PA PA - Kathleen Kelly, 12, Springdale, 22 May 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There's no notation in Kathy's NamUs page to indicate what day she was reported missing but her agency case # is E81337 which would indicate 1981.

Yes for sure but just pointing out that it might be inaccurate info, according to the woman interviewed in the article. So if someone finds a UID match from pre May 81 it could be worth looking into. Wouldn’t be the first case where LKA date was wrong.

Updated Charley Project link:


Kathleen was last seen on May 22, 1981. That day she went to the Ches-A-Rena skating rink in Cheswick, Pennsylvania with her brother-in-law and her nieces and nephews, who were close to Kathleen's age. Kathleen's brother-in-law and her sister, Judy Stanko, who was over twenty years older than Kathleen, both worked at the rink.

At some point during the day, Kathleen got bored, left the Ches-A-Rena and walked eight blocks to her sister's home, where Stanko was home alone with her infant daughter. They spoke for about an hour, then Kathleen decided to walk the six blocks to own home in Springdale, Pennsylvania.

Stanko asked if she was sure she wanted to walk, but Kathleen said she would be fine, and left. Stanko felt her sister was being evasive and may have had plans to do something else that evening. Kathleen never arrived home and has never been heard from again.

Kathleen's niece Kimberly Robertson was about four years older than Kathleen, and the girls were good friends. Robertson believe Kathleen was not abducted but left on purpose and did not plan to return. She said there were unspecified problems in Kathleen's home at the time, and she thought her aunt had run away to avoid them. The police also treated the case as a runaway from the onset and did not seriously investigate at the time.

About nine or ten years after Kathleen's disappearance, Robertson got a strange phone call at her Springdale home from someone who simply said, "You know who I am and I'm fine" before the line went dead. She got other calls where she would pick up the phone but no one would speak. Robertson would ask if the caller as Kathleen, and the caller would hang up.

Robertson also believes Kathleen actually disappeared in 1980, not 1981, which is her aunt's listed date of disappearance. Kathleen's case remains unsolved and her family remains hopeful that she is alive.
I was in conversation with Amy Dobbs from NamUs about another missing case, so I asked her if she could tell me if Kathleen Kelly was Princess Doe, since Kathleen's DNA test is now complete.... Kathleen IS NOT Princess Doe. She said both have DNA on file with no association. I really thought she going to be a match.

I really wish we knew more about Kathleen's disappearance.

I e-mailed the Springdale Police Department on 6/11/2018 for clarification on this because Kathleen Kelly is not listed as being excluded as a possible match for Princess Doe on NamUs, but has been listed as excluded when compared to 7 other does. According to the police department's reply on 6/11/2018, DNA was recently obtained from Kathleen Kelly's siblings, and has been sent to NJ for comparison to Princess Doe. Maybe the person from NamUs got Princess Doe confused with another Doe?
I know NamUs deals with so many missing people cases, maybe she did get it wrong. I was the one who was talking to you about Kathleen Kelly on your Rainbow Falls FB page the other day - I totally forgot about Amy Dobbs telling me she wasn't a match. I have been trying to match so many different missing people, (have had luck 3 times) but I feel strongly about Kathleen being Princess Doe..
I know NamUs deals with so many missing people cases, maybe she did get it wrong. I was the one who was talking to you about Kathleen Kelly on your Rainbow Falls FB page the other day - I totally forgot about Amy Dobbs telling me she wasn't a match. I have been trying to match so many different missing people, (have had luck 3 times) but I feel strongly about Kathleen being Princess Doe..

Oh okay! Awesome! Yeah, I try to keep people updated here too, when I remember! :) What amazes me is that the comparison had not been done yet. It just looks like such a close match!!! Fingers crossed! I see people going back and forth between wanting it to be her, and not, and I get that since it is so tragic for both Princess Doe and Kathleen Kelly whether it is her or not, but I do hope it is her so that her family can have some closure.
I Stumbled on this video on Youtube. Its info on a Jane Doe from Florida 1982 and its a little different than what we see on Namus about this JD

Let me know your thoughts here. Jane is NamUs #UP1272


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Ironic that today is exactly 36 years after Jane Doe's death?
Unidentified Person Case
According to NamUs - here are the rule outs for the UP

Teresa Cupps 01/01/1978 OklahomaOK
Christine Huyer 07/03/1982 Orange FL
Emma Vaughn 07/10/1982 Orange FL
Eleanor Parker 11/10/1981 East Baton Rouge LA

NamUs is even giving the age range between 12-25 for this UP. I see a resemblance, the only thing that I question is the description of a Cajun accent. If she is from Pittsburgh - we have that Pittsburghese accent lol

I can send this possible match in if you don't want to. Please let me know. This is one case where I would love to see solved.
Unidentified Person Case
According to NamUs - here are the rule outs for the UP

Teresa Cupps 01/01/1978 OklahomaOK
Christine Huyer 07/03/1982 Orange FL
Emma Vaughn 07/10/1982 Orange FL
Eleanor Parker 11/10/1981 East Baton Rouge LA

NamUs is even giving the age range between 12-25 for this UP. I see a resemblance, the only thing that I question is the description of a Cajun accent. If she is from Pittsburgh - we have that Pittsburghese accent lol

I can send this possible match in if you don't want to. Please let me know. This is one case where I would love to see solved.
Please go send it in. I wouldn’t rely on people’s descriptions of an accent
I get the feeling that the officer who said he "may remember" her was mistaken. A red herring like that is probably whats made this Doe unidentified for all these years. Not to mention Las Vegas would be the opposite direction as Florida. Also does anybody else wonder why an officer would allow a "runaway" child to continue on her way?
I sent it in to Doe Network. They mentioned that these two have never been compared before....
Yes keep us posted. If you don't get a response from them, I can contact the Springdale Police Dept who is in charge of Kathleen's disappearance.
Any updates @papijoe2002 ?
I just looked on Kathleen's NamUs profile and the UP's profile and it doesn't look like they were ruled out - I wonder if Doe Network sent it in? I can contact NamUs to see what they think - or maybe they are waiting for the comparison to come back.
Exciting news! Hope this is a match and the case is solved!

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