GUILTY PA - Four mentally disabled people held captive in Philly dungeon, 2011

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So LE found the four locked in the basement, but missed Beatrice locked in a closet? How horrible. I have to wonder if she heard LE in the home and was too afraid to holler out.

LW actually had custody of Beatrice??? Even after she had been convicted of murder?

Yup! In one of the videos B's mom said she was in trouble with social services because B was missing too much school. So Linda was having her stay with her. Then Linda took off!

Ex-boyfriend of woman at center of Philly abuse case talks about her time in Norfolk

NORFOLK--When Linda Weston came to Norfolk in August 2008, according to her ex-boyfriend she brought a lot of baggage.

“It was her and her kids and the people that she took care of,” says a Norfolk man named Cameron who asked to keep his last name anonymous.

He counted 8 or 9 people that came with her from Killeen, TX to Norfolk, including a little a little girl and two teenage girls that Weston said were her daughters.

“One of them had a baby and a boyfriend with her,” says Cameron, he often argued with her why none of the kids went to school.

He says there were also several adults with disabilities.

<<<<<<<<<<<< complete article and vide at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>

PS...ok, where are these people!?

"According to him, Weston kept several mentally disabled people at a separate apartment somewhere in the Park Place area of Norfolk.

He says there names were Myra, Eddie and Gregory. Weston would make trips to feed them."

ETA Link! my bad! sorry

Aren't Eddie and Gregory the names of the two guys that were arrested with her?
Philly Abuse Case: West Palm Beach Police Now Involved

Alleged Ringleader Lived At 3 Different Homes In West Palm Beach

WPBF 25 News has learned that West Palm Beach police are looking into whether any abuse occurred while the suspects and victims lived at three different homes in the city.
Weston, the alleged ringleader, not only lived at a dilapidated house on 52nd Street, but also two other West Palm Beach houses. The landlord told WPBF 25 News that Weston lived at the house on 44th Street as recently as two weeks ago

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>

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PS>.....ok, so this mom of the 15 yo from Florida found with the perps, said that the daughter, Jean (aka Jane) McIntosh, had been living with the mom in Florida. So, why did she already have that apartment in Philadelphia? That landlord said she'd been there in Philly for two years? The mom and her group had only been in Philadelphia since about October 3rd? :confused:
Suspects in the Philadelphia disabled kidnapping case not found in Florida DCF system

But they didn't hide it from neighbors because many neighbors including Ronald Bass said they heard screams nightly, but didn't report it.

Riordan says neighbors staying quiet kept DCF in the dark.

"Sometimes people don't want to get involved," Riordan said. "But if you have not come to us to ask for our help then we may not know about (the abused)."

Both agencies in Philadelphia and here in South Florida say new findings by investigators also create challenges. They say until law enforcement finishes their investigation, DCF and other protection agencies can't thoroughly perform their investigation.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>

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More Locals Come Forward Claiming to Know Philadelphia Kidnapping Suspects

Forty-nine year old Eddie Wright is one of the four arrested. KCEN HD News has now talked to multiple people who say Wright frequented the Killeen Public Library.

<<<<<<<<<<<< article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PS....nothing really earth shattering. Just one gal who worked for one of the suspects and didn't get paid.
Aren't Eddie and Gregory the names of the two guys that were arrested with her?

Oh, you're right.:slap: Eddie is her b/f I believe and the other guy is Thomas Gregory.

But,...............where is Myra? :(

More Locals Come Forward Claiming to Know Philadelphia Kidnapping Suspects

Forty-nine year old Eddie Wright is one of the four arrested. KCEN HD News has now talked to multiple people who say Wright frequented the Killeen Public Library.

<<<<<<<<<<<< article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PS....nothing really earth shattering. Just one gal who worked for one of the suspects and didn't get paid.

This case just gets more baffling. So she hired at least one short term employee who may have seen how things were.

I wonder why Eddie hung out at the library?
Suspects in the Philadelphia disabled kidnapping case not found in Florida DCF system

But they didn't hide it from neighbors because many neighbors including Ronald Bass said they heard screams nightly, but didn't report it.

Riordan says neighbors staying quiet kept DCF in the dark.

"Sometimes people don't want to get involved," Riordan said. "But if you have not come to us to ask for our help then we may not know about (the abused)."

Both agencies in Philadelphia and here in South Florida say new findings by investigators also create challenges. They say until law enforcement finishes their investigation, DCF and other protection agencies can't thoroughly perform their investigation.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>

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At one time I would have been shocked that they didn't call. But anymore I have joined the ranks of "oh well they probably wouldn't have done anything anyway."
Just a gentle reminder that the description for someone with cognitive challenges is now officially, Intellectually Disabled or ID. President Obama signed "Rosa's Law" into effect this year to do away with the term MR. DD stands for Developmentally Disabled which can overlap but has a few differences.

From now on, all state and federally generated documents will use the phrase ID. As a mother of seven adults diagnosed with this challenge, I like the new label. It's far more respectful, IMO.
Charges Piled On in Kidnapping Case

32-year-old Jean McIntosh is being charged with Kidnapping, Conspiracy, Unlawful Restraint, False Imprisonment, Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Burglary, and Trespassing.

I'm curious how much her children had to "endure" and what kind of lives they had? This daughter was only 2 when her mother starved her sister's bf and was sentenced to 8 yrs. Are there other children besides this daughter and the son? Honestly, I find it hard to imagine the son didn't have any knowledge of what was going on as he lived in the same building also....and the perp's sisters KNEW this was going on and didn't report it!!!??? Has she been doing this since the early 90's? I'm dismayed........... I can't tell you how much I would like to do this woman's Halloween "make-up"....and "costume". Unreal.
This case just gets more baffling. So she hired at least one short term employee who may have seen how things were.

I wonder why Eddie hung out at the library?

Well, we do know that LInda Weston met the victim Knowles through an online dating service.

Trolling for victims? Craig's List? Perhaps she had that guy do look-up on the computer because she was too busy starving and beating her victims. :mad:

Just guessin'
I'm curious how much her children had to "endure" and what kind of lives they had? This daughter was only 2 when her mother starved her sister's bf and was sentenced to 8 yrs. Are there other children besides this daughter and the son? Honestly, I find it hard to imagine the son didn't have any knowledge of what was going on as he lived in the same building also....and the perp's sisters KNEW this was going on and didn't report it!!!??? Has she been doing this since the early 90's? I'm dismayed........... I can't tell you how much I would like to do this woman's Halloween "make-up"....and "costume". Unreal.

If you look through the articles I posted last night, there's one that said something about Weston was the desciplinarian, and McIntosh was logistics, or something like that.

The daughter was in it just as much as the mother. I know she may have been abused as a child, but she moved around the country and the mom always followed her. It was probably more like a love/hate relationship. The daughter knows right from wrong.

My point was that I think there was more than one victim that died of meningitis according to official records. They take spinal fluids to determine meningitis. I don't think they would rely on history given by the "caretaker" to make that kind of diagnosis. Since it is so rare, I don't think the meningitis label is given easily.

For the last 30 or so years, if there was a death by meningitis in the US, it would make at least local media, if not large local to almost national level.

Could you link to the report of the second victim passing from meningitis, as I am only aware of Maxine Lee back in 2008. TIA

What troubles me Ramos and Lee were both said to have died of "natural" causes in one of the articles. ?n Is starvation considered "natural" and if so....why was she imprisoned for 8 years for third degree murder? Surely a MSM blippo. ?? Did they miss the fact that Ramos had been hit in the head with a hammer? Both victims were emaciated?

Another thing is the brother and sister who testified against her in Ramos's case told of the sexual, emotional, and physical abuse.....but there were no charges...and no further investigation at the time? Linda would have been around 20 at the time and her siblings were younger....I'm thinking they were minors child abuse??? It just seems there are so many cracks and HUGE holes she has fallen through...and allowed to continue her just boggles my mind...........
Exclusive: Weston's son speaks of abuse, starvation

"I got hit in the head when I was younger with a high heel shoe, put a hole in my head. I was beaten with extension cords, with table legs," the son said.

For much of his early life, he says his mother would lock him in closets and basements much like the dungeon uncovered this past weekend where four mentally challenged adults were found.

<<<<<<<<<<<< full article and video at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PS............when this same son was given to Linda Weston's sister to raise while Linda served time for manslaughter, her sister then continued in the abuse of this child! :eek:

"She was very charming.." First sign of a psychopathic personality...and the from what MSM is gleaning...she a #1 classic!

OK, I want to know how many children this deranged woman has given birth to...and I want to know where are all her siblings? I believe we saw six in the reunion where are the other half dozen? I want the authorities to not wave a hand of any kind at any of these peeps and do a full investigation into their families as well. All thirteen siblings had to have been very mistreated...and had no reference for normal child rearing...or inter-relating...good grief! I'm not saying they all like LW, but I still want them investigated. Where are all the nieces, nephews and grand babies? What did any of LW's older siblings experience when they were being raised by their mother? What was their upbringing? Sorta scared to ask...actually....

I'd really like to see all those court documents from her first incarceration...and all the charges she has garnered since.
Yup! In one of the videos B's mom said she was in trouble with social services because B was missing too much school. So Linda was having her stay with her. Then Linda took off!


In another of the article it's stated Vicky (mother) had a medical condition of sorts....then in another article it comes out she was hit in the head with a baseball bat! No mention of the incident itself or who inflicted the blow. In the meantime, B wasn't reported missing until 2009.....7 or 8 years after LW had "custody" of her. Her sister, the other V...who was incarcerated also for Ramos death said they were looking for B and wondering where she was. None of this adds up.

**Also agree, I don't believe this woman was/is schizophrenic..nope.
This case just gets more baffling. So she hired at least one short term employee who may have seen how things were.

I wonder why Eddie hung out at the library?

They stated the guy at the library had run into all three! This report didn't give many needed details did it? Were they all on the computer? What was the girl hired to do? Did she have contact with any of the other suspects...the victims...or the children? ????? I keep envisioning this woman as a wicked octopus with tenacles reaching out in every direction of the map and sucking up these poor vunerable people in as prey. There has to be more people involved; the daugher has a hubby in TX she went to visit and stayed for awhile. I can't believe he doesn't know what's going on. LW has had 20 years to perfect this whole scam.

Yep, it's starting to get really confusing.... I'm glad and thankful for the all the reporting but there has been some conflicting reporting. IE: I think in early reports it was Eddie who was LW's bf and then later it seemed to turn to Greg as the Now there's another investigation to another Philly regarding someone who disappeared or passed between '04 and '06. They didn't give a name. I think we need to start a media thread or it would be nice for a forum so we could have separate threads on the perps, the victims, the children, etc. TX, VA, FL, PA......:crazy::crazy: This case really needs all the attention it's getting, imo, and brought to the's horrendous.
If you look through the articles I posted last night, there's one that said something about Weston was the desciplinarian, and McIntosh was logistics, or something like that.

The daughter was in it just as much as the mother. I know she may have been abused as a child, but she moved around the country and the mom always followed her. It was probably more like a love/hate relationship. The daughter knows right from wrong.


Thanks Fran. I spent most of the day and night Friday reading everything I could get my hands on and finally caught up! Sadly, I think there is much more to come and there's is still much about all the players' and people on the fringes we are yet to learn. :maddening:

Death In Philadelphia And Virginia May Be Linked To Suspects
This is a report from ROL, so take it with a grain of salt, but it states she has eight (8) children!!! Confusing, but four were returned to her after her incarceration:

Fresh details of the torture inflicted on not only defenseless strangers but also her own children have emerged daily since and the most recent startling revelation from the Philadelphia Inquirer reveals how the city's Department of Human Services (DHS) had placed four of her eight children with relatives but they were returned to Weston following her incarceration.

The children - Joseph, Jane, James and Raymond - were sent back to their murderous mother by the Family Court because the relatives they were sent to live with abused them.

"We were all in the (DHS) system," Weston's son Joseph McIntosh, now 29, told the Daily News on Thursday. "She went through the system to get all her kids back."

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