Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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Jessiebell said:
Yeah - this really gets under my skin. I simply cannot understand why certain parts of the bible can be disregarded and others not - and I have never gotten a decent answer in reference to it either. Not even close.
That is a problem for fundamentalists, certainly. Some parts or allegorical, some are literal, and some Old Testament laws were replaced by the New Covenant of Christ, but are still included because they were either a part of a book that belongs or for historical reference of the People of God.
Jessiebell said:
Yeah - this really gets under my skin. I simply cannot understand why certain parts of the bible can be disregarded and others not - and I have never gotten a decent answer in reference to it either. Not even close.
And you won't sorry to say.
So, later on when your child is old enough to understand, it's then that you will pass on your predijuces right?;)

You seem to be the judgemental one here. How am I prejudice? But to answer your question, when my child is old enough to understand and he asks me then I will explain it to him and he can form his own opinions.
Oh boy, Tybee's gonna be grabbing her whip and turning over the tables in here soon I am willing to bet, lol. *runs to save myself* :innocent:
Kitty5001 said:
So, later on when your child is old enough to understand, it's then that you will pass on your predijuces right?;)

You seem to be the judgemental one here. How am I prejudice? But to answer your question, when my child is old enough to understand and he asks me then I will explain it to him and he can form his own opinions.

You won't have to explain because you're children will not be exposed to "different" people.
Kitty5001 said:
Yeah - this really gets under my skin. I simply cannot understand why certain parts of the bible can be disregarded and others not - and I have never gotten a decent answer in reference to it either. Not even close.

I really think that is because the bible is so hard to understand. You really have to read it and understand the big picture when God said no trimmed beards before service is it possible what he meant was when you come to worship me you should be concerened with your worship and not your vanity concerning yourself about your appearances at that moment? These are things to think about.
I've given it a lot of thought. I am one of those people that can be quite obsessive when trying to understand something - I have read more of the bible then a lot of Christians I know. I've studied the analysis on both sides of the issues on many specific areas of question - and I can say with confidence I have not gotten an answer I can swallow.
You won't have to explain because you're children will not be exposed to "different" people

Oh now you are raising my children? You know who he is exposed to now? well hopefully if you are right then the subject won't have to come up then.
Jessiebell said:
I've given it a lot of thought. I am one of those people that can be quite obsessive when trying to understand something - I have read more of the bible then a lot of Christians I know. I've studied the analysis on both sides of the issues on many specific areas of question - and I can say with confidence I have not gotten an answer I can swallow.
Hey, I tried! hmph. :p
Kitty5001 said:
You won't have to explain because you're children will not be exposed to "different" people

Oh now you are raising my children? You know who he is exposed to now? well hopefully if you are right then the subject won't have to come up then.
Well yes, don't you know others always know what's best for your kids??? That's why they show videos! :p
Well yes, don't you know others always know what's best for your kids??? That's why they show videos! :p

I sure hope you are being sarcastic.
Kitty5001 said:
Well yes, don't you know others always know what's best for your kids??? That's why they show videos! :p

I sure hope you are being sarcastic.
Well duh. :slap:
Well duh. :slap:

Well everyone here thinks they should have a front row seat. so it was just shocked to think that someone else may possibly have something to say about teaching your own kids things.
Kitty5001 said:
Well duh. :slap:

Well everyone here thinks they should have a front row seat. so it was just shocked to think that someone else may possibly have something to say about teaching your own kids things.
I said that earlier in the thread. I agree with you on that. :)
Jessiebell said:
I'm not convinced that you really "can" have this discussion or the similar without a debate.

I'm not so sure it is so "off-topic" either. The discussion is evolving into the basic foundations of "why" the video would even be a discussion.
The topic was showing or not showing a film which did nothing more than reference that every child in every classroom come from a different background and they should be nice to everyone. I don't see any debate over religion, politics, or sex there. Children SHOULD be nice and respect their peers equally! I bet the children who saw the film didn't think twice about the details of the parents depicted until their parents went crazy. <shaking my head at the notion there is room for any reasonable debate on this one>

This would be a great topic for a paper in Psychology or Sociology. To show how something so innocent can pit parents/general public against one another and how parents affect their children's attitudes towards others by their own actions/beliefs. It would certainly be an A+ paper! All they would have to do is a printout of this thread!
We live in a small town where interacial marriage, homosexuality, and other "alternative" lifestyles are frowned upon. Thank you all for your concern. I think eventually it will make my boys stronger. I hope that when they are older they look back and realize that the opinions of those around them did not matter so much.

Masterj said:
I am so saddened reading this. If you don't mind my asking, do you live in a city or in a smaller town? I am so sorry your children have to go through that.

When my boyfriend and I started dating, my father expressed his concern about the criticism and bigotry we might experience. He was especially concerned about how our children would be affected. Now keep in mind, we had only started dating at this point and my father did not approve of interracial relationships. Fast forward 6 months later, my dad adores my boyfriend. Now 2 years later I think my dad loves mr. Masterj more than he loves me - lol. Opening your mind and your heart to new experiences is a wonderful thing. A little enlightenment and education certainly never hurt anyone. I am glad that I live in a diverse city and surround myself with people who refuse to judge others by their sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. I have no room for hatred and toxic people in my life. As reading some of these posts have proved to me, people full of judgment and hatred only zap the energy out of me and it certainly is not worth my getting worked up over someone elses closemindedness.
SeriouslySearching said:
The topic was showing or not showing a film which did nothing more than reference that every child in every classroom come from a different background and they should be nice to everyone. I don't see any debate over religion, politics, or sex there. Children SHOULD be nice and respect their peers equally! I bet the children who saw the film didn't think twice about the details of the parents depicted until their parents went crazy. <shaking my head at the notion there is room for any reasonable debate on this one>

This would be a great topic for a paper in Psychology or Sociology. To show how something so innocent can pit parents/general public against one another and how parents affect their children's attitudes towards others by their own actions/beliefs. It would certainly be an A+ paper! All they would have to do is a printout of this thread!
I respectfully disagree about the thread topic:

Melisinde said:
*snip*Parents outraged by a diversity video that includes same-sex parents had the chance on Monday to view the tape for themselves.

School officials said the video introduces third-graders to families of all types, including interracial, single parents and same-sex couples.

But some parents said they never knew its content introduced third-grade students to same-sex parents. *snip*
You missed the [size=-1]controversy - they weren't upset about the other family types - just that gay couples were included.[/size]
Let me add, SeriouslySearching - that I agree with you that it I don't understand why there should EVER be a problem with the tape.
SeriouslySearching said:
The topic was showing or not showing a film which did nothing more than reference that every child in every classroom come from a different background and they should be nice to everyone. I don't see any debate over religion, politics, or sex there. Children SHOULD be nice and respect their peers equally! I bet the children who saw the film didn't think twice about the details of the parents depicted until their parents went crazy. <shaking my head at the notion there is room for any reasonable debate on this one>

This would be a great topic for a paper in Psychology or Sociology. To show how something so innocent can pit parents/general public against one another and how parents affect their children's attitudes towards others by their own actions/beliefs. It would certainly be an A+ paper! All they would have to do is a printout of this thread!

You are absolutely, 100% right, Seriously. But as you can see from this thread, some people are very tenacious in protecting their prejudices and passing them on to their children. I suppose it must be threatening to imagine what one's children might think of one if they ever get to think for themselves.
teonspaleprincess said:
We live in a small town where interacial marriage, homosexuality, and other "alternative" lifestyles are frowned upon. Thank you all for your concern. I think eventually it will make my boys stronger. I hope that when they are older they look back and realize that the opinions of those around them did not matter so much.

When they are older, they will look back and know that the love of their parents -- for them and for one other -- was the core truth of their childhoods. And they will learn they can leave behind those "small town values" for a better life elsewhere, or they can stay and make their peace with the ignorance around them.

In the meantime, please allow me to be outraged on their behalf! No town is small enough to excuse cruelty to children.

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