PA PA - Richard Petrone 35 & Danielle Imbo 34, Philadelphia, 19 Feb 2005 #2

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The FBI appears to be doubling down on the possibility that they were victims of a hired hit.

This could be a ”tactical statement” that is intended to provoke some kind of a response from one or more People if Interest. Or, they might really be on to something. By and large, the FBI does not say anything or release any information just because ” curious people want to know ”. They do it to move the case along or perhaps just satiate the media.

The known facts about this case are really at odds with the hired hit theory. When they left the bar, the people they were with had the impression Richard was going to take Danielle back to New Jersey. The only route that would make any sense would be over the Ben Franklin Bridge but the bridge CCTV did not pick them up. There is the possibility that the cam was defective or non-operational but that has never been claimed. The most probable conclusion is that they did not cross the bridge. Could they have been abducted somewhere in downtown Philadelphia between where the truck was parked and the bridge? Perhaps but it seems like a real lousy place to pull of such a move. Far more likely, they went somewhere other than directly to Danielle’s condo. But if they did, nobody would have known where they went.

I know nothing about the ” hired hit” business but following a target through the streets of Philly on a very cold night, waiting while they went to a bar, looking for the optimal time I make a move, just doesn't seem to be how it is done. Far more likely they went somewhere else; another bar perhaps, and skidded on the frozen roadway into a body if water.

Google Earth shows many bodies of water all around urban Philadelphia. Where might they have gone; what bodies of water could a truck careened into without being noticed? Therein lies the answer I am pretty sure.
I am not very good at this. It was a video.
New interviews with:
Danielle's brother
Richard's daughter, father and sister (sister is also Danielle's best friend)
Vito Roselli - FBI Agent

Vito Roselli believes foul play, murder, said multiple times "people" know what happened. Has a solid direction, lots of information, may have the silver bullet. He has not found anything in their past that would warrant this. He has not closed anyone or discounted anyone including Danielle's husband. He did have an alibi. Rumor that a prisoner (Robert Carey) left a suicide note mentioning Danielle and Richard. This was just a rumor. Anthony Rodesky murdered a couple other people around the same time. His home was searched, was a POI and has not been ruled out. Stated it could also be random but this would be complicated. You would have to know the right people to assist with the disappearance of a big truck and two people.

Danielle's friend and brother said divorce was very difficult for her. She lost lots of weight, down to 85 pounds, was chain smoking and not sleeping.

If anyone remembers anything else, please add!

Thanks for the summery!

Were there small tracking things you could put in someone's purse or jacket easily back in 2005? Like stuff you'd buy at a spy store? Slip one into Danielle's purse or into a hat or jacket and hide it?

I have never thought this was random and I've always thought her husband was behind it. Smarmy dude.

Thank you so much for that summary, @ChiCubs2016 .

I'm really hopeful there is forward movement on this case. It's been too long.


I believe it was her husband too
I am not very good at this. It was a video.
New interviews with:
Danielle's brother
Richard's daughter, father and sister (sister is also Danielle's best friend)
Vito Roselli - FBI Agent

Vito Roselli believes foul play, murder, said multiple times "people" know what happened. Has a solid direction, lots of information, may have the silver bullet. He has not found anything in their past that would warrant this. He has not closed anyone or discounted anyone including Danielle's husband. He did have an alibi. Rumor that a prisoner (Robert Carey) left a suicide note mentioning Danielle and Richard. This was just a rumor. Anthony Rodesky murdered a couple other people around the same time. His home was searched, was a POI and has not been ruled out. Stated it could also be random but this would be complicated. You would have to know the right people to assist with the disappearance of a big truck and two people.

Danielle's friend and brother said divorce was very difficult for her. She lost lots of weight, down to 85 pounds, was chain smoking and not sleeping.

If anyone remembers anything else, please add!

Thanks for the summery!

Were there small tracking things you could put in someone's purse or jacket easily back in 2005? Like stuff you'd buy at a spy store? Slip one into Danielle's purse or into a hat or jacket and hide it?

I have never thought this was random and I've always thought her husband was behind it. Smarmy dude.

Thank you so much for that summary, @ChiCubs2016 .

I'm really hopeful there is forward movement on this case. It's been too long.


I believe it was her husband too
The FBI appears to be doubling down on the possibility that they were victims of a hired hit.

This could be a ”tactical statement” that is intended to provoke some kind of a response from one or more People if Interest. Or, they might really be on to something. By and large, the FBI does not say anything or release any information just because ” curious people want to know ”. They do it to move the case along or perhaps just satiate the media.

The known facts about this case are really at odds with the hired hit theory. When they left the bar, the people they were with had the impression Richard was going to take Danielle back to New Jersey. The only route that would make any sense would be over the Ben Franklin Bridge but the bridge CCTV did not pick them up. There is the possibility that the cam was defective or non-operational but that has never been claimed. The most probable conclusion is that they did not cross the bridge. Could they have been abducted somewhere in downtown Philadelphia between where the truck was parked and the bridge? Perhaps but it seems like a real lousy place to pull of such a move. Far more likely, they went somewhere other than directly to Danielle’s condo. But if they did, nobody would have known where they went.

I know nothing about the ” hired hit” business but following a target through the streets of Philly on a very cold night, waiting while they went to a bar, looking for the optimal time I make a move, just doesn't seem to be how it is done. Far more likely they went somewhere else; another bar perhaps, and skidded on the frozen roadway into a body if water.

Google Earth shows many bodies of water all around urban Philadelphia. Where might they have gone; what bodies of water could a truck careened into without being noticed? Therein lies the answer I am pretty sure.

I go back and forth between the body of water and her husband.

They could have come back either bridge and gotten into an accident somewhere on the Jersey side. It's been 12 years since I drove that route to give better ideas of where exactly.

Her husband feels dirty to me
The FBI appears to be doubling down on the possibility that they were victims of a hired hit.

This could be a ”tactical statement” that is intended to provoke some kind of a response from one or more People if Interest. Or, they might really be on to something. By and large, the FBI does not say anything or release any information just because ” curious people want to know ”. They do it to move the case along or perhaps just satiate the media.

The known facts about this case are really at odds with the hired hit theory. When they left the bar, the people they were with had the impression Richard was going to take Danielle back to New Jersey. The only route that would make any sense would be over the Ben Franklin Bridge but the bridge CCTV did not pick them up. There is the possibility that the cam was defective or non-operational but that has never been claimed. The most probable conclusion is that they did not cross the bridge. Could they have been abducted somewhere in downtown Philadelphia between where the truck was parked and the bridge? Perhaps but it seems like a real lousy place to pull of such a move. Far more likely, they went somewhere other than directly to Danielle’s condo. But if they did, nobody would have known where they went.

I know nothing about the ” hired hit” business but following a target through the streets of Philly on a very cold night, waiting while they went to a bar, looking for the optimal time I make a move, just doesn't seem to be how it is done. Far more likely they went somewhere else; another bar perhaps, and skidded on the frozen roadway into a body if water.

Google Earth shows many bodies of water all around urban Philadelphia. Where might they have gone; what bodies of water could a truck careened into without being noticed? Therein lies the answer I am pretty sure.

I really go back and forth. I also believe they did not cross over to NJ due to there not being any CCTV. The fact that no one but Richard's sister knew they were together makes me wonder how a hit would be possible. Like @kemo states it would be hard to follow someone through the streets of Philly on a cold winter night. If this were the case, it would have been much easier to watch and follow Richard. If they were watching and following Danielle, they would have had to watch her from early on and follow his sister when she dropped her off. It is stated Richard told people he was lucky to get a good spot close to the bar since it was so cold out. So the person would have had to find parking and a good spot to watch. Also since the sister dropped Danielle off to meet Richard, I suspect Danielle did not have her car. Did Richard's sister pick Danielle up at her condo that evening to go to Chickie's and Petes?
Folks have stated they were headed to Danielle's condo but did they decide to go to Richard's house instead? Could something have gone wrong close to his house? I am hopeful LE thought of this and searched in that area, (of course as I type this, I forget where Richard lived. I know the bakery was in Ardmore but I do not think he lived near the bakery)
In 2005, we did not have the same phone technology that we have now. Could calls be traced then, though the service provider? No one (other than the sister) has come forward to say Richard or Danielle texted/called them that evening to say what they were up to or where they were going? If they did and the person/persons caused them harm, they certainly would not offer this information. Did they even have phones on them? I would think yes, since they both had children.
Anyway, just some more ramblings from me. IMO MOO
The FBI appears to be doubling down on the possibility that they were victims of a hired hit.

This could be a ”tactical statement” that is intended to provoke some kind of a response from one or more People if Interest. Or, they might really be on to something. By and large, the FBI does not say anything or release any information just because ” curious people want to know ”. They do it to move the case along or perhaps just satiate the media.

The known facts about this case are really at odds with the hired hit theory. When they left the bar, the people they were with had the impression Richard was going to take Danielle back to New Jersey. The only route that would make any sense would be over the Ben Franklin Bridge but the bridge CCTV did not pick them up. There is the possibility that the cam was defective or non-operational but that has never been claimed. The most probable conclusion is that they did not cross the bridge. Could they have been abducted somewhere in downtown Philadelphia between where the truck was parked and the bridge? Perhaps but it seems like a real lousy place to pull of such a move. Far more likely, they went somewhere other than directly to Danielle’s condo. But if they did, nobody would have known where they went.

I know nothing about the ” hired hit” business but following a target through the streets of Philly on a very cold night, waiting while they went to a bar, looking for the optimal time I make a move, just doesn't seem to be how it is done. Far more likely they went somewhere else; another bar perhaps, and skidded on the frozen roadway into a body if water.

Google Earth shows many bodies of water all around urban Philadelphia. Where might they have gone; what bodies of water could a truck careened into without being noticed? Therein lies the answer I am pretty sure.
I believe I have read that they told the folks they with that night that Richard was driving Danielle back to NJ. A contract killing might usually occur someplace where the killer knows he definitely will come across his target at a specific date and time. In their home, outside their home as they going to or coming home from work, for example. If this was a murder for hire, it was unusual. Richard commented how lucky he was to find a parking place near the bar. What are the odds the killer would also find a spot close enough to keep an eye on the truck? I read it was 29 degrees out that night. That would be uncomfortable to sit and watch a vehicle. But with warm clothing it would be possible as I've sat on a deer stand in colder weather than 29 degrees. But why do that if you can just catch your target going to or from their car at their house. Of course, if the killer wanted BOTH of them, that complicates the planning. Getting rid of the truck is something I don't understand unless it is the crime scene. Putting the truck in a body of water or taking it to a chop shop complicates planning. So is abducting them before killing them. It would be much simpler to just shoot them on the street while walking to their truck or walking from the truck to Danielle's apartment, then walk away. The more complications you enter into the planning the greater the chance that something will not come off as planned.

Driven off into the water by accident? I think that is possible. A carjacking gone wrong? I also believe that is possible.
I don’t think a carjacking gone bad is what happened because the truck and bodies would have just been abandoned and a random criminal might never be linked to the crime.

I think it was an accident (driving into water most likely) or they were targeted. It’s possible someone could have gotten into the back seat of the truck and hid there before they left the bar. The rear windows on a Dakota like his have a deep tint and the interior is dark colored so it is possible. But then it’s the same question. How would someone targeting them know where they were?
I don’t think a carjacking gone bad is what happened because the truck and bodies would have just been abandoned and a random criminal might never be linked to the crime.

I think it was an accident (driving into water most likely) or they were targeted. It’s possible someone could have gotten into the back seat of the truck and hid there before they left the bar. The rear windows on a Dakota like his have a deep tint and the interior is dark colored so it is possible. But then it’s the same question. How would someone targeting them know where they were?
I can find problems with just about any of the scenarios. I have issues with the carjacking UNLESS this is an experienced thief that knows who can dispose of the truck - i.e, a chop shop he has worked with in the past. (Of course, enlisting a 3rd party complicates thing. For one, how sure is this carjacker that such a person would stay quiet.) Otherwise, yes, I would expect to see the carjacker simply kill them and flee the scene.

I believe it is possible that the truck is in a body of water somewhere. Either on purpose or by accident.
I can find problems with just about any of the scenarios. I have issues with the carjacking UNLESS this is an experienced thief that knows who can dispose of the truck - i.e, a chop shop he has worked with in the past. (Of course, enlisting a 3rd party complicates thing. For one, how sure is this carjacker that such a person would stay quiet.) Otherwise, yes, I would expect to see the carjacker simply kill them and flee the scene.

I believe it is possible that the truck is in a body of water somewhere. Either on purpose or by accident.
The truck, since it’s associated with a murder, isn’t likely to go to a chop shop as the truck’s VIN is on the engine and transmission and most body parts. It’s not worth the risk. I’d assume the truck was destroyed or hidden, not broken up for parts.
The only new info I heard in that video was the friend said she drove DI to the Taproom bar to meet up with RP and sometime after, the couple drove in RP's truck to Abilene's.

The FBI, in essence, has almost nothing as far as evidence and workable information. Nothing found in their past would suggests either one or the couple could have been the target of a hit.

Regarding the 'almost nothing'... there is only one person that we know who might have had a motive, and AFAIK that individual has refused a polygraph, which is that person's right... but awfully suspicious. Since the FBI has nothing now on that individual, why should the individual be motivated to do anything that might jeopardize that status.

BUT, there still is the possibility the couple, along with the truck, ended up in water, maybe farther north or south than their assumed destination.

In the video, the friend stated she'd "rather not say" regarding why she 'knew' by that evening she would never see DI again. I can only guess it was because the friend expected DI to call her after her date with RP and tell her all about it or some other planned contact.

My opinion of possibilities:

1) They ended up in water.
2) The someone I assume would have had motive had a hand in their disappearance.

The mystery, beyond their actual disappearance, is how would a perp know where either of the couple would be that evening since the encounter was not planned, it was random chance... and this is why my first opinion leans toward their ending up in water.
This has probably already been brought up before but what are the chances the couple they met at the bar were working with the ex or whoever else may have had motive or reason to get rid of 1 or both of them? I’m sure LE has investigated the couple already but is it possible 1 of them we’re enticed with money to help by updating their whereabouts? Does anyone know if RP already had plans to meet up with the couple prior to DI agreeing to come? Was he out with the couple when DI was invited to join? Was the idea of inviting her strictly his or did the couple suggest it?

If he did not have plans to meet the couple prior to asking DI then the only plausible explanation I see would be, as others have said, they had an accident and ended up in water. If it was foul play, I would agree with most others on the POI. However, even that is questionable since DI’s meeting RP was a spur of the moment decision. Which to me makes the foul play aimed more towards RP than DI.

My experience with this case is that most ppl assume foul play was aimed at DI and that RP was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And according to most of the articles I have read, RP had no know enemies.

Due to how long this case has gone on unsolved and without any clues, I personally think people have focused too much on the wrong things. Of course I have no idea what angles LE has investigated or who they have all spoke with. But my gut tells me if they didn’t have an accident then maybe LE should take a fresh look at the case starting from the beginning again. The people that were quickly cleared and the theories that were labeled as unlikely should be re-examined. Sometimes a persons motive can be something that seems insignificant to everyone else. You never truly know how someone’s mind works, what might trigger them and set them off, and what they are capable of.
In the 6ABC interview, Richard’s sister states both Danielle and Richard were trying to get her to meet them at the bar. She spoke to them both several times on the phone. They told her they were meeting friends at Abilene’s. She said if they did not tell her no one would know where they were but the friends they met would have. I also believe the friends were the people who told police what time they left Abilene’s to go home, 11:30. Which is not late for South Street on a Saturday night. I would not be surprised if someone saw them getting in the truck and was waiting to grab their parking spot. It was unusually cold but in my experience they did not stop folks from headed out to South Street.
I wonder why The FBI agent stated it would be someone in jail who would come forward, maybe their last statement before meeting their maker or something like that. It seemed pretty specific to me. MOO, IMO
I just wanted to add in regards to my last statement...I feel that there possibily was a hit on RP and not DI. What was his routine like? Did he make plans in advance? Who knew his plans for the night? Did he have a tracker on his truck? Most ppl assume DI’s ex had the motive because of the divorce, their child, and any losses due to the divorce. However, I believe it’s possible someone maybe wanted to get rid of the other man (RP). I’ve read that the ex was not happy about the divorce or DI dating another man.

Just a thought
I believe I have read that they told the folks they with that night that Richard was driving Danielle back to NJ. A contract killing might usually occur someplace where the killer knows he definitely will come across his target at a specific date and time. In their home, outside their home as they going to or coming home from work, for example. If this was a murder for hire, it was unusual. Richard commented how lucky he was to find a parking place near the bar. What are the odds the killer would also find a spot close enough to keep an eye on the truck? I read it was 29 degrees out that night. That would be uncomfortable to sit and watch a vehicle. But with warm clothing it would be possible as I've sat on a deer stand in colder weather than 29 degrees. But why do that if you can just catch your target going to or from their car at their house. Of course, if the killer wanted BOTH of them, that complicates the planning. Getting rid of the truck is something I don't understand unless it is the crime scene. Putting the truck in a body of water or taking it to a chop shop complicates planning. So is abducting them before killing them. It would be much simpler to just shoot them on the street while walking to their truck or walking from the truck to Danielle's apartment, then walk away. The more complications you enter into the planning the greater the chance that something will not come off as planned.

Driven off into the water by accident? I think that is possible. A carjacking gone wrong? I also believe that is possible.

Getting rid of the truck could have also been a tactic by the perpetrator(s) involved. Perhaps to throw off investigators and make it appear that it was simply a car accident and not a crime.
The truck, since it’s associated with a murder, isn’t likely to go to a chop shop as the truck’s VIN is on the engine and transmission and most body parts. It’s not worth the risk. I’d assume the truck was destroyed or hidden, not broken up for parts.
Which is why I believe pushing it into a body of water is more likely. Simplier, quicker and no accomplices to be concerned about. There is still the possibility this person fed a chop shop the story that the truck was used in a theft or other such story. By the time the chop shop puts two and two together they are an accomplice and if even they didn't know the truck was involved in a murder they still performed an illegal act. But that still leaves the killer with a 3rd party with knowledge of the crime. Such a person at a chop shop might secretly record the VIN and if arrested for illegal activity later he might want to make a deal. I don't take chop shop angle off the table, but it brings more complications than simply driving it off into the water.
I’m inclined to believe DIs ex husband is somehow involved. Leading up to couples disappearance the ex had been phoning RP repeatedly and making threats. He is really the only person with a motive.also his family are officers in law enforcement so he knows people who know the ins and outs of crime scenes. I think he had a tracker in RPs vehicle or had someone following him. He was waiting for perfect opportunity and that night he had a great alibi ie with family and friends. There really no one else that would want the couple dead. They were well liked and loved by family. I did hear an interview with the ex on one of the podcasts I listened to about this case. Can’t remember which one but the ex was interviewed in a coffee shop and he sounded suss and wierd to me. JMO
I’m inclined to believe DIs ex husband is somehow involved. Leading up to couples disappearance the ex had been phoning RP repeatedly and making threats. He is really the only person with a motive.also his family are officers in law enforcement so he knows people who know the ins and outs of crime scenes. I think he had a tracker in RPs vehicle or had someone following him. He was waiting for perfect opportunity and that night he had a great alibi ie with family and friends. There really no one else that would want the couple dead. They were well liked and loved by family. I did hear an interview with the ex on one of the podcasts I listened to about this case. Can’t remember which one but the ex was interviewed in a coffee shop and he sounded suss and wierd to me. JMO
The ex has an alibi and murder for hire cases are rare. HOWEVER, that said I was with a guy 800 miles from his home when his estranged wife was murdered and he was later convicted of hiring someone to kill his ex. So I personally know it can happen. Yeah, all of this is possible.
I’m inclined to believe DIs ex husband is somehow involved. Leading up to couples disappearance the ex had been phoning RP repeatedly and making threats. He is really the only person with a motive.also his family are officers in law enforcement so he knows people who know the ins and outs of crime scenes. I think he had a tracker in RPs vehicle or had someone following him. He was waiting for perfect opportunity and that night he had a great alibi ie with family and friends. There really no one else that would want the couple dead. They were well liked and loved by family. I did hear an interview with the ex on one of the podcasts I listened to about this case. Can’t remember which one but the ex was interviewed in a coffee shop and he sounded suss and wierd to me. JMO

That's my opinion too.
Just watched the episode of Disappeared about this case. It will never be solved, but I believe it was a professional hit ordered by the ex-husband, chop shop for the truck, bodies disposed of in the water somewhere, concealed well by folks who knew how to do it.
Just watched the episode of Disappeared about this case. It will never be solved, but I believe it was a professional hit ordered by the ex-husband, chop shop for the truck, bodies disposed of in the water somewhere, concealed well by folks who knew how to do it.
I doubt the truck went to a chop shop if that happened. It probably directly to the crusher if there was a hit, because the truck's VIN will be on many parts and it's not worth the risk to sell the parts.
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