Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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IrishMist said:
Sooo... before every dance they'd have to announce that some people think dancing is a sin?
JanetElaine said:
Now don't be silly, IrishMist. That is entirely different than showing a video about diversity and having it mention that there are religious people who think dancing (etc.) is a sin.
I don't think she was silly - I think they are the same thing - one is just a more modern version of the other, respectively.
Dark Knight said:
Oh, ok, NOW I see your point. As a result, I want the schools to show videotapes about homosexuality being considered a sin by some people and that it is possible to not think same-sex couples are "OK." Is it OK with you if your kids see THAT video and have lessons on such matters? The school should be teaching them ALL the viewpoints objectively and without bias since the parents might not get around to it so our 3rd graders can make an informed decision.

Entire post, bold emphasis mine.

Seems clear to me.
Jessiebell, you lost me. What is the same thing as what?
IrishMist said:
Seems clear to me.
Seems clear to me, too. And since our opinions on what DK meant seem to differ, maybe DK can step up to the mike and clarify. :)
JanetElaine said:
Jessiebell, you lost me. What is the same thing as what?

Not speaking for Jessiebell, but I took it to mean that she agreed with my analogy about bringing the concept of sin into the public schools.
JanetElaine said:
Jessiebell, you lost me. What is the same thing as what?
I edited in IrishMist's quote to make myself more clear JanetElaine - sorry if I didn't quote that well. :)
Jessiebell said:
I edited in IrishMist's quote to make myself more clear JanetElaine - sorry if I didn't quote that well.
No problem. I still don't see where these are the same things, though. Please elaborate?
geez... shouldn't they get the reading, writing & arithmetic thing down first.....???
JanetElaine said:
No problem. I still don't see where these are the same things, though. Please elaborate?

If you are going to point out what some people believe is a sin, you have to go across the board. Some think diversity is a sin, so add that. Some think dancing is a sin, so add that. Some think lustful thoughts are a sin, so add that. And so on, and so on and so on.
IrishMist said:
If you are going to point out what some people believe is a sin, you have to go across the board. Some think diversity is a sin, so add that. Some think dancing is a sin, so add that. Some think lustful thoughts are a sin, so add that. And so on, and so on and so on.
IrishMist, you read too much into my post. I said what I said, nothing more.
reb said:
geez... shouldn't they get the reading, writing & arithmetic thing down first.....???

That's what I said! Take care of the three r's, some art, music, phys ed... I don't see how they have time for this. These kids are going to have to compete on a global level as adults.
JanetElaine said:
IrishMist, you read too much into my post. I said what I said, nothing more.

Not sure which post you are referring to?
IrishMist said:
I have said that I don't think the schools should bother with these videos.

I have agreed that parents have the right to opt-out their kids.

Where are you getting your take on what I want deep down or otherwise?

I think it's you that wants to subject my kids to your views under the pretense of fairness.
You want to subject people's kids to your views under the false guise of "diversity." You think this video is OK, but videos with opposing vewpoints are not OK. That's the liberal motto: "Truth, Justice, and MY Way!" Right? :D
IrishMist said:
Not sure which post you are referring to?
It is getting too late.... we are confusing the heck out of eachother.... LOL!

I was referring to my question to Jessiebell about still not understanding how the two are the same thing. You seemed to think I asked that question for another reason than simply not getting what's alike about:

Originally Posted by IrishMist
Sooo... before every dance they'd have to announce that some people think dancing is a sin?

Originally Posted by JanetElaine
Now don't be silly, IrishMist. That is entirely different than showing a video about diversity and having it mention that there are religious people who think dancing (etc.) is a sin.
I guess I don't understand how this is 'one is just a more modern version of the other, respectively' (quote Jessiebell). But that's probably because your reply about the announcement before each dance was in reply to me saying:

But, they weren't taught a religious opinion. They are merely shown that, in the real world, there are people who see ....(insert your choice)..... as a sin. That isn't teaching kids religion, that is teaching kids about actual people that live in the actual world.

I don't see where what I said there has anything to do with announcing anything before an dance.... tha'ssall.

And now, ladies and gentlemen (I don't know which one of y'all is which) I am headed to bed. It's been fun - and I mean that. :)
Well, there are people that believe dancing is a sin. If we have to state before videos containing information that "couples" include variations, that some people believe it is a sin - then why is it silly to think that other religious view - common or not - don't get the same screentime, so to speak.

I think her analogy worked well - in respect to the view - I felt - she was expressing.
Jessiebell said:
Well, there are people that believe dancing is a sin. If we have to state before videos containing information that "couples" include variations, that some people believe it is a sin - then why is it silly to think that other religious view - common or not - don't get the same screentime, so to speak.

I think her analogy worked well - in respect to the view - I felt - she was expressing.
Ahh, that's why I didn't get you. This whole discussion started because there were kids who saw a video of which same-sex couples were a part. Nothing was stated before videos, and that wasn't what we were talking about....

JanetElaine said:
It is getting too late.... we are confusing the heck out of eachother.... LOL!

I was referring to my question to Jessiebell about still not understanding how the two are the same thing. You seemed to think I asked that question for another reason than simply not getting what's alike about:

I guess I don't understand how this is 'one is just a more modern version of the other, respectively' (quote Jessiebell). But that's probably because your reply about the announcement before each dance was in reply to me saying:
I don't see where what I said there has anything to do with announcing anything before an dance.... tha'ssall.

And now, ladies and gentlemen (I don't know which one of y'all is which) I am headed to bed. It's been fun - and I mean that. :)
Whoa, now *I* am confused! LOL! I leave you folks alone for an hour and see what happens? :crazy:
Dark Knight said:
You want to subject people's kids to your views under the false guise of "diversity." You think this video is OK, but videos with opposing vewpoints are not OK. That's the liberal motto: "Truth, Justice, and MY Way!" Right? :D
I believe in sticking to the facts - The fact is - there are gay couples. You cannot argue they exist.

It being a sin - you cannot make a fact - you can only believe it.
Dark Knight said:
Whoa, now *I* am confused! LOL! I leave you folks alone for an hour and see what happens? :crazy:
*chuckles* I even confused myself now... ha... goodnight DK.
Dark Knight said:
You want to subject people's kids to your views under the false guise of "diversity." You think this video is OK, but videos with opposing vewpoints are not OK. That's the liberal motto: "Truth, Justice, and MY Way!" Right? :D

THIS is what I said:

IrishMist said:
I have said that I don't think the schools should bother with these videos.

I have agreed that parents have the right to opt-out their kids.

Where are you getting your take on what I want deep down or otherwise?

I think it's you that wants to subject my kids to your views under the pretense of fairness.

I bolded to help you see it better.

Now, I am taking some very good advice, and going to bed! :)

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