. Again not so tidy as his version. Clumps of hair :furious: Oh dear gawd. Sounds like a very violent beating.
The inside of the windshield had some unknown clear and red and white-matter clumps stuck to it
Several red spots that were “consistent with the color of blood” were found inside the car
Detectives found clumps of long hair in several places
Detective “observed a large wet stained area in the middle of the floorboards partially under the front part of the rear seat.” The substance was red and looked like blood that had pooled. Some areas were darker, which is “consistent with coagulated blood.”

First shot fired inside the SUV?
so sad...poor Whitney :(

This is so upsetting to me :( I keep thinking 'it can't get worse', but it does.
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