P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

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That's what I'm thinking. I wonder if Hoovers working with the State...in that WFTV interview, it seemed to me like Casey was throwing Hoover under the bus to discredit him. Wonder if this has something to do with the rumblings of obstruction charges?

Dualing PI's...this could be fun, watch them impode.

Maybe Mr. Joy threw them both under the bus, hmmm
The best part which I'm hoping means he does have the tape to show what he really video taped is this part:

Casey said Hoover simply showed up at the Anthony's door one day and offered to help them deal with protesters free of charge, and the Anthony’s allowed it.

That would mean JB, LA r the A's can't control what he's allowed to say to LE & FBI!

Yes yes yes!! Now THAT is the wonderful thought I needed to go to sleep on. Justice will prevail. You are an Angel, angel. :angel:
Update Just Released:

Anthony’s PI: no videos of the site where remains found
Last Edited: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 10:01 PM EST
Created: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 9:54 PM EST

While he was there, Casey said that James Hoover snuck up on him.

"As I turned around, Hoover was standing there with a video camera,&#8221; Casey said. &#8220;I said, 'What are you doing here?' He said, &#8216;I thought you might want help.' I said, &#8216;James, that's completely inappropriate&#8217;."

Casey took photos of the area and said he's turned over his photos to the Anthony's attorney, to give to prosecutors.

According to Casey, James Hoover now claims his video no longer exists, that he taped over it.

VIDEO: Anthony&#8217;s PI: no videos of the site where remains found


Or there never was a video and he made the whole thing up.
If this just happened to be one of a dozen places the PI video taped, I smell some exploitation going on. On the other hand if the PI went specifically to that spot, somebody has some splainin' to do.

If the video does show some evidence of remains, and I apologize if that is what was being referred to in an earlier post in this thread because I misunderstood, then that certainly should have been turned over immediately as I can't see how that could fall under privilege.

If... no I'm going to stop now, there are too many if's. Anyone have an Advil?
This supposedly is the ONLY place the PI went which wasn't Alive Caylee related.

Wouldn't you rather have a drink instead?!

BTW~ Doesn't it make him a pretty sorry PI when another person can "sneak up on him" in a rather jungletype setting with a video camera rolling?! And he admits it?! Hahahahahaha~
This supposedly is the ONLY place the PI went which wasn't Alive Caylee related.

Wouldn't you rather have a drink instead?!

BTW~ Doesn't it make him a pretty sorry PI when another person can "sneak up on him" in a rather jungletype setting with a video camera rolling?! And he admits it?! Hahahahahaha~

good point! LOL
This development is crazy in that DC claims he went there to investigate if this area, alleged to be a place where teens hang out was valid -- to check if there was beer bottles and to photo it/them. Not only that but JH had latched onto him and followed and, filmed the scene without DC's knowledge at first.

DC told JH it was in-appropriate to do so but why? In-appropriate to film a teen hangout area or ----- a suspected crime scene????????

Doh!!! So the PI while hot on the trail of Caylee Alive sightings being just a few steps away to locating her alive has nothing better to do than go to an area that was reported by KC's friend to be a teen hangout to validate it?

Hmmm, yeah that's right. This is very compelling and now it makes sense, now I understand. Got it.

I found that statement silly as well. Why would it be totally inappropriate? If he said that, it sounds like he was admonishing him because it was a child's grave, not a party place.

I believe what LP related. "We found Caylee. She's dead. We have to go and get her."

So many new questions...
And now I'm wondering about the Caylee Alive sign lady and hubster. Were they showing up to cause trouble, allowing Hoover to sweep in and offer his services?
Yes yes yes!! Now THAT is the wonderful thought I needed to go to sleep on. Justice will prevail. You are an Angel, angel. :angel:

:blushing::blushing::angel: That was the 1st thing I thought of no contract no JB getting in the way of him talking as much as he wants to! Even if he did record over it....which I don't believe he knows a lot that was said while around the A's! I feel much better too that this is why all of the talk about immunity. Could we all agree immunity for JH?:clap:
Or there never was a video and he made the whole thing up.

But DC in his interview with FOX says this & proves that they were there. So I'm betting there is/was a video.

Casey took photos of the area and said he's turned over his photos to the Anthony's attorney, to give to prosecutors.

So that still dosen't explain why they were looking Nov. 15th when Kio told LE about hanging out there July 18th or it was the 19th. I posted the link to prove it was even sooner then what the transcript was done. JMO
:blushing::blushing::angel: That was the 1st thing I thought of no contract no JB getting in the way of him talking as much as he wants to! Even if he did record over it....which I don't believe he knows a lot that was said while around the A's! I feel much better too that this is why all of the talk about immunity. Could we all agree immunity for JH?:clap:

BASKETS of immunity for Hoover, I say! :)
Or there never was a video and he made the whole thing up.

But not only has LP stated he was shown part of the tape. I believe one of the news stations also claim to have seen part of it.
:blushing::blushing::angel: That was the 1st thing I thought of no contract no JB getting in the way of him talking as much as he wants to! Even if he did record over it....which I don't believe he knows a lot that was said while around the A's! I feel much better too that this is why all of the talk about immunity. Could we all agree immunity for JH?:clap:

Yep, JH gets immunity from me, gladly. DC, nope, :)
I found that statement silly as well. Why would it be totally inappropriate? If he said that, it sounds like he was admonishing him because it was a child's grave, not a party place.

I believe what LP related. "We found Caylee. She's dead. We have to go and get her."

So many new questions...

I didn't get the inappropriate comment either. Put down that inappropriate video camera and let me get back to taking appropriate still shots?
<<According to Casey he's the only private investigator working on the case for the Anthony's and admitted he went to the site where the remains were found November 15th.

"I went out there to determine if it really was a place where teens hung out,&#8221; Casey said.
Casey added that he was taking photos to document information found in discovery documents that stated it was a teen hang out. He said he was looking for items such as beer bottles, makeshift chairs and similar items.

While he was there, Casey said that James Hoover snuck up on him.

"As I turned around, Hoover was standing there with a video camera,&#8221; Casey said. &#8220;I said, 'What are you doing here?' He said, &#8216;I thought you might want help.' I said, &#8216;James, that's completely inappropriate&#8217;.">>

Reading his statement again, it is just rediculous.
But DC in his interview with FOX says this & proves that they were there. So I'm betting there is/was a video.

Casey took photos of the area and said he's turned over his photos to the Anthony's attorney, to give to prosecutors.

So that still dosen't explain why they were looking Nov. 15th when Kio told LE about hanging out there July 18th or it was the 19th. I posted the link to prove it was even sooner then what the transcript was done. JMO

So, he turned the pictures over to MN?
I didn't get the inappropriate comment either. Put down that inappropriate video camera and let me get back to taking appropriate still shots?

or .... it's inappropriate to take pics of a teen hangout
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