Found Deceased PA - White Haven, 'Beth Doe' & Unborn Baby 169UFPA, 16-22, Dec'76 *Evelyn Colon* *Arrest* #3

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I logged in to almost 50 new alerts today! This was certainly a pleasant surprise!!! And an arrest too?! Never would I have thought. My thoughts are with everyone who has stayed close to this case and also with Evelyn’s family. Rest peacefully now sweet Evelyn and Baby.
Wow, I did not expect to see this!

RIP Evelyn and baby.

I'm so shocked she was only 15. I always thought she would be in her late teens at least.
I'm glad they got an arrest immediately too, that's kind of rare with these cases.
The guy who found Evelyn,Kenneth commented on the Facebook page too.
"Great job solving this cold case I've had many nightmares my prayers are with the family"
I can imagine how is to find a body in that way especially at the age of 14.
And is crazy too think that Evelyn and him were in almost same age
45 years after her death and 17 years after first appearing in Websleuths threads, Beth Doe has finally been identified.

Evelyn Colon,
formerly known as Beth Doe while unidentified, was a young woman discovered in Carbon County, Pennsylvania in December 1976. She had been murdered and dismembered, and she was also pregnant with a near-term baby girl, whose body was also present at the site where the body was disposed of. Isotope tests revealed she was most likely born in Europe and immigrated to the United States during childhood.

She was identified in March 2021, and Luis Sierra of New York has been charged with her death. He was 19 at the time of her murder...


Evelyn Colon
@CCJD, I can't imagine how you must feel right now! :D

Overjoyed that she finally has her name.

Saddened to see that Evelyn was just a child herself. That just hurts my heart.

This is one file that won't hit the shredder. The Morning Call did a lengthy story in 2014 that was just phenomenal. A friend of mine sent me the actual newspaper so I'd have it. That and everything else I have on Beth/Evelyn & baby will be gathered together and stored with other "important" documents and memorabilia. And my 18 year obsession finally comes to an end.
I am starting to wonder if he is involved in the case that brought me to this one. When I was a kid in the 1990s somebody murdered a woman and stuffed her into suitcases in my hometown of Downingtown Pennsylvania. As an adult I was looking up information on this case when I came across Evelyn's case. Since then I have focused on Evelyn's case.

I have often wondered whether the Downington case is connected. They seem quite similar.
Evelyn’s sister, Migdalia Colon was interviewed by investigators. She recalled that in mid-December of 1976 Evelyn told their mother she had not been feeling well and asked for her to bring soup. When the mother arrived at the Jersey City apartment shared by Luis and Evelyn, she found that it had been cleared out. Migdalia told police that Luis had been abusive and jealous, going as far as locking Evelyn in their apartment.

Evelyn Colon Cold Case Details Released | Eyewitness News
Does PA have the death penalty ?

First-degree murder can be punished by death in Pennsylvania if it involves one of the following aggravating factors:

  1. The victim was a firefighter, peace officer, public servant concerned in official detention, judge of any court in the unified judicial system, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, a deputy attorney general, district attorney, assistant district attorney, member of the General Assembly, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, State Treasurer, State law enforcement official, local law enforcement official, Federal law enforcement official or person employed to assist or assisting any law enforcement official in the performance of his duties, who was killed in the performance of his duties or as a result of his official position.
  2. The defendant paid or was paid by another person or had contracted to pay or be paid by another person or had conspired to pay or be paid by another person for the killing of the victim.
  3. The victim was being held by the defendant for ransom or reward, or as a shield or hostage.
  4. The death of the victim occurred while defendant was engaged in the hijacking of an aircraft.
  5. The victim was a prosecution witness to a murder or other felony committed by the defendant and was killed for the purpose of preventing his testimony against the defendant in any grand jury or criminal proceeding involving such offenses.
  6. The defendant committed a killing while in the perpetration of a felony.
  7. In the commission of the offense the defendant knowingly created a grave risk of death to another person in addition to the victim of the offense.
  8. The offense was committed by means of torture.
  9. The defendant has a significant history of felony convictions involving the use or threat of violence to the person.
  10. The defendant has been convicted of another Federal or State offense, committed either before or at the time of the offense at issue, for which a sentence of life imprisonment or death was imposable or the defendant was undergoing a sentence of life imprisonment for any reason at the time of the commission of the offense.
  11. The defendant has been convicted of another murder committed in any jurisdiction and committed either before or at the time of the offense at issue.
  12. The defendant has been convicted of voluntary manslaughter, or a substantially equivalent crime in any other jurisdiction, committed either before or at the time of the offense at issue.
  13. The defendant committed the killing or was an accomplice in the killing, while in the perpetration of a drug-related felony.
  14. At the time of the killing, the victim was or had been involved, associated or in competition with the defendant in the sale, manufacture, distribution or delivery of any controlled substance or counterfeit controlled substance, and the defendant committed the killing or was an accomplice to the killing, and the killing resulted from or was related to that association, involvement or competition to promote the defendant's activities in selling, manufacturing, distributing or delivering controlled substances or counterfeit controlled substances.
  15. At the time of the killing, the victim was or had been a nongovernmental informant or had otherwise provided any investigative, law enforcement or police agency with information concerning criminal activity and the defendant committed the killing or was an accomplice to the killing, and the killing was in retaliation for the victim's activities as a nongovernmental informant or in providing information concerning criminal activity to an investigative, law enforcement or police agency.
  16. The victim was a child under 12 years of age. (Child murder)
  17. At the time of the killing, the victim was in her third trimester of pregnancy or the defendant had knowledge of the victim's pregnancy.
  18. At the time of the killing the defendant was subject to a court order restricting in any way the defendant's behavior toward the victim or any other order of a court of common pleas or of the minor judiciary designed in whole or in part to protect the victim from the defendant.
Wow, that is all so sad.
How did she meet him? Why was she illiterate? Was the family recent immigrants?
Her family was always close to her, nearby and in contact and yet that happened... so so so sad.

Maybe she wanted to move back home to raise her child in a safe environment not surrounded by domestic violence and he killed her out of jealousy. Telling her she is a *advertiser censored* and all and the baby is not his... yadda yadda, that is what the abusers always claim.

He took advantage of a young woman, who barely left childhood, knocked her up (also part of executing power) and controlled her. He probably told her she could not live without him as she was young and illiterate (and probably spoke little English).
Poor Evelyn and her daughter never ever even had a chance. That is so incredibly sad.
Happy she has her name back but I don't understand why she has not been reported missing back then?

Her family got a fake letter in January stating she and the baby are alive and well and she does not need contact and will choose when to contact her family.
This alone makes many families not report someone missing, happened with Jolaine Hemmy as well (they hired a detective) and numerous other cases (the "butcher of rahlstedt" in Germany also sent fake postcards making his victims seem alive and nobody reported them missing).
Plus it is likely her family were not terribly confident in English and familiar with the US law enforcement system yet back then (i think Spanish language options were introduced much later in the 1990s).

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