PA PA - Bedford, 'Mr. Bones' WhtMale 30-35, 585UMPA, 30-06 rifle, gold dental wk, camping equip, Oct'58

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A suitable relative of Charles Conner has given a DNA sample to Ohio LE for comparison to Mr. Bones. The relationship is such that it should be definitive. Results should be known around Christmas.
It is gonna be a long wait for me!

Wouldn't that just be a wonderful Christmas?!

Keeping everything crossed that I can!!
Could he possibly have been a despondent WWII veteran? Post traumatic stress? An interesting possibility....
And a bit fanciful, well *a lot* fanciful, the first thing I thought of when I heard about the contacts in 1958....was that he was a time traveler! : )
But more seriously, that leads me to think he might have been a physician...or in the medical world. Someone in the know, and in the front of the line for something so revolutionary as contacts in 1958. BTW, the first corneal contact lens was invented by a California optician in 1948/9. Prototypes data back many, many years. So the technology was still quite new, which leads me to wonder if this guy was in the medical field.
Wouldn't that just be a wonderful Christmas?!

Keeping everything crossed that I can!!

Yes it would! Thanks for your thoughts. I am planning a trip and remodeling my bathroom, and with engineering projects it all keeps my mind off the case.
And if I am wrong, at least relatives of Chuck Conner will have DNA in the system, to be compared to other remains, including those yet to be discovered.
I haven't read the threads except the opener.. but if he traveled by plane could they cross reference passanger lists to narrow it down. Perhaps someone who bought a round trip and didn't use the trip home.

Welcome Saphyrra, if you read the thread from about a year ago onward, you will have a good idea of what we think happened and how we got to this point.
He definitely did take a one way trip and we are trying to get him home, that much is certain.
Bumping for Mr. Bones. Here is hoping that 2013 will be the year when he is identified. He is the second longest unidentified decedent listed on the Pennsylvania missing persons site. Only The Boy In The Box has been unidentified for longer.

Well, we still have a few days left for Mr. Bones to be identified in 2013. We await the results of DNA testing of Charles Conner's male line relative, which are expected at any time. With the backlog of cases I would not be surprised if we did not hear anything until January. I am eager to get him out of that cardboard barrel where he has waited all these years. Maybe it won't be much longer.

As of today, Charles Conner is still in NamUS, and as we know once an ID is made that case is quickly removed.

If is DOES turn out that Mr. B. Is Charles Conner, then all along he had family who wondered what became of his remains, and he will be laid to rest with his parents. Their gravestone has long had his name on it.

As you celebrate the Holidays, I ask your prayers that this case will be put to rest and closure can be found.
Well, we have no results yet. I had hoped for results for Christmas or at least in 2013 but that has not happened. Since testing has been done, I think that we will know for sure if Mr. Bones is Charles Conner some time in 2014. I don't know of any way to speed up the process. I wish I had something more positive to say. I thank all of you for your kind words and support.
Well, we have no results yet. I had hoped for results for Christmas or at least in 2013 but that has not happened. Since testing has been done, I think that we will know for sure if Mr. Bones is Charles Conner some time in 2014. I don't know of any way to speed up the process. I wish I had something more positive to say. I thank all of you for your kind words and support.

Maybe 2014 will be Mr. Bones' year! I'm still holding out hope.
I would not expect it to be a quick process, unfortunately.

Those of you who followed the developments last year with on Anna's thread know what I mean.

My understanding of the typical lab protocol is that murder and rape cases with identified suspects typically come first. This makes sense when you think about the danger of such folks remaining on the streets and also from the standpoint that if the prosecutor can move forward on a case with an actual suspect it makes no sense to have that case sit around while you process other cases that might never be prosecuted at all. Since the suspect in this case is deceased, it is probably lower on their priority list than other investigations. Even though that makes sense, it doesn't make it any easier to wait for the results!
Not a peep. No one will tell me a thing. I guess the first indication of a match, if we have one, would be if Charles Conner's profile is taken down from NamUs.
I agree that a 56 year old case in which a conviction was obtained and the suspect is deceased is about as low a priority as it gets. I'd sure like to know, though.

I guess we just have to wait. Thanks to all for your encouragement.
Well, it is now March 2014. And there is no word yet on matching Charles Conner and Mr. Bones. Charles Conner's NamUs profile is still active, and Mr. Bones's profile shows one rule out, Max Metcalf. That would infer that the test has not yet been run, although we know that a sample has been taken.

I recently found that Conner may have served during WWII. Anyone know how to access these records? His dentals would be a most welcome find.
Fold3 should have those records I think
Hi IrishEyes,
What is Fold3?
I found someone of CC's name, height, and correct age who went into the Army in the neighboring county, Licking County. Might be him, which might help a lot.
Have you heard if Mr Bones is Charles Conner or any up dates on Mr Bones?
Have you heard if Mr Bones is Charles Conner or any up dates on Mr Bones?

Hi Ms. Suzanne,
I have heard nothing either way. There is one rule out for Mr. B., Max Metcalf. If Charles Conner was found to not be a match, he would be on the list of rule outs. If he is a match, then Mr. B's profile would be quickly taken down.Since neither has happened I infer from this that the comparison has not been run.
The swab was taken last November, to my knowledge. I don't know why it is taking this long.
Hi Ms. Suzanne,
I have heard nothing either way. There is one rule out for Mr. B., Max Metcalf. If Charles Conner was found to not be a match, he would be on the list of rule outs. If he is a match, then Mr. B's profile would be quickly taken down.Since neither has happened I infer from this that the comparison has not been run.
The swab was taken last November, to my knowledge. I don't know why it is taking this long.

Who's doing the testing? The university of Texas? They are very good. It does take a long time. There's just a back log of other John and Jane Does to test too. Is Mr Bones DNA in CODIS?

Was Max Metcalf ruled out with DNA too? How was he ruled out?
Who's doing the testing? The university of Texas? They are very good. It does take a long time. There's just a back log of other John and Jane Does to test too. Is Mr Bones DNA in CODIS?

Was Max Metcalf ruled out with DNA too? How was he ruled out?

Yep that is who is doing it. Mr. Bones bequeathed us good DNA and is in the system. Since this case is very old and a conviction resulted from the trial in 1957 it is probably as low a priority as it gets. I am not holding my breath for the test to be run.

Because it was done quickly, my money would be on Max Metcalf being ruled out by dentals, but I don't know.
Charles Conner's NamUs profile DNA section has been changed to read "Status: Sample submitted, tests complete". If anyone knows the precise meaning of that, please let me know.
I don't know how long the wait will be from this point. Charles Conner has not been listed as a rule out for Mr. B., nor has a match been made yet.

I first learned of Charles Conner and the Bodyless Murder Trial around November 2012, and we are just now getting close to knowing one way or the other. As Jerry Garcia said, "What a long strange trip it's been....."
Charles Conner's NamUs profile DNA section has been changed to read "Status: Sample submitted, tests complete". If anyone knows the precise meaning of that, please let me know.
I don't know how long the wait will be from this point. Charles Conner has not been listed as a rule out for Mr. B., nor has a match been made yet.

I first learned of Charles Conner and the Bodyless Murder Trial around November 2012, and we are just now getting close to knowing one way or the other. As Jerry Garcia said, "What a long strange trip it's been....."

I know with my case and Jane Does being checked it meant they have DNA now and are suppose to be checking it. I think the longest waiting period is getting the DNA on Charles Connor and getting a profile on him.It shouldn't take long for them to check now.DNA is on file now for both of them right? I do know the Place in Texas is very good at checking this in a timely manner.Have you called them recently for a status report? Maybe other people will know better than me on this.
I know with my case and Jane Does being checked it meant they have DNA now and are suppose to be checking it. I think the longest waiting period is getting the DNA on Charles Connor.It shouldn't take long for them to check now.DNA is on file now for both of them right? I do know the Place in Texas is very good at checking this in a timely manner.Have you called them recently for a status report? Maybe other people will know better than me on this.

I called for a status report some time ago and had a bad experience, so I won't do that any more. DNA for Mr. Bones has been on file for some time, which is why it was crucial to get DNA from a suitable relative of CC. This we managed to do when the article ran in The Lima News.

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