Owner of the Infamous Purple Truck - Dr. Roy Heilbron

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BBM - whenever I hear about MS alleged memory loss issues, my eyes roll. It reminds me of little kids who lie and immature adults who use this as an excuse. Don't get me wrong, I forget things like we all do, but my memory issues are probably related to disorganization and distraction because I forget important things just as often as non-important (non-important, but annoying or funny - I forgot something in a recipe, or forgot to shave one armpit)

He doesn't "forget" - he "chooses" his behaviors.

Any good doctor will look at ALL memory related issues. Just as you state here, AmazonRain - he remembers WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO HIM. Just like any other person who lies.

If this goes to trial and any claim of memory loss used by the defense as any sort of excuse or mitigation, it will be exploded by experts during cross examination. Although, it would be entertaining to see that :D

Teresa was treating her own Mother for Memory Issues to not just mark!
It seems he used to go by the name Roy Heilbron-Jimenez.


Maybe the 'Jimenez' refers to a previous, deceased, wife.

Then again, maybe it's just not true.

I haven't finished reading the other comments to know if anyone mentioned this but one of my coworkers told me that people from other countries use their mother and father's last names and generally have 2 last names. I'm not sure if that is the case here or not.
From RH's website:

ROY HEILBRON M.D.Roy Heilbron, M.D. One of the original National Institute of Health researchers for the TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy) study, he is an award-winning board-certifed cardiologist , board-certifed in internal medicine, board-certifed in nuclear cardiology, a Diplomat in Cardiovascular Disease of the American Board of Internal Medicine, a Diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, a certifed chelation therapist, former Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Miami School of Medicine, and current Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

He stars in the new documentary flm on chelation therapy, 'Unleaded.'Dr. Heilbron is also a co-developer and original researcher of The South Beach Diet, in collaboration with Arthur Agatston, M.D. He is also the winner of numerous awards and citations, including the Genentech Research Award and the Paul Furlong Clinical Medicine Award, awarded to the outstanding physician of Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida.


I'm not calling RH a liar, but...

...the only current certification I can find is the one for holistic medicine.

Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease look like they've expired.

Nuclear Cardiology also expired.

Nothing found for chelation therapy. Or at a second certification association.

I double checked on the ABMS website, but nothing (need to register to search).

After a fair bit of googling I can't find anything independent to show RH is/was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, researcher of The South Beach Diet, or the receiver of any awards.

His video does, however, exist. Unfortunately. It can be found by googling 'unleaded documentary.'

(If this has already been posted, I apologise, it all moved pretty quick over the weekend).
From RH's website:

I'm not calling RH a liar, but...

...the only current certification I can find is the one for holistic medicine.

Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease look like they've expired.

Nuclear Cardiology also expired.

Nothing found for chelation therapy. Or at a second certification association.

I double checked on the ABMS website, but nothing (need to register to search).

After a fair bit of googling I can't find anything independent to show RH is/was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, researcher of The South Beach Diet, or the receiver of any awards.

His video does, however, exist. Unfortunately. It can be found by googling 'unleaded documentary.'

(If this has already been posted, I apologise, it all moved pretty quick over the weekend).

I know you are being tactful, but I think we can easily and fairly call RH a liar. He filed false insurance claims. He didn't reveal his DUI. He lied to a patient about heart test results. All of these are lies. I don't think "truth" is in his vocabulary. Anyone who would spend a week with and do business with MS, knowing he was suspected of orchestrating his wife's murder, deserves to be called a lot worse things than "liar" IMO. He certainly doesn't deserve to be called a doctor! Thank you for following up on his bogus, lying claims.
Mark Sievers is a lying liar who lies. I think we all agree on that. Accepting self serving statements from him is not anything I'm about to believe out of his lying mouth. I understand it may be difficult to face or accept you've been lied to, manipulated or duped but people do it all the time- they face the reality- sometimes the reality of awful things someone they like or love have done. They face the Truth, not the fantasy, especially when the evidence is overwhelming.

We are moving forward towards a trial or a plea in this case and it doesn't appear Mark is the "plea-ing" type- just an educated guess. I am really not at a place to be entertaining excuses for his behavior- medical or otherwise.

Sorry- rant over.
But what did treating her older mother for memory issues have to do with Marks claim?
I haven't finished reading the other comments to know if anyone mentioned this but one of my coworkers told me that people from other countries use their mother and father's last names and generally have 2 last names. I'm not sure if that is the case here or not.

That's correct, but he seems to use a variety of name variations. A lack of consistency is a red flag to me when researching any professional. It's especially disturbing in a healthcare provider. If I found these things (leaving out the obvious the criminal charges) about any doctor I was researching for my own health, I'd run. I do love the internet because it makes it very easy to do our due diligence. I can't imagine NOT researching anyone to hire for my health or cleaning my carpets or fixing my roof.

Same thing with RH's educational background, work history - I see lots of discrepancies and the info originates from him. Something's not right in addition to what he's been charged with.

My opinion is that there seems to be deliberation in the scattered and conflicting information he provides.

*sidenote: his youtube videos have been disabled to comments. It's probably nothing, but I noticed.
My point was......I don't think Mark was just saying he had memory issues....His wife was treating him for such!

Just because she was treating him for it, doesn't mean he had it - only that she thought he did because that's what he was leading her to believe. She wasn't an expert or even trained (that we know of) in memory or psych matters. A doctor trained in memory issues would have known pretty quickly if he was being truthful about his alleged condition. A doctor trained in memory issues would likely know before some psychiatrists would, lol. Even psych professionals can be fooled by patients. Human nature.

Doctors are human, even Teresa Sievers. Certainly no offense intended to her, but she wasn't the person to treat him. He was her manipulative, lying, cheating, thieving husband. People get misled by their spouses. Doctors get misled by patients. It happens. Doctors make mistakes. Doctors trust that their patient wants what's best for them but in this case, MS thought was best for him was for people to believe he had memory problems. Did he ever see an unbiased doctor who specializes in memory issues?

Did he ever forget to take his pants down before pooping?
Did he ever forget to get dressed and left the house for errands?
Did he ever forget and shave off half his pornstache?
Did he ever forget to have an affair?
Did he ever forget to pick the girls up from somewhere - (assuming he ever dropped them off where he wouldn't be without his control)
Did he ever forget to embezzle and stash all that cash at home?
Did he ever forget to make life insurance payments on multiple policies?
Or did he only forget things that he didn't want to do or deal with...

Just because she was treating him for it doesn't mean he had it.

Just because someone tells you something, doesn't make it the truth.
That's correct, but he seems to use a variety of name variations. A lack of consistency is a red flag to me when researching any professional. It's especially disturbing in a healthcare provider. If I found these things (leaving out the obvious the criminal charges) about any doctor I was researching for my own health, I'd run. I do love the internet because it makes it very easy to do our due diligence. I can't imagine NOT researching anyone to hire for my health or cleaning my carpets or fixing my roof.

Same thing with RH's educational background, work history - I see lots of discrepancies and the info originates from him. Something's not right in addition to what he's been charged with.

My opinion is that there seems to be deliberation in the scattered and conflicting information he provides.

*sidenote: his youtube videos have been disabled to comments. It's probably nothing, but I noticed.

BBM: I worked for a female doctor years ago who got married after she had established her career in medicine. She did not change her name for that reason, so I agree with you.
I was not a firm believer on alternative medicine but after finding a great holistic Dr to treat me for my menopausal symptoms i can understand the sweat and determination on TS's part. I asked my dr if she knew about the case and she did. It might not be well known to ppl outside Florida but she said "one of us was taken away".

I don't think the purple truck guy was part of the murder but I think he knew about it from Mark and I also think hes a scam looking to make a quick buck. To think he was someone's Dr is very nauseating.
I don't see what took TS so long to figure this sorry excuse of a man out, but then I am not sure any mental health experts could figure these folks out.
AMAZONRAIN, Sometimes the THANK YOU button is not enough to convey my full appreciation of your insight and participation in this case. BTW, I agree with your insights!
FELICITY, Your links were an amazing source of information. Hope you do not mind me pointing out the one stating Dr. RH (don't know if he can legally be called a doc now, though) presents a clear and immediate danger the to the public and safety if he continues to practice
I am just re-posting the info, because I was having difficulty in trying to access through my system....and yet they worked so easily when I accessed them through your post. And of course, I want every reader to be able to read the info.....ABSOLUTELY, FREAKIN' UNBELIEVABLE!!
Then of course another possible CAN OF WORMS:worms::worms:... another doctor (who practices in Florida) was providing testimony on Dr. Roy H's behalf..... Please sit down for this bit of info, ok, Dex? Cuz ya' can't make this stuff up!

directly from the transcript:
55. Dr. Santana is a friend and colleague of Respondent's. (Respondent is Dr. H, ok?)
56. The testimony provided by Dr. Santana was not credible because of his inability to be forthcoming about whether he had ever been disciplined and his personal relationship with Respondent, and moreover his testimony was inconsistent with Dr. Simard's and Ronan's diagnoses of patient L.L.

Frankly, I am as "pleased as punch" these documents are available for the public to access. So again, many thanks to FELICITYLEMON for the research and sharing the links11

:blushing: yer too kind, lol! :blushing:

Of course I don't mind! I was being lazy and just posting the links and I thank you for pointing that one out because I totally missed to post the link to that one! :)

You are so right - you just can't make this stuff up and I look forward to a well-written book about this case. It gets more and more involved, more tentacles to more places...the fabulous SMS was right on the nose almost immediately in this case with his observations!

Yes, the other doctor's testimony (and now another one) singing the praises of RH and proclaiming him to be THE best cardiologist... troublesome. The fact that the first doctor who gave his testimony has his own ethical issues makes it even more laughable in my opinion.

I read something, somewhere, sometime, many years ago, about the theory of self-perpetuating "fact". One person proposing a something/anything. More people support it and write about it, then other people take that info and regurgitate it as their own and it becomes an "accepted theory" or thing because so many people are writing about it and supporting it. It's like it becomes it's own truth, but it's fiction. It can take a whole lot of untangling to trace the origin and STILL some people won't believe it's not true.
Just because she was treating him for it, doesn't mean he had it - only that she thought he did because that's what he was leading her to believe. She wasn't an expert or even trained (that we know of) in memory or psych matters. A doctor trained in memory issues would have known pretty quickly if he was being truthful about his alleged condition. A doctor trained in memory issues would likely know before some psychiatrists would, lol. Even psych professionals can be fooled by patients. Human nature.

Doctors are human, even Teresa Sievers. Certainly no offense intended to her, but she wasn't the person to treat him. He was her manipulative, lying, cheating, thieving husband. People get misled by their spouses. Doctors get misled by patients. It happens. Doctors make mistakes. Doctors trust that their patient wants what's best for them but in this case, MS thought was best for him was for people to believe he had memory problems. Did he ever see an unbiased doctor who specializes in memory issues?

Did he ever forget to take his pants down before pooping?
Did he ever forget to get dressed and left the house for errands?
Did he ever forget and shave off half his pornstache?
Did he ever forget to have an affair?
Did he ever forget to pick the girls up from somewhere - (assuming he ever dropped them off where he wouldn't be without his control)
Did he ever forget to embezzle and stash all that cash at home?
Did he ever forget to make life insurance payments on multiple policies?
Or did he only forget things that he didn't want to do or deal with...

Just because she was treating him for it doesn't mean he had it.

Just because someone tells you something, doesn't make it the truth.

OMG!!! I seriously cannot stop laughing at this post!!!! Too dang hysterical!!!!!!
I love pornstache! That is so clever
OMG!!! I seriously cannot stop laughing at this post!!!! Too dang hysterical!!!!!!

You and me too! LOL @Felicity :lol:
He seemed pretty good at remembering his and CWW's burner phone numbers, umm :thinking: planning the murder of his wife, remembering that the girls wanted to see their cousins before they left. < Rut row :doh: now he did FORGET that was the reason good ole daddy stayed up north an extra few days doncha know. But he suddenly remembered that and called TS's stepmom to try and arrange a visit THE VERY afternoon (Sunday) he had taken TS to the airport. Couldn't wait till the next day (Monday) the day the event was actually planned for. But since Oma said no, we'll do it tomorrow (Monday) at noon as PLANNED, good ole Mark told her to DO IT AS EARLY AS YOU CAN!!! No waiting until noon :no: no siree Bobby!! Because Mark was also intuitive, and he knew "no can do" on Monday.

IIRC ~ ?
TS had said she was having him tested for memory loss. I don't think she had the results back yet, or was actually treating him for it. He just had problems remembering to PAY the IRS and stuff like that. $$$$$

I know you are being tactful, but I think we can easily and fairly call RH a liar. He filed false insurance claims. He didn't reveal his DUI. He lied to a patient about heart test results. All of these are lies. I don't think "truth" is in his vocabulary. Anyone who would spend a week with and do business with MS, knowing he was suspected of orchestrating his wife's murder, deserves to be called a lot worse things than "liar" IMO. He certainly doesn't deserve to be called a doctor! Thank you for following up on his bogus, lying claims.

So agree!

And if Dr Purple Truck is not a licensed physician, in possession of patients' medical records, without authorization, isn't he breaking the law?
I'm reminded of a neighbor of mine, whose son is constantly "forgetting" to complete his homework and do the few chores they request of him. She's beside herself, trying to talk her husband into having him screened for neurological issues. Meanwhile, the kid never forgets to "borrow" money from his mom's purse or keep plans with his friends, to have the perfect proportion of gel in his hair and holes in his jeans, and he certainly never forgets the iPhone constantly glued to his face. Of course, it's patently obvious to anyone on the outside looking in that the little punk is playing her. He doesn't remember because he doesn't WANT to.

Why cut the grass or write an essay when you can easily get away with eating junk food and laying by the pool all day? The thing about caring for people is, it blinds you. My neighbor can't see that her son is responsible for his own decisions, because she wants to think the best of him. He's her 'special little snowflake', and he can do no wrong... and if he IS doing wrong, it must be due to a medical issue, or something equally out of his control. She believes him because she loves him, and she wants to believe him.

Does this description fit MS? I have no idea. Judging by the fact that he seems perfectly capable of remembering things that matter to him, I would guess so. The truth is, there are genuinely people with memory issues out there. But there are also lazy, unmotivated people who highly prefer playing on the net and texting all day to any form of work. And what is their rallying cry? "Oh, sorry honey! I forgot!"

So, does anyone have any idea why Dr. Roy came himself in the purple pickup truck to pick up the electronics? If he only wanted/needed the information contained on the hard drives ETC wouldn't they have saved that to a flash drive or something? Or was he using the equipment to set up his new practice in Aventura? It's beginning to seem to me that Dr Roy, MS and whoever is involved in this convoluted scheme were and are targeting an extremely vulnerable portion of our population, including the elderly, by appealing to patients who are looking to improve their energy, health and longevity. Reading about one member's identity theft pains me and concerns me that more of this could go on in the future.
I also believe that we will learn of more fraud, drug use/selling, and other nefarious things before justice is handed down. This case is really what scary dreams are made of and although I know some of you have expressed disbelief that TS could be manipulated this way, believe me when I say it could happen to anyone. She was obviously a very bright, well educated and caring woman who loved her family, patients and pets. She was a victim of a perfect storm of greed and manipulation. How deep that storm grew to be remains to be seen. Thank heaven her girls are safe now.

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