P.I. Casey denies he knew where Caylee's remains were

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That stuck out to me too, Friday. I wonder what brought this man out of the woodwork. He was hired by Cindy and George in late July, some two weeks after the first arrest. Wonder if they had any connection with him prior to July.
This is another interesting part, since DC was working for JB originally, was he still in contact with him after C & G became his clients ? I'm not talking about brief contact, I am talking about more than that. He told Detective's that KC remained his client, technically, the whole time, even though he hasn't spoken with her in some time. Was DC's contact with JB more than just brief after he took on the Grandparents ? I can see a situation where JB might have encouraged DC to offer up his services to C & G to keep an eye on them and help the focus remain on finding an alive Caylee. Sorry, but I am just very suspicious now.
IIRC, George's attorney B.C. complimented the OCSO for their help during the time George was missing and he and Cindy were worried George might be planning to "hurt himself".
Also while reading the interview it occured to me that LP had mentioned CA and DC walking around the parking lot of the Ritz together. Now it comes out that they were actually outside together per DC. I think it's pretty obvious that LP's inside source is the other PI, JH. I think LE got their inside info from JH too, we know he gave them an interview, I just wonder how much more there is to this story ?I wonder if JH took a polygraph and what the results were. I wonder if LE will get to the bottom of this question, who knew what when and how did they know it ?

OMG-----somethng just clicked in my brain. Thank You SFT. I remember back when I found out that JH walked up to the ANTS and offered his help. A flag popped up. I thought, "no way a pi would just pop up". I thought --ok--LE has planted him. I remember now that way before that DC tape, I remember LP saying something about JH and the video.

Ok. Guys, I am sorry but I really love LP. If he leaks something then I say, he is saying that for a reason. Meanwhile, back at the ranch----I bet you that you are right SFT.

LP planted JH right in the middle of the ANT camp. Bet LP knows some ah shady (?) peeps. I do think LE knows all this but LE can't get out there and "PLAY" little games with any of the players, so why not let LP do a lil somthin. They know he is good at what he does and I bet he has dealt with worse scumbags---well, maybe. LOL

There are more games than one playing in this whole evil mess. By the time this is over---------they could write a LE sitcom and it would be all true.

Thank Goodness for the good guys in this mess. I know how most of you feel about LP. I take his wanting to be in the "media" different. NOT. He is in his 70s. Man, he is already a celebrity. He has that need to git-er-dun it's in his blood. He goes on Ng and bad mouths CA--------hey, NG can't do it, so she lets LP do it. I like it. Anyway, I am gettin off the road here. Passed the LP Billboard. LOL
I think you could be right. I hope you are.

As far as writing a sitcom--it would have to run for years just to incorporate all the subplots we know of, not to mention the ones we don't. If somebody actually writes a book that's all inclusive, it's going to be so long it will have to be released in multiple volumes. LOL
wow - just read the long interview with dominic c. Where do the anthony's find these people? Dominic c dodging questions left and right. But the best part is when dominic referenced george anthony throwing le out of his home after they arrived with a search warrant. Dominic says george called john allen and his colleagues "flunkies." he is quoted as saying "take your f&^%ing flunkies and get out of here!" now i don't particularly have a great deal of respect or admiration for george at this point, but even less now. These are orlando's finest working to bring justice for george's murdered grandbaby and he throws them out of his home, calling them 'flunkies?' and this from a man who did no searching for caylee himself? Who can't seem to hold down a job? I can't think of a better description of george than "cindy's flunky." maybe i need to go to the rant thread now.:mad:

Eta: Sorry if this is the wrong thread, couldn't find one for the interview released today. Mod's please move/delete if needed.

This is another interesting part, since DC was working for JB originally, was he still in contact with him after C & G became his clients ? I'm not talking about brief contact, I am talking about more than that. He told Detective's that KC remained his client, technically, the whole time, even though he hasn't spoken with her in some time. Was DC's contact with JB more than just brief after he took on the Grandparents ? I can see a situation where JB might have encouraged DC to offer up his services to C & G to keep an eye on them and help the focus remain on finding an alive Caylee. Sorry, but I am just very suspicious now.

I think they are all working together. Why would CA tell LE that she had sent somebody out there looking a month earlier. It was all a spiders nest.
OMG-----somethng just clicked in my brain. Thank You SFT. I remember back when I found out that JH walked up to the ANTS and offered his help. A flag popped up. I thought, "no way a pi would just pop up". I thought --ok--LE has planted him. I remember now that way before that DC tape, I remember LP saying something about JH and the video.

Ok. Guys, I am sorry but I really love LP. If he leaks something then I say, he is saying that for a reason. Meanwhile, back at the ranch----I bet you that you are right SFT.

LP planted JH right in the middle of the ANT camp. Bet LP knows some ah shady (?) peeps. I do think LE knows all this but LE can't get out there and "PLAY" little games with any of the players, so why not let LP do a lil somthin. They know he is good at what he does and I bet he has dealt with worse scumbags---well, maybe. LOL

There are more games than one playing in this whole evil mess. By the time this is over---------they could write a LE sitcom and it would be all true.

Thank Goodness for the good guys in this mess. I know how most of you feel about LP. I take his wanting to be in the "media" different. NOT. He is in his 70s. Man, he is already a celebrity. He has that need to git-er-dun it's in his blood. He goes on Ng and bad mouths CA--------hey, NG can't do it, so she lets LP do it. I like it. Anyway, I am gettin off the road here. Passed the LP Billboard. LOL
I remember hearing about JH's arrival and offer to help the Anthony's too, it did sound strange. As strange, if not more, is the fact that he was allowed access at all.

LP in my mind, wants to do the right thing. I do, sometimes, have a hard time believeing what he says, but some of the time he is surprisingly right...

I had not thought about JH being a LE plant, but you never know and if he was, it was a prety good choice. Wouldn't that be something in this already twist filled story, JH the PI is actually an Informant for the OCSO ! WOW ! I know we already have enough drama and "twists" in this case. :)
Sorry - I didn't read the thread.....

1. Ginnette must be the best psychic in the world. Cinderblocks, everything. She's amazing. Ok - Who told her?

2. WHO told Dom to not call LE or do something other than call LE if he found the body? Who? Not the Ants or someone working for them. Technically, that could be Baez camp but lets assume that's beyond unlikely. Who in the Ants camp then? A hanger-on? Blanchard girl? peeps that run a certain 'missing person' site? Hmmm...

3. Conway was VERY interested in the money. If Cindy was getting paid by ABC, etc. Very. This greatly amuzed me.

4. LE's questioning was very telling in itself. Anthony's reactions etc. Hmm....

5. The longer we don't get Part 2, the better chance that something is going to come out of this. Hmmmm....
OMG-----somethng just clicked in my brain. Thank You SFT. I remember back when I found out that JH walked up to the ANTS and offered his help. A flag popped up. I thought, "no way a pi would just pop up". I thought --ok--LE has planted him. I remember now that way before that DC tape, I remember LP saying something about JH and the video.

Ok. Guys, I am sorry but I really love LP. If he leaks something then I say, he is saying that for a reason. Meanwhile, back at the ranch----I bet you that you are right SFT.

LP planted JH right in the middle of the ANT camp. Bet LP knows some ah shady (?) peeps. I do think LE knows all this but LE can't get out there and "PLAY" little games with any of the players, so why not let LP do a lil somthin. They know he is good at what he does and I bet he has dealt with worse scumbags---well, maybe. LOL

There are more games than one playing in this whole evil mess. By the time this is over---------they could write a LE sitcom and it would be all true.

Thank Goodness for the good guys in this mess. I know how most of you feel about LP. I take his wanting to be in the "media" different. NOT. He is in his 70s. Man, he is already a celebrity. He has that need to git-er-dun it's in his blood. He goes on Ng and bad mouths CA--------hey, NG can't do it, so she lets LP do it. I like it. Anyway, I am gettin off the road here. Passed the LP Billboard. LOL

I think JH offered his services to G & C to sell video and pictures. IIRC, he didn't go to the cops with his video of DC at Suburban. He tried to sell the video and LP told LE.

Whatever JH's intentions, I am glad he got involved.
I remember hearing about JH's arrival and offer to help the Anthony's too, it did sound strange. As strange, if not more, is the fact that he was allowed access at all.

LP in my mind, wants to do the right thing. I do, sometimes, have a hard time believeing what he says, but some of the time he is surprisingly right...

I had not thought about JH being a LE plant, but you never know and if he was, it was a prety good choice. Wouldn't that be something in this already twist filled story, JH the PI is actually an Informant for the OCSO ! WOW ! I know we already have enough drama and "twists" in this case. :)

It would be a great story.

But, IIRC, he was shopping the video (for $$$$$$$), not informing.
I remember hearing about JH's arrival and offer to help the Anthony's too, it did sound strange. As strange, if not more, is the fact that he was allowed access at all.

LP in my mind, wants to do the right thing. I do, sometimes, have a hard time believeing what he says, but some of the time he is surprisingly right...

I had not thought about JH being a LE plant, but you never know and if he was, it was a prety good choice. Wouldn't that be something in this already twist filled story, JH the PI is actually an Informant for the OCSO ! WOW ! I know we already have enough drama and "twists" in this case. :)

LOL Sometimes don't you feel like you are hanging onto a ceiling fan by one hand and somebody flips a switch??????????
Going back over parts of the interview, LE asks DC if while he was at the meet and greet he told anyone there about the "tip" and going to the site...DC answers no. The way LE is asking the question makes it sound like they already have information about a possible conversation at the meet and greet on the subject between DC and "someone" there.
LOL Sometimes don't you feel like you are hanging onto a ceiling fan by one hand and somebody flips a switch??????????
OMG, YES ! I have never seen anything like this, as I imagine most others haven't as well. It just doesn't stop, or not for very long. :)
Do we have anything in Dominics own words or even from a more reputable news source? WFTV frequently "misconstrues" :p people's words.

Yes we do, here you go.
This transcript was kept out of the public spotlight until Judge Stan Strickland ruled the release would have little impact on the case.


Transcript of Dominic Casey interview http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Transcript 1 of Dominic Casey (3).pdf

A few snips from the transcript of interest, not word for word but there is the link if you care to read what DC told LE.

Conway was present when DC did this interview.

Dominic first states that he was not at Suburban Drive on Nov 15th. Then he states he was on his way to the meet and greet, he had met Hoover at his office and Hoover suggested they drive his car. He then claimed he got a call from Ginnette Lucas between seven and eight. But then states he meet with Hoover after the call He then goes on to say that Ginnette gave him the location to Suburban drive and info on what to look for and once he arrived she called him again and asked him if he was there and he said yes. He also claims he didn't know Hoover was video taping him and that he made NO PHONE calls...He then says that he did call Ginnette once he was out of the woods. LE asked him again if he had called anyone and he just said Ginnette and then his daughter. He then said later on in the interview he made three calls. He kept talking about the three concrete blocks that were out in the woods that Ginnette told him to look for. (NOTE, THE THREE BLOCKS/PAVER WERE AT THE ABANDONED HOUSE NOT IN THE WOODS, FROM WHAT I COULD SEE IN THE VIDEO THAT WAS RELEASED).

Then LE mentioned the abandoned house. DC said it was across the street. He then said they got back in the car and drove to the house because it was the next street across. DC then states that Hoover did not video tape him at the house, but LE asked would it be possible that he was caught on video digging at the abandoned house and he said maybe since Hoover is a sneaky little devil. When asked what he was doing while at the house he said he walked in and the purpose was not the house, it was to look at the culvert. He walked to the fence and saw the culvert, it's a overflow thing is what comes out of the retention pond. He was looking around there, claims he didn't look by the house. (ON VIDEO YOU SEE HIM DIGGING UP WHERE THE CONCREATE PAVERS WERE). Dominic then claims that as he was walking, coming back out of the side of the house he saw one, tow, three or maybe four pavers. He though, shoot here's three more pavers, "as the physic had told him to look for". So he check them out, they were all clean, nothing there.

Pg 37-39 Keep in mind he is also still working for Casey...he worked for the Anthony's, then Baez, then the Anthony's but for some reason had a contract with Casey as well.

Skipping to page 39 where LE asked Dominic Casey who decied which tip from the tip line should go to LE and he said, Cindy, George and himself. LE also asked why if the tip from the physic was about a dead Caylee why was that not turned over to LE. Dominic kept avoiding the question of why this tip was not reported and you can tell that LE was getting frustrated. He then started talking about his third trip to surburb and drive, but didn't feel that this tip of a dead Caylee should be shared with LE. Dominic claims that out of all the tips from the tip line, this was the only one that someone claimed that Caylee was dead. LE could not understand why he did not report the tip, and still avoiding the question as to why they felt this tip should of not been forwarded to LE. He never did answer LE about who told him not to forward the tip . On pg 49 LE asked how many tips of a live Caylee did he get and DC stated around 500...LE asked how many of a dead Caylee, DC agreed with LE that he got 5 or 6 dead Caylee tips and one of those was credible and the other four or five were not. DC said correct...DC said he followed each tip that came in over 500 and the most recent one from the physic that told him to go to Suburban drive.

PG 53 DC claims that the Anthony's PR person Mitchell Bart had made the arrangements for the Anthony's to stay at the Ritz when they got back from California. He also said that Caitlyn a producer from ABC was there to meet with them. They had met with her back in Sept. He said that Cindy took the phone and started chit chatting with Caitlyn. DC also said that on that day Dec11th Baez had came by to let the Anthony's know that he had spoken with Casey. He claimed Baez stayed only 30 min. However, later in the conversation he claimed Lee, Mallory, Bart, Cindy, George, Hoover, himself, Baez and Caitlyn all had dinner, Baez had a steak..they were at dinner about an hour. He claims they all went to there rooms, Baez left, and later on he was walking through the lobby and saw Michelle Bart, Caitlyn and Cindy. Cindy had told Dominic that Michelle and Caitlyn are on staff. Dominic asked who's staff and Cindy said with ABC and he started walking around and ended up sitting at the bench outside.

Pg 64 . States that ABC paid for the Ritz's hotel stay. Michelle Bart had made the arrangements and that was the reason that Caitlyn was there.

PAGE 74-75....LE-(Nick Savage) asked Dominic Was there ever an occasion where he had any contrary instruction if, he had found Caylee's remains. In other words not call 911, not take the proper steps and Dominic said YES...stop the tape stop the tape...it was never said who this person is only that it was not anyone that lived in the Anthony house! Pg 75 states they had to stop the tape at his request because DC was not able to talk about certain things, that might be privi that might be privileged information.
The fact that the judge is reviewing the second interview is normal under these circumstances. JB raised the question of possible A/C privilege and wanted a special master appointed to monitor questioning. That was denied, but the court, apparently in response, is doing an in camera (in his chambers) evaluation of the material to determine if there is any privileged information. In the meantime, the PI is lawyered up with BC, who is helpful to the defense when he can be and also reps the A's, so DC has had plenty of party line guidance and advice. I think we'll see part 2.

The media reports the second interview happened the same day. I guess after LE had DC committed to his testimony, they let him know what they actually knew. It reminds me of the conversation we eavesdropped on through the open microphone at one of the hearings, about how DC lied a lot and then got caught.
Going back over parts of the interview, LE asks DC if while he was at the meet and greet he told anyone there about the "tip" and going to the site...DC answers no. The way LE is asking the question makes it sound like they already have information about a possible conversation at the meet and greet on the subject between DC and "someone" there.

Are we into a "DAISY CHAIN" here??? So do you think maybe JH was videoing this? Maybe he was spying. Or maybe LP had somebody spying.
I remember hearing about JH's arrival and offer to help the Anthony's too, it did sound strange. As strange, if not more, is the fact that he was allowed access at all.

LP in my mind, wants to do the right thing. I do, sometimes, have a hard time believeing what he says, but some of the time he is surprisingly right...

I had not thought about JH being a LE plant, but you never know and if he was, it was a prety good choice. Wouldn't that be something in this already twist filled story, JH the PI is actually an Informant for the OCSO ! WOW ! I know we already have enough drama and "twists" in this case. :)

Its brilliant- if JH is an informant, its just brilliant. First, anything a suspect says to an undercover agent is NOT covered by Miranda and the "right to remain silent." Big case a few years back where a perp in jail started bragging to his cell-mate...who was actually an undercover agent. The agent never said a word, never asked a question - and everything was admissible since the agent didn't question the suspect. So when KC was out...I pray she said something to JH!

Second brilliance- if JH was in the room with JB, DC, KC, the As- there is no attorney/client privilege. When DC worked for JB, he's considered JBs agent, and is covered by privilege. But if JH is there - the privilege is waived. If JB [I hope] assumed that JH worked for DC (since they both pal-ed around with the As), then JB might have spoken freely thinking it was ALL protected by privilege. But nope!!

If LE really injected JH in this, even if he's not an undercover agent, it would be perfect b/c they will have PROOF that JH was never employed by JB and thus was never covered by privilege. AND JB can't cry fraud because its his responsibility to ensure everyone in the room is in his employ OR he has to watch his mouth!!

I BET the 2nd half that the Judge is currently going over is determining when privilege was waived when a 3rd person was in the room- I LOVED how John and Nick (I love them so much its first name basis) were toe-ing about "who was in the room with JB" to see if privilege was waived, and I LOVEEEDDD that BC - who obviously knows all the rules - did not say anything! But in fact said "yes privilege was waived!"

LOL Sometimes don't you feel like you are hanging onto a ceiling fan by one hand and somebody flips a switch??????????
Exactly!! LOL The spin in this case goes beyond anything I have ever witnessed. When someone writes a book, they should just publish it through Brittanica and sell it as a set. It will be used in case studies and classrooms for years to come anyway. ;)

I agree, if it was JB...this is huge. I don't see any other reason for them to stop the tape...unless...he said, "Casey Anthony".

DC has already been proven to be a liar so nothing surprises me about him lying to LE. I have to think he could be lying about this, too.
And do you what is even scarier?????????????? This isn't the big picture yet. This doesn't stop at CASEY---CA---GA---LA---JH---JB---THIS STARTED WITH CAYLEE. They have all totally dropped this sweet baby and is came from somebody other I named.

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