PA PA - Betsy Aardsma, 22, murdered in Pattee Library, Penn State, 29 Nov 1969

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I dont see how it could possibly hurt.
The more info available the better I think.
Littlehorn guess what my 9 year old daughter announced today what she cant possibly live without?
A pet turtle.Lets hear it for synchronicity:)!

LOL, that's great. ;) If the eggs hatch maybe I can get her a pet snapping turtle. It doubles as a child protective device so she can take it to school with her in case she is bothered by a stranger. ;)
LOL, that's great. ;) If the eggs hatch maybe I can get her a pet snapping turtle. It doubles as a child protective device so she can take it to school with her in case she is bothered by a stranger. ;)
Thats a fine idea! By the time she's in High School it will be big enough to be REALLY useful!
I dont know what she would think but im all for it!:)
You know Ive been thinking have you ever considered possibly writing about this case?
Like a book?
Ive been considering tackling one about the Houston Mass Murders for years though i know nothing about the nuts and bolts of putting a book together much less about publishing it.
I certainly think youd have enough interesting and compelling material.
The case itself and what has moved you to seek resolution for Betsy.
You ought to think about it.
Thats a fine idea! By the time she's in High School it will be big enough to be REALLY useful!
I dont know what she would think but im all for it!:)
You know Ive been thinking have you ever considered possibly writing about this case?
Like a book?
Ive been considering tackling one about the Houston Mass Murders for years though i know nothing about the nuts and bolts of putting a book together much less about publishing it.
I certainly think youd have enough interesting and compelling material.
The case itself and what has moved you to seek resolution for Betsy.
You ought to think about it.

I thought about it initially, but my partner on the case has dibs on writing the book. ;) He's an author in his own right. I think the only way a book will ever work anyway is if the case is tried and solved. A couple of folks have tried writing books about it but there is so little information available from the police -- and with no resolution, how do you end it? :)
littlehorn...Has anyone ever thought about making a documentary about Betsy's case? I know there is a lot involved in making one and I'm sure would cost a lot of $$. But it seems to me that would be a good idea. Putting it together may be tricky but at least it might be something to look into. But it wouldn't have to be elaborate or anything like that. If you know anyone at all who has studied film and might be interested in putting one together, it might be worth at least investigating. I don't remember reading on your website that anyone has ever thought about doing a documentary, so if that idea has already been addressed, I apologize.
littlehorn...Has anyone ever thought about making a documentary about Betsy's case? I know there is a lot involved in making one and I'm sure would cost a lot of $$. But it seems to me that would be a good idea. Putting it together may be tricky but at least it might be something to look into. But it wouldn't have to be elaborate or anything like that. If you know anyone at all who has studied film and might be interested in putting one together, it might be worth at least investigating. I don't remember reading on your website that anyone has ever thought about doing a documentary, so if that idea has already been addressed, I apologize.

You know, no one has done a real documentary on the case per se. There was a PSU student 3-4 years ago who did something called "Murder in the Stacks," but from what I understand it was more "Blair Witch" related to the possible haunting of the PSU Library.

I actually lived in Tallahassee for awhile after college because I was thinking about going to film school at FSU, and wanted to establish residency so I could get in-state tuition rates. However, I decided film school could wait and moved back to PA.

I don't know anyone personally who could do something like this...But it is a good idea.
You know, no one has done a real documentary on the case per se. There was a PSU student 3-4 years ago who did something called "Murder in the Stacks," but from what I understand it was more "Blair Witch" related to the possible haunting of the PSU Library.

I actually lived in Tallahassee for awhile after college because I was thinking about going to film school at FSU, and wanted to establish residency so I could get in-state tuition rates. However, I decided film school could wait and moved back to PA.

I don't know anyone personally who could do something like this...But it is a good idea.
You know, no one has done a real documentary on the case per se. There was a PSU student 3-4 years ago who did something called "Murder in the Stacks," but from what I understand it was more "Blair Witch" related to the possible haunting of the PSU Library.

I actually lived in Tallahassee for awhile after college because I was thinking about going to film school at FSU, and wanted to establish residency so I could get in-state tuition rates. However, I decided film school could wait and moved back to PA.

I don't know anyone personally who could do something like this...But it is a good idea.


If only there could be a way. I wonder if a professor could be approached with the idea to make it an assignment for class? Anyone remember a case awhile ago where a college class made a documentary about a crime (I just cannot remember right now) ...?

It almost seems like the next best move to make. Your website for Besty is up and running. You're looking into different publications that might write about her story. You've got Websleuth posters aware of Betsy. Amazing job, littlehorn!

If only there could be a way. I wonder if a professor could be approached with the idea to make it an assignment for class? Anyone remember a case awhile ago where a college class made a documentary about a crime (I just cannot remember right now) ...?

It almost seems like the next best move to make. Your website for Besty is up and running. You're looking into different publications that might write about her story. You've got Websleuth posters aware of Betsy. Amazing job, littlehorn!

The biggest problem right now is the fact that I am not getting in touch with the people I need to get in touch with -- those who were there who may or may not have talked to police at the time.

Until we can put more of a story together it will be hard to have a good documentary...PSU won't allow individuals to film in the library as they'd rather the whole thing just be kept in the dark.

I'd really love for a major media outlet to show some interest in the story. I haven't heard back from Dateline. I do need to get around to submitting it to AMW although I'm not sure if the police will talk to anyone about it.
Still working on things here. Have some new people to look at and new information to sift through.

Need some new ideas if anyone has any thought of what new routes to take.
Hi Littlehorn!:)
Glad to see your still in there swinging!
Also glad to hear of the new info.
I think your already on the right track,its just hard im sure to ride out the inevitable platues of info and cooperation.
I was just mentioning in a another thread(Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone)that it was one of the few I felt in my heart that the truth would come out and justice would prevail.This case is one of the very few others I feel that way about.
Hang in there brother.Say hello to the turtles for me.
Hi Littlehorn!:)
Glad to see your still in there swinging!
Also glad to hear of the new info.
I think your already on the right track,its just hard im sure to ride out the inevitable platues of info and cooperation.
I was just mentioning in a another thread(Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone)that it was one of the few I felt in my heart that the truth would come out and justice would prevail.This case is one of the very few others I feel that way about.
Hang in there brother.Say hello to the turtles for me.

Yes, going from periods of wheel spinning, to getting a little traction, to stalling out is tough.

I had emailed Dateline back in March when I started coming here...Haven't heard from them but I wondered if the person linked from the main page of this site was still in charge of looking at cases.

I hope we can bring something to light here. I spoke with Betsy's sister on the phone yesterday. It has probably been the worst thing that's ever happened in their lives (my feeling).

The nature people said that it looks like 4 of the 8 eggs I took them might be viable. So in another month and a half I'll get to tell them Kline says hi, LOL.
Yes, going from periods of wheel spinning, to getting a little traction, to stalling out is tough.

I had emailed Dateline back in March when I started coming here...Haven't heard from them but I wondered if the person linked from the main page of this site was still in charge of looking at cases.

I hope we can bring something to light here. I spoke with Betsy's sister on the phone yesterday. It has probably been the worst thing that's ever happened in their lives (my feeling).

The nature people said that it looks like 4 of the 8 eggs I took them might be viable. So in another month and a half I'll get to tell them Kline says hi, LOL.
I would imagine Betsy's family is appreciative of your efforts,I would be if it was my daughter.
Four eggs! Cool youve got Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo....I cant remember the fourth Ninja Turtle,...Donder?...Nixon?...Blitzen?:waitasec:..

I still find myself thinking of Betsy on a daily basis. Sometimes I go to your website and reread and then reread again the newspaper articles. If only LE would release a few tidbits to the public ...

Does Betsy's sister know how much you have done/are doing for her case?

You two keep talking about turtles and it reminds me of a picture my Mom has. It is of my great-Grandfather holding up a huge snapping turtle he had caught. It is a really cool picture ... maybe I can get it from my Mom and copy it.
Still working on things here. Have some new people to look at and new information to sift through.

Need some new ideas if anyone has any thought of what new routes to take.

littlehorn said:
I hope we can bring something to light here. I spoke with Betsy's sister on the phone yesterday. It has probably been the worst thing that's ever happened in their lives (my feeling).

Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas about where to take your investigation but glad you have some new info to work on. I'm also glad you were able to make contact with Betsy's sister. I don't know how much she or any other family member might be working with you on this, but it's nice at least to have contact. I can well imagine it IS the worst thing that ever happened to them.

My Dad was obsessed with turtles..LOL...I too have a photo of him somewhere holding a big snapping turtle. I'd love to see photos of your eggs when they hatch!
I would imagine Betsy's family is appreciative of your efforts,I would be if it was my daughter.
Four eggs! Cool youve got Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo....I cant remember the fourth Ninja Turtle,...Donder?...Nixon?...Blitzen?:waitasec:..

I think I was able to connect with Betsy's sister, although it's obviously quite painful for her to talk about it.

Leonardo was the other turtle, LOL.
I still find myself thinking of Betsy on a daily basis. Sometimes I go to your website and reread and then reread again the newspaper articles. If only LE would release a few tidbits to the public ...

Does Betsy's sister know how much you have done/are doing for her case?

You two keep talking about turtles and it reminds me of a picture my Mom has. It is of my great-Grandfather holding up a huge snapping turtle he had caught. It is a really cool picture ... maybe I can get it from my Mom and copy it.

Betsy's sister knows me through the Holland Sentinel article that they contacted her about when they ran an article on my site and our work on the case. So I contacted her to introduce myself.

I know some things that LE knows but hasn't released but I don't want to release them until we're sure we have everything ready and correct. It changes the whole picture of the crime, I will say that.

Dad used to catch snapping turtles near our old house when I was a kid. They are neat animals.
Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas about where to take your investigation but glad you have some new info to work on. I'm also glad you were able to make contact with Betsy's sister. I don't know how much she or any other family member might be working with you on this, but it's nice at least to have contact. I can well imagine it IS the worst thing that ever happened to them.

My Dad was obsessed with turtles..LOL...I too have a photo of him somewhere holding a big snapping turtle. I'd love to see photos of your eggs when they hatch!

I wanted to make sure that we had Betsy's family on our side in case we need to go to them for anything. I think it was good to call and talk to her, that's for sure.

If the eggs hatch I will definitely try to get pictures.
I think I was able to connect with Betsy's sister, although it's obviously quite painful for her to talk about it.

Leonardo was the other turtle, LOL.
Leanardo!How could I forget?
Im sure it was hard for her sister.Wishing good Mojo to you and her:)
If this has been mentioned before, my apologies:

I was reading an article related to Ray Gricar's disappearence and was surprised to see his name mentioned in relation to Betsy case:
Gricar, in the late 1980s, helped West research the 1969 murder of Penn State student Betsy Aardsma, whose killing in the stacks of Pattee Library remains unsolved. He even encouraged her to write about the case.
“He thought maybe it would lead to a break in the case,” said West, a former thesis editor at Penn State. “I had met with Ray back in the late ’80s, and he had encouraged me to write the nonfiction book.”
He didn’t envision the fictional, futuristic novel based on the case that she ended up writing, set in a fictional town modeled after State College.
West, now of East Greenwich, R.I., said she learned only recently that Gricar vanished without a trace on April 15, 2005, after telling his girlfriend he was taking a drive in Brush Valley. His red and white Mini Cooper was found in a parking lot outside the Street of Shoppes in Lewisburg the next day.

Probably not very significant in the grand scheme of things but I read this thread often and I thought it was an interested tid-bit.

There is more at the link. The author of the book talks about the similiarities between Gricar's case and situations in her book.
If this has been mentioned before, my apologies:

I was reading an article related to Ray Gricar's disappearence and was surprised to see his name mentioned in relation to Betsy case:

Gricar, in the late 1980s, helped West research the 1969 murder of Penn State student Betsy Aardsma, whose killing in the stacks of Pattee Library remains unsolved. He even encouraged her to write about the case.
“He thought maybe it would lead to a break in the case,” said West, a former thesis editor at Penn State. “I had met with Ray back in the late ’80s, and he had encouraged me to write the nonfiction book.”
He didn’t envision the fictional, futuristic novel based on the case that she ended up writing, set in a fictional town modeled after State College.
West, now of East Greenwich, R.I., said she learned only recently that Gricar vanished without a trace on April 15, 2005, after telling his girlfriend he was taking a drive in Brush Valley. His red and white Mini Cooper was found in a parking lot outside the Street of Shoppes in Lewisburg the next day.

Probably not very significant in the grand scheme of things but I read this thread often and I thought it was an interested tid-bit.

Hasn't been mentioned before, but thanks for bringing it up. Pam West has been very helpful to our case with her notes, etc., being from a time when a lot more people were still alive and memory was less foggy.

The Gricar thing is odd but I know a bit more than meets the eye with that case as well and it seems unrelated in the sense that it was NOT an Aardsma suspect involved in his disappearance.
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