PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #9

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Amendola in his constant public statements would use ANYTHING to muddy the waters in this case including Gricar and the word conspiracy. I think the prosecution team tried to head off anything in this regard to stop Amendola doing this.

Not saying that was part of the transcript - just a reaction to the big picture here.

I can't see Amendola claiming that anyone would be conspiring not to prosecute Sandusky.

His argument, in that aspect, was:

1. RFG was a hard hitting prosecutor who would aggressively prosecute child molesters, if there was a strong case.

2. RFG knew about the 1998 incident, and didn't prosecute Sandusky.

Therefore, the 1998 case is really weak, too weak for you to convict Sandusky. (Well, Sandusky was acquitted on one misdemeanor charge involving the 1998 incident.)

Amendola, to make a conspiracy argument, would have to claim that the AG and/or victims were involved in some sort of a conspiracy against Sandusky.
Steve Sloane, former ADA in Centre County, and a very close friend of Ray Gricar's, possibly his best friend, was just charged with several felonies related to selling marijuana.


This adds yet another wrinkle to the Gricar case.

In a recent blog, I noted that RFG could have left voluntarily because he didn't want to answer questions about past decisions (I cited Big Cat). This would be another example of that possibility, not answering questions about staff conduct.
Steve Sloane, former ADA in Centre County, and a very close friend of Ray Gricar's, possibly his best friend, was just charged with several felonies related to selling marijuana.


This adds yet another wrinkle to the Gricar case.

In a recent blog, I noted that RFG could have left voluntarily because he didn't want to answer questions about past decisions (I cited Big Cat). This would be another example of that possibility, not answering questions about staff conduct. we go...the can just keeps opening ...and the worms keep flying out!! Thanks, J.J!!
And as a "birthday present" Amendola just raised RFG's lack of prosecution. It was not a good year for RFG. :(
Remembering Ray Gricar on his birthday.
I hope he is in Slovenia with a lady even more gorgeous than Melania Trump ( also from Slovenia), and that he's happy and well.

Maybe one day we will know what happened, if we have the right to know. If not, and until then, I choose to believe and hope for the best for Mr. Gricar. Life, love, prosperity, and continued good health.

Remembering Ray Gricar on his birthday.
I hope he is in Slovenia with a lady even more gorgeous than Melania Trump ( also from Slovenia), and that he's happy and well.

Maybe one day we will know what happened, if we have the right to know. If not, and until then, I choose to believe and hope for the best for Mr. Gricar. Life, love, prosperity, and continued good health.


From your mouth to God's ear. :)

If I was sure, I would not be inquiring.

(Good to see you post, BTW.)
Steve Sloane, former ADA in Centre County, and a very close friend of Ray Gricar's, possibly his best friend, was just charged with several felonies related to selling marijuana.


This adds yet another wrinkle to the Gricar case.

In a recent blog, I noted that RFG could have left voluntarily because he didn't want to answer questions about past decisions (I cited Big Cat). This would be another example of that possibility, not answering questions about staff conduct.

This is way too bizarre...This story just keeps on giving...Maybe Sloane couldn't remember the purpose of the meeting on 9/13/98 because he was under the influence??? I think we'll still be here, 20 years from now, still trying to unravel this mess... and Happy Birthday, Ray...
Man, wasn't Steve Sloane cited as one of Ray Gricar's best and dearest personal friends? And isn't his age close to Mr. Gricar's, perhaps a bit younger? IF the charges stick and he is successfully prosecuted, then it would seem to me that all statements he has made regarding Ray Gricar's disappearance have lost their credibility. I didn't think of that angle until just now. :banghead:

What's the chance that Sloane's purported involvement with drug selling is a "new lifestyle choice" for him? Maybe 5%?

Yes, it seems to me that perhaps Ray Gricar became disillusioned with the people in his life in PA and left it all behind. Just like he did one day in Cincy when life wasn't so great at home, and like his re-telling of the Mel Wiley " get up and go" story, which apparently was told with admiration, not as a cautionary tale.

He didn't seem like the kind of man to suffer fools gladly. I have read that he was totally fed up with the local LE, and knew he was a great deal more intelligent than the entire force put together. In fact, one of the THs on his " Disappeared" segment suggested that he might have left covertly as a way to " one up" the police in the area.

Please, just be alive, well and happy, Mr. Gricar. The world will go on and people will do stupid and criminal things. I truly hope that you left with a clear conscience and a clear purpose.
And I hope that if you ever Google your name, you will know that people still care about you and worry about what happened to you.

From your mouth to God's ear. :)

If I was sure, I would not be inquiring.

(Good to see you post, BTW.)

Thanks, I've missed posting, but really, the Penn State stuff really got to me because my personal opinion is that Ray Gricar didn't do anything wrong, was not blackmailed for years, and was not killed 7 years after Victim 6 came to his attention. I want Sandusky to be put away ( in Gen. Pop.) for the rest of his wretched life, and I want Ray Gricar's name not to be sullied with innuendo and insinuation any longer.

I totally believe that IF he had thought he had a prosecutable case, he would have prosecuted JS. I am choosing to continue to think the best of a man whom we ALL thought " the best of" until the Penn State sex abuse scandal included a victim and his mother who were known to Ray Gricar as a DA. Ray Gricar isn't here to tell us his side of the story regarding Vic. 6, so I think we owe it to him at this point to drag his good name OUT of the mud that is Penn State.

All that can be known is known, I believe. I think it is time to stop letting a creep like Sandusky take the attention away from a missing person case.
Sandusky is right where he needs to be.
Hopefully, Ray Gricar is right where he wants to be, and hopefully, it's a very good place on this earth. :)

I know, JJ, you and I and a handful of other posters want to KNOW he's OK. And that is probably the most endearing thing about WS posters. We care, and we don't stop caring.

This is way too bizarre...This story just keeps on giving...Maybe Sloane couldn't remember the purpose of the meeting on 9/13/98 because he was under the influence??? I think we'll still be here, 20 years from now, still trying to unravel this mess... and Happy Birthday, Ray...

Sloane was in an automobile accident in 2000 and broke his back. He also indicated, according to LE that he had been addicted to Oxycontin (though acquiring it legally). I'd assume it was for that.

I really feel sorry that he's in this situation, and I hope it is a mistake.
Thanks, I've missed posting, but really, the Penn State stuff really got to me because my personal opinion is that Ray Gricar didn't do anything wrong, was not blackmailed for years, and was not killed 7 years after Victim 6 came to his attention. I want Sandusky to be put away ( in Gen. Pop.) for the rest of his wretched life, and I want Ray Gricar's name not to be sullied with innuendo and insinuation any longer.

I totally believe that IF he had thought he had a prosecutable case, he would have prosecuted JS. I am choosing to continue to think the best of a man whom we ALL thought " the best of" until the Penn State sex abuse scandal included a victim and his mother who were known to Ray Gricar as a DA. Ray Gricar isn't here to tell us his side of the story regarding Vic. 6, so I think we owe it to him at this point to drag his good name OUT of the mud that is Penn State.

I think at the least, he used exceedingly bad judgment regarding 1998, but that does not necessarily translate into anything illegal or unethical. He was DA for 20 years, and he'd occasionally do something dumb.
Respectfully snipped.

Man, wasn't Steve Sloane cited as one of Ray Gricar's best and dearest personal friends? And isn't his age close to Mr. Gricar's, perhaps a bit younger? IF the charges stick and he is successfully prosecuted, then it would seem to me that all statements he has made regarding Ray Gricar's disappearance have lost their credibility. I didn't think of that angle until just now. :banghead:

He was one of the two close friends RFG had, but he was about 15 years younger. A lot of he has said, I have confirmed with other sources. As I've indicated, at least the prescription drug use probably dates from 2000.

Yes, it seems to me that perhaps Ray Gricar became disillusioned with the people in his life in PA and left it all behind. Just like he did one day in Cincy when life wasn't so great at home, and like his re-telling of the Mel Wiley " get up and go" story, which apparently was told with admiration, not as a cautionary tale.

He didn't seem like the kind of man to suffer fools gladly. I have read that he was totally fed up with the local LE, and knew he was a great deal more intelligent than the entire force put together. In fact, one of the THs on his " Disappeared" segment suggested that he might have left covertly as a way to " one up" the police in the area.

There are many reasons, some personal, some financial, why RFG could have chosen to walk away. This is certainly one of them.
Respectfully snipped.

He was one of the two close friends RFG had, but he was about 15 years younger. A lot of he has said, I have confirmed with other sources. As I've indicated, at least the prescription drug use probably dates from 2000.

There are many reasons, some personal, some financial, why RFG could have chosen to walk away. This is certainly one of them.

JJ, I don't know how to multi-quote, LOL. I had an extremely severe back injury in 2001 and a pain specialist doctor in a major city put me on Oxycontin. Probably because of my profession, I didn't take one extra dose, nor did I ever take anything but the lowest dose available. I was very afraid of the med because of what I had seen first hand (and I also would throw up if I took more than 10 mg every 12 hours. He had to keep me on the lowest dose).
I can totally see how a person gets addicted physically and psychologically to OCs though.

In 2000, it was a very " acceptable" drug in the major city medical practices. It was not considered to be " hillbilly heroin".
Like you, I feel extremely sorry for Mr. Sloane if he had either an unscrupulous doctor or had a problem that he had to go to the streets to fill.
When a close friend has a long standing problem with pain and pain meds, basically that friend is lost to you. So Ray G. possibly/ probably lost one of his two close friends before he disappeared.
There may also have been legal implications which separated them, because it would be hell to be a straight arrow DA with a drugging best friend.
I'm glad you have independently verified most of what SS has said. Good work! :)

We are all just people, and we all have our own severe pain at times. Some deal with pain better than others. Then there are the people who don't think addiction could happen to them. It can happen to anyone who ever takes a schedule drug. I tend to think the charges of wrong-doing result from personal pain and impaired judgment, if they are valid charges.

What a mess, again. Wishing Steve Sloane the best always, but not negating the seriousness of the allegations.
I can't confirm the date, but SS was in that accident and I expect the Oxycontin use occurred after that. He just might have been taking it after the pain subsided. There is no suggestion that SS did anything illegal with that.

Most of what Sloane has said publicly, I had confirmed from other sources. RFG's disagreement over finances with wife #2 is an example. Same with Mel Wiley.

I know that Sloane staunchly believes RFG walked away and is probably in Europe. That is important because a close friend and close colleague could see RFG leaving voluntarily. That certainly is not proof that he did walk away.
I can't confirm the date, but SS was in that accident and I expect the Oxycontin use occurred after that. He just might have been taking it after the pain subsided. There is no suggestion that SS did anything illegal with that.

Most of what Sloane has said publicly, I had confirmed from other sources. RFG's disagreement over finances with wife #2 is an example. Same with Mel Wiley.

I know that Sloane staunchly believes RFG walked away and is probably in Europe. That is important because a close friend and close colleague could see RFG leaving voluntarily. That certainly is not proof that he did walk away.

I agree that the impressions and observations of close friends mean as much, and probably more, than even FBI behaviorist's studies of the habits and known actions preceeding the disappearance of a missing person. Under the right conditions, Steve Sloane could probably be asked questions which would add to our collective knowledge of why he believes one of his best friends would walk away from his middle- aged life. If no one exploited a person who very well could be a weak link in the finely woven chain, I'm very surprised..No, I'm stunned.
Everyone knows you find the weakest link first. The use of prescription drugs and/ or pot loosens normal inhibitions, as you know.

What do you think the odds are that Sloane KNEW anything about Gricar's plans? What are your odds that Sloane would talk under certain ( non-violent) circumstances? What if talking might be a great personal advantage with LE?
What do you think the odds are that Sloane KNEW anything about Gricar's plans? What are your odds that Sloane would talk under certain ( non-violent) circumstances? What if talking might be a great personal advantage with LE?

I think the odds about SS knowing about presumed plans to walk away would be below 50%. The odds that he would let something slip, even without any coercion, are probably close to 100%.
I'm new here, so I'm no expert though I've read everything I could get my hands on about this case. Its nice to see such caring people want to solve this case. Maybe I'm missing something but if RG did walk away how could he have survived financially? I do not think he was a suicide and I can't see this man accepting money to walk away (JS case). Scared away? Fed up? He was on the brink of retirement, would he have left all that and his daughter and gf behind? I hope this is not the case but I think this man may have been murdered. Odd to me is that this case wasn't investigated seriously. MOO
I'm new here, so I'm no expert though I've read everything I could get my hands on about this case. Its nice to see such caring people want to solve this case. Maybe I'm missing something but if RG did walk away how could he have survived financially? I do not think he was a suicide and I can't see this man accepting money to walk away (JS case). Scared away? Fed up? He was on the brink of retirement, would he have left all that and his daughter and gf behind? I hope this is not the case but I think this man may have been murdered. Odd to me is that this case wasn't investigated seriously. MOO

Welcome, Miss.

Based on what RFG's income was, he seems to have had a relatively small amount of assets.

His daughter got his pension.
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