Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 6.13.2016 #2

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You can add to the list the shrine he's made, maybe candles, pics of them together.

Arnie said, Not knowing what the future holds for Oscar after this week, I decided it was necessary to take up one media offer that would provide our family with a voice to address some of the misconceptions that have remained unchallenged.

It will be interesting to learn what those misconceptions are ... not.Of course OP decided to take up a media offer too ... the front cover of YOU. No, they couldn't have made an offer now, could they. OP/Arnie offered it to the magazine.

I reckon what we are seeing is Uncle Arnold recouping some of his outlay on the legal fees, board & lodgings, plus compensation for pain and suffering, before Oscar as a commodity is sent down to prison and oblivion.
Soozie. Barry's pain was very hard to watch, even for me, who hasn't lost someone like that , like you have.
It was visceral. Authentic and shocking.

Statements OP made to the prison pych months after being jailed will also be striking to Masipa, in contrast to Barry's testimony

Day 3 Nel said , not quite verbatim, but nearly, so I'm quoting it :
.......one does not know his true reasons for firing, never gave acceptable reasons. We are still in the dark. He has chosen not to testify – an aggrav factor. This is compounded by Scholtz, whom he told - he fired without intention, so said OP.

In Ms Byee's report OP fails to identify himself as committing a crime as his intention was , he claimed, to protect the victim. That was May 2015 & now why he has changed his mind re. committing a crime to Scholtz – it would have been good but we don't actually have it as he has not testified himself . Even whilst in jail he has not seen himself as a criminal and he still hasn't, by himself.
ie.hearsay issue also.

Must say I was so pleased to hear about the changes in SA law, which focus on the victim. Nel really told her. That was powerful and I hadn't appreciated those changes had occurred over there. Into the C21st.

( I have only just completed some of the days' broadcasts, couldn't watch it all live uninterrupted)
The sentence was expected to be handed down by the end of last week, so the interview would have been shown after. I imagine he'll take every opportunity to play the sympathy card. How awful it's been for him to have murdered someone, and how awful it was in prison, how he's been punished blah blah blah. The thing is, it's not up to him to decide prison couldn't punish him any more than he's punished himself. If that's the case, go back to prison then and stop the incessant whining about it. One of the reasons he's 'finished' is because everyone has seen through his fake persona to the coward and murderer beneath. He's despised for what he did, for his lack of remorse, for his absolute reluctance to accept his punishment, and for his continual bleating about how this has affected HIM. That is the most distasteful thing of all, and I highly doubt his ardent supporters give a damn about what Reeva's family have lost, much the same as the Pistorius clan.

BIB TBH Soozie I can't recall the delays now so IDK how much of a clear stretch Arnold etc prescribed.
I also cant remember how long it took Masipa last time.

I'll go check now, it'll be on WP

Ok 12 sept, CH verdict given
On 21 October 2014, sentence delivered


so it took her 5 weeks last time. Does that fit with your BIB? Did they give long enough or is this clash intentional as it was likely that she could take up to 2 months to sentence? If you understand me.

If I'm wrong, Ok, so this docu is just to influence public opinion
BUT even the worst PR would tell you it is too soon. So it's another ill advised move.
Pls correct me with dates etc.
BIB TBH Soozie I can't recall the delays now so IDK how much of a clear stretch Arnold etc prescribed.
I also cant remember how long it took Masipa last time.

I'll go check now, it'll be on WP

Ok 12 sept, CH verdict given
On 21 October 2014, sentence delivered


so it took her 5 weeks last time. Does that fit with your BIB? Did they give long enough or is this clash intentional as it was likely that she could take up to 2 months to sentence? If you understand me.

If I'm wrong, Ok, so this docu is just to influence public opinion
BUT even the worst PR would tell you it is too soon. So it's another ill advised move.
Pls correct me with dates etc.

Imo, it was intentional that it be aired just after arguments and given her track record, likely before JM would get around to final sentencing. In my defense, if you do get around to watching the court coverage, just look at how smug the P clan were over the last few days, at least up to when RS's family had a chance to speak, then their puzzled looks over what real grief and a broken man looks like when confronted with it as Mr.Steenkamp gave his testimony. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether the smug looks were warranted as they proved to have been in the first sentencing.


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016...reaks_down_on_the_witn-a-55_1465988014974.jpg(Mr.Steenkamp in court)

http://www.thenewage.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/000_BW7MS-672x420.jpg(OP with puzzled look)

BBM - Then OP had the nerve to approach the ANC Women’s League Tuesday after his little demonstration and:

"he apologised for what he had done.

“He also said he knew that we, as women, had a responsibility towards women. I said yes, because no one had the right to take anybody’s life.

“He asked that we also take responsibility for people with disabilities. I responded that your disability does not make you run away from facts, but that I wish you strength.”"

So glad the thread is open again!

I'm sorry if this has already been discussed but I have a few questions about the graphic pictures of Reeva's body that were released.

1. Why does she have a black/blue right eye? Does this happen post-mortem? If so, why isn't her left eye bruised as well? Was there any discussion of this during the trial because I do not remember it.
2. Also, the bloody nose - does that happen when you get shot in the head?
3. The bruise on her buttocks?? (I am referring to the 7th image in the collage on Juror13's blog spin-off: https://shakedowntitle.com/2016/06/16/be-brave-make-your-voice-heard-your-physical-you-seen-and-the-presence-of-your-mental-you-felt-reeva-steenkamp-warning-graphic-crime-scene-photos/)

I don't recall any of this being discussed during the trial but maybe it was during a time when the broadcast was not allowed?

Nice to see all the familiar posters! :wave:
Hi Apples,

I believe the black/blue eye was caused as a result of multiple fractures to her skull and blood pooling in that area. This may also account for the bloody nose. It was never established what caused the bruising on her buttocks.
Hi Apples,

I believe the black/blue eye was caused as a result of multiple fractures to her skull and blood pooling in that area. This may also account for the bloody nose. It was never established what caused the bruising on her buttocks.

But why weren't both eyes bruised then, I wonder?
It would have depended on the location of the multiple fractures of the skull and bullet fragments in her head. There were also fractures at the base of the skull and this is the cause of the bloody nose.
Did y'all see ole Oscar maneuvering on his legs in court like he could barely get around without his prosthetic legs. Wth.

But he wants us to believe that he did everything so quickly without being able to process if Reeva was still in the room.

Wouldnt the first thing you do is say. Reeva. Get my legs while I get the gun or vice versa before blindly going to war. Jmo.

I would rather hear that Oscar was prone to sleepwalking than the excuse they gave. Jmo.

Now the minimum is 15 years supposedly.

But why isn't anyone asking for 25 years. Even the state will be happy with 8 years.

This whole thing is crazy.

But no worries. Because the United States court systems are known to give leniency to rich folks on murder charges as well. Jmo
Imo, it was intentional that it be aired just after arguments and given her track record, likely before JM would get around to final sentencing. ]


BIB I'm glad you have seen that there is something fishy here Val. That's why I had to look up the dates of the last sentencing's interval ( between closing arguments and her sentence delivery. ) but I couldn't find the rescheduling dates of this sentencing 2 period.

Something very fishy there isn't there just on the scheduling alone . Seems as if there's been an attempt to pull the rug over people's eyes on this point, as if it's an unfortunate date-clash. ( Need to back track on the dates to be really sure, but anyway, it would be so easy to say to ITV, this is sub-judice, you must delay, instead they can pretend it's all out of their hands.)

IMO Masipa possibly has to watch it as it has material bearing and was brought up as evidence by Nel, as I posted yest, but IDK.
( I don't expect there to be anything "material " in it for Masipa, except the "afterstench" of disrespect. )
Imo, it was intentional that it be aired just after arguments and given her track record, likely before JM would get around to final sentencing. In my defense, if you do get around to watching the court coverage, just look at how smug the P clan were over the last few days, at least up to when RS's family had a chance to speak, then their puzzled looks over what real grief and a broken man looks like when confronted with it as Mr.Steenkamp gave his testimony. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether the smug looks were warranted as they proved to have been in the first sentencing.


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016...reaks_down_on_the_witn-a-55_1465988014974.jpg(Mr.Steenkamp in court)

http://www.thenewage.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/000_BW7MS-672x420.jpg(OP with puzzled look)


UL I agree that Barry's testimony was like a bomb going off. A devastating reality check. I saw HIS live reaction shot just afterwards and posted that OP's ship has just sunk. I haven't watched Barry fully & interrupted as I had problems viewing but I saw most of it and will repeat view it soon, it's so full of pain that it is hard to watch.
I didn't see many shots of the family but will look at your links.

All I can say is I think that the family express defiance.
In sentencing 1 previously, I did however notice , in the "outtakes" that they had NO "friends"/sympathisers in court, that whilst others, on Reeva's side of the court, comforted/spoke to each other and turned to those on benches in front and back , absolutely no-one interacted with them and they did not even with each other.
Even Lois & Arnold exchanged not a word nor a look as M said her final words and stepped down and left court.
I did think then, they have realised why they need to call out the troops, have the whole family on that bench, it's defiance and self-defence. ( Assume the chagrin, when a big name family like that are used to having people come network with them at events. )

BUT now they go and do it again, ie. the ITV show which is an insult to justice, they never learn and they keep "fighting" - they are clearly all cut from the cloth, or at least the males are and the men rule in that patriarchal family. ( I'm not excusing the aunts etc who could have fallen out of line.)

What do they call "documentaries" that aren't actually documentaries? Will it be like these progs I see listed - TOWIE, Jersey Shore? Desperate Housewives of pretoria? LOL.

Tx for links, will go look
I had a proper look at the pity walk, ( I'd only seen a news site clip before now) , and it's quite interesting looking at it "frame by frame". I wonder what other posters think,

it's 2hrs 29mins til 2.33 here on the video, if anyone can bear to see it again.

But more than that I am reminded of a poor actor following stage directions but pretending he hasn't rehearsed it many times already.So, Oscar makes some mistakes IMO, he is actually "waiting for his lines" before his cues are given!


Val , in relation to your last link:
http://www.thenewage.co.za/wp-conten...MS-672x420.jpg(OP with puzzled look)

This is at 2.29 in the video I have linked.
This "frame" is one of the shots I was referring to in my earlier post, a few pages back, so I have re-posted it here.

He has his head in hands as if he is "out of it" etc , BR is waffling on, makes a ref to OP coming up to front,
OP flashes a quizzical look, as in your link, almost as if he doesn't expect to be called up now to do his little turn
But Oscar, u have cycle shorts on - you knew it was your cue.

There are other discrepancies in the sequence
As if this little turn wasn't in total agreement with OP - what you're telling me that LHarzenberg divested him of his suit next against his will?
Val , in relation to your last link:
http://www.thenewage.co.za/wp-conten...MS-672x420.jpg(OP with puzzled look)

This is at 2.29 in the video I have linked.
This "frame" is one of the shots I was referring to in my earlier post, a few pages back, so I have re-posted it here.

He has his head in hands as if he is "out of it" etc , BR is waffling on, makes a ref to OP coming up to front,
OP flashes a quizzical look, as in your link, almost as if he doesn't expect to be called up now to do his little turn
But Oscar, u have cycle shorts on - you knew it was your cue.

There are other discrepancies in the sequence
As if this little turn wasn't in total agreement with OP - what you're telling me that LHarzenberg divested him of his suit next against his will?

Now wouldn't it be good if Masipa pointed out that she is aware that he said during the original trial that he ran down the corridor on his stumps and that she had seen the leaked video of him almost running and went on to say that she could not accept his performance in this court at the sentencing hearing as a true representation of his disability.

This man boy quite obviously is impeded by his crippled legs but WHAT A FAKE! It was obviously rehearsed (not in situ) but what was Harzenberg doing intervening - I suspect she was included in the rehearsal too.

Needless to say, I am not holding out much hope.
Now wouldn't it be good if Masipa pointed out that she is aware that he said during the original trial that he ran down the corridor on his stumps and that she had seen the leaked video of him almost running and went on to say that she could not accept his performance in this court at the sentencing hearing as a true representation of his disability.

This man boy quite obviously is impeded by his crippled legs but WHAT A FAKE! It was obviously rehearsed (not in situ) but what was Harzenberg doing intervening - I suspect she was included in the rehearsal too.

Needless to say, I am not holding out much hope.

BIB Everyone had their part to play. LH is meant to be overcome with pity - doubtless she actually is ( so unprofessional in her previous "therapy" with him. ) She has to move him as though he is a lead weight.
He didn't know where he was going but ends up right at the TV camera and a few tears drop vertically in such contrast to Barry's tortured anguish.
Roxanne Adams, passes the tissue at the end
Roux provides the interpretative commentary on his stress, embarassment and his unwillingness to do this walk.

OP as the reluctant "victim" who is no party to this, in need of hospitalisation, and barely mobile on his stumps.

Yes it would be fitting if TM made refs to those things but IDK if they can be allowed into evidence as the vid has never been referred to in court. The ITV pprog has though - so that one might be seen by her.
BIB Everyone had their part to play. LH is meant to be overcome with pity - doubtless she actually is ( so unprofessional in her previous "therapy" with him. ) She has to move him as though he is a lead weight.
He didn't know where he was going but ends up right at the TV camera and a few tears drop vertically in such contrast to Barry's tortured anguish.
Roxanne Adams, passes the tissue at the end
Roux provides the interpretative commentary on his stress, embarassment and his unwillingness to do this walk.

OP as the reluctant "victim" who is no party to this, in need of hospitalisation, and barely mobile on his stumps.

Yes it would be fitting if TM made refs to those things but IDK if they can be allowed into evidence as the vid has never been referred to in court. The ITV pprog has though - so that one might be seen by her.

Yes, the leaked video would probably not be allowed. I don't think she will see the ITV programme because it is not yet being shown in SA but she will undoubtedly read about it. It will be all over the newspapers and she has already been primed. Nel ensured that she knew about it during his cross examination of Scholtz. The only point she could use is his testimony of him running down the corridor on his stumps. So why was he reluctant to show his disability - I don't recall him objecting during the trial but perhaps I have forgotten? If Masipa does not pick up on this aspect we can be fairly sure she didn't have her brain gear and he is going to get a light sentence. She may not mention it of course but still take it into consideration whilst deliberating.
"Walking in court on his stumps while dressed in sportswear emblazoned with the logos of his former sponsor Nike, Pistorius was unsteady at times, holding onto wooden desks and helped by a woman at one point." OP’s way of flipping the bird to Nike in front of an international audience.

As this trial nears its end, some may wonder what comes next. The answer is most likely a book deal. In the criminal world, every murderer, robber etc. claims to be completely innocent.

"One of the favourite tactics of these conscienceless culprits is to play the victim themselves as shown in the recent performance in court by convicted murderer Oscar Pistorius who pretended to have difficulty walking without his prosthetics”. However, an earlier video captured him running and carrying his sister on his stumps with ease.

“After criminals are rightfully arrested and convicted for their crimes, they squawk about being a victim of the justice system. Their distorted minds cannot seem to fully fathom how repugnant and repulsive their offenses are and consequently they feel no remorse. Psychiatrists call this 'psychopathology.' Psychopaths are mendacious, refuse to take responsibility for their wrongdoing and refuse to accept the punishment they know they deserve”.

Yes, the leaked video would probably not be allowed. I don't think she will see the ITV programme because it is not yet being shown in SA but she will undoubtedly read about it. It will be all over the newspapers and she has already been primed. Nel ensured that she knew about it during his cross examination of Scholtz. The only point she could use is his testimony of him running down the corridor on his stumps. So why was he reluctant to show his disability - I don't recall him objecting during the trial but perhaps I have forgotten? If Masipa does not pick up on this aspect we can be fairly sure she didn't have her brain gear and he is going to get a light sentence. She may not mention it of course but still take it into consideration whilst deliberating.

UK only broadcast , ok sneaky , as their PR firm also know very well that it will prob be copied and put out over the www. just like the re-enactment video only leaked in Aus. ( Plenty of youtubers even film their TV screens besides the screenshots & descriptions as you say.) As Nel has brought it into evidence she will refer to it, I guess, at the very least.

Just as well that the show won't also have the PR boost that he is aiming for. It's way too soon to be doing "for charity" media interviews- that's for 10 years plus down the line.

ETA As T posted , it IS actually being shown in SA, so bootlegging it is now irrelevant
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