PA PA - Cherrie Mahan, 8, Cabot, 22 Feb 1985

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All, I am new here first post. I live near the area, have some friends that are even closer to that area. I was about 6 years old when this happened and remember hearing about it at the time and occasionally the news story here or there but never any resolution. Honestly I am only here for this case and nothing else I just want to state that up front.

You never hear about it anymore but the other day I started to think about whatever happened to her and started digging. I don't even know why but the last few days something is pulling me in this direction to find more and more and try to help in anyway I possibly can. It really is troubling something like this can happen, and so close to where I live about 20 minutes away, and seemingly most people (including myself for the longest time) just forget about it. But I'm not forgetting about it anymore. I'm not sure what I can do, I'm just a database analyst with a free thinking mind. But I want to help.

I don't want to derail the thread by stating this - but I truly believe there is occult activity in that area, and I wonder if Cherrie was a target. Just things I've noticed, the type of things some of the people from that area post on facebook and things like that. Families where every single family member is posting flashing devil horns, and the father posted some sort of symbol as his profile pic. Ok maybe they just like rock music... But when I hear rumors AND actually see it in front of me, I can't shake that or ignore it. Creepy stuff.

Some of these people are proud to be called "Cabot crazies" and all they talk about is partying, etc. There is a facebook group called that. A bunch of degenerates. Every single post is about "my first beer, my first girl, my first party in Cabot". I like to have a good time myself, but there is more to life than indulging in alcohol and drugs and partying and what not. People into occult are all about pleasing themselves like this. They also seem very defensive, the post says "if you ain't from Cabot get the out". It's like a strange little sub community of degenerates that don't want outsiders knowing what they are up to. Someone posted about "crazy St. Joe's party every year". One of them was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 based off of the post of the dude that had the weird symbol as his profile pic. Just don't think that is a coincidence I'm sorry.

A friend of mine was from closer to there (same school district) and told me that as kids/teens they would dare each to actually go out that way. Rumors of satanic/occult activity, etc. Friends dad went hunting in those areas and my friend did not detail much but said it was just "weird" and "odd". Friend also stated that rumor at that time (friend is 8 years older than me so would have been like 14 or so at that time) pointed to the biological father. Maybe it's worth looking into his past I don't know. I should ask my friend (and I have a few others that could provide input as well) more about some of their classmates from that area, what they were like in school, etc. I have other friends from the "Butler" side of it (Clearfield/Herman area) that I went to school with that I could ask them about people from there as well as they are about 5 minutes from there.

There is something unsettling for sure. I read a 50 page police document (FBI and police from multiple states contributed) from the early 90s talking about the rise of occult and it's growth being a major problem for law enforcement. Cherrie's disappearance coincides within a few weeks of an"occult" holiday involving young kids. Am I allowed to post a link to the PDF I read?

Pages 8 and 9 seemed frightening to me, talked about either a staged or real human sacrifice and how they would "initiate" new members into it. I wonder if the people Gameman referred to (that the one husband and wife are adamant did it) fit into all of this. My gut points to them but likely people "above" them as well. Was there any relationship with these individuals and the bio father?

I don't know, it's gut feeling based off of observation and reading. I hope that is not what happened, but I can't shake this feeling that something like that is what happened to her.

Maybe my mind is barking up the wrong tree, I don't know. Some weird country folk possibly being devil worshippers is not evidence. I get that. But it's a gut feeling I can't shake it.

I feel like there has to be some shred of evidence somewhere in that area that has been overlooked. I am going to see if I can go to the library and view any old newspaper articles on it, hopefully there are still articles on microfilm there. Looking for any type of thing that may not have seemed important unless you are looking at it from a different perspective. I feel like so much was put into finding the van and what not but it's just a red herring. Things closer to home need to be looked at IMO. Not sure when I can go to the library but I want to soon probably this Saturday I have time.

Sorry for a long first post, and sorry if I come across as a crazy nutjob talking about the occult and possible ties to that area - but I thought it was worth posting here none the less. I am willing to help you guys in anyway. Want me to take a drive out there - will do. Need to show someone around that area how to get there - will do.
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All, I am new here first post. I live near the area, have some friends that are even closer to that area. I was about 6 years old when this happened and remember hearing about it at the time and occasionally the news story here or there but never any resolution. Honestly I am only here for this case and nothing else I just want to state that up front.

You never hear about it anymore but the other day I started to think about whatever happened to her and started digging. I don't even know why but the last few days something is pulling me in this direction to find more and more and try to help in anyway I possibly can. It really is troubling something like this can happen, and so close to where I live about 20 minutes away, and seemingly most people (including myself for the longest time) just forget about it. But I'm not forgetting about it anymore. I'm not sure what I can do, I'm just a database analyst with a free thinking mind. But I want to help.

I don't want to derail the thread by stating this - but I truly believe there is occult activity in that area, and I wonder if Cherrie was a target. Just things I've noticed, the type of things some of the people from that area post on facebook and things like that. Families where every single family member is posting flashing devil horns, and the father posted some sort of symbol as his profile pic. Ok maybe they just like rock music... But when I hear rumors AND actually see it in front of me, I can't shake that or ignore it. Creepy stuff.

Some of these people are proud to be called "Cabot crazies" and all they talk about is partying, etc. There is a facebook group called that. A bunch of degenerates. Every single post is about "my first beer, my first girl, my first party in Cabot". I like to have a good time myself, but there is more to life than indulging in alcohol and drugs and partying and what not. People into occult are all about pleasing themselves like this. They also seem very defensive, the post says "if you ain't from Cabot get the **** out". It's like a strange little sub community of degenerates that don't want outsiders knowing what they are up to. Someone posted about "crazy St. Joe's party every year". One of them was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 based off of the post of the dude that had the weird symbol as his profile pic. Just don't think that is a coincidence I'm sorry.

A friend of mine was from closer to there (same school district) and told me that as kids/teens they would dare each to actually go out that way. Rumors of satanic/occult activity, etc. Friends dad went hunting in those areas and my friend did not detail much but said it was just "weird" and "odd". Friend also stated that rumor at that time (friend is 8 years older than me so would have been like 14 or so at that time) pointed to the biological father. Maybe it's worth looking into his past I don't know. I should ask my friend (and I have a few others that could provide input as well) more about some of their classmates from that area, what they were like in school, etc. I have other friends from the "Butler" side of it (Clearfield/Herman area) that I went to school with that I could ask them about people from there as well as they are about 5 minutes from there.

There is something unsettling for sure. I read a 50 page police document (FBI and police from multiple states contributed) from the early 90s talking about the rise of occult and it's growth being a major problem for law enforcement. Cherrie's disappearance coincides within a few weeks of an"occult" holiday involving young kids. Am I allowed to post a link to the PDF I read?

Pages 8 and 9 seemed frightening to me, talked about either a staged or real human sacrifice and how they would "initiate" new members into it. I wonder if the people Gameman referred to (that the one husband and wife are adamant did it) fit into all of this. My gut points to them but likely people "above" them as well. Was there any relationship with these individuals and the bio father?

I don't know, it's gut feeling based off of observation and reading. I hope that is not what happened, but I can't shake this feeling that something like that is what happened to her.

Maybe my mind is barking up the wrong tree, I don't know. Some weird country folk possibly being devil worshippers is not evidence. I get that. But it's a gut feeling I can't shake it.

I feel like there has to be some shred of evidence somewhere in that area that has been overlooked. I am going to see if I can go to the library and view any old newspaper articles on it, hopefully there are still articles on microfilm there. Looking for any type of thing that may not have seemed important unless you are looking at it from a different perspective. I feel like so much was put into finding the van and what not but it's just a red herring. Things closer to home need to be looked at IMO. Not sure when I can go to the library but I want to soon probably this Saturday I have time.

Sorry for a long first post, and sorry if I come across as a crazy nutjob talking about the occult and possible ties to that area - but I thought it was worth posting here none the less. I am willing to help you guys in anyway. Want me to take a drive out there - will do. Need to show someone around that area how to get there - will do.

Welcome Herbski!! I think all of here on Cherrie's thread just want to see her case solved, maybe you are onto something! Do you know if an occult was ever looked into regarding Cherrie's disappearance?

I just can't believe that we are coming up on another year that she went missing and are no further to finding out what happened to her. Someone has to know something and I can't believe they could keep it to themselves all of these years.

I am not sure if you're allowed to post a PDF from something you read - maybe read the rules at the that the website has posted.
Welcome Herbski!! I think all of here on Cherrie's thread just want to see her case solved, maybe you are onto something! Do you know if an occult was ever looked into regarding Cherrie's disappearance?

I just can't believe that we are coming up on another year that she went missing and are no further to finding out what happened to her. Someone has to know something and I can't believe they could keep it to themselves all of these years.

I am not sure if you're allowed to post a PDF from something you read - maybe read the rules at the that the website has posted.

I couldn't tell you that but I'm guessing police never looked at it from that angle. It's not exactly something people are going to assume it's part of some occult ritual. And that doc was from the 90s (after this) so perhaps awareness about this type of thing was not known much to law enforcement in the 80s at least at local levels.

I have a creepy feeling about these brothers mentioned by gameman that is for sure. Whether they were part of something bigger like their family being into the occult? Who knows? Probably not, but I feel it's worth exploring none the less.

I just hope like everyone else that is here and many others that there is justice for Cherrie.
I don't want to derail the thread by stating this - but I truly believe there is occult activity in that area, and I wonder if Cherrie was a target...I read a 50 page police document (FBI and police from multiple states contributed) from the early 90s talking about the rise of occult and it's growth being a major problem for law enforcement. Cherrie's disappearance coincides within a few weeks of an"occult" holiday involving young kids.

Ah, the Satanic panic. Seems like only yesterday.
Let’s rally Dateline then. A lot of people showed up for Cherrie when the Cold Justice thing got posted.
By the way, Cold Justice is currently premiering new episodes. My hope is that while the episodes are airing, they start choosing cases for future filming and consider Cherrie’s case.
I haven't been to Cabot in years but I did think it was a very rural area out in woods no street lights . Kids partied there all the time. I was to afraid to go out there. with a large limestone mine ( now used as underground storages for boats etc. underground mines used for growing mushrooms for years. Many friends worked there. Rumors we're rapid. Don't know what to believe. Just wish we could find all the answers.
Maybe we could rehash the facts in this case with new eyes/theories. I'm going to look back on this thread and beyond....
Hi everyone,
The van was taken by police and is currently being looked at for evidence. Does anyone know if the van was reported before this? Why is the van good enough to search now but wasn’t worth it before? The guy who lived with the owner committed some sort of sex crimes towards boys around ‘96. Still, why would the owner, who seems upstanding, cover for someone like this? I hate to hear criticism of this woman for doing the right thing too late. It’s been over 30 years, but if someone wants to come forward with any information at any point, that’s great. If something comes of this, she would be the only person in the situation with the courage to come forward, no matter how long it may have taken.

The posts from another woman in the comments section of that post seem promising. She claims to know the perpetrators as two brothers whose father lived across the street from Cherrie’s grandmother. Janice and Cherrie grew up in this house. Janice went to school with this family, and the woman claims he used to babysit Cherrie. Both Cherrie’s mother and the police say it’s someone Cherrie knew very well. Is this a case where there is common knowledge but not enough evidence to arrest? This woman has been posting on blogs for years, and both her and her husband are adamant that one or both of these guys did it. I only found one brother through sleuthing, and he is now a registered sex offender for apparently abusing some child relatives, even though the sex offender registry doesn’t say as much.

The grandmothers neighbors....the brothers that lived in the same house.....
Were the two brothers ever looked at and perhaps drove a blue car? This seems so much more likely with this being a rural area like this, but still not saying it couldn't have been a perp traveling through on the prowl.(Remember Johnny Gosch, others)
But if she were babysat by one of them, and he is now registered as a sex offender, doesn't take much to assume that he may have been doing so back then. This kind of behavior doesn't just happen overnight, he more than likely targeted girls back then and perhaps Cherrie was one of his victims and she never told her parents. He would have known her bus schedule and she would have most likely got in the car. ("Your parents said to pick you up....... "Wanna go for ice cream?") Anything goes if she knew him. (reason she vanished so quickly and noone heard screams, etc). She could have told him no-threatened to tell her parents....
Reminds me of the Trudy Appleby case, in Illinois where she was seen getting into a vehicle that her parents are positive was a family "friend".....guy was never charged (believe he passed away as well) and LE have suggested that someone close to the family knows something but they just dont have enough to go on to close the case ie; her body.
Cherrie will have been missing 34 long years on the 22nd. I realize this is a small town LE investigation but their can't be too much on their plate to where they can't look into all of the leads that have been posted on this thread and called in- good ones too. Not doubting that LE is on their game but it's sad to see after 34 years and still nothing. Cherrie and what is left of her family, here on earth, deserve justice. JMO
There is a youtube video, (dont believe I can post link so if you want I can send it to you-PM me..) "The Unfound Pocast"...he visited the location of Cherrie's abduction in July, 2018, he actually walks from where the bus stopped to where Cherrie would have had to walk. He says he actually met a man the morning of his video (wild) that was on the bus with Cherrie and got off at the same stop, not far from her road. He was the one kid off of the bus that saw the van and gave LE the rare description of it. Until I saw this video, I never realized just how rural this place is. Her house is around the bend from this other student's house and up a long drive....This area screams opportunity for a stranger abduction too...IMO.
I would bet anything that LE (PA State Police because there is no local department) has had these guys on their radar. Also, to be completely transparent, most of this information comes from Facebook posts of a woman who knew them at the time, claims she firsthand knowledge of statements made after Cherrie disappeared, and has been adamant for years about it. She has stated that one drove a blue car and that the other painted murals on vehicles. Her husband supposedly confronted them about it. I can’t vouch for her in any way, though.
I’m sure there are many reasons they have never been charged...such as the fact that they may have had nothing to do with this. One has passed away. I just find it highly coincidental that someone Cherrie knew ended up being an incorrigible child predator with a repeat record spanning three decades.
I would bet anything that LE (PA State Police because there is no local department) has had these guys on their radar. Also, to be completely transparent, most of this information comes from Facebook posts of a woman who knew them at the time, claims she firsthand knowledge of statements made after Cherrie disappeared, and has been adamant for years about it. She has stated that one drove a blue car and that the other painted murals on vehicles. Her husband supposedly confronted them about it. I can’t vouch for her in any way, though.
I’m sure there are many reasons they have never been charged...such as the fact that they may have had nothing to do with this. One has passed away. I just find it highly coincidental that someone Cherrie knew ended up being an incorrigible child predator with a repeat record spanning three decades.

Did you see a new trooper was assigned to Cherrie's case in 2017? It's in the Dateline article

Dateline was unable to reach Cherrie’s family for this report, but Trooper DeLuca, who was assigned the case in the summer of 2017, says he’s still in touch with Cherrie’s mother, Janice McKinney.

@Gameman and @Herbski.....with both of what you have been thinking - should you contact him?
Did you see a new trooper was assigned to Cherrie's case in 2017? It's in the Dateline article

Dateline was unable to reach Cherrie’s family for this report, but Trooper DeLuca, who was assigned the case in the summer of 2017, says he’s still in touch with Cherrie’s mother, Janice McKinney.

@Gameman and @Herbski.....with both of what you have been thinking - should you contact him?

Already shot off an email to him last year about the Cold Justice thing. No reply, nor was I expecting one. The info about the brothers has already been reported to them by the woman who made the posts.
Already shot off an email to him last year about the Cold Justice thing. No reply, nor was I expecting one. The info about the brothers has already been reported to them by the woman who made the posts.
I thought it was Trooper Birckbichler who used to be in contact with her case that you reached out to? I honestly hope these tips weren't ignored.
I would bet anything that LE (PA State Police because there is no local department) has had these guys on their radar. Also, to be completely transparent, most of this information comes from Facebook posts of a woman who knew them at the time, claims she firsthand knowledge of statements made after Cherrie disappeared, and has been adamant for years about it. She has stated that one drove a blue car and that the other painted murals on vehicles. Her husband supposedly confronted them about it. I can’t vouch for her in any way, though.
I’m sure there are many reasons they have never been charged...such as the fact that they may have had nothing to do with this. One has passed away. I just find it highly coincidental that someone Cherrie knew ended up being an incorrigible child predator with a repeat record spanning three decades.
Me too Gameman and thanks for sharing that info.
Did you see a new trooper was assigned to Cherrie's case in 2017? It's in the Dateline article

Dateline was unable to reach Cherrie’s family for this report, but Trooper DeLuca, who was assigned the case in the summer of 2017, says he’s still in touch with Cherrie’s mother, Janice McKinney.

@Gameman and @Herbski.....with both of what you have been thinking - should you contact him?
Hoping this is good news for Cherrie. Fresh, clear set of eyes on the case.
Was there ever a search of the area (or anywhere) for her? I know back then their weren't the search and rescue teams we are blessed with today, but wondering if the family/locals/state police did any searching. IMO

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