Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

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Does anyone have information on the girl's school located near the site? Could the boy had been passed as a girl and taken to that school?
I feel he changed custody(care takers) and was killed the day or the day before he got there.A Dr apparently had checked his eye for an some kind of ailment.I feel maybe he was given up for adoption a few days before he was found or taken away him (siblings)removed from the home by child welare DHS.Maybe he was one of the ones waiting to be placed in a state run institution.I think they focused on possibly the wrong foster home.What foster homes,Childrens homes were not far from where the bassinet was bought that took babies and children?I do feel there was a cover up of some sort by someone.There is probably relinquishment papers or a police incident report somewhere possibly in one of the counties in pennsylvania.Possibly new jersey or somewhere.I have always felt very strongly the answer of who this little boy is will be found in the legal or courthouse records and in newspaper microfilm.Has any one checked or will check this.
If I can please reword that.I feel this little boy changed care takers and died that day or the day before when he got there or someone came to stay with him.
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I just heard of this case recently. It has been 55 years and he is still unidentified despite media attention. Makes me wonder why none of his family member or relatives have been identified and named. If he is in foster care, I suspect he was given up for adoption and possibly his parents were rather young. I wonder if he had any siblings or if anyone knew him. Wonder why they have not come forward either.

Looks like he was murdered by someone. The question is who. The killer is likely dead.
I'm thinking the family either knew he was put up for adoption or taken away from the state or something or told he died or....The whole family at the time covered up for who ever did it.Younger family members wouldn't know.But may have heard something.Either way I strongly believe who ever killed this sweet little boy it is someones deep dark secret.That's sad.
He deserves his name.
Yes, he deserves a name, justice, the truth to be told...but he at least deserves a name at the very least!!!!
These people have always been my number one persons I think who know who the boy in the box is.

David stouts book said the boy in the picture they found at the farm was related to one of the people staying at the farm.The book never said which person the boy in the picture was related to.I would really like to know.If someone can find out who the boy in the picture was.I feel he may be the boy in the box.

Something serious was going on to have police commissioner,District attorney and the state police there.

At the scene of the raid with DiJoseph were Police Commissioner Thomas J. Gibbons, Homicide Squad Capt. David H. Roberts, State Police Lt. George Sawyer and squads of plainclothesmen and uniformed officers.

Why was all this kept such a secret.

More at the link.

The Horsham suspects

4 Questioned In Murder of Boy Found in Carton

Archives-text page 5
A mass raid Thursday night on a farm near Horsham netted four persons who were questioned until 4 A.M. yesterday about the murder of an unidentified boy whose body was found in a cardboard box last February in Fox Chase.

There was a man in his 20's also questioned.He is not in the picture.I wonder why.
Wow, somehow I've never seen that site before. That's all really interesting...I wonder if there's any way to find out who the occupants of that house were?
I feel more recent publicity needs to please happen for this sweet little boy. I honestly feel someone needs to re investigate this unidentified little boys case again. Someone knows who he is. I pray someone else will very seriously look into his case again.Someone, ANYONE that will finally get the answers to who this sweet little boy is. He deserves a whole lot better than this.
I wonder if there are any other cases out there similar to his, whether it be UID, missing child or homicide. I wonder if whomever killed this boy has done so before and after?
Anything that can be DNA tested?
His DNA?
To be run through a national and International DATABASE?
The hat?
maybe something is on it?
Correct, but if there is a possibility his case could be connected to any other, that might help spark something, this case has been unsolved for awhile, and every year, all these unsolved cases dwindle down more.
i have often wondered if maybe his mother is a UID? I have read many cases where the mother and child are killed, but remains not in the same area in an attempt to hide identity. I have always wondered who his mother was as well as who he is.
If I can please ask for some help.I need to please know of any abuse to children in foster homes,childrens homes,orphanages.DHS child welfare in and before and after 1957 in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania.
The Boy in the Box mystery may be Philadelphia's most famous unsolved crime, but it is not the only long-term unknown child homicide case that has been investigated by the Philadelphia police department. There have been two others since 1957.

In 1982, the decomposed remains of a young girl were found inside a steamer trunk under the Platt Memorial Bridge in southwest Philadelphia. As in the Boy in the Box case, no one came forward to identify the victim. It took investigators five years to solve the mystery. She turned out to be a five-year-old West Philadelphia girl named Aliyah Davis who had been beaten to death by her stepfather in 1981, seven months before her body was discovered.

"Boy in Bag" is nameless no longer

Jerell Willis, 4, of Camden, was beaten in '94 and found in a vacant Phila. lot. His mother and her husband are charged with murder.
I know over the years many have thought they could help shed some light on this poor child's case, and who he was. A few of these leads still seem so plausible, but appear to be dead ends. I too feel I could possibly have leads worth following, and I will try to sum up my reasons in a couple of paragraphs.

My family owned the home where I would be born in 1959, but three years before this time they rented it out to a family from the deep south that came to Phila for employment purposes. Once in a while when growing up my folks talked about this family, and a possible connection to a little boy found dead not too far away. They did not speak much about it, especially to me - being so young. As a young man in the late 1970's, a few years before my mother's death (my father had died in 1976) my mother again spoke of the boy and how she thought the police may have missed the facts in March of 1957 when she called them to investigate. I recall her haunted face, and thought she truly believed it could be connected. I asked a few questions, but I have to admit I had no idea whatsoever that my folks suspicions were to a famous case.

In 1998 (with a family of my own) I was watching AMW, and when they did a story on the Boy in the Box case - the hairs on neck stood up. Was this the boy my parent's mentioned? Confirming the next day by talking to my sister that this case and my family's suspicions were the same, I learned the magnitude of the coverage! I had no idea up to the point how big it was! Much reading afterwards, and I am now quite familiar with what all happened in February of 1957. To cut to the chase, my sister and I contacted the authorities, got together with two men from the case, and a few months later they contacted me to let me know that my mother did call it early 1957 (we had no proof till that point that she actually did) but it was determined we couldn't help. So I stopped my searching at that time.

It seemed my mother did not know they investigated (I'm not sure of this), and she lived there many years afterward. She was a reasonable woman, why did she feel the ball was dropped? I will give you why in 1957 they thought we couldn't help at another time, and what happened about 8 years ago (2004) that made me start up again to search for some information. I only can say that I know there very well might be no connection, but I am constantly bugged by why did my family think it could have been and knowing enough of the facts, I feel I have no right to not pursue some answers. Fearing my mother's intuition was incorrect, and I don't want to waste anyone's time, I have tried to do much on my own. This has been exhausting to me at times, and I feel blessed that perhaps I can tap the experience and brains of folks on this site for help, guidance and suggestions, if you're willing.

I know part of the name of the renters, where he may have worked, and a few facts like that. Again, I don't pretend to know for sure I really have the long sought after answers, my family's home may have nothing to do with it and I know it, but I feel I need to prove there is no connection so as to have peace of mind.

I hope I use this site correctly! I am open to your thoughts and comments, and I appreciate your time.

Hi Rutt.

Glad you decided to share your information with us. Can you give more details as to why your parents suspected this family, without giving names or addresses. Did the family return to the south and do you remember which state they came from? Were there other children in their home? Did you ever meet the family?
I was born in 1959, this happened two years before, in Feb of 1957, so as you can see I had no chance to meet them. My parents somehow were informed that our house was abandoned by the renters. They definitely left with no warning, and they totally trashed our house. I am the youngest of 6 children, so my siblings, though young at the time, recall the trashed house. Dirty diapers left all over, a crutch shoved though a wall, cigarette burn marks on our wooden floors. These are all facts that were always talked about. The fact they left about the time of this boy's discovery is one reason my parents suspected. There are a handful of other facts, some I prefer to wait to tell. I will say that recently my sister said she heard the man was fired, and he came from down south (my parents recall his thick accent) so perhaps he had anger issues over this. I wish I could locate his work records, I have tried. He is listed in the 1956 and 57 phone book at my address, so I have part of his name. There seems to have been a young child, about 2, according to a neighbor back then. My dad supposedly went to collect the rent once and saw a child who later he recalled would have fit this boy's description. I am not 100% sure that is a fact! I do not know where they went, I am sure my folks didn't know where they went as they took off and disappeared announced. That is a fact!
If anyone can let me know if there is a better place to post, and look for help, that would be appreciated.
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