Found Deceased PA - Dakota James, 23, Pittsburgh, 25 Jan 2017 #1

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Serial killer. If these were all women who went missing and were found in the river, the public would be crying serial killer. Just saying

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So, with the outcome being what it we think that different apps and the phone company will now release any information/passwords that they have and/or grant access to his accounts? Is that something that can now happen?
I cannot say for sure. It is only my hope that, given the outcome, there will be more cooperation from these companies. I could be wrong, but I think a lot of hesitation in these cases is because DJ is an adult and there was no evidence of foul play. That makes things a bit more sticky due to the fact that as an adult you have the right to "walk away". Now that we know he didn't just walk away and start a new life elsewhere, that opens things up a little. Maybe I am totally off base here, so someone correct me if I am!

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I suspect the ME will determine COD as asphyxia via drowning and MOD as accidental unless it is proved someone was with DJ at the river's edge. With no signs of injury, MOD may teeter between accidental and undetermined.

If suicide (determined via his statements, behavior, history or other signs) were a concern early on there would have been a different alert issued.
Serial killer. If these were all women who went missing and were found in the river, the public would be crying serial killer. Just saying

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Sex is good - there is not one iota of blame as far as Dakota goes - he was 23 year young gay male. How it works.

I so agree with you. First thing Le looks at when a female goes missing is sex - peroid.

I do think there is an uncomfortableness, as far as LE goes to play around with Grindr.

Those that are interested You Tube Grindr, the most fun are hetero guys on there, with their gay friend, for the first time. Hysterical!!

Doing so will, I think, result in your concluding that Grindr has a lot to do with some of these.

You do need to be cautioned - for those uncomfortable with "things" you might not want to engage in above-mentioned invitation!!

It is not a dating site. It does not pretend to be. Very few are going on Grindr to grab (hummm) a cup of coffee. Are folks on sharing genitalia with each other!

It is the red light district via cell phone ! no judgment here - I loved the bath houses in my day. They were not called Bed and Breakfasts, however. Take out Breakfast and you have a bed - sums it up!!

Franchised, like McDonald's in 100's of cities across the country. Like gyms nowadays - buy a membership and can use it at any location across the nation.

Nothing to judge - cops need to be harder on Grindr and Grindr should not need months of dancing when a human being is missing and possibly dead. Awful.

Will press releases call a *advertiser censored* house a card game. Calling Grindr a "social app" almost gives them l (LE) a "reason" not to follow up.

I can understand cops not wanting to sort through thousands of pics of erections. If they look at dead bodies, they need to grow up.

When a gay dude goes missing, first stop after video, IMO, is whatever apps they are known to use to hook up.

There are many

  • Jack'd -
  • Grindr Xtra -
  • SCRUFF: ..
  • BoyAhoy - ..
  • GROWLr: .
  • Surge -
  • Skout
all moo

PS: For those of you who like Bette Midler or Barry Manilow that is where they started their careers - in a gay bathhouse together!!

There is no judgment of Joey or Dakota - more frustration with the way investigations of gay human beings are being handled. It is wrong, moo
RIP koty. My heart is with his friends and family today but I am so relieved they can finally get some answers.
Phone was found along with wallet and cash!

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Thst is good in a way............ BUT makes it more confusing IMO

My guess is the next most important thing is how long in river??
no obvious signs of an injury or anything suspicious.

he was about 30 feet from the shore when she saw him (shoulder)

linked earlier

Speculation and questions follow!

This is frustrating. So are we now heading undetermined MOD?

I guess water in the lungs might lean things one way or the other. But it took us nowhere with Joey other than he was held somewhere (dead or alive) for months before being placed in a river.

Ok so then lets switch gears. Drugs these days. Maybe these are accidents that happen in front of a trick, the trick dies and they freak out.

But lets say they are not killers. Understandably freaked out kids with a corpse in their presence. But would any of us really know what to do with a cadaver for weeks?

If someone just died on me - accidently- why would I not just not call cops? I did not do anything?

Maybe these are married men that can't be found with a deceased gay person?

Again, tho, regular people (as opposed to killers) don't know how to keep deceased people around for a month and half!

Hate crimes tend to be violent no?

Humm this just hit me -- maybe toxic alcohol levels resulting in death? Still, tho, I would call cops- again I did not murder anyone.

The thing that so freaked me about Joey was he placed there - so much later in time. That has to mean fowl play?

Exactly how would we keep from getting found out? Regular people do not "know" how to do this!

how would friends and co-workers not know that *advertiser censored* has been really acting strange lately?

Would any of you know what to do with someone who accidently died on you?

I suppose it could be an "outside", in the woods death.

But no signs of anything is just bizarre and it keeps happening over and over. So are we talking about a skilled murderer? (s)

Maybe I need to ponder urinating close to bodies of water - but that is ruled out in Joey case.

It is like this middle ground of confusion.

Tox screen?

I do have faith technology wise they would be able to get stuff out of his phone.

I suppose at the end of the day, the best outcome (if there is such a thing) is for the cell phone to give up its clues, and the individual responsible is found and prosecuted..................
Also want to add I do believe this is the result of a horribly unfortunate accident. Let this be a lesson to take care of each other! Not blaming anybody but if there is a man that is so drunk he is being cut off, I just wish there was someone to make sure he got home safe :(
I will be curious to hear for sure how long he had been deceased. What a sad ending.
Also want to add I do believe this is the result of a horribly unfortunate accident. Let this be a lesson to take care of each other! Not blaming anybody but if there is a man that is so drunk he is being cut off, I just wish there was someone to make sure he got home safe :(

But , with the little video they have that have not released as a video, would show inebriation.

I saw one two nights ago (a male nurse) I felt badly for the family (he ended up the same way vanishing).

Oh my god this dude was past blasted. He was walking like all over the place to the left to right forgot how to use a foot - it was sad to see.

If that were the case tho cops would know it they are the only ones who have seen video to judge how impaired he was .

One thing I wish could get cleared up was , if there was, some sort of weird stuff with the Uber guy that might indicate intense impairment . It came out and then never was elaborated on.

Fight, fall down, can't get up, slurring words to driver etc etc


Here we go with weeks of waiting...................
I suspect the ME will determine COD as asphyxia via drowning and MOD as accidental unless it is proved someone was with DJ at the river's edge. With no signs of injury, MOD may teeter between accidental and undetermined.

If suicide (determined via his statements, behavior, history or other signs) were a concern early on there would have been a different alert issued.

Thanks for these great insights.

If the body has been in the river since January 25th, would there be significant decomposition to the corpse or would the winter weather serve to preserve the body?

If the body had not been weighted down, would it take over a month for the body to surface?

If anyone knows, I'd appreciate the knowledge. It just seems odd to me that it would take so long but I'm ignorant about how these things work. :)
My sister and I went back through "missing stories" in the news. There's been like 6-8 men go missing in like 10-12 years. I started compiling a timeline. I'll put it on here when I'm done to see what y'all think.

I'd be very interested in seeing your timeline. I've been trying to put one together as well but it's really difficult to find information on some of these missing persons. Pretty sure I have 10 right now if I expand the area just slightly outside of the city of Pittsburgh. There are two disappearances in Westmoreland County that seem very similar and possibly another in Meadville.

All white, 20-something, similar build and just vanished. Either never seen again or turned up in the river months later.
Thanks for these great insights.

If the body has been in the river since January 25th, would there be significant decomposition to the corpse or would the winter weather serve to preserve the body?

If the body had not been weighted down, would it take over a month for the body to surface?

If anyone knows, I'd appreciate the knowledge. It just seems odd to me that it would take so long but I'm ignorant about how these things work. :)

Given the type jacket shown in the video screen capture image it would not be a stretch to assume the jacket would absorb water and 'weigh' him down below the surface or lower.

Decomposition takes longer in colder weather, which results in no significant early buildup of decomp gases in the body. It is decomp gases and other processes that set conditions in which the body would begin to rise. This, of course, is not accounting for river conditions; flow rate, level, temperature, debris fields, depressions, branches, grasses, rocks, etc. These variables can make it difficult to predict when a body might reappear to the surface.

Maybe someone calculated the 'distance' in which DJ might be found at this time, given that most-recent river searches focused in the general area (distance) where DJ eventually reappeared.
Also want to add I do believe this is the result of a horribly unfortunate accident. Let this be a lesson to take care of each other! Not blaming anybody but if there is a man that is so drunk he is being cut off, I just wish there was someone to make sure he got home safe :(

I still can't see why he would've gone down by the water willingly. Maybe in the summer, but not on a cold winters night. His direct path home would've taken him directly over the 6th street bridge. Then proceeded straight through the north shore. Making no close contact with water. No reason for him to go down the steps to the river side at either end of the bridge.
Phone was found along with wallet and cash!

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Geezzzz maybe now we will find out something... I don't think it was a robbery at all now. I think he might of went in on his own maybe...

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I still can't see why he would've have gone down by the water willingly. Maybe in the summer, but not on a cold winters night. His direct path home would've taken him directly over the 6th street bridge. Then proceeded straight through the north shore. Making no close contact with water. No reason for him to go down the steps to the river side at either end of the bridge.

I'm guessing DJ felt a need to relieve himself and he adjusted his path to walk through Katz Plaza to Scott Place to do his business there (alley setting). One problem with doing such a thing in that location is your are not truly alone; the Theater Parking Garage entrance / exit is along that path, as well as an exit for the Encore apartment building and of course, foot traffic from Katz Plaza, Barkers Place (through the pass-thru) and FDB. If a pedestrian or a vehicle interrupted his intention he might then proceed to the river's edge (below street level) to do his business.

Other than the above speculation, I would think the only other viable explanations are suicide or foul play. No evidence has been reported that would lead to concluding the latter explanations.
Cadaver dogs hit on a scent just at the base of the Sixth Street Bridge on the city side, which would bolster speculation of DJ going to the river's edge to relieve himself. Once you reach the bottom of the stairway from the Sixth Street Bridge, there is short fencing that prevents you from directly turning left toward the river, but if you really 'had to go' DJ might have attempted to climb / jump over that short fence to get to the edge; that's a recipe for disaster while even mildly drunk / tipsy.
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