PA - Kenzie Houk, 26, pregnant, murdered, Wampum, 20 Feb 2009

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If he does it or not is not the problem, if he is able for rehabilitation is the problem. One expert that worked pro bono said he is, the other paid by DA said he isn't! one of the reason's he said: He doesn't confess. Would I confess to something that brings me at the age of 12 for the rest of my life behind bars, well I don't. And huh yes this case gets international now, people are shocked about the crime and also shocked about the possibility that in the US minor children can be send to LWOP. I personal think every kid is able for rehabilitation, the minimum they can do is to try it.
And did he really do the crime? I'm not sure.

If what you are claiming about child murderers being able to be rehabiliated is true, I would expect the child to express some REMORSE. His lack of a confession IMO proves he has none.

This is another child I hold out ZERO hope for.
If what you are claiming about child murderers being able to be rehabilitate is true, I would expect the child to express some REMORSE. His lack of a confession IMO proves he has none.

This is another child I hold out ZERO hope for.

These young violent offenders seem to be coming at a rapid pace.

And as you say most of them show no remorse for their actions whatsoever.

It is darn frightening.

No amount of rehabilitation can grow a conscience in some of these young violent offenders when they exhibit none. They are what they are just like other young violent offenders who offended when young and went on to re-offend when they became adults.

I am having a hard time with this. He concealed his crime and went on with his day. He passed off responsibility for it.

But, he was 11. He is not old enough to be licensed for a firearm much less own one, right?
If his school records have been sealed, they were sealed because they were incriminating, not in regards to the murder, but in regards to the child's over all character or behavior at school.
Now 12 years old, Jordan Brown will be tried as an adult.

Thanks Trino. I'm having a hard time with a child that age being charged as an adult let alone the fact he would be the youngest to serve LWOP. I've only followed one other young child in my state AZ, an 8 year old who shot his dad and his dad's friend, and another case with a young boy who killed his friend in CA. His parents are serving or will be for having weapons and drugs available in the home.

It's how young the children are. Way to young for me to understand their being tried as an adult. I've seen bad kids before. Murder is big. But a 12 or 8 year old understanding what they have done, they'd have to be pretty mature or deep down evil, you would think. Saddens me.
Well i say, yes, if you shoot a pregnant woman, your downright evil, wheter your 8 or 80.
My impression is, that he's guilty until proven innocence, there was no trial, there is no confession, there is only a accusation by DA. -Now is he guilty? :waitasec:
My impression is, that he's guilty until proven innocence, there was no trial, there is no confession, there is only a accusation by DA. -Now is he guilty? :waitasec:

There is more than simply an accusation by the DA. ;) Please don't misrepresent the facts.
Wednesday December 1, 2010 09:28 PM

The state Attorney General’s office filed a brief this week with Pennsylvania Superior Court in opposition to an effort to move the murder trial of 13-year-old Jordan Brown into juvenile court.

Superior Court judges will likely decide early next year whether to continue Brown’s prosecution in Lawrence County Court or to have the case heard in the juvenile system. Brown is charged with homicide and the death of a fetus in the Feb. 20, 2009, murder of Kenzie Houk of New Beaver.

more here
Wednesday December 1, 2010 09:28 PM

The state Attorney General’s office filed a brief this week with Pennsylvania Superior Court in opposition to an effort to move the murder trial of 13-year-old Jordan Brown into juvenile court.

Superior Court judges will likely decide early next year whether to continue Brown’s prosecution in Lawrence County Court or to have the case heard in the juvenile system. Brown is charged with homicide and the death of a fetus in the Feb. 20, 2009, murder of Kenzie Houk of New Beaver.

more here

However, O’Brien told the court that Brown’s failure to admit culpability for Houk’s death during a mental health evaluation showed that he is not amenable to treatment, and that testimony was a key factor in Motto’s ruling, according to the judge’s written decision.

In their appeal, Acker and Elisco said the judicial demand that Brown admit to the crime amounted to a violation of his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination.

But Chief Deputy Attorney General Christopher Carusone, who handles criminal appeals for the attorney general’s office, said in the brief filed this week that anything Brown would have told either O’Brien or Heilbrun during their evaluation wouldn’t be admissible in court.

“Judge Motto’s ruling was appropriate and the arguments against it are legally flawed,” said Nils Hagen-Frederiksen, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office
so if he didn't do it, he must admit that he does it to get his case moved into the juvenile court ? that's what the DA want, admitting to a crime wherefore he is only accused but not proven without a doubt!

here is a good article about this case with more information

-interesting is also the skinner comment


Excellent article thanks for posting it. I found the link to the pdf file contained within the article most informative! Did you read that?

Judge made a great call. This particular child most likely can not be rehabilitated within the courts alloted time period should he be tried in juvenile court.

It was in this child's best interest to admit what he did, sadly he is still denying it. He did it. ALL of the evidence points to him. There was no stranger in a white car, there was snow on the ground and only two sets of footprints, there was no provocation, his victim was a 8 and a 1/2 month pregnant sleeping woman, GSR is on his clothes, he removed the spent shell and attempted to conceal it by ditching it outside, he put the gun back in his room, he left for school as if NOTHING happened, he has shown ZERO remorse!

IMO That makes him the worst kind of cold blooded murderer.
Excellent article thanks for posting it. I found the link to the pdf file contained within the article most informative! Did you read that?

Judge made a great call. This particular child most likely can not be rehabilitated within the courts alloted time period should he be tried in juvenile court.

It was in this child's best interest to admit what he did, sadly he is still denying it. He did it. ALL of the evidence points to him. There was no stranger in a white car, there was snow on the ground and only two sets of footprints, there was no provocation, his victim was a 8 and a 1/2 month pregnant sleeping woman, GSR is on his clothes, he removed the spent shell and attempted to conceal it by ditching it outside, he put the gun back in his room, he left for school as if NOTHING happened, he has shown ZERO remorse!

IMO That makes him the worst kind of cold blooded murderer.

I just saw an attorney on HLN speak of this case and he made a very good point.

He was asked is this child a danger to society?

His answer was..."If he is guilty of these double homicides at 11 years better believe he is dangerous!" (paraphrasing)

he better be tried as an adult otherwise he'll be out in a few years to murder again imo!
What evidence did point to Jordan? I think only the evidence made public by the DA points to Jordan, how did you know that it is all the evidence? I think Jordan is in a trap, if he didn't do it, he must admit to the crime just to move his case to the juvenile court and will probably sentenced until he's 21 and if he didn't admit, his case remained in adult court and he face (if found guilty) a mandatory LWOP sentence.
You maybe didn't read this from the same article

I think to get a real picture, everyone should read everything before he convict someone with a crime, LE and DA can fail, just think about how much innocent people where send to death row and where cleared years after the sentence, in this case for me it's not clear that he did it, and I personal think he's innocent! -of course I can't say it for sure! -but sending a kid to LWOP if found guilty isn't the proper answer in a modern and civilized world, even the British James Bulger murder where set free after a few years. Most of The people want in this case not justice, they like to have vengeance!
IMO, of course!

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