GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #3

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Kline is going to have to prove that those hand prints belong to the victim and her brother. Hopefully someone from the day care will remember her doing that if that print is no longer available.

I know real life is not like TV but I would think LE could compare the handprints (distinctive whorls thereon) from the photo posted to FB by suspect with newly acquired handprints of the children and ascertain if they are a conclusive match.

The whole crooked pinky thing could not pass muster in a court of law I don't think, but actual comparison of the prints to the children may.
Heck if I can figure it out CHERIE.T. I was under the impression that the house was populated mostly by women and children and neighbors reported not seeing many men around the house.

I know the older male questioned and released was reported to be the one of the older female residents boyfriend. I don't know if he lives there or just spends time there.

I am stymied. Regusters mother lives in Philly allegedly. So it is sounding to me like Regusters washed out or dropped out of college in the DC area. Returned to Philly approx a year ago, and for whatever reason resides with her extended family members on Walton rather than her own mother, even though Regusters now claims to have been the victim of abuse by a male in the home over a period of time.

All very confusing. So I have to wonder, what made this home a place she would continue to stay at if she was being victimized? I also find it interesting that we have heard not one word from this girl's family about her arrest. Not one reaction. Not even a no comment.
Lol, I still need a chart.
I do not mean to falsely imply a relative of the arrested female is a suspect BUT I thought the arrested female's uncle , her aunt and some other male lived together? :waitasec: Or was there another group of people taken in for questioning ? Is that group different than Rs relatives ? :waitasec:

Another thing.....
Yes! You asked what I've been mulling around this morning>>>>> if the accused was abused/molested by someone in the home why didn't she report the abuse! Or why didn't she move after she turned 18? Why isn't she living with her mom? :moo:
I'm spending the day with my DGS , I had a thought that maybe this isn't the first time for this perp or perps..Can anyone check cases in Maryland to see if something similar is reported..
Kline is going to have to prove that those hand prints belong to the victim and her brother. Hopefully someone from the day care will remember her doing that if that print is no longer available.

Perhaps by process of elimination, they can rule out that no other children attending the center shared the distinctive "crooked pinky" trait as these two siblings.
Has anyone heard if a search warrant has been executed at the daycare? I would think LE would do so, in order to obtain any personal possessions of the suspect that may be in the building, as well as the handprint drawing shown on FB and any other relevant evidence as to Regusters's involvement and interactions with the victim or her sibling.
Is the day care where she worked sharing any information about her work history? Have they at least confirmed whether she was in fact suspended that day or had received previous complaints about inappropriate conduct? I guess they are being cautious and trying to shield themselves from anything that would incriminate them along the lines of potential liabilty...particularly if they were out of compliance with mandated clearances for employees as previously cited.
Has anyone heard if a search warrant has been executed at the daycare? I would think LE would do so, in order to obtain any personal possessions of the suspect that may be in the building, as well as the handprint drawing shown on FB and any other relevant evidence as to Regusters's involvement and interactions with the victim or her sibling.

I keep thinking about the hand prints. If in fact the suspect was close enough to the children to do the hand prints with them at daycare, I find it hard to believe she was the same person who carried little N out of the house and left her in the park. With all the great info N is providing LE, I'm sure she would have known her if they had a previous relationship. That is unless N was blindfolded when being removed from the home to the park. Anyone know?

I also have been thinking of the comment that the woman/girl who left N in the park made about having to save the other children. Aren't they a few other little girls living in the house? I sure hope they have been talked to by DCFS and LE. I hope to think that any of them may have been victimized also.
I keep thinking about the hand prints. If in fact the suspect was close enough to the children to do the hand prints with them at daycare, I find it hard to believe she was the same person who carried little N out of the house and left her in the park. With all the great info N is providing LE, I'm sure she would have known her if they had a previous relationship. That is unless N was blindfolded when being removed from the home to the park. Anyone know?

I also have been thinking of the comment that the woman/girl who left N in the park made about having to save the other children. Aren't they a few other little girls living in the house? I sure hope they have been talked to by DCFS and LE. I hope to think that any of them may have been victimized also.

I personally feel the city solicitor should obtain an order of protective custody and remove all the children from the home until facts can be sorted out from pending investigation. I don't see how authorities can reasonably conclude remaining children are "safe" in the home at this time. I would strongly recommend Child Welfare to intervene in this manner to prevent other vulnerable children from being "at risk" given the suspicious nature of circumstances.
I keep thinking about the hand prints. If in fact the suspect was close enough to the children to do the hand prints with them at daycare, I find it hard to believe she was the same person who carried little N out of the house and left her in the park. With all the great info N is providing LE, I'm sure she would have known her if they had a previous relationship. That is unless N was blindfolded when being removed from the home to the park. Anyone know?

I also have been thinking of the comment that the woman/girl who left N in the park made about having to save the other children. Aren't they a few other little girls living in the house? I sure hope they have been talked to by DCFS and LE. I hope to think that any of them may have been victimized also.

All good questions. I am going to try and share my thoughts on all of what you bring up but bear with me, this case has so many twists and turns I am having a hard time articulating the many conflicting things bouncing round my brain.

If Regusters interacted with the kids in daycare, I too am confused as to why N would not recognize the girl as someone she knew, especially when she was being released, without blindfold, so that she could identify the house later for LE.

Does anyone know if employees of the daycare wear a sort of uniform, such as khakis and a certain color or type of shirt with the daycare's logo on it?

N was taken from school by burqa wearing female (some reports say CR, I am not sure about that myself). She is then walked a short distance where the two may have met up with a man or she was shown photo or video of a man. She was then placed inside a bag and taken to the home on Walton.

She was told to remove clothing (at some point after arriving) and blindfolded, told to beware the angry man and hidden under a bed, also told that a mean squawking bird would peck her eyes out if she disobeyed. I will have to look but I think read somewhere that she was pulled from beneath the bed (still blindfolded?) and assaulted.

N described other children and a man in the home. Did she see them or only hear them from beneath the bed?

In the wee hours she is taken from beneath eh bed and hustled out the back of the home, probably escorted all the way or part of the way to the park, and told "run, call 911" and something about "saving the other children"

So I am thinking N's opportunity to see Regusters were limited to her in the burqa (if that was her) during abduction itself, during the assault (assuming child still blindfolded during that?) and at night in a rush as she was being taken from the home, probably having to be very very quiet and in the dark.

I can see where a five yr old might not recognize Regusters.

I have a feeling the previous relationship from daycare that Regusters had with N is much bigger in Reguster's mind than in N's.

Take a child, show them pictures of people with hairstyles, clothing, and in a different setting than the child is used to seeing them in. I can see her not recognizing Regusters.

I think.

As to the other children in the home, I have seen no reports indicating any children were removed from the home or that DCFS is involved in any way. The last report I read that mentioned the home did mention that there is still a police presence outside.
Sources are also providing disturbing new details about the kidnapping and sexual assault.

Allegedly after Regusters donned Muslim attire and kidnapped the girl from Bryant Elementary School, she placed her in a duffel bag before taking her into the Walton Street home.

Once inside authorities say the child was stripped naked, blindfolded and placed under a bed.

Regusters allegedly told her, "The man is going to come and you better be quiet because he doesn't like it when you're not quiet."

Further sources say the woman also told the 5-year-old that an exotic pet, a macau, would peck her eyes out if she didn't do as she was told.

After being brutally sexually assaulted, authorities say an unknown teen girl took the child and abandoned her in an Upper Darby playground wearing only a t-shirt.

Before leaving her, the teenager reportedly told the child, "You have to go rescue the other kids."

If all N saw was a picture of a man and was cautioned about the man, it seems more possible to me that there was no man. I am beinning to think it possible that Regusters acted alone.

Lets say she was warned by Regusters about the man who would not like her being noisy, then is later removed from beneath the bed by Regusters (while N is still blindfolded). N is assaulted by Regusters who has just set it up to seem to the blindfolded child that "the man" is the one hurting her like this.

She is then shoved back beneath the bed and kept there til the entire household had finally gone to bed and released. All by Regusters.

ugggh, I really don't want to believe this woman did this alone, it just seems so bizarre and hard to imagine, but I am beginning to wonder if she did just that. :(

Poor little N, such a brave little girl. I am astounded at how well she is doing in helping LE build a case against her attacker(s?)
Sources are also providing disturbing new details about the kidnapping and sexual assault.

Allegedly after Regusters donned Muslim attire and kidnapped the girl from Bryant Elementary School, she placed her in a duffel bag before taking her into the Walton Street home.

Once inside authorities say the child was stripped naked, blindfolded and placed under a bed.

Regusters allegedly told her, "The man is going to come and you better be quiet because he doesn't like it when you're not quiet."

Further sources say the woman also told the 5-year-old that an exotic pet, a macau, would peck her eyes out if she didn't do as she was told.

After being brutally sexually assaulted, authorities say an unknown teen girl took the child and abandoned her in an Upper Darby playground wearing only a t-shirt.

Before leaving her, the teenager reportedly told the child, "You have to go rescue the other kids."

If all N saw was a picture of a man and was cautioned about the man, it seems more possible to me that there was no man. I am beinning to think it possible that Regusters acted alone.

Lets say she was warned by Regusters about the man who would not like her being noisy, then is later removed from beneath the bed by Regusters (while N is still blindfolded). N is assaulted by Regusters who has just set it up to seem to the blindfolded child that "the man" is the one hurting her like this.

She is then shoved back beneath the bed and kept there til the entire household had finally gone to bed and released. All by Regusters.

ugggh, I really don't want to believe this woman did this alone, it just seems so bizarre and hard to imagine, but I am beginning to wonder if she did just that. :(

Poor little N, such a brave little girl. I am astounded at how well she is doing in helping LE build a case against her attacker(s?)

Given this scenario...I agree, it is quite plausible she acted alone. It is becoming increasingly evident she is an unimaginably sick individual :moo:
It's my guess that CR's attorney will have a psychiatrist dx CR with "disassociative disorder" that manifest in the form of "multiple-personality". Clinically, this would be consistent with his assertion that she "may have mental illness" and her claim that she was exposed to sexual abuse over a period of time. Victims in these situations are known to develop this type of disorder to cope with the their alleged abuse and empower them to maintain some level of "perceived" normal functioning. :twocents: However this may be his intent, but it stills falls short of explaining the planning and organization that went into this crime, which is part of the executive functioning of the brain, not typically associated in those with said diagnosis.
The conspiracy charge CR has leads me to believe there's more people involved. She conspired to do this with someone(s). And that ransom charge. Did they go to the mom or grandfather for money?
I have read so many danged links on this case. I recall reading in one of them within the last week that the telltale Macau was located by police in the basement of the home. I wonder if the room where N was kept under the bed is located also in the basement and further if that is the room Cristina stayed in?

shoot, now I'm gonna have to backtrack and try to find THAT link.

This case has had me going in circles since the onset.
The conspiracy charge CR has leads me to believe there's more people involved. She conspired to do this with someone(s). And that ransom charge. Did they go to the mom or grandfather for money? seems implicit in the act {to conspire along w/someone}... never heard any details about the ransom...can anyone shed more light on the subject?
I have read so many danged links on this case. I recall reading in one of them within the last week that the telltale Macau was located by police in the basement of the home. I wonder if the room where N was kept under the bed is located also in the basement and further if that is the room Cristina stayed in?

shoot, now I'm gonna have to backtrack and try to find THAT link.

This case has had me going in circles since the onset.

This would help explain her isolation from so many other coinhabitants and also from the basement, I'm sure she could clearly hear the romping about overhead of other children without physically seeing them.
kinda crazy idea, but...
What if she was planning on returning and "saving" N later to prove to everyone she was a hero? But someone else found her first?

In a weird, twisted way I could see someone "obsessed" with another setting up a horrific situation in an attempt to portray themselves as a hero.

What I can't understand: if she was obsessed with the child, why she would hurt her? Unless she was angry with N? But, what could have made her anger be directed at the object of her obsession?

I guess it's a good sign when we can't understand the wicked.
very interesting theory tracy87

A sort of munchuasen by proxy spinoff weirdness. But you are right, then why the sexual assault?

I am trying to remember the poster who suggested that N looked a bit like Regusters and may be obsessed with her for this reason. Could her obsession with N have to do with her identifying N with her younger self?

Off to look at photos on Regusters pages if they are still up.

This theory has now officially piqued my interest
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