GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #4

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One has to wonder the purpose of stealing the phone.

I'm guessing by replacing the SIM card in it, he could use it without his calls showing up on his and his wife's regular cell phone bill. Not sure though. Wireless is not my area of telecom expertise.

Well it was an iphone. Mine is first a text-sending and weather-checking machine, and secondly...a camera. It is full to the brim with photos of my kids and family and pretty sunsets and weird bugs and so forth. I am guessing CH's phone probably was full of photos of his beautiful new bride. :\ That's why JH took Clint's old phone, not Whitney's, which was probably full of snapshots of CH.
Actually, he was stupid enough to dump his gun in the bushes right outside the police station, (as if that wouldn't be found!), so maybe he was stupid enough to try to use a bottle of Febreze to clean the car in the Walmart parking lot... Also, Cindy Anthony tried to use Febreze to clean the odor of a decaying body from Casey Anthony's car! I don't believe the reason he ditched the license plate was to lead them to her body, more likely it was to delay identification of the car, that part he thought of.

If he dumped the gun in the bushes it wasn't because he was inherently stupid. He graduated with a 3.35 gpa, and that was even higher in junior high--over 3.6 if I recall correctly. People can make unwise choices in life, but the fact is...your intelligence remains fairly stable. One might lose reason due to extreme mental illness (psychosis) and behave irrationally, but basic IQ remains the same. It remains the same even if one is emotionally distressed or depressed. (In fact, depression is statistically more common in highly intelligent people; they have more conflict because they take in more, weigh more, but that's another topic...)

Re: the Febreze--cleaning the odor of decay is more in keeping with a deodorizing spray like Febreze, actually. Miles apart from trying to mop up blood, etc. from a close-range shooting with four hits. It's a weak clue at best, and the question remains about where the bottle (presumably with only his incriminating fingerprints on it) came from.

Re the license: If the removal of the license plate was for the purpose of delaying ID of the car, then why did he remove the front one? If he wanted to make it look accidental, the rear plate would've been the one to choose--that end of the car was muddy and obviously had been through some off road experience. But he removed the plate from the clean end.

And he did remove it, because it was obvious he knew it was gone before even getting out of the car when he intentionally backed the car into the parking space at Walmart to hide the remaining plate against the bushes. But...whoever parked that car there also knew they'd be looking for the car, and that it would very likely get noticed soon, even without the license plate:

•24-hr. lot with video surveillance (like the surveillance at the ATM machines)
•Broken out front passenger window
•Blood and brain matter evidence visible through open window.

So, getting back to the removal, if he knew police would be looking for his car, why remove the front one, when the back one would be the one that those in pursuit (in his lane) would be able to see? It's much more common for people to identify rear plates of fleeing vehicles or cars traveling in front of them than for someone to read one coming at them on the opposite side of the highway.

So my reasoning tells me that maybe car ID and pursuit were not the most important (or sole?) reason for removal of that plate. And when I consider the fact that he 'gave' the license plate clue to authorities by tossing it up there on the mountain where the body was rather than just slipping it under his seat and dumping it in a dumpster somewhere further away, I also have to consider other possible reasons. Okay, he's in a panic you might say. Well, if I were the perp, the evidence I'd be most panicked about being caught with coming down that mountain would NOT be the plate that might be stashed under my seat, but the two guns still warm with the sad evidence of shooting someone at close range in that car.

The license plate was key to finding the body. The body and the weapon are the two clinchers in tying together an investigation. Think of ALL the possible places a vile murderer could've hidden that telling plate, and on the mountain where the body was would've been the LAST one to come to mind for a perp. There could hardly be a more identifiable clue. All the other clues were down off the mountain (and plenty of them).

The same is true with the guns. Think of ALL the places you could possibly think to hide smoking guns and 1) at my place of business, or 2) at my local police station would be the LAST 2 places on God's green earth I would hide my smoking guns. There could hardly be a more identifiable and discoverable hiding place.

To me, it appears as though a lot of thought has gone into making this crime look like not much thought went into it. A lot of planning (with maybe some back-pedaling adjustments here and there) has gone into making a guy who graduated with a GPA of 3.35 look preposterously stupid. But I suppose it helps that he looks so utterly distraught, because now everyone can shake their heads, say he's crazy, and think he lost his intelligence on Oct. 16 along with his will to live.

One nation, under God, with liberty and JUSTICE for all. Did you know that a person can't be convicted on their confession alone? The evidence still has to support their confession. And now that JH (finally) has a lawyer, it sounds like maybe the lawyer isn't so convinced either. Last I read, the plea was 'not guilty.' (Any corrections on that out there?)
I am getting really upset to see anyone still insinuating anything negative about CH. :(

I would be too, but I'm feeling a little clueless right now. Maybe the mods already cleaned it up? I haven't seen anything recent that was negative towards CH. Not here anyway... I know there are other sites with pretty sketchy info.
uh not to split hairs or anything but defines Adultery as:voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.

This was not an affair, and certainly not voluntary on WH's part. So technically it's not "adultery"
But it is sex with someone outside the marriage so it does free the innocent spouse.

I wasn't going by the dictionary definition but responding to the person I'd quoted who was referencing what was in line with her own belief system--what she personally was free to do, now.

No way is sodomy an affair, goodness no! And Whitney was clearly a victim here, don't get me wrong on that! I looked at the photo of her place of death posted this morning and could only whisper, 'Oh Whitney, I'm so sorry this happened.' :(
I'd like to know more about his " alone" on one. etc

That time he " borrowed/took " his friends car. Do you suppose he had a malicious reason for doing it. Meaning if he got his hands on somebody's car for awhile he could commit a crime and the car would not belong to him?
Just for reference (Oregon Statues):

163.405 Sodomy in the first degree. (1) A person who engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another person or causes another to engage in deviate sexual intercourse commits the crime of sodomy in the first degree if:

(a) The victim is subjected to forcible compulsion by the actor;

(b) The victim is under 12 years of age;

(c) The victim is under 16 years of age and is the actor’s brother or sister, of the whole or half blood, the son or daughter of the actor or the son or daughter of the actor’s spouse; or

(d) The victim is incapable of consent by reason of mental defect, mental incapacitation or physical helplessness.

(2) Sodomy in the first degree is a Class A felony. [1971 c.743 §114; 1989 c.359 §4]
bit of a dry read but I thought I'd just throw it out there for the sake of theorizing possible "motivation" if you can even call it that

One of my degrees is in special ed. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a developmental defect that can result in mental retardation, learning disabilities, physical deformities, vision and behavioral problems.

FASD is diagnosed conclusively by those physicians specially trained in this condition. To make the diagnosis, a minimum three hallmark determinants must be present to the required degree. One of the three characteristics is that of a smooth philtrum, 4th or 5th degree in severity. The philtrum is the indented part between upper lip and nose. It is smooth or virtually smooth in all those diagnosed with this condition. While it would appear to me that this is not characteristic of JH, I’d be surprised if anyone in here, let alone a specialist, could diagnose him online.
I'd like to know more about his " alone" on one. etc

That time he " borrowed/took " his friends car. Do you suppose he had a malicious reason for doing it. Meaning if he got his hands on somebody's car for awhile he could commit a crime and the car would not belong to him?

12 hours with a rental car is a long time to be gone. Given what we know so far it concerns me. I wonder if the rental agency would have a mileage record still. It would be interesting to know. If his friend just used it in town at that point i wonder if there was a lot of miles on it. There still are some Rental Agencies who dont put a cap on miles and charge over and above the cap. Just wondering. Not that it would prove where he went.
OT but.. someone sent me the PDF that they could see every page on, I opened it, and can't see most of the pages. SO bizarre. I'll try on my Windows PC later today. :-/
bit of a dry read but I thought I'd just throw it out there for the sake of theorizing possible "motivation" if you can even call it that

i have a cousin who was born with FAS. JH doesn't have it. There are various degrees of the anomaly, however, people with it all show certain facial flaws, fingers are different then in normal children, heart defects of various kinds...JH doesn't have FAS. I'll swear to that. If you ever saw someone with even a mild degree of FAS, you'd see that JH doesn't have it.
If adultery is the only acceptable reason for divorce for JWs, was this all a big disastrous, cowardly ploy to get out of his marriage?

On JH’s tossed cell phone (stolen from CH’s dresser drawer), I wonder if there were intimate photos of WH that JH took while WH was held hostage? And/or old photos of WH from when CH has possession of the phone?
OT but.. someone sent me the PDF that they could see every page on, I opened it, and can't see most of the pages. SO bizarre. I'll try on my Windows PC later today. :-/

Are you on an Apple device? I couldn't view it via iPad, had to go PC...
Are you on an Apple device? I couldn't view it via iPad, had to go PC...

I just saw your post a couple of pages back! Makes sense now.. yep, I'm on a Macbook. I'll get out my PC laptop in a bit here. :) Thanks.
One of my degrees is in special ed. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a developmental defect that can result in mental retardation, learning disabilities, physical deformities, vision and behavioral problems.

FASD is diagnosed conclusively by those physicians specially trained in this condition. To make the diagnosis, a minimum three hallmark determinants must be present to the required degree. One of the three characteristics is that of a smooth philtrum, 4th or 5th degree in severity. The philtrum is the indented part between upper lip and nose. It is smooth or virtually smooth in all those diagnosed with this condition. While it would appear to me that this is not characteristic of JH, I’d be surprised if anyone in here, let alone a specialist, could diagnose him online.

Of course diagnosis is impossible by a layperson much less online. My post was in reference to a post I found online where someone claiming to know JH stated it was common knowledge that he had FAS and was known to be "slow". Also if you read the info found at the link it states that it is a "spectrum syndrome" and is often called an "invisible handicap" (high functioning sufferers would not have the physical characteristics of the more severe) I also worked in special education and also worked with with folks with severe FAS. I just found it an interesting side point when I saw the post. I personally was unaware of it being a "spectrum" disorder like autism. And people that suffer high functioning FAS(actually called FASD Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) can have IQ's up to 140. And many are in jail due to their behavioral problems. My only point in bringing it up is trying to search for why JH would be so violent, so out of the blue. And be so stupid in how he behaved after the crime. It's one of the most disorganized and messy crimes I've seen in a while. Just a search for answers...isn't that why we're all here? Just food for thought, speculating and theorizing...
IIRC early on there was some mention that when her manager first talked to CH he/she(not sure which?) asked if WH had "decided to be sick" or something similar. It's a stretch IMO but maybe she called to see if they had enough staffing that she didn't need to come in if she was feeling a bit iffy/under the weather?

IMO I really don't think she talked to the manager that day, but it could explain the somewhat strange comment about her "deciding" to be sick.

There was mention of her having a current medical "issue" which had made her nervous. So I am imagining that she might have taken time off work for the necessary Dr's appointments and could have then discussed that with her manager or co-workers and it isn't a far stretch to picture her saying

"I might just call in sick tomorrow, this has me so worried."

There would probably be a lot of support for her from her co-workers and maybe that accounts for the wording when Clint was called and asked "did Whitney decide to be sick today?"

All just guessing of course.

Sorry to be arriving in the thread so late but work this week has prevented me from time to post, although I have been reading the wonderful job you all have been doing here and deeply appreciate it!
oh there was a call made to Starbucks at 6 we know if anyone answered at Starbucks? They open early...somebody would of been there.
Maybe JH just called and hung up? for who knows what reason....

It may be that he knew she had been opening Starbucks in the past,
but wasn't aware she had changed her schedule in order to get more sleep in the am.
He may have known, if she had opened that morning, she would be there alone.

When someone else answered, he probably hung up. And then hoping she was still going
going in to work, but later, he waited by her apartment for her to leave.

If Whitney HAD opened that morning and HAD answered the phone at Starbucks at 6:08 am
on Oct 16, I wonder what his plan was!

If adultery is the only acceptable reason for divorce for JWs, was this all a big disastrous, cowardly ploy to get out of his marriage?

On JH’s tossed cell phone (stolen from CH’s dresser drawer), I wonder if there were intimate photos of WH that JH took while WH was held hostage? And/or old photos of WH from when CH has possession of the phone?

I would have to say that is highly highly unlikely. Much easier ways to split from a spouse.

I think it makes sense that there were pics of WH on that phone. And being he was such a creeper it probably fueled his fantasies of her :(
I just saw your post a couple of pages back! Makes sense now.. yep, I'm on a Macbook. I'll get out my PC laptop in a bit here. :) Thanks.

It worked for me on my Mac. So strange.

I've thought a lot about the affidavit today and so many things are still bugging me. The call to Starbucks at 6 a.m., the white utility vehicle in the Walmart parking lot, the attempted cleaning of Whitney's SUV, and the drawn out timing of it all. What happened in all that missing time? I feel like I probably don't even want to know, really.
Are you sure that is her? it doesn't look like the same girl as in the wedding photos to me. And Amanda Adams is a fairly common name...

Look at my updated comment above. I have added some other photos for comparison.
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