PA PA - Richard Petrone, 35, & Danielle Imbo, 34, Philadelphia, 19 Feb 2005 - #1

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Thanks for the update, dmvpenn. I'm so sorry about the lack of progress. I really can't believe that so much time has passed, and there's still nothing. I'm sure that I speak for all of us when I say that we think of you and your family often. I completely wish that there was something that we could do to ease the suffering for all of you.

Do you have any more details on what you're planning for the 6 month mark?
dmvpenn said:
The police apparently pulled family members of both sides of the family back in for questioning. This may have been a result of the onslaught of letters received by members of the richardanddanielle website as well as memebers of this community who threw a life line out on our behalf.

I am going to contine to pund the LE's with outlines of who could be behind this. I am still very confused why IMBO has not hooked himself up to more polygraph machines as a means to proclaim is innocence. I am still confused at why Imbo is not carrying on like Hallowy's family in trying find her.

My heartbraks at the realization that as time goes by, the possibility of ANY finding physical evidence that would help lead to us to a suspect. All we have at this point is motive, which is so clear.
Thanks for the update Dmvpenn,hopefully you and your family will find the answer's. And bring Richard & Danielle home. May God sustain you through these difficult times and always.
We are trying to decide if we are going to stand in front of abelines ( where they dissappeard for a vigil or go back to saint rita's church for prayer and comfort. The issue is that most people, while they don't commit to come, end up showing up, so we have no real way to determine attendance. But.... I guess I will go out there: Build it and they will come.:angel:

JerseyGirl said:
Thanks for the update, dmvpenn. I'm so sorry about the lack of progress. I really can't believe that so much time has passed, and there's still nothing. I'm sure that I speak for all of us when I say that we think of you and your family often. I completely wish that there was something that we could do to ease the suffering for all of you.

Do you have any more details on what you're planning for the 6 month mark?
Hi Katherine,

Impbo was check out to the degree that he could be. He had an alibi with his 2 in-laws, one which is a detective. and imbo's dad is an ex-detective. I am sorry to say this, but I do believe that there MUST be a level of corruption at work here and that the alibi's are covering up for Imbo. Also, because the Philadelphia police were leading the case, without evidence, they really could not pull imbo back in for questioning. This is really an area of law that blows my mind: Proctectioins of persons of interest and suspects. If a prolifer were on this case, it would be self evident, given all of Imbo's pre and post offensive behaviors, his long history of abuse towards Danielle that there is great potential that he is involced. There have been NO official statement by authorities stating he passed the lie detector test, rather they only refute IMBO's claims he has and has not offered to submit to another.

As for Danielle, I'd be interested to understand what you mean by " how frieghtened really was she off Joe?" I be interested in your elaborating on that. In so many of the domestic violence case studies that I read about, while women are extremely frieghtened, they tend to operate at some level in state of denial about the real potential of Murder or kidnapping. Check out the Book " Next time she be dead". We see women go on thier daily lives covering up their fear, protecting the fathers, thinking some how things will get better.

I know she feared Joe, but she also tried to contine to live her life and I don't believe she ever thought he would hurt the son. She deserved a weekend off for God sakes, she worked her *advertiser censored* off and was a full time mom.

Just my opinion.

KatherineQ said:
So does this mean that Danielle Imbo is currently married, and she has this boyfriend Richard Petrone. She and Richard are now missing after going out on a date?

And Danielle's husband has not been completely checked out, as to his involvement in her disappearance?

That seems almost impossible to believe, doesn't it?

edited to add: she gave him their 20 month old baby for the weekend. How frightened, REALLY, was Danielle of Joe? Something doesn't add up here.

Prayers for their safe return - this one is confusing.
dmvpenn said:
I know she feared Joe, but she also tried to contine to live her life and I don't believe she ever thought he would hurt the son. She deserved a weekend off for God sakes, she worked her *advertiser censored* off and was a full time mom.
I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. What a horrible way to live; in fear of someone that allegedly loves you. Everyone deserves better than that!

I was also a single mother many years ago, and it is very difficult. You're right; she deserved a weekend off. She deserved a lot of things that apparently she didn't get, and that's heart-breaking.

Even with Joe's alibi, a case can indeed be built against him if he's responsible for their disappearance. But you are correct, without any evidence or eyewitnesses, on what do they have to build? All we know is that he was abusive towards Danielle and that he threatened Richard. While those things are obviously horrible, there's no way it will ever be enough to convict him on circumstantial evidence. We either need for Richard and Danielle to be found or we need for Joe to crack, (if he is indeed responsible). Yet it doesn't sound like anyone is turning up the heat on him! I don't get it. I don't recall at this point - was it Mount Laurel that did the polygraph? What is the capability of contacting the FBI? What does it take for FBI to get involved and administer their own polygraph?

Please let us know what we can do. Would you like us to write to anyone specific? Make phone calls? Enough is enough - something needs to break in this case.
dmvpenn said:
We are trying to decide if we are going to stand in front of abelines ( where they dissappeard for a vigil or go back to saint rita's church for prayer and comfort. The issue is that most people, while they don't commit to come, end up showing up, so we have no real way to determine attendance. But.... I guess I will go out there: Build it and they will come.:angel:
Is the public invited or will this be for family and friends?

ETA: A piece of advice - get these plans together quickly, and start calling and e-mailing every media outlet you can think of. Maybe even start e-mailing Greta van Susteren and Nancy Grace. AMW. The more media that can attend, the better IMO. We can't let people forget about Richard and Danielle.

Great suggestions. We have been pounding these folks to get us back on, but you are correct, we need to let them know about the vigil too. Thanks for the idea.

JerseyGirl said:
Is the public invited or will this be for family and friends?

ETA: A piece of advice - get these plans together quickly, and start calling and e-mailing every media outlet you can think of. Maybe even start e-mailing Greta van Susteren and Nancy Grace. AMW. The more media that can attend, the better IMO. We can't let people forget about Richard and Danielle.
dmvpenn said:

Great suggestions. We have been pounding these folks to get us back on, but you are correct, we need to let them know about the vigil too. Thanks for the idea.
You're welcome, dmvpenn. Even if they are hesitant to give the story airtime, (for whatever their ridiculous reasons are), given the fact that it is to mark the six month "anniversary" of their disappearance, I think they'll be more likely to show up.

I'm sure that you know the contact information for all of the media outlets by now but if you need anything, please let me know. In the meantime, maybe I'll get together the information that I can find, and make a post with it all together. Then fellow posters can also write or call in. Maybe if a lot of us call and write together, they'll respond.

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dmvpenn, that's all I can think of right now. If you'd like the posters here to e-mail and/or call in addition to your calls, please post it here. I can't speak for anyone else but I am willing to do that but I don't want to do it without your prior approval.
You are officially authorized to do what you feel is best!

Also, I just found out that the police asked Anthony Valentino to take a lie detector test. Anthony, was hunging out with the Richard, Saturday, February 19th, the night both Richard and Danielle disappeared. Richard and Danielle left Anothony and his wife at the bar.

I am so appauled!!! I'd like to learn if the police and Feds as the Alibi of Imbo, Dawn Desimone, and Imbo to sumbit to a lie detector test.

If you would like to help me pound the feds about this as well, please do!!
dmvpenn said:
If you would like to help me pound the feds about this as well, please do!!
I will start sending out some e-mails to bring up the fact that six months is approaching, and no one seems to be doing any hard digging. As for pounding the feds, I'd LOVE to help you but I don't have the first idea of where to start. Any suggestions? Feel free to pm me if you like.
dmvpenn, I just e-mailed the following shows:

From FOX:

At Large with Geraldo Rivera
Hannity & Colmes
On the Record with Greta van Susteren
Studio B
Fox & Friends
The O'Reilly Factor


The Dan Abrams Report

I haven't yet e-mailed the local networks. I figure that it's probably best for me to wait to hear from you regarding the final details for August 19th so I know what to tell them.

If I receive any e-mail responses, I will let you know. If possible, can you pm me your e-mail address for any media that might want it?

I was also thinking - Bill O'Reilly on FOX News tends to focus on absurdities. Since I'm not close to the investigation, I'm not aware of the absurdities the way that you are. I suggest that if you feel that the police are dragging their feet or as if there is some type of cover-up going on, to e-mail "The O'Reilly Factor", and tell him about that angle. He's a no-nonsense kind of guy but usually goes after political issues or issues that have wide implications. So if an angle such as that exists with this case, definitely let him know.
CBS 3: Search For Missing Couple Continues

CBS Video Viewer

... CBS 3 has learned Mt. Laurel and Philadelphia Police are now re-interviewing family members and friends about the five month disappearance of Danielle Imbo of Mt. Laurel and Richard Petrone Jr. of South Philadelphia.

... Ottobre believes being questioned again may jog someone's memory.

“People forget things, you know,” said Ottobre, (Danielle's mother), adding, “You're in conversation with a friend and you start to say something and you realize ‘Oh, did I say that?’”

... Without any evidence, like finding Danielle's purse, wallet, or any items belonging to Richard or his truck, Ottobre says she will keep on believing they are alive.

“We're prepared for anything but we hope for the best,” said Ottobre.

Richard Petrone's mother told CBS 3’s Robin Rieger that it has been hard to stay positive these past five months, but she remains hopeful these renewed interviews will bring some new leads to police.

The Citizens Crime Commission reward stands at $100-thousand. If you have any information about the couples’ whereabouts, call 215-546-TIPS.

... THE CITIZENS CRIME Commission is a nonprofit, independent, non-governmental agency that operates in conjunction with area businesses and federal, state and local law enforcement bureaus to prevent and solve crimes. The best-known facet of the commission is its anonymous tip line, which allows the public to report information on crimes. To be eligible for a reward, a caller must obtain a code number from an operator.

... Perhaps the most high-profile local investigation in which the commission is involved is the disappearance of Richard Petrone Jr., 35, of South Philly, and Danielle Imbo, 34, of Mount Laurel, N.J. The couple were last seen Feb. 19 leaving Abilene bar, 429 South St. Police have found no trace of the pair - including Petrone's black 2001 Dodge pickup truck - and the case has garnered national attention. The commission is offering a $100,000 reward for information.

... The anonymity has been crucial in getting many people to come forward. By remaining unknown, witnesses or, in many cases, an accomplice can contact the tip line without further involvement of fear of retaliation, said Montecalvo.

The commission relies on the theory that many people who commit a crime confide that information in someone. "When you tell one person, it's no longer a secret," Montecalvo said...
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