Found Deceased PA - Linda Stoltzfoos, 18, Bird-in-Hand, Lancaster County, 21 June 2020 *arrest* #2

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I agree the fire is too convenient. If someone was trying to hide something they wouldn’t want to attract LE to their location. Also why not burn the Rio.
Because he still needed the RIO to drive to work, around, etc.
I agree that if his motive was to hide something, he would do away with both or the Rio, at least.
We just don't know whether or not it has anything or nothing to do with the abduction and we don't really know what JS was thinking.
Why even take LS in the first place ??
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Thank you Mind your biscuits.
Just bouncing off the 2* girlfriends.
Fathers Day was when Smoker abducted Linda.
Perhaps ex girlfriend only THINKS he had another girlfriend because, unknown to her, he was busy taking Linda, Hiding her, burying clothes, etc.
I thought the same thing Spartygirl that JS girlfriend was under the impression even by his behavior that he was interested in someone else; which he was. Woman's intuition is a valuable tool if recognized. The girlfriend is probably grateful she escaped unharmed.
That could very well be, but why torch one car but not the one that many would have, and did see Linda in? Why destroy evidence in only one car?
I’m still not convinced this other car has anything to do with the situation, but say it does. If there was dna evidence in there that would indicate a probable murder—like a huge amount of blood—that would be reason to torch it. The Kia might have just had evidence that LS was in it—enough to hold up to kidnapping charges but nothing else.
Thank you too. I don't want to railroad this thread, but I thought I'd add this.

Alaska, Connecticut, and New Jersey all appoint their DA's.

There are many cases in which jurors are selected for a death penalty case, but after a verdict of guilty is reached, they end up hung on the sentence phase of the trial. In a DP case, each juror knows in advance whether or not it's a DP case before they are chosen.
The Jodi Aries trial is a good example.... Two DP sentencing phases, and both hung.
There are procedures in place for when that happens.
Life Verdict or Hung Jury? How States Treat Non-Unanimous Jury Votes in Capital-Sentencing Proceedings | Death Penalty Information Center

You are right. In the past, the majority of Americans were in favor for the DP, but that's changed. According to a Gallop poll taken last November, 60% of Americans are against the DP.... 36% in favor.
Americans Now Support Life in Prison Over Death Penalty

California spent 4.3 billion dollars executing 17 people since 1977. It's less expensive to incarcerate for life than it is to carry out a death sentence.

On average, there is one DP sentence for every 200 murder convictions.

Hi Rocky!!

Thank you again. I love having further knowledge on any subject matter even at my old age. I've always been one who thirsts for knowledge. :)

It shows it's used sparingly as it should be.

I do believe juries do feel it is warranted in the worst of the worse cases,and that is why juries continue to give the DP.

In the Arias case I felt uneasy from the beginning when they allowed an older male juror in his 60s to be on her case.

If anyone deserved death applied in AZ, Arias certainly did. It irks me even now how the one older male juror was the only lone holdout. If not for him it would have been totally unanimous, and she would be on DR today where she belongs.

Sadly, we still have double standards that show up in our judicial system from time to time when the defendant is a female who do the exact heinous type murders as committed by male defendants.

Having the DP option is one of the best tools for DAs because while the vile murderers don't care at all about all of the innocent lives they brutally take, but many do care about their own pathetic lives. When they know they may get death themselve then it's an entirely different story. It has resulted in many wanting to plead G if the DAs take the DP off the table saving valuable time,and millions of taxpayer's money.

The states who does not have it have far less options, imo.

I just saw a recent poll, and around 70 percent of the country believes it should still be an option. The poll may reflect how much extreme violence we are seeing now all across our nation including cold blooded murders.

I think more than any other time the majority of citizens are now zoned in on the importance of our criminal justice system, and know the rule of law must be restored, and very harsh punishments should be given if, and when convicted.

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I’m still not convinced this other car has anything to do with the situation, but say it does. If there was dna evidence in there that would indicate a probable murder—like a huge amount of blood—that would be reason to torch it. The Kia might have just had evidence that LS was in it—enough to hold up to kidnapping charges but nothing else.
Fair enough, but that means JS knew in advance he would be spilling blood all over the car, and that would be the reason he used that car instead of his. Why would he want to do that?
Fair enough, but that means JS knew in advance he would be spilling blood all over the car, and that would be the reason he used that car instead of his. Why would he want to do that?
Because he’s a sociopath who needed his car for work? Being flip, but I think that could be possible. If you’re sick enough to abduct and probably kill an innocent stranger, you’re probably not going to worry about ruining someone else’s property if you need to.
Because he’s a sociopath who needed his car for work? Being flip, but I think that could be possible. If you’re sick enough to abduct and probably kill an innocent stranger, you’re probably not going to worry about ruining someone else’s property if you need to.
You may very well be right, but imo, I don't believe he planned this out enough to worry about leaving evidence to a murder in a vehicle before hand, if that in fact happened.
The guy left his cell phone on, wasn't too worried about surveillance cams, and could have taken steps to avoid Linda being seen in his car, for example reclining the seat and making her lay down.
Hi Rocky!!

Thank you again. I love having further knowledge on any subject matter even at my old age. I've always been one who thirsts for knowledge. :)

It shows it's used sparingly as it should be.

I do believe juries do feel it is warranted in the worst of the worse cases,and that is why juries continue to give the DP.

In the Arias case I felt uneasy from the beginning when they allowed an older male juror in his 60s to be on her case.

If anyone deserved death applied in AZ, Arias certainly did. It irks me even now how the one older male juror was the only lone holdout. If not for him it would have been totally unanimous, and she would be on DR today where she belongs.

Sadly, we still have double standards that show up in our judicial system from time to time when the defendant is a female who do the exact heinous type murders as committed by male defendants.

Having the DP option is one of the best tools for DAs because while the vile murderers don't care at all about all of the innocent lives they brutally take, but many do care about their own pathetic lives. When they know they may get death themselve then it's an entirely different story. It has resulted in many wanting to plead G if the DAs take the DP off the table saving valuable time,and millions of taxpayer's money.

The states who does not have it have far less options, imo.

I just saw a recent poll, and around 70 percent of the country believes it should still be an option. The poll may reflect how much extreme violence we are seeing now all across our nation including cold blooded murders.

I think more than any other time the majority of citizens are now zoned in on the importance of our criminal justice system, and know the rule of law must be restored, and very harsh punishments should be given if, and when convicted.

Thank you again. We're always learning.
True, only one juror voted against the death penalty in the second sentencing phase of the trial, however if you remember, the initial sentencing phase had a vote of 8-4.

States without the DP have a much lower crime rate than those that have it, and that's not only true in this country, it's true around the world.
I appreciate the posts about RAD. I didn't have the courage to bring it up, but my husband has RAD so I have experience with it. Yes, Reactive Attachment Disorder is a diagnosis, although a new term for it is Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD). Although any doctor familiar with RAD can diagnose it based on symptoms, it can be seen as incomplete brain development, or holes, on an MRI scan.

Left: Normal 3 yr old. Right: 3 yr old with ADD

An neurological scan will show abnormal brain function.


Left: Healthy Right: Traumatized childhood (Romanian orphan)
The front (top in picture) part of the brain is where most of the normal thinking processes occur. The normal brain on the left is properly most active (Red areas) in the front part. The traumatized brain on the right has little (blue) to no (black) activity in much of the front area. The only significantly active area is the back part.

So this is very partial, simplified description of proper brain development... An infant has a need. Infant cries. Infant's stress hormone (cortisol) levels rise. Caregiver takes care of need. Infant relaxes and cortisol levels return to normal. Repeat cycle. This continual rise and fall of cortisol levels prompts the brain to develop in the proper order. First the back, primitive part develops, which includes the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response. Next, the middle and then the front parts develop. These areas control personality, behavior, emotions (and control of them), empathy, conscience, reasoning, trust, and ability to form relationships, to name a few.

When the caregiver doesn't take care of the infant's need, the baby's cortisol level stays high. Without the needed cycle of rising and falling cortisol to trigger advancement through the development phases, the infant's brain gets stuck in the back part. The front part isn't damaged, but it doesn't develop. The child grows up having only the Fight, Flight, or Freeze method to deal with any stress, no matter how small. Mentally, their brain progresses from "I can't trust anyone to meet my needs. I'll have to take care of myself" to "I will (literally) die if I let anyone get close to me." Children with RAD become adults with personality disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse, and addictions to gambling and *advertiser censored*. *advertiser censored* in particular is a problem because the RAD adult finds in much too frightening to form a real relationship with anyone, and turns to a fantasy world that doesn't involve personal connections. This post is long enough, but I want to post again with thoughts about the obstacles involved with "trying" to get treatment for RAD.
Thank you too. I don't want to railroad this thread, but I thought I'd add this.

Alaska, Connecticut, and New Jersey all appoint their DA's.

There are many cases in which jurors are selected for a death penalty case, but after a verdict of guilty is reached, they end up hung on the sentence phase of the trial. In a DP case, each juror knows in advance whether or not it's a DP case before they are chosen.
The Jodi Aries trial is a good example.... Two DP sentencing phases, and both hung.
There are procedures in place for when that happens.
Life Verdict or Hung Jury? How States Treat Non-Unanimous Jury Votes in Capital-Sentencing Proceedings | Death Penalty Information Center

You are right. In the past, the majority of Americans were in favor for the DP, but that's changed. According to a Gallop poll taken last November, 60% of Americans are against the DP.... 36% in favor.
Americans Now Support Life in Prison Over Death Penalty

California spent 4.3 billion dollars executing 17 people since 1977. It's less expensive to incarcerate for life than it is to carry out a death sentence.

On average, there is one DP sentence for every 200 murder convictions.
Speaking of Jodi Arias, as soon as I saw JS’s mugshot, I immediately thought that he looked dead in his eyes, just like JA’ mugshot! MOO.
If he has harmed Linda, and had planned to, he could have so easily done so without blood..... blood insinuates as stabbing or shot

strangulation would have been an easy one as I’m sure he would tie/restrain her anyway

why have blood

although there is another reason for blood if he raped her.
Fair enough, but that means JS knew in advance he would be spilling blood all over the car, and that would be the reason he used that car instead of his. Why would he want to do that?
Not necessarily blood. Body fluids quickly come into play as deterioration occurs. Also, cadaver dogs can pick up scent left by a deceased person quite readily. I think the scent markers begin to occur quickly after death so anyone who is foolish enough to transport a deceased person inside their vehicle is just asking to be arrested if a dog is brought in to sniff their vehicle. IMO
Thank you Mind your biscuits.

I thought the same thing Spartygirl that JS girlfriend was under the impression even by his behavior that he was interested in someone else; which he was. Woman's intuition is a valuable tool if recognized. The girlfriend is probably grateful she escaped unharmed.

@Curiosity1234- thank you for the reminder about the girlfriend of JS. I can't find the MSM article relating the information. Can you give me a quick link to read more, if you have it handy? TIA
There is a pile of dirt that looks like someone shoveled a grave quite frankly. It’s the closest point where eshelman run (creek) meets the railroad. It could obviously just be dirt. but it’s fresh soil with no vegetation and conspicuous. I really think we are on to something even if this is a pile of dirt.
Respectfully Snipped.

Did you report this pile of dirt to LE? Remember when you dig a grave and put a body in it, all the dirt does not fit back in again and ends up piled on top. There is a reason why there is fresh disturbed dirt.
You may very well be right, but imo, I don't believe he planned this out enough to worry about leaving evidence to a murder in a vehicle before hand, if that in fact happened.
The guy left his cell phone on, wasn't too worried about surveillance cams, and could have taken steps to avoid Linda being seen in his car, for example reclining the seat and making her lay down.

Very interesting thoughts @Rocky1. Do you believe JS left his home that day planning to abduct and murder a young woman? Or do you believe he just happened upon Linda and made an immediate decision to take her? If he had no in depth plan prior, hopefully he made enough mistakes to lead LE/Searchers directly to where he placed her.
If she was deceased in the car then decomposition would begin. There is no way I think she was alive and bound up in the car after 6/21.

According to the criminal complaint, no one saw the car at Harvest Structures in Ronks on 6/21. Item# 22 in the criminal complaint says...."on 7/10/20 FBI agents assisting in this investigation used cell phone records to show that the cell phone belonging to Justo Smoker was in the general area of 3104 Harvest Drive in Ronks PA on
6/21/20 between 1432hrs and 1535hrs." (BBM)

So he was in the general area at that time. Just an hour earlier, according to items # 10 and 11 in the criminal complaint, someone matching her description was seen alive in a car matching JS's car description just a few miles from there. Note that this was seen by two independent witnesses.

IMHO, not much time to murder and dispose of a body before he got to the general area of Ronks. So, IMHO, she was could have been alive at the time JS's cell phone data puts him in the Ronks area on 6/21.
Not necessarily blood. Body fluids quickly come into play as deterioration occurs. Also, cadaver dogs can pick up scent left by a deceased person quite readily. I think the scent markers begin to occur quickly after death so anyone who is foolish enough to transport a deceased person inside their vehicle is just asking to be arrested if a dog is brought in to sniff their vehicle. IMO

You are absolutely correct, @Maplesyrup. The capability of these "sniffer" dogs is quite amazing. Some time ago, I found an article (link below) describing this very thing. Totally fascinating..... well, to me at least!:p

The CSI death dogs: Sniffing out the truth behind the crime-scene

[...] Dogs' sense of smell is far more acute than that of humans – the nose of a German shepherd contains about 200 million olfactory cells, while a human nose has about 20 million.

[...] One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there.

[...] Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. [...]
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