P.I. Says Partner Knew Where Caylee Anthony's Body Was

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One HUGE difference...JH wasn't lying to the OCSO or the FBI unlike others in this case have done. If he did tell LP he had taped over it...no biggie. He may have wanted to insure that no one came looking for his video because they thought it was gone. It was a smart move on his part, imo.
I apologize for asking this, but I can't open anything and it's making me nuts. Do we actually know what is shown on the PI H tape? Do we know who it shows doing a search, (like both PI's or only one?), or whether they are talking (if there is more than one person)? Is it confirmed the tape shows them NOT finding anything?
Hoover also told LP the tape no longer existed. Seems the truth and JH may be strangers.
I haven't watched Nancy Grace in a month. Did Hoover just tell LP that to blow him off or did Hoover tell LE and the general public that the tape no longer existed/was taped over. I wonder if Hoover ever lied to LE about the existence and condition of the tape. Presumably, LE contacted him and his response was to tell LE he would speak with LE and give LE the tape but wanted prosecution immunity. It doesn't bother me what Hoover did or didn't tell LP (true or not). (Of course I find it revolting that he didn't take the tape immediately to LE if it actually contained something, and also revolting if he was trying to profit from it). Anyway, it may be that the truth and Hoover are strangers, as you say, so I'm glad if we now have the video and don't have to rely on what Hoover *says* about it.
I of course am not saying whether the Anthony's knew or not or where the original info came from, but what I am noticing is glaringly missing is their attorney making a statement that whatever led the PI's to this location was unknown to his clients and that they are just relieved to know that the tape is now being investigated.

Nothing like that at all... just a statement that I am trying to get immunity for my clients.
Hoover also told LP the tape no longer existed. Seems the truth and JH may be strangers.

Just to add to the confusion JH did not say that to LP, he told DC that he erased the tape (DC's statement to the press).

LP clearly said on NG that the tape was turned over to the FBI.
I guess I missed the part about the video tape showing them finding the body.

I've never heard such a part existed? What are you talking about? Or are you just being sarcastic?

Do you say because they did not video her remains it necessarily means they didn't know they were there? How do you jump to that conclusion?
Just to add to the confusion JH did not say that to LP, he told DC that he erased the tape (DC's statement to the press).

LP clearly said on NG that the tape was turned over to the FBI.

Thank you! That's what I recall as well.
I guess I missed the part about the video tape showing them finding the body.

I've never heard such a part existed? What are you talking about? Or are you just being sarcastic?

Do you say because they did not video her remains it necessarily means they didn't know they were there? How do you jump to that conclusion?
I think this case is just making my head SPIN! Can someone please help me understand so what would be on that tape that would be encouraging to the police? and helpful with them moving forward? unless something was revealed on the tape? Did that make sense?

This is from the paragraph near the bottom.....

"Baez said investigators won't let him sit in on the questioning, so he's asking the judge to appoint a special master to protect defense secrets if the private eye agrees to talk.

"Investigators have tried to make arrangements with Mr. Casey to speak to him and he's not responded," Padilla said.

The defense's spokesman said they don't want their former private eye to divulge privileged conversations they might have had about where Caylee's remains might be.

I found this part amusing from the first time I read this article....I know it's not a "direct quote" from the spokesman, but i wonder if it's one of those "taken out of context" things like Black had said early on about something to the effect of the A's losing a grand daughter, and now they could lose their daughter, too.....
I don't know why I am so excited other than the fact that the tape is intact and JH has given sworn statements to both OCSO and the FBI about DC's admission. It doesn't matter if they found the body or not...they KNEW there was a body in the location meaning they KNEW somehow Caylee was dead. Yet the A fam AND DC kept up the charade for another month. Don't forget...they didn't just go to LKL the day before she was found...they were checking out another sighting which DC also was aware of and touting to be an Alive Caylee. That is fraud.

I was waiting to see how this was going to play out and if JH was going to recant what LP was saying he said. Instead...he did even better! He fooled DC into a false sense of security by leading DC to believe the tape no longer existed.
Wow, what a web of lies! What a charade! There will have to be more arrests coming down I would think!
I can't even invision how the Anthonys could know Caylee's remains were out there right down the street from them and continue on with the circus! Surely to God, they were not aware! I can't believe anyone that loved their little "missing" grandchild would play that game!
I don't know why I am so excited other than the fact that the tape is intact and JH has given sworn statements to both OCSO and the FBI about DC's admission. It doesn't matter if they found the body or not...they KNEW there was a body in the location meaning they KNEW somehow Caylee was dead. Yet the A fam AND DC kept up the charade for another month. Don't forget...they didn't just go to LKL the day before she was found...they were checking out another sighting which DC also was aware of and touting to be an Alive Caylee. That is fraud.

I was waiting to see how this was going to play out and if JH was going to recant what LP was saying he said. Instead...he did even better! He fooled DC into a false sense of security by leading DC to believe the tape no longer existed.

Bolded by me: ITA! I am also excited that LE is encouraged by the tape and found it "very helpful".

Okay...devil's advocate speculation:

I'm guessing the PI's did NOT find the body due to the foilage, but perhaps LE spotted it in the tape having been to and scoured the crime scene.

Maybe the A's kept up their charade because maybe KC was the one who told DC where Caylee was and since the PI's didn't find her, the A's thought KC was lying again. ??? I know...I know. :rolleyes:
I bolded that part - that would be scary - I can't see it happening, THO anything in this case is possible.....IF and it's a big IF that something like this was on the tape and the A's knew about it - letting the body to skeletonize would leave less evidence, as we know it did - I hope this isn't the case - I would hate for an entire family to be this cold and calculating
Well...not sure I wish the A's knew about it (you're right - that would be so cold of the whole family). But I definitely DO HOPE the video shows evidence of a bag or something at Caylee's final resting place. Only because that's where she was ultimately found and it would simply be consistent.

Interesting that when news of a video first broke, it seemed like folks thought such a development was good for the defense (I guess they assumed the video showed the location and showed there was no body there in November). But I'm going to speculate that perhaps the video DOES show evidence that Caylee is in the spot because of some things said in the report (of course, the report could be complete bunk who knows). Here's why:

First, the report says, "The videotape reportedly showed the location of Caylee's remains weeks before they were discovered". Note it says LOCATION OF CAYLEE'S REMAINS, not "video showing AREA where Caylee's remains were discovered."

Second, the report says: "...it could be evidence that helps link Casey to her daughter's death". If the video shows no evidence of remains or a bag, then how does the video link Casey to Caylee's death?.

Third, the report says, "The evidence appears to be key incriminating evidence against Casey Anthony in the murder of her daughter." What would be so "key" about a video showing nothing but leaves and trees?
If this turns out to be true then it pretty much confirms what many of us have thought from day one which is Cindy & George knew that Caylee was dead.

And not only did they know that she was dead they knew where her body was.

I will say one thing. I will be very disappointed in LE if they make any kind of plea deal with the Anthony's.

If they knowingly let Caylee's body remain undiscovered for months then they should be locked up right along with Casey.

Think back to all of Cindy's interviews & statements. She gave so many people so much false hope that Caylee was alive & she did it so convincingly.

No wonder her daughter is such a polished Liar.


"Can you tell me whether this helps you move forward in the case?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Sgt. John Allen.

"Very helpful," he said
Anyone think LE will make a statement as to what's on the tape? In reading the article, it's not clear to me yet but.....if the video actually DOES show Caylee's final resting place (an area within a foot, zoomed in perhaps too and maybe even a bit of the bag) then wow. If the video did contain this, and the Anthonys knew about this video, then they might consider hiring those bodyguards around their house again. It will cause quite a stir if the Anthonys let their little granddaughter further decompose hoping nobody would find her (and only sought immunity when the meter reader did find her eventually). If Hoover held out to sell the tape (and seek immunity) before handing it over to LE, he should be ashamed as well. It seems like everyone in this case focused on getting their own bodyguards, publicists, lawyers and private investigators and of course each of them have their own conflicting duties and motives. Meanwhile, poor Caylee rotted while everyone else bickered over legalities, fees and royalties. Shocking.

Wow, extremely well said and so very sad!
If this turns out to be true then it pretty much confirms what many of us have thought from day one which is Cindy & George knew that Caylee was dead.

And not only did they know that she was dead they knew where her body was.

I will say one thing. I will be very disappointed in LE if they make any kind of plea deal with the Anthony's.

If they knowingly let Caylee's body remain undiscovered for months then they should be locked up right along with Casey.

Think back to all of Cindy's interviews & statements. She gave so many people so much false hope that Caylee was alive & she did it so convincingly.

No wonder her daughter is such a polished Liar.


"Can you tell me whether this helps you move forward in the case?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Sgt. John Allen.

"Very helpful," he said


Plus, they kept asking for donations the whole time.
Hoover also told LP the tape no longer existed. Seems the truth and JH may be strangers.

Same with DC. These are past quotes from him.

"She is absolutely distraught," says Dominic when asked about her (KC) demeanor on these visits, "I cannot imagine what that girl is going through."

Dominic says he would be absolutely devastated if Caylee's remains were found. "I would fall apart. I would not believe the remains were of Caylee Marie. Not for one minute would I believe Casey would do that to her child. I've spent many hours with her and she is a loving and protective mother."
I of course am not saying whether the Anthony's knew or not or where the original info came from, but what I am noticing is glaringly missing is their attorney making a statement that whatever led the PI's to this location was unknown to his clients and that they are just relieved to know that the tape is now being investigated.

Nothing like that at all... just a statement that I am trying to get immunity for my clients.

He did say today coming out of court he was representing DC (because he works for the A's) & when asked if he was in any trouble he said "no, not at all"..I'm wondering if he knew at that time Hoover was meeting with LE?

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