Deceased/Not Found PA - Anna Maciejewska, 43, Chester County, 10 April 2017

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It would be great to know what and where has been searched and what and where has not. Otherwise we are running around in circles wasting volunteer and private resources. This is sounding more and more like a "snipe" hunt.
I quoted from an article just a few posts back where some locations were mentioned.

Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue (GSPAR) joined the efforts to find Maciejewska on June 14. They searched Bodine, Seven Stars and the Turnpike area around the house on Hedgerow Lane for ten to twelve hours in total.
Tracker, do you know how much of a donation is needed for another SAR group to come in? Or how does it all work?
Tracker, do you know how much of a donation is needed for another SAR group to come in? Or how does it all work?

Personally, I don't think she's out there. I'm local and have struggled with whether or not to join the search given the risks of exposure to injury and tick bites (Lyme disease is highly endemic here), and I just don't think it's worth it. My gut says she's not out there.
Tracker, do you know how much of a donation is needed for another SAR group to come in? Or how does it all work?

In most cases, SAR Teams have to be invited by the local municipality, State Police and/or Federal Agency due to insurance liability.

Any searching done by a SAR Team not under the auspices of the above leaves them only covered by their own policy. Volunteers have historically been exempt from legal issues.
In most cases, SAR Teams have to be invited by the local municipality, State Police and/or Federal Agency due to insurance liability.

Any searching done by a SAR Team not under the auspices of the above leaves them only covered by their own policy. Volunteers have historically been exempt from legal issues.

Thank you Tracker, that makes sense. I really wonder why the FA group has waited until now to organize community searches. The article below states that PSP/cadets searched Charlestown Meadows and the surrounding area several days after her car was found, and GPSAR searched several areas in June. So....why start volunteer searches December?!? Last weekends' search had to be cancelled due to snow. Especially when people were willing to search in the more ideal summer conditions, and were discouraged/threatened for doing so. Unfortunately, we will probably never know the answers to many questions. Maybe the current community searches are just so they can say "we tried everything we could," like you previously suggested. Frustrating!!
Thank you Tracker, that makes sense. I really wonder why the FA group has waited until now to organize community searches. The article below states that PSP/cadets searched Charlestown Meadows and the surrounding area several days after her car was found, and GPSAR searched several areas in June. So....why start volunteer searches December?!? Last weekends' search had to be cancelled due to snow. Especially when people were willing to search in the more ideal summer conditions, and were discouraged/threatened for doing so. Unfortunately, we will probably never know the answers to many questions. Maybe the current community searches are just so they can say "we tried everything we could," like you previously suggested. Frustrating!!

Possibly because the brush/vegetation will not be as heavy as it was over the summer. Just a guess.

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Possibly because the brush/vegetation will not be as heavy as it was over the summer. Just a guess.

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I agree. Lets hope there are some warmer days when snow is not on the ground. That would be the ideal time to search.
I too have been frustrated with the FA group. I feel like they really shut down interest in the case early on by discouraging discussion on social media. But I think the motivations were born of fear (and perhaps some control issues). I don't think there was/is anything nefarious going on there.
As time drags on, I wonder if there will ever be justice for Anna. Does anyone know at what point the police/prosecutors might consider charges even if no body is found? Would it help if there was pressure from the local community?
I too have been frustrated with the FA group. I feel like they really shut down interest in the case early on by discouraging discussion on social media. But I think the motivations were born of fear (and perhaps some control issues). I don't think there was/is anything nefarious going on there.
As time drags on, I wonder if there will ever be justice for Anna. Does anyone know at what point the police/prosecutors might consider charges even if no body is found? Would it help if there was pressure from the local community?
It is always possible that a prosecutor might be game for a trial without a body but I don't think that will be the case at all. Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania State Police in particular, are quite content to wait decades before finally going after someone. Right now, as I see it, there are two possibilities. One possibility is that cadaver dogs hit on either the home or a vehicle and LE is trying to determine if there is a co-conspirator. The other is that there was no hit by cadaver dogs in the home or the vehicles and there is certainly a co-conspirator. As it is, even if Anna is found it is quite likely that how she was killed (I do believe she is dead) will not be able to be determined. What is important about this case is that the victim and the people around her are educated and are not a collection of half-wits. That said, I believe only one of the people involved was smart enough to keep a "get out of life without parole" card as an insurance policy. As for the other person, I believe she, since I believe there is a woman involved, is completely screwed.
It is always possible that a prosecutor might be game for a trial without a body but I don't think that will be the case at all. Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania State Police in particular, are quite content to wait decades before finally going after someone. Right now, as I see it, there are two possibilities. One possibility is that cadaver dogs hit on either the home or a vehicle and LE is trying to determine if there is a co-conspirator. The other is that there was no hit by cadaver dogs in the home or the vehicles and there is certainly a co-conspirator. As it is, even if Anna is found it is quite likely that how she was killed (I do believe she is dead) will not be able to be determined. What is important about this case is that the victim and the people around her are educated and are not a collection of half-wits. That said, I believe only one of the people involved was smart enough to keep a "get out of life without parole" card as an insurance policy. As for the other person, I believe she, since I believe there is a woman involved, is completely screwed.

It sounds like you have a well developed theory. Care to share?

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I'm so glad to see some new comments/thoughts here! I'm frustrated that the FA group hasn't even bothered to post an update about the next community search. The last post was on 12/16/17, postponing the community search that was scheduled for the following day (due to snow on the ground.) The post said that the search would be rescheduled for "next weekend," and that they "will post next weekend search efforts shortly." Granted that next weekend was the 23rd and 24th, and I'm sure everyone was busy with holiday activities, but they should have updated and let people know the search would be rescheduled for sometime after the holidays!! It's very disrespectful that they didn't. They ask for the community to help, and then don't even bother updating! Not cool!! ESPECIALLY with it being the holidays, and the first Christmas that Anna's family does not have her with them...I think a post/update would have been nice.
Some observations:
Anna went missing with only one witness to her mental state and time of departure. Her car was found in close proximity to her home (geographically). To the best of our knowledge, Anna has made no attempt to contact family and most likely would be concerned about the welfare of her son. PSP, Chester County and local LE are not sharing any information. GP SAR and the FA Group are not sharing information in any searchable forum/media. Non LE search operations seem to be somewhat disorganized and "appear" to be controlled by the FA group. GP SAR "appears" to be the only PA State accredited SAR team involved, despite other K9 and Search teams in SE PA. I am not aware of any State SAR Council "boots on the ground" or SAR Management Team review (not saying it has not occurred, just not in print anywhere I can find). Who has oversight and/or control of SAR Operations? Who is SAR reporting search data too? What is State, County and Local LE involvement at this juncture? Is there a POI named officially or unofficially by LE? As I noted before, this is turning into a snipe hunt. The blind leading the blind in the hopes that someone will stumble upon something, all the while the critical information is in the hands of those who are not sharing. I find it odd that volunteer resources are fumbling about if there is potentially no need for it.
Let's bump Anna back up the list a bit. Almost time to hit all those trails again with binoculars and find out how far back into the woods I can see. The areas I am thinking of are not open to hunting for the most part. Where are you Anna?
I'm assuming signs of burial are what you'd be looking for.
<respectfully snipped for relevance>
That said, I believe only one of the people involved was smart enough to keep a "get out of life without parole" card as an insurance policy. As for the other person, I believe she, since I believe there is a woman involved, is completely screwed.
<imo> Ever since the FA team was formed and they began to tightly control or influence the flow of information and chatter, I have firmly believed this is the case. There's a mole, for sure. However, if "she" comes forward first she will be able to save herself and throw him under the bus. </imo> All in my opinion, of course.

From the article

On March 29th, Anna told her mother she couldn&#8217;t fly out and she missed them. The next day, Zygmunt got a birthday text message from Anna in Polish with two mistakes. He received the text at 4:50 p.m. Polish time.

Well that helps me since I wasn't aware of the time that text was sent. With the 6 hour difference in time between Poland and Pennsylvania that puts the text at 10:50AM EDT.

Also I don't know that it was mentioned on the thread before but some areas searched earlier are listed.

On May 8, Maciejewska&#8217;s dark-blue 2011 Audi A4 was located at the Charlestown Meadows overflow parking lot on Ashtree Drive in Malvern, near neighborhood walking trails.

A few days later, forty investigators including Embreeville Station Troopers, search dogs, and State Police Academy Cadets conducted an extensive search around the Charlestown Meadows development, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the wooded area around the walking trails.

Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue (GSPAR) joined the efforts to find Maciejewska on June 14. They searched Bodine, Seven Stars and the Turnpike area around the house on Hedgerow Lane for ten to twelve hours in total.
Another interesting tidbit: Anna's family table was loaded with an Easter feast, yet Anna was missing and no concern was apparently shown. Hmmmmm



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I agree with the post below, sounds like you have a well developed theory, care to share?

*sorry posting from my phone and it’s all wonky. I’ll try to fix this to quote the post I’m asking about once I get to my desktop
In my opinion, the police know who made Anna disappear and are making sure that every &#8220;i&#8221; is dotted and &#8220;t&#8221; is crossed before making an arrest or pressing charges. The person who did this should be very, very scared because they are coming for you. It is only a matter of time.
What really has me scratching my head is that if LE knows who committed the act, why are they letting volunteer searchers go out in this weather with the potential for injury, frostbite, etc? Even with oversight, untrained volunteer searchers tend to go wondering off (with the best of intentions) and end up on private property with all the related entanglements and hard feelings that creates. In short, why are lives being risked if the case is all but solved other than enough proof to bring charges? Only thing I can think of is to keep the FA group occupied and out from under LE's feet.
if it worked once, maybe it will work again. When someone gets bored or irritated or feels threatened by someone else, they just might disappear them too. Just sayin'.
if it worked once, maybe it will work again. When someone gets bored or irritated or feels threatened by someone else, they just might disappear them too. Just sayin'.

THIS! This is what makes me very nervous about sleuthing this case.
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