GUILTY PA - Four mentally disabled people held captive in Philly dungeon, 2011

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Gruesome Details Revealed in Philadelphia Dungeon Case

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said that wounds found on Beatrice Weston -- the 19-year-old niece of the alleged ringleader of the operation, Linda Ann Weston -- were the worst he had ever seen on a person who was still alive.

"I've never seen anything like this in a living person," Ramsey said. "It's remarkable that she is still alive. There is no penalty that is too harsh for the people that did this."

Beatrice Weston, who had been reported missing in 2009, suffered wounds that included healed-over fractures, pellet gun wounds, and burns from heated spoons. Beatrice was also malnourished.


Jean McIntosh, the 32-year-old daughter of Linda Ann Weston, was arrested and charged with the same crimes Wednesday. Two other adults have been arrested and released as part of the investigation.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Read more: Gruesome Details Revealed in Philadelphia Dungeon Case
OMGosh! She was cruel to her niece 10 years ago! She used to call her, 'Piggy.' :(


Ex-Neighbor Talks About Horror Suspect

Fox 29's Claudia Gomez spoke with a woman on Wednesday who knew Linda Weston, and had her own suspicions about her, nearly a decade ago

Even back then, Cameillia Bullins says Weston's her cruelty to her niece Beatrice was becoming obvious.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just she raised her siblings because her mother died. Just how exactly did that death occur?
Oh no problem, Anne. I feel your frustration.

As for the welfare checks on the welfare of the disabled adults I can't say. I do know people who are on SSI have to fill out a form from home stating they're still in the same shape or worse off when they applied for benefits. One of my girlfriends has to do that. She has MS.

Also there's alot of people including young people getting benefits from SSI who are on methadone. My neighbor is 19 years old. He's healthy albeit a recovering heroin addict and gets his methadone, and his check. That's another issue all together.

Oh and from Joe's link.......................Heidnik one scary man. That guy was a monster. His victims also had mental health problems. He used to hang out at a school for mentally challenged adults. In fact I believe hw worked there.

Delimar! One of the most awful stories ever. The woman stole that baby and set the fire. Amazingly her birth mom years later was at a birthday party and just knew the now much older girl was her supposed dead baby.

Yeah we have our fill of scary, evil people here.

I have been on Social Security disability since 1994. The only "checking up" that is done by the SSA is that every 7 years they do a recertification to determine if I am still eligible for benefits. Since the system is so backlogged, instead of every 7 years, it is actually between 8 and 9 years (I just had my second recert a couple months ago). My step-mother worked in disability recert for a different region and told me that the recert period is dependent on the type of disability for which one is receiving benefits. For some illnesses/ailments, the recert period could be as little as 2 years, while others are on the 7 year cycle.

As far as home visits by the SSA--this is not done.

I do have a case manager through a private agency (not affiliated with the state or federal agencies) who helps me to access benefits or services when the need arises, but not every person on SS has a case manager. I have one because of the type of illness that I have, because I also receive Medicaid, and, this one is important--because I requested one. Many people who are on SS and receive Medicaid do not have a case manager.

The Medicaid case worker (notice the distinction in terminology) is only required to contact me once a year to determine if I am still financially eligible to receive benefits. That is her only function. She has never been to my home and I have never met her in person. My case manager has been to my home numerous times for various reasons.

I hope this helps to answer a few questions about why these people were not being properly looked after.

I am totally at a loss to put into words my feelings about what has happened to these unfortunate souls. It makes me sick to my stomach.
If you continue watching, there will be a news conference by the mayor who answered questions about this situation.



Oh please I can't watch him one more second. Gotta look at him daily.

The media is reporting this all differently. From what I saw on one station was this woman rented out the house to Weston.

If I may? Rutland Street. This is where this woman lives and apparently Weston lived. It's part of "The Greater Northeast". This neighborhood changed drastically in the past 20 years. There's tons of rental homes and most of the neighbors don't even speak the same language let alone know eachother.

However, there's good people that reside there, but I doubt they'd be minding someone elses business. Especially the Cambodian, Vietnamesse and Hmong neighbors. They are very leery of police or anyone in uniform for that matter. Sadly I would bet the band there's a ton more people in that immediate neighborhood scamming social security.
One thing that is going to be hard. Tamara Breedon is reported to have the mind of a 10 year old. And she has two babies. Babies that it appears she was never allowed to bond with. She didn't even mention her babies in her interview. So will she be given custody of the children? Or will they go into foster care? Will she be allowed to maintain contact with them? Were they disabled?

One article said the father of the children was thought to be one of the disabled men. And according to one article, Weston sometimes ordered people to have sex, wanting more babies so she could get more money. (Welfare?)

Tamara's children are reported to also be malnourished.

Ok Tamara had two children, one child was a victim from Fla (age 15), one young adult was the niece. Who are the other 6 kids?
As far as I've seen, can't recall which article, they are still attempting to indentify the other children. They are taking DNA.

Lord, please place all of these victims in situations that will enable them to experience security, love, and compassion in their lives. In Jesus name...Amen
Must read article! Interesting the most indepth article yet, and it's out of the State of Washington! :maddening:


Victim, 19, in Philadelphia captivity case has signs of severe abuse, police say

For the last decade, police said, Beatrice Weston, 19, was held captive by the woman who police said also imprisoned four mentally challenged adults in a boiler-room dungeon.

The alleged scheme involves at least four states and potentially dozens of victims, and has unfolded with increasingly disturbing details.

Linda Ann Weston, 51, a convicted murderer, has been described by police as the ringleader and was charged with kidnapping and other offenses. Her boyfriend, Gregory Thomas, 47; and Eddie Wright, 49, a homeless man who describes himself as a reverend, were also charged


Two of the children, a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old, are believed to be the children of Tamara Breeden, 29, one of the victims in the basement, who has been traveling with Weston for years. The father is one of the other victims found in the basement, police said.

The children are severely malnourished. Ramsey said the 2-year-old "kind of looked like a 6-month-old."

Police believe the other four children are somehow related to the Weston family, police said. DNA testing will be done to determine their parents, Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers said. On Wednesday morning, police took McIntosh's two children, ages 8 and 10, into protective custody.


Evers said Beatrice Weston's captivity began after she was caught in the middle of a feud between Linda Weston, who is her aunt, and her mother, Vicky. When Beatrice was 8

..............................snip .......................

When McIntosh, Linda Weston's daughter, moved into the apartment in the Tacony neighborhood about two years ago, landlord Turgut Gozleveli said she showed him discharge papers and said she had been an Army nurse in Texas. She told him she was collecting child support from various men and had an Army pension. She lived in the apartment with two young children whom she said were her brothers, investigators said.

<<<<<<<<<<< more at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

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If I am not mistaken two of the teens are supposed children of her boyfriend (also charged) a boy and a girl?
If I am not mistaken two of the teens are supposed children of her boyfriend (also charged) a boy and a girl?

I don't think LE knows who all the kids are yet. They know the two youngest are from the female captive found with the original victims. LE believes one of the other male captives is the father. They're doing DNA tests.

I believe there's four they don't know who they are. They're working on it.

This is a developing case that has tons of articles being printed out, almost hourly. The interest is just now exploding. LE is just getting started.

For anyone not able to watch the video, this was a reunion of the siblings, arranged by abc, local affiliate I believe.

The siblings hadn't been together for 20 years. They all said they were terrified of this woman, Linda Weston, they're sister. When their mom died, she took over caring for the children and terrorized them daily, beat them, forced one 11 yo sister to prostitute, etc............she was an evil woman! IMHO........even as adults she would victimize them. Like stealing her sister's daughter found with the surviving children.

I know many can't understand how these now adults could still be terrified of this woman. But think about this, she served an 8 - 10 year prison sentence for killing one man. Two of her siblings, boy and girl, testified against her. She came out of prison and terrorized these siblings again. That's when she stole Beatrice. Although they'd tried to get LE involved, she upped and left.

They were just as much a victim as these handicapped adults and children. It seemed she could get away with anything. :(

Blessing to all victims involved. I believe we're seeing the building of a mountain of evidence against this evil woman. May she never see the light of day again!


Exclusive: Family recalls living with Weston

<<<<<<<<<< video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is a horrible story, and , sadly, I think it's far from over. I worked with developmentally disabled adults, but they were cared for by an agency. They had nice living quarters, food, all types of health, vocational and behavioral services, and most of the people who supported them were hard-working and compassionate. Each person had a case manager who was in touch on a regular basis. Our clients, for the most part, were happy, productive men and women. Some worked, some participated in structured activity, but whatever their level of ability, the enjoyed life. It was such a thrill to see them enjoy a casino trip, or a walk downtown, or to learn something simple, like how to make a sandwich. I hope these victims can be placed with a nice agency, or with caring relatives, and experience some goodness in their lives. The children, especially, will need strong support.

Our agency also encouraged placement in private homes. The clients were monitored, and most of the time they became part of the family.

I can't believe someone got away with this all these years, but they did. Now, as they spend the rest of their lives in prison, I hope these victims can have a better life.

Pat S
I want to see the perpetrators in prison-not the victims, of course, For the victims, I want happiness and love-a warm home-a bed to sleep in-plenty of food-smiling faces. What has been done to them is unthinkable.

Pat S
For the victims, I want happiness and love-a warm home-a bed to sleep in-plenty of food-smiling faces. What has been done to them is unthinkable.
Pat S

Pat, I agree. Also, if, as stated in some of the articles, "two of the children, a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old, are believed to be the children of Tamara Breeden, 29, one of the victims in the basement, who has been traveling with Weston for years. The father is one of the other victims found in the basement, police said." I hope Tamara gets to have a loving relationship with those children and the father of those babies if she wants. I imagine the victims have probably formed some pretty strong relationships with each other, since they were held so closely together.

It is so sad to see how thin they are, but the smiles on their faces are so genuine.

Linda Weston entered prison on June 7, 1985, to serve a four- to 10-year sentence for third-degree murder. She served her time at the state correctional institution in Muncy, a women's prison.

She was paroled on Jan. 15, 1987, and a condition of her parole was that she undergo psychological therapy and take medication, records show. She completed probation in 1993, and her case was closed.

Shortly after her release, police believe, Linda Weston began her pattern of meeting vulnerable adults and manipulating them. She also moved often from state to state, leaving a trail of lawsuits and eviction notices.

David Wong, one of Linda Weston's short-term landlords in Norfolk, Va., in 2008, said she and a man asked to rent an apartment from him, saying they needed to move in immediately. They gave $400 as an initial payment and promised to give him the rest of the rent the next day if he gave them the key.

Wong said he gave her the key, but when he arrived to collect the remaining money the next day, he found the apartment filled with about a dozen people, including several children, and suitcases piled on the floor. "I was shocked," he said. "Homeless people. That was the first thought that crossed my mind."

When Linda Weston refused to pay any more, Wong called police. But he was told the only way to get rid of his new tenants was to go through a formal eviction procedure, which dragged on for two months.

When Linda Weston and her group finally left, they stole an air-conditioner and "anything else they could take," Wong said.

In October of that year, Linda Weston rented another Norfolk apartment and told the landlord she was a caretaker for several women there. One of the women, Maxine Lee, 39, died a month later. Weston fled, the landlord said.

The city's medical examiner found that Lee died of acute meningitis. The death was ruled "natural causes" - the same ruling initially issued when Ramos' body was found in an abandoned Philadelphia building in 1981.

Officer Chris Amos, a spokesman for the Norfolk police, said that in light of the charges in Philadelphia, investigators would review the file.
Is anybody following this case and recording the various facts? I seem to remember that at least two of the deaths related to this Linda monster were due to meningitis. That is rather odd, since according to the The National Meningitis Association, "Meningococcal disease is a serious, potentially fatal bacterial infection that strikes an average of 1,500 Americans annually."

1500 per year is not very many and that number might be just the bacterial form, there are also viral and fungus meningitis, which might not be in that number. I found one source that said there were 39 deaths from viral meningitis in the US in the most recent year reported.
Is anybody following this case and recording the various facts? I seem to remember that at least two of the deaths related to this Linda monster were due to meningitis. That is rather odd, since according to the The National Meningitis Association, "Meningococcal disease is a serious, potentially fatal bacterial infection that strikes an average of 1,500 Americans annually."

1500 per year is not very many and that number might be just the bacterial form, there are also viral and fungus meningitis, which might not be in that number. I found one source that said there were 39 deaths from viral meningitis in the US in the most recent year reported.

In one of the articles on Maxine it said she died of Meningitis and she suffered from a "wasting disease." Wasting disease of course was to cover for the fact that she was malnourished. I think what happened was only a quick look was given to her death, maybe even not a full autopsy. I would also guess that history given by Weston the "caretaker" was given a lot of weight in the determinations.
Horror deepens in Tacony basement case

AS JANE McIntosh, daughter of Linda Ann Weston, moved from state to state, her mother usually would follow.

McIntosh lived in Texas with her husband, who was in the military. She moved to Norfolk, Va., where her husband was to be stationed, said a man named Cameron - Weston's boyfriend in Norfolk and in Killeen, Texas.

Weston, 51, the alleged mastermind behind a plot to defraud mentally disabled people of their Social Security benefits, recently ended up back in Philadelphia, where her daughter was living in a Tacony apartment building with a dank, dirty sub-basement.

"The mom goes wherever the daughter goes

"When it comes to torture, [it's] Weston," this person said. "When it comes to logistics, it's her daughter."

(Police and the District Attorney's Office list McIntosh's first name as Jean, but she is identified as Jane by the landlord of her Tacony apartment, a public database, her cellphone voicemail and sources who know her.)

McIntosh appeared via video last night for her arraignment. She burst into tears and shook her head while Magistrate Timothy O'Brien read her charges.

"I'm not a criminal, I'm not a criminal," she sobbed as she rocked in a chair.

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