PA PA - Kathleen Kelly, 12, Springdale, 22 May 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Now that you say that, it looks like they took Kathleen's picture changed her hairstyle and the shape of her face. They even made the eyes look alike. That is in poor taste on the artists end, especially if Princess Doe isn't Kathleen.
Springdale PA is next to the PA turnpike. I am beginning to work on a map with push pins showing missing children and women along the PA Turnpike ( RT 76) and RT 80. Both converge in both Youngstown and Akron OH. A major highway near an abduction site always gives the abductor the ability to put time and distance between him/her and the authorities.
3 girls within a 6 month time span disappeared from Western PA in 1981.

Kathleen Kelly age 12 on May 21, 1981

Michele Reidenbach age 16 from Evans City (not far from Turnpike and I79) on Sept 22, 1981.

and Toni Lynn McNatt Chiappetta age 14 missing from Clairton PA. Close to Pgh and Route 51 on Nov 5, 1981.

Just seems very suspicious to me since these girls didn't have any reason to runaway.
I know this area pretty well. In fact, I used to work directly down the road from Springdale in Harmarville (on the other side of the Turnpike). Currently, I am out that way every Monday.

Springdale isn't exactly the best area of Pittsburgh's northeastern suburbs. In fact, the entire area around there has been on a steady decline for quite some time. 1981 would have been when the industrial sectors of Pittsburgh were disappearing, and Springdale is a blue collar town which would have been affected by that--between Pittsburgh to the south and New Kensington to the north.

New Kensington isn't an area I would move to by any means. The same can be said for most of the little areas along Freeport Road, which is the main drag around there. Lots of the areas are run down and I believe this decline began around the same timeframe Kathleen went missing. I have a buddy who grew up in Russellton (a few minutes away) and he never described it as being good, even when he was young (he would have been 7 when Kathleen disappeared).

As far as highways go--we have already mentioned the PA Turnpike, which is I-76. The Turnpike allows for easy access to I-79 at Cranberry, just 20 miles west. Today, the two interstates are connected, but in 1981, you would need to take US 19. I-79 and US 19 parallel each other there, and both lead to Evans City and Portersville (the general vicinity of Cherie's disappearance). I-80 is a bit further north if you take I-79.

The one thing that separates this case is the fact the towns north of Cranberry on I-79/US 19 were and still are pretty rural. Evans City is best known for corn and dairy farms, whereas Portersville is best known for Moraine State Park (which is that out-of-the-way place people travel an hour to for a weekend of camping).

This leads me to say there's a 60% chance these cases aren't connected to the others.

Also worth noting is PA 28, another road nearby. From its southern terminus in the city of Pittsburgh to around Indiana/Kittanning, PA 28 is an expressway. There are several exits with easy access to Springdale from 28, including one which exits almost directly in the middle of it.

It's a shame we don't know more about Kathleen's family situation. Given that there are few details available in the case, I'm willing to bet she had a very rough life as a child and saw getting into prostitution as a means to an end. She could have met someone who was coming through and stopping at some sleazy motel nearby (there are several along Freeport Road) and gone out to NJ/NY with him.

Those sleazy motels are actually some of the closest and most affordable options for people staying in Pittsburgh. You're only a few miles north of the city itself there.

My theory: they went to Long Island, then she tried to escape after realizing she was being used and abused. Since she was working, she had some money and was trying to buy things to make it on her own from that grocery store.

I really don't think her story is as "wholesome" as a lot of people want to believe it is. If the Springdale connection is really true, then I'm going to say she was probably nobody's "princess" at all--and could have barely even known her parents. There are a lot of people incarcerated for drugs and other offenses from that general area.
Also, check this out. Creighton is right up the road from Springdale. Notice how there is a Kathleen listed who has no current location.

No idea if they are related for sure but worth a shot. I hope not because this sounds like a good family. (Of course, Kathleen is a common name...)
In the obituary that you have linked, I see that the mother was born in 1927, and Kathleen was 12 when she went missing in 1981. That would have made the mother 42 when she had Kathleen (if this is the right Kathleen). I wish we knew the background on her disappearance.
3 girls within a 6 month time span disappeared from Western PA in 1981.

Kathleen Kelly age 12 on May 21, 1981

Michele Reidenbach age 16 from Evans City (not far from Turnpike and I79) on Sept 22, 1981.

and Toni Lynn McNatt Chiappetta age 14 missing from Clairton PA. Close to Pgh and Route 51 on Nov 5, 1981.

Just seems very suspicious to me since these girls didn't have any reason to runaway.

All three girls were small--

Kathleen Kelly: 5'2", 100 lbs.

Michele Reidenbach: 5'0"-5'4", 110-120 lbs.

Toni Lynn McNatt-Chiappetta: 5'2", 105 lbs.

Michelle and Toni both went missing while walking. Details surrounding Kathleen's disappearance are unknown.
She REALLY looks like Princess Doe and all her vitals match up. The fact they both wore gold cross necklaces is really intriguing. I wonder who reported her missing and what were the circumstances around her disappearance? Does anyone know? I only heard of her disappearance a couple months ago and Namus says her DNA testing is incomplete which makes me think she wasn't reported missing until fairly recently.

Kathleen's NamUs page is now saying DNA Tests are complete...Curious to see if she is Princess Doe
I was in conversation with Amy Dobbs from NamUs about another missing case, so I asked her if she could tell me if Kathleen Kelly was Princess Doe, since Kathleen's DNA test is now complete.... Kathleen IS NOT Princess Doe. She said both have DNA on file with no association. I really thought she going to be a match.

I really wish we knew more about Kathleen's disappearance.
I was in conversation with Amy Dobbs from NamUs about another missing case, so I asked her if she could tell me if Kathleen Kelly was Princess Doe, since Kathleen's DNA test is now complete.... Kathleen IS NOT Princess Doe. She said both have DNA on file with no association. I really thought she going to be a match.

I really wish we knew more about Kathleen's disappearance.

I kind of thought they would be a match! However, at least we can still hope Kathleen's story turns out better than Princess Doe's did. I just wish there was SOME or ANY info about her disappearance, other than a rough physical description and a picture that looks like it could have possibly been from when Kathleen was younger than her last seen age of 12.
I kind of thought they would be a match! However, at least we can still hope Kathleen's story turns out better than Princess Doe's did. I just wish there was SOME or ANY info about her disappearance, other than a rough physical description and a picture that looks like it could have possibly been from when Kathleen was younger than her last seen age of 12.

I totally agree with you Faithandhope. With all these other missing cases from my area, I have heard a little more about their disappearance than Kathleen's. When Cherrie Mahan went missing in 1985, it was all over the news and we still hear her story.
In addition to the missing girls in that area and time frame there was a girl who went missing and was found murdered a month before the Reidenbach disappearance in the southern Pittsburgh suburbs/rural area. Christine Guenther. The circumstances of her abduction are very similar to Michele's, teenager leaving a store in the middle of the afternoon in a semi rural area close to the I-79 corridor.

Sadly, when looking at news clippings from the time, most of these missing girls were dismissed as runaways or were not linked. Very little mention of the cases outside of the local papers, and incredibly similar disappearances a county away were not considered related.
In addition to the missing girls in that area and time frame there was a girl who went missing and was found murdered a month before the Reidenbach disappearance in the southern Pittsburgh suburbs/rural area. Christine Guenther. The circumstances of her abduction are very similar to Michele's, teenager leaving a store in the middle of the afternoon in a semi rural area close to the I-79 corridor.

Sadly, when looking at news clippings from the time, most of these missing girls were dismissed as runaways or were not linked. Very little mention of the cases outside of the local papers, and incredibly similar disappearances a county away were not considered related.

Wow you are right.. another girl who went missing from the area.. in 1981. I don't remember hearing about her disappearance and murder, but I was only 6 years old at the time. I am thinking we had a serial killer in the area. I would think that a handful of girls that went missing within 6 months of each other from around the Pittsburgh area should raise a few red flags... If not with local police, state police.
There were several other runaway reports from the time period that I found, along with a small article about a woman who reported someone trying to snatch her into a van. I gave all of the information to the Butler County Sheriff's office about 5 or so years ago. They were familiar with some cases but not all and thanked me for the info so that they could look into it. Apparently they were not able to get any results from the information as I've not heard of movement on any of the cases other than a search regarding Mahan in the intervening time.
I'm guessing that since they're very few details available about Kathleen Kelly's missing person case, I'm 99% sure that she was a runaway, otherwise her case would've gained more attention. She really does have a striking resemblance to Princess Doe, and I really think she might be her. I haven't heard if she was ruled out yet but I know her DNA is being processed and compared.

But in all honesty I think it's extremely disturbing because Kathleen Kelly looks a lot like a girl I was friends with back in my elementary school days (I know they aren't the same person though because I was in elementary school back in the early 2000s) and I see a lot of people typing in quote-on-quote: "I hope Princess Doe is Kathleen Kelly" and I understand why they type that, because they want the Princess Doe case to be solved, but if PD really is Kathleen Kelly, she would've only 13 when she died, and she would've died horribly too, and it really disturbs me when people type that they "hope" it's her :(

I'm not sure if that all made sense, but because of all that, this really hits home for me more than any other murder case or missing person report I've ever read about :(

She was 12.. I don't believe she was a runaway who even if she took off somewhere meant to stay away.. If she was 14 maybe,, but not 12..

I don't understand why there is no other information.

Kathleen Kelly disappeared at a time when it wasn't unusual for children to walk the streets of a small Pennsylvania borough in the twilight of a late spring day.

Kathleen, whom everyone called Kathy, was walking home alone in Springdale Borough, Allegheny County, when she disappeared on May 22, 1981.

It was the start of Memorial Day weekend, and Kathleen had been skating at the Ches-A-Rena in neighboring Cheswick.

“It was nothing at that time for her to walk from one end of Springdale to another,” said her older sister, Judy Stanko. “It wasn't rare for Kathleen to leave the rink by herself. She would do that.”

Stanko, 73, of Lower Burrell was the last person to see Kathleen and wants the peace of knowing what happened to her little sister, who would now be 48 or 49.

“My mother always prayed that she would live long enough to see Kathleen again. Now we're at the point where I hope I live long enough to see her again,” she said.

Kathleen was born in California, along with her brother, Robert, who was about five years older. After her father died, her mother, Annabelle Kelly, moved the two of them to Pittsburgh to be closer to family, Stanko said.

Stanko, who is 21 years older than Kathleen, already had a family of her own, had remarried and was living on Maxwell Avenue in Springdale, about six blocks from her mother and two siblings.

Much of their free time was spent at the Ches-A-Rena, where Stanko was a floor guard and her husband, John, was an assistant manager. Now slated for demolition, the roller rink was a popular destination in the 1960s, '70s and '80s.

“That was the thing to do on the weekends, to roller skate,” Stanko said. “The kids would skate there and then go bowling all night.”

Kathleen often went to the rink with her brother-in-law, John, and her older nieces and nephews. She was especially close with her niece, Kimberly, who was about four years older.

“Kathy was my aunt, but she was more like my baby sister,” said Kimberly Robertson, Judy Stanko's second-youngest child.

Robertson, 51, of Middle River, Md., believes Kathleen disappeared in 1980, when she was 10 — not in 1981, the year listed on the and missing person websites.

On the night of Kathleen's disappearance, the kids all piled into John Stanko's car and went over to the Ches-A-Rena. At some point, Kathleen left by herself and walked the eight blocks to her sister's house.

Although she was the mother of four teenagers, Stanko was home alone at the time with an infant daughter, Jeannine.

“I said, ‘What are you doing here?' She said, ‘Oh, it's boring down there. I don't want to be down there anymore,' ” Stanko said. “So we talked for awhile. We talked about the baby and the skating rink.”

Kathleen stayed for about an hour and then decided to go home, which was about six blocks away. Stanko can't recall whether it was dark yet.

“I said to her, ‘Are you sure you want to walk home?' She said, ‘Yeah, I'll be fine,' ” Stanko said, noting that she felt Kathleen was being evasive.

“I truly thought she had plans but didn't want me to know what the plans were,” she said.

Robertson believes Kathleen was not abducted but rather left of her own volition because of problems she was having at home.

“My personal opinion is that Kathleen left. She wasn't taken. ... How a 10-year-old can leave and survive, I have no idea. She would have needed help,” she said.

Robertson remembers feeling a sense of relief at Kathleen's departure.

“My initial thought was, ‘Thank God she's gone and out of that house,' ” she said. “Then it was, ‘I lost my best friend.' ... I never thought she would never come back.”

Once it was apparent that Kathleen was missing, the Springdale police were called. They questioned friends and family members but, ultimately, treated Kathleen's disappearance as a runaway case.

“They insisted she was a runaway and that she'd be home by Monday at the latest,” Stanko said, noting that there was no organized public campaign to find Kathleen.

Nine or 10 years later, Robertson was at home in Springdale one day and received a mysterious phone call from someone she believes was Kathleen.

“I remember getting a phone call that just said, ‘You know who I am and I'm fine.' That was it. There was nothing else,” she said.

Other times, there would be phone calls but silence on the other end. When Robertson would inquire, “Kathy, is that you?” the person would hang up.

Robertson wants Kathleen to know, if she is still alive, that it's OK to come home.

“I don't feel like she's gone; I just feel like she's far away,” she said.

Her message to Kathleen is something the two of them said to each other when they were younger:

“Love you near and far.”

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