Owner of the Infamous Purple Truck - Dr. Roy Heilbron

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What does "conduct certain business electronically" mean? Does it include sending e-mails to patients?


I did billing years ago in the late 1990s (1999?), and all of the billing for Medicare and most of the insurance companies we accepted were transferred electronically. We would get a paper "receipt" of sorts at the end of the transfer for documentation purposes, but the visit/procedure codes were sent directly over the net to the provider. If there was a problem with the coding or if the insurance wanted more information, they would call or contact the office for us to (back then) fax a copy of whatever biopsy, office visit notes, etc. to justify the code/cost. It is a complicated and time-consuming thing (it is a specific profession w/i the medical field) to code visits correctly to receive reimbursement, which is why so many doctors are stepping away from it. Boutique providers is what they are called, and generally will do a LOT more for less money if one looks at it as a "big picture." Many will take personal phone calls at any time, make home visits at any time and will spend a lot more time at a visit as opposed to herding cattle with 15 minute visits, which is what Teresa did - spend time with her patients.

Scroll down to see links to pdfs of documents Florida Health Dept, New Mexico documents, etc. One is dated just two weeks before TS' murder.

Man, oh man! What were those two thinking? Greed overtaking brain function and logic probably. They taint each other and at that I have to lol.



http://df7s0hkt8o8r9.cloudfront.net/media/english/pdf/sanctions/HGPY564A4CE789262087702192016.pdf (THIS IS THE LINK THAT PROVIDES BOMBSHELL INFO!!!)

HOpefully, these links will work.

FELICITY, Your links were an amazing source of information. Hope you do not mind me pointing out the one stating Dr. RH (don't know if he can legally be called a doc now, though) presents a clear and immediate danger the to the public and safety if he continues to practice
I am just re-posting the info, because I was having difficulty in trying to access through my system....and yet they worked so easily when I accessed them through your post. And of course, I want every reader to be able to read the info.....ABSOLUTELY, FREAKIN' UNBELIEVABLE!!
Then of course another possible CAN OF WORMS:worms::worms:... another doctor (who practices in Florida) was providing testimony on Dr. Roy H's behalf..... Please sit down for this bit of info, ok, Dex? Cuz ya' can't make this stuff up!

directly from the transcript:
55. Dr. Santana is a friend and colleague of Respondent's. (Respondent is Dr. H, ok?)
56. The testimony provided by Dr. Santana was not credible because of his inability to be forthcoming about whether he had ever been disciplined and his personal relationship with Respondent, and moreover his testimony was inconsistent with Dr. Simard's and Ronan's diagnoses of patient L.L.

Frankly, I am as "pleased as punch" these documents are available for the public to access. So again, many thanks to FELICITYLEMON for the research and sharing the links11
If you notice a post is missing it may have been relocated to the topical thread for discussing the recent email sent to former patients of Dr. Sievers and the possible implications of that email located HERE

That will allow this thread to stay focused on sleuthing Dr. Roy Heillbron, owner of the purple truck.
Teresa said that Sheahy was her mentor? Or what was it she said about him? I forget. I think more will come out. Remember about the supplements? What company was that where it was found that the photo of their office must ve fake. Where was it located? Who ran it? I forget
Teresa said that Sheahy was her mentor? Or what was it she said about him? I forget. I think more will come out. Remember about the supplements? What company was that where it was found that the photo of their office must ve fake. Where was it located? Who ran it? I forget

'Intrigued by Eastern medicine, Dr. Sievers began exploring this ancient discipline and found the last piece of the puzzle: the mind, body and spirit connection and energetic healing. She jumped at the chance to study with one of the fathers of holistic medicine, Dr. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD and became certified in transcutaneous acupuncture.'


'Intrigued by Eastern medicine, Dr. Sievers began exploring this ancient discipline and found the last piece of the puzzle: the mind, body and spirit connection and energetic healing. She jumped at the chance to study with one of the fathers of holistic medicine, Dr. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD and became certified in transcutaneous acupuncture.'



So there is a good chance that TS knew the purple truck guy or maybe crossed paths with him?
Whoa Felicity Lemon! what an awesome collective find! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Again, I always find my mind coming back to what I found to be a peculiar statement, made early on,, by Teresa's sister, Annie Marie..

"Lisa said she is seeking justice. She said she can't comment on who she thinks is responsible for killing her sister,

but she said her sister

...always spoke the truth, and some people don't like the truth."

*** I believe Teresa was becoming aware that 'unethical transactions' were going on..imho***

I have been trying to figure out if TS's office would be considered a covered entity that follows the rules of HIPAA. If the practice billed any insurance plan then they would be a covered entity and would be required to follow the rules of patient privacy according to HIPAA guidelines. If it was a cash business then HIPAA guidelines would not be in effect. Something in the back of my head says this all pertains to electronically filed claims. Will look at work tomorrow to be sure that this information is correct.

Turtle, I responded to this issue on the "Email to Former Patients" thread since that's where most of the discussion seemed to be.

What does "conduct certain business electronically" mean? Does it include sending e-mails to patients?



O/T I'm getting ready for a jury trial starting tomorrow and almost "pasted" a huge chunk of my cross-examination notes in here. Which goes to show how careful you should be when dealing with confidential info electronically. :scared:
Good Luck on your trial tomorrow AZlawyer!

And thanks for taking time to be with us.
Could someone tell me if my thinking on the computer equipment is correct:

Dr Roy purchased from MS the office computers? These were the ones that MS tossed in the office dumpsters following TS' funeral. LE retrieved those computers (and printers?) from the dumpsters. So, LE must have returned them all to MS. Is this correct?

LE seized MS' home computers from MS and then returned them after they were through investigating them?

Thanks in advance.

MS received all his computer equipment back - both home and office?
Dr RH presented at a seminar on Wednesday night at his new office in Boca - Wellness & Hormone Centers of America. This was posted by the physician assistant on FB on Thursday along with several photos:

"Very successful Seminar held last night. I had the privilege to introduce the new addition to our practice, Holystic Cardiologist, Dr Roy Heilbron, an authority on Chelation and Stem cell therapy"

Both RH and Wellness & Hormone Centers of America are tagged, but I don't know if I can post the link or not. Beach?
Dr RH presented at a seminar on Wednesday night at his new office in Boca - Wellness & Hormone Centers of America. This was posted by the physician assistant on FB on Thursday along with several photos:

"Very successful Seminar held last night. I had the privilege to introduce the new addition to our practice, Holystic Cardiologist, Dr Roy Heilbron, an authority on Chelation and Stem cell therapy"

Both RH and Wellness & Hormone Centers of America are tagged, but I don't know if I can post the link or not. Beach?

"The Fountain of Youth". What a scam.
I don't know if it's my puter or web browser (mac/chrome), but I'm having bit problems trying to reply to people's posts.

My most recent post was talking to IQuestion :/ and it didn't show up.

The last two days, when I even try to post without replying to anyone, I'm able to type a Title, but the body is greyed out. Arrgh. Am I alone in having troubles? Anybody have suggestions on how I can fix this? Sometimes I try refreshing or reloading several times and it works, other times, I give up and log out.

I have been having the exact same issue and even PM'd mods about it but didn't hear back from ayone. This time it worked for me, but often it does not work :(.
Dr RH presented at a seminar on Wednesday night at his new office in Boca - Wellness & Hormone Centers of America. This was posted by the physician assistant on FB on Thursday along with several photos:

"Very successful Seminar held last night. I had the privilege to introduce the new addition to our practice, Holystic Cardiologist, Dr Roy Heilbron, an authority on Chelation and Stem cell therapy"

Both RH and Wellness & Hormone Centers of America are tagged, but I don't know if I can post the link or not. Beach?
Ha. So RH is now also an authority on stem cell therapy, too.

I'm speechless. Wellness & Hormone Centers of America appear to be a straight up practice.

Do they not have Google? They must have checked his disciplinary record, surely?

Association with RH could potentially ruin them. I don't understand it.

Other than a couple of hundred dubiously obtained medical records (belonging people I seriously doubt any of which would consult him) what is the benefit of adding him to their practice?

I can't rationalise it.
Could someone tell me if my thinking on the computer equipment is correct:

Dr Roy purchased from MS the office computers? These were the ones that MS tossed in the office dumpsters following TS' funeral. LE retrieved those computers (and printers?) from the dumpsters. So, LE must have returned them all to MS. Is this correct?

LE seized MS' home computers from MS and then returned them after they were through investigating them?

Thanks in advance.

MS received all his computer equipment back - both home and office?
CHELLY Mark Sievers threw the printers and fax machines in the "community garbage dumpster".... it is no longer his property. OMG, lol....I finally get to "trash talk" MS's actions!:blushing: (and still stay inside the posting rules. Oh yeah!) This is a good link on the "rights" and "rulings" on evidence discarded in the trash.
...."neither the state nor federal constitution creates a reasonable expectation in discarded trash. You can’t expect privacy in something you’ve thrown away."
Ha. So RH is now also an authority on stem cell therapy, too.

I'm speechless. Wellness & Hormone Centers of America appear to be a straight up practice.

Do they not have Google? They must have checked his disciplinary record, surely?

Association with RH could potentially ruin them. I don't understand it.

Other than a couple of hundred dubiously obtained medical records (belonging people I seriously doubt any of which would consult him) what is the benefit of adding him to their practice?

I can't rationalise it.

Holy Cow! Not to be disrespectful but that practice is either stupid OR they're as bad as RH. Did they not vet him or what?! You're right, Legally Bland.... this association will ruin them. OR expose them for what they really are (same thing). Not to mention potential patients who've now been exposed to him there that will at risk!
Holy Cow! Not to be disrespectful but that practice is either stupid OR they're as bad as RH. Did they not vet him or what?! You're right, Legally Bland.... this association will ruin them. OR expose them for what they really are. Not to mention potential patients who've now been exposed to him there that will at risk!

I can't believe he still using "cardiology". And what's up with the spelling? Probably didn't vet, which is inexcusable in and of itself. jmo.
Googled "Wellness & Fitness Centers of America". Is this a franchise by any chance? I see there are several locations listed throughout Florida. One I clicked onto and read about is in Boca Raton and listed the "Business Owner" as a Physician's Assistant. In Pennsylvania, a P.A. can only practice under the direction of a doctor. I don't know what the law for that is in Florida.

Reviews by patients on "Yelp" indicated a turnover in doctors. Maybe someone who is desperate for a doctor to become an associate of a business won't look too hard at the credentials?
OMG! I go to Disney World for the weekend and all hell breaks out here! This is all totally unbelievable. Honestly, I didn't think there was anything illegal going on in the office like this! But since TS didn't accept insurance and was no longer accepting Medicare, how/what could MS have been defrauding? My head is spinning.

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