Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 6.13.2016

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Gia Nicolaides (@GiaNicolaides)
June 13, 2016
#OscarPistorius Scholtz says Oscar never wants to hold a firearm again, has sold all his firearms.

Well as a convicted murderer, as well as someone guilty of a gun offence, shouldn't he not have a choice in the matter?
Making a big deal about the father's estrangement - as if abandoned

However no reason given. Sketched over. Despite other biographers implying the three siblings jettisoned their father, ie their choice.

Aimee's move to London very hard on OP , even though he was incarcerated and would not see him much anyway !

Aimee tweeted on 6 May that she was in London. What, she hung around in SA all this time and only disappears to London 4 weeks before sentencing. Total rubbish.
What 'condition'? His narcissism?

...and still they continue to enable the sociopath. Oscar will be loving this testimony, endorphins and serotonin will be coursing through his brain right now.

The MMPI 2 test is indeed objective. However, Sholtz's application of its results are highly subjective. I always think when they begin testimony, such expert witnesses in establishing their credentials should inform the Court how much they are paid to be so impartial and independent!
Mumbo jumbo......put him in prison ......now !
It's been a massive fall from grace from OP - I'll bet he genuinely believed his press pre murder and as such thought he was pretty special. Even after murdering Reeva he was indignant that he wasn't automatically presumed innocent because he said he was and was subsequently charged with her murder. The last few years have proved to him that celebrity is pretty short-lived and that he - like everyone else - will be judged on his actions. The obvious exceptions are the "Support for Oscar" largely female crew but their plethora of poems and pictures are just pretty weird and I'd personally find them creepy rather than genuinely supportive. Even if he gets a pathetically short sentence his life as he knew it is over and he is a murderer. That's why, in some ways, I'm not as bothered by his actual length of sentence as others are. His status in society, his source of self-esteem and his financial potential are all severely diminished and he'll have to live with the knowledge, every day, that he's a convicted murderer.
His scores are worse now. They would be, wouldn't they? He's going down for years.
Oh FFS, after the 'incident' he had embarrassing situations in public. I'm not saying for a second that he has not been affected by his murdering someone but I don't think it does him any favours to lay it on this thick and treacly.
It's been a massive fall from grace from OP - I'll bet he genuinely believed his press pre murder and as such thought he was pretty special. Even after murdering Reeva he was indignant that he wasn't automatically presumed innocent because he said he was and was subsequently charged with her murder. The last few years have proved to him that celebrity is pretty short-lived and that he - like everyone else - will be judged on his actions. The obvious exceptions are the "Support for Oscar" largely female crew but their plethora of poems and pictures are just pretty weird and I'd personally find them creepy rather than genuinely supportive. Even if he gets a pathetically short sentence his life as he knew it is over and he is a murderer. That's why, in some ways, I'm not as bothered by his actual length of sentence as others are. His status in society, his source of self-esteem and his financial potential are all severely diminished and he'll have to live with the knowledge, every day, that he's a convicted murderer.

And Marc Batchelor is there taking it all in. OP has some dangerous enemies out in the big wide world.
His scores are worse now. They would be, wouldn't they? He's going down for years.

Hi JJ, welcome back!

The other thing worth mentioning is he's had plenty of practice at the psychometric tests. Practice makes perfect! At this stage, I'd personally afford light weight to such clinical tests, especially MMPI2. I know I could waste two hours at a time sitting the test and I guarantee I could bring about whatever outcome I desired without triggering the inbuilt sub scales that detect such faking. The good professor is disingenuous at best and bought and paid for at worst.
Oh good grief. Twin City Developments. That's Arnold's company.
I hope Nel asks the psych witness something along the lines of 'When you talk about OP post-incident, what exactly are you referring to?'.
Psychometric test results. The standard test.

Scholtz Just rattling the results and what they indicate.

Somatic symptoms due to stress
Depression - serious symptoms
No ASPD or psychopathy
Paranoia - basic distrustful, feeling watched by media, suspicious about people.
Panic disorder symptoms and PTSD and agoraphobia scores also higher - ( best stay inside a cell then!)
Alc abuse - zero on both occasions

condition worsened from 2014 in all these areas:
depression - prob due to inability to mourn & uncertainess about his future etc.
GAD - measured high but normal in 2014- but now he is above the cut off
agoraphobia ( "probably " due to negative attitudes from members of public)
extreme self consciousness of being ridiculed - exacerbated by being vilified in the media & embarassing episodes in public

Psychopathy test/check list
score of 3, way below the cut off of 12. Only 13 plus requires more investigation. No further tests needed therefore.
Roux asks him to characterise psychopaths.

Risk assessment test HER20
In last 20 years, tools have been developed. He listed the ones available.
Unsure exactly which test he chose to use, a test used widely, developed in 1995.
Risk for future or serious or imminent violence is LOW. ( Zero is not a result ever used)

Criminogenic needs - of the 8 reoffending risk factors ( remember the Parole review )
All the factors are described.
In prison he participated and co-op fully and "carried the group " in courses or therapy ( not sure which )
He values human life and never wants to touch/hear a gun again anyway so risks are low.

1 Criminogenic need from before the event - problem solving, black & white thinking. ( How very convenient!!! Not escaping from the house/alerting security etc. )
His psych Hartzenberger has worked with him on this.

Again - how can Masipa have allowed this report to be passed to Pros so late?
Hi JJ, welcome back!

The other thing worth mentioning is he's had plenty of practice at the psychometric tests. Practice makes perfect! At this stage, I'd personally afford light weight to such clinical tests, especially MMPI2. I know I could waste two hours at a time sitting the test and I guarantee I could bring about whatever outcome I desired without triggering the inbuilt sub scales that detect such faking. The good professor is disingenuous at best and bought and paid for at worst.

Hi Paul. Nice to see you again.

I remember Jodi Arias's test results too. It's obviously not too difficult to achieve the desired result for oneself, especially if you have an aunt who's a well-known criminal profiler.
My "Thanks" have disappeared. Does anyone else have this problem at the moment?
OMG. Every single person calls him "broken". If I hear it again I'll need a bucket myself.
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