Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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Masterj said:
Who is asking you to cheer the parade? I don't recall anyone asking you to do that.

Can I cheer the parade? I've always wanted to participate in a Gay Rights Parade, but I couldn't convince them that I'm a queen trapped in a woman's body. :D
We're not talking about the bible honey because there's no "bible talk" allowed in school. We're simply talking about what IS allowed in school and how it can be introduced to a third grader without that third grader needing prozac and 28 years of therapy. After all, its very very possible that a great many of those third graders are . . . yes, I'm going to say it . . . GAY~!~~~ :woohoo:

Isn't that hysterical~! You're afraid of talking about gay families to young homosexuals in the making. They'll most likely have to teach you all about it when they meet their life partner. Hope you can handle it. Maybe you should check out one of those videos. :D

It's really funny that the Bible, prayer, the pledge of allegiance is not allowed in school but the teaching of gay marriage is? That is a PRIME example of what I was just saying about our liberal society.

"Isn't that hysterical~! You're afraid of talking about gay families to young homosexuals in the making. "

Afraid?? The only thing I am afraid of is that my 8 year old will be exposed to things that he is WAY too young to understand and things that he does not need to know at 8 years old and things that should not be taught in the school system in the first place. MAYBE, just MAYBE *advertiser censored*'sexuals' should not be talked about with 8 year old little boys -I have no problems with teaching diversity- people of different ethnicities are diverse ( I am of mixed races myself) people with disabilities are diverse -NO problems at all. sexual preference- (and yes gay is sexual preference -heterosexual is sexual preference- celebacy is sexual preference) does not belong in the school system. PERIOD.
Kitty5001 said:
It's really funny that the Bible, prayer, the pledge of allegiance is not allowed in school but the teaching of gay marriage is? That is a PRIME example of what I was just saying about our liberal society.

"Isn't that hysterical~! You're afraid of talking about gay families to young homosexuals in the making. "

Afraid?? The only thing I am afraid of is that my 8 year old will be exposed to things that he is WAY too young to understand and things that he does not need to know at 8 years old and things that should not be taught in the school system in the first place. MAYBE, just MAYBE *advertiser censored*'sexuals' should not be talked about with 8 year old little boys -I have no problems with teaching diversity- people of different ethnicities are diverse ( I am of mixed races myself) people with disabilities are diverse -NO problems at all. sexual preference- (and yes gay is sexual preference -heterosexual is sexual preference- celebacy is sexual preference) does not belong in the school system. PERIOD.

Funny you say that because from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. today my daughter was at school at her Girls for God meeting. So, you see, you can try to generalize all you want, but its not all one or the other. Also, your 8 year old might be gay. They already know by that age that they're not the same as some of the other boys. How would your son feel knowing that one day he's got to approach parents who won't accept him?
Kitty5001 said:
all values that we were raised with that our parents were raised with will no longer exist
That would be a good thing, IMO.

Because those "values" no longer exist, I was able to marry my Black husband.
Jeana (DP) said:
Can I cheer the parade? I've always wanted to participate in a Gay Rights Parade, but I couldn't convince them that I'm a queen trapped in a woman's body. :D

Honey, you don't have to convince anyone of anything. Gay Pride parades are open to all who care to participate. You might feel at home with the PFLAG contingent, but you can pretty much march where you please. (ETA: if you ride topless with the Dykes-on-Bikes, be sure and post the photographs here.)

Despite all the nonsense about a "gay agenda," gay events are the least organized of any.
Nova said:
Honey, you don't have to convince anyone of anything. Gay Pride parades are open to all who care to participate. You might feel at home with the PFLAG contingent, but you can pretty much march where you please. (ETA: if you ride topless with the Dykes-on-Bikes, be sure and post the photographs here.)

Despite all the nonsense about a "gay agenda," gay events are the least organized of any.

YEE HAW!!!!!!!!!! I'm definately in with the Dykes on Bikes.
Funny you say that because from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. today my daughter was at school at her Girls for God meeting. So, you see, you can try to generalize all you want, but its not all one or the other. Also, your 8 year old might be gay. They already know by that age that they're not the same as some of the other boys. How would your son feel knowing that one day he's got to approach parents who won't accept him?

ONCE again, this is not about acceptance -it is about what OTHER people are teaching your children in school that is ultimately YOUR responsiblity IF you choose to. MY son IF he were gay would not even be an issue with acceptance. You are clearly missing the point. Little kids need to learn about things a little less complicated than sexuality. They are learning about addition facts, spelling words like 'house', learning about how to make clay with flour and water. GEESH let them be children for a little before you start throwing your liberal belief system down their throats that they don't really even understand right now.
As far as the comment about values and 'oh thank goodness we don't have any values or this and that wouldn't have happened'-another missed point- VALUES are not prejudice. It's taking responsbility for how you behave. We live in a world that NO ONE takes responsiblity for themselves anymore, EVERYONE else owes them something for nothing. I am so tired of people taking advantage of the 'system' because the liberals have made it possible. It's pathetic. and it is all about morals and values. I KNOW, I work for a state department that doles out benefits to people and I see it every single day. everyone talks about acceptance and bleeding hearts and give give give because we need to help everyone out when the person who we are helping out DOES NOT help themselves because they DON'T HAVE TO because of all this ENABLING and acceptance crap. has allowed them to take advantage. It's only getting worse.
Kitty5001 said:
Funny you say that because from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. today my daughter was at school at her Girls for God meeting. So, you see, you can try to generalize all you want, but its not all one or the other. Also, your 8 year old might be gay. They already know by that age that they're not the same as some of the other boys. How would your son feel knowing that one day he's got to approach parents who won't accept him?

ONCE again, this is not about acceptance -it is about what OTHER people are teaching your children in school that is ultimately YOUR responsiblity IF you choose to. MY son IF he were gay would not even be an issue with acceptance. You are clearly missing the point. Little kids need to learn about things a little less complicated than sexuality. They are learning about addition facts, spelling words like 'house', learning about how to make clay with flour and water. GEESH let them be children for a little before you start throwing your liberal belief system down their throats that they don't really even understand right now.
As far as the comment about values and 'oh thank goodness we don't have any values or this and that wouldn't have happened'-another missed point- VALUES are not prejudice. It's taking responsbility for how you behave. We live in a world that NO ONE takes responsiblity for themselves anymore, EVERYONE else owes them something for nothing. I am so tired of people taking advantage of the 'system' because the liberals have made it possible. It's pathetic. and it is all about morals and values. I KNOW, I work for a state department that doles out benefits to people and I see it every single day. everyone talks about acceptance and bleeding hearts and give give give because we need to help everyone out when the person who we are helping out DOES NOT help themselves because they DON'T HAVE TO because of all this ENABLING and acceptance crap. has allowed them to take advantage. It's only getting worse.

Did you call ME liberal? LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Grown ups, like us, need to acknowledge that families are very different looking these days. And, grown ups, like us, need to acknowledge that little kids who see something that is . . . out of the norm for them, are a little taken aback by it. What's the big deal if someone explains to them BEFORE that happens, that yes, its possible that one of your school mates may have two dads? Who suffers when its not allowed? The children of course. So, why make that necessary? Why does it even need to be such a big issue? Like the first time one of my kids noticed that there was a black student in the room with them. I said "yes, he's a different color than you are, I'll bet you and he could be good friends." That's all. No three-day intervention. No baby prozac required. Same thing when they first met a family with two moms. I said "yes, Ms. Stephanie and Ms. April are married and their little girl is Sami." I didn't make a big deal out of it and they're not traumatized because I didn't get all freaked out about it. Some parents need to start realizing that kids know EVERYTHING and they KNOW when you've got a feeling about something and that feeling will rub off. Please don't let it be intolerance.
Jeana, you took the post right out of my erm... keyboard. Or something.

Look, there are two ways this could go down:

Your kid sees that some other kid has two mommies. What are you going to tell them? "Oh, well, she has two mommies and what her two mommies are doing is a sin." Kids don't hear that and think, "Hmm, okay. Makes sense to me." Kids hear that and think that the CHILD is bad/there is something wrong with the CHILD that has two mommies. What is WRONG with people that they want to punish the child for what they perceive as sins of their parents? These children do not decide to live with two mommies of their own accord! As another poster said, kids gang up on each other for height/weight/etc. issues as it is. By telling a kid that their parents are "bad", it just follows that they will think the kids is "bad."

The other avenue is, "Yes, she has two mommies. Some people have two mommies, some people have one mommy and a daddy, some people have just a mom or a dad." End of it (if the child allows it.) There's no reason to say, "Yes, she has two mommies because her mommies have sex with each other." If you see a gay couple on the street and that is against your religion, then if your child asks you about that, then you can tell them that what they do, being a gay couple, is wrong in your religion's eyes. It's important to separate that the children of a gay couple do not necessarily "sin" the same as the parents do.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get my motorcycle license so I can ride next to Nova and Jeana.
I never restricted what my daughter saw or heard, just explained everything to her. The world is out there, that's the way I see it.

Now if I can get her to stop that nervous tic and hiding under the bed from the voices she hears....

Just kidding. :)
Melisinde said:
Jeana, you took the post right out of my erm... keyboard. Or something.

Look, there are two ways this could go down:

Your kid sees that some other kid has two mommies. What are you going to tell them? "Oh, well, she has two mommies and what her two mommies are doing is a sin." Kids don't hear that and think, "Hmm, okay. Makes sense to me." Kids hear that and think that the CHILD is bad/there is something wrong with the CHILD that has two mommies. What is WRONG with people that they want to punish the child for what they perceive as sins of their parents? These children do not decide to live with two mommies of their own accord! As another poster said, kids gang up on each other for height/weight/etc. issues as it is. By telling a kid that their parents are "bad", it just follows that they will think the kids is "bad."

The other avenue is, "Yes, she has two mommies. Some people have two mommies, some people have one mommy and a daddy, some people have just a mom or a dad." End of it (if the child allows it.) There's no reason to say, "Yes, she has two mommies because her mommies have sex with each other." If you see a gay couple on the street and that is against your religion, then if your child asks you about that, then you can tell them that what they do, being a gay couple, is wrong in your religion's eyes. It's important to separate that the children of a gay couple do not necessarily "sin" the same as the parents do.

:laugh: :laugh: Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get my motorcycle license so I can ride next to Nova and Jeana.

Come on darlin!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
GlitchWizard said:
I never restricted what my daughter saw or heard, just explained everything to her. The world is out there, that's the way I see it.

Now if I can get her to stop that nervous tic and hiding under the bed from the voices she hears....

Just kidding. :)

Just get her a bigger thong and the nervous tic will stop! :woohoo:

By the way, did you hear? I'm a lib!! :doh:
Jeana (DP) said:
Just get her a bigger thong and the nervous tic will stop! :woohoo:

By the way, did you hear? I'm a lib!! :doh:

Jeana, reading you being called a lib was the first time I have LITERALLY laughed out loud (and spit Diet Pepsi all over my computer screen.) I don't mean that as an offense to the original poster btw... I just have read many of your posts... and it's not the way I would describe you heh.
Kitty5001 said:
As far as the comment about values and 'oh thank goodness we don't have any values or this and that wouldn't have happened'-another missed point- VALUES are not prejudice. It's taking responsbility for how you behave. We live in a world that NO ONE takes responsiblity for themselves anymore, EVERYONE else owes them something for nothing. I am so tired of people taking advantage of the 'system' because the liberals have made it possible. It's pathetic. and it is all about morals and values. I KNOW, I work for a state department that doles out benefits to people and I see it every single day. everyone talks about acceptance and bleeding hearts and give give give because we need to help everyone out when the person who we are helping out DOES NOT help themselves because they DON'T HAVE TO because of all this ENABLING and acceptance crap. has allowed them to take advantage. It's only getting worse.
No one said anything about having NO values. I'm simply thankful that some of the values past generations held so firmly to are no longer considered to be valuable.

The rest of your post doesn't seem to have anything to do with this thread. But, for your information, myself and my Black husband are both Republicans. He is an Atheist Republican and I am a spiritually agnostic Republican. We believe foremost in personal responsibility and working hard for our [meager] living. To us, it doesn't matter who you love or have sex with, as long as you're a decent human being and a contributing member of society.

If you don't want your children taught facts about current society, but would rather raise them to believe something entirely different than what is true and factual, you have that right. But, not in public school. Our public schools leave religion at the door. They are teaching that gay, bi-racial and other types of families exist and are deserving of respect. Are you really against that? Really?
Melisinde said:
Jeana, reading you being called a lib was the first time I have LITERALLY laughed out loud (and spit Diet Pepsi all over my computer screen.) I don't mean that as an offense to the original poster btw... I just have read many of your posts... and it's not the way I would describe you heh.

Me too. I guess I don't mind so much being called a lib in this instance since basically I think it meant that I have compassion for people who are STILL being persecuted and not allowed their rights. Its disgraceful. Gays are allowed to be "foster parents," but not allowed to outright adopt children. What kind of b.s. is that?????? Anyway, I'm working myself into a stroke, so I'm going to step away from the keyboard now. :rolleyes:
Dalilah said:
No one said anything about having NO values. I'm simply thankful that some of the values past generations held so firmly to are no longer considered to be valuable.

The rest of your post doesn't seem to have anything to do with this thread. But, for your information, myself and my Black husband are both Republicans. He is an Atheist Republican and I am a spiritually agnostic Republican. We believe foremost in personal responsibility and working hard for our [meager] living. To us, it doesn't matter who you love or have sex with, as long as you're a decent human being and a contributing member of society.

If you don't want your children taught facts about current society, but would rather raise them to believe something entirely different than what is true and factual, you have that right. But, not in public school. Our public schools leave religion at the door. They are teaching that gay, bi-racial and other types of families exist and are deserving of respect. Are you really against that? Really?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Jeana (DP) said:
Me too. I guess I don't mind so much being called a lib in this instance since basically I think it meant that I have compassion for people who are STILL being persecuted and not allowed their rights. Its disgraceful. Gays are allowed to be "foster parents," but not allowed to outright adopt children. What kind of b.s. is that?????? Anyway, I'm working myself into a stroke, so I'm going to step away from the keyboard now. :rolleyes:

I'm taking a divorce and family law class this semester and just cannot wait for the discussions we will have in class. *Orders tons of popcorn for 20 people for every week (for the next 13 weeks or so we have class* Our teacher was talking about the fact that they have done SO many studies over the last 20 years and it has been shown that children of gay parents do not have any more or less problems than children from straight parents. It's going to be a whole long unit later, but essentially, a lot of states are being caught with their pants down in regards to their constitutions. Many of them just specify marriage as between two people... and not as between only a man and a woman. Basically, our constitutions are being changed to include this phrase "man and a woman" to belay all of the gay marriage cases.... and I think, not give gay people their fair day in court/due process/etc. One of the women in our class who says she is writing a book on gay marriage says that there are 189 separate rights that gay couples cannot be granted that straight people are. That to me is completely amazing. They're still people... and I thought our country believed in equality for all people. *shrug* What do I know? Most of my views do not agree with my Church.
Melisinde said:
I'm taking a divorce and family law class this semester and just cannot wait for the discussions we will have in class. *Orders tons of popcorn for 20 people for every week (for the next 13 weeks or so we have class* Our teacher was talking about the fact that they have done SO many studies over the last 20 years and it has been shown that children of gay parents do not have any more or less problems than children from straight parents. It's going to be a whole long unit later, but essentially, a lot of states are being caught with their pants down in regards to their constitutions. Many of them just specify marriage as between two people... and not as between only a man and a woman. Basically, our constitutions are being changed to include this phrase "man and a woman" to belay all of the gay marriage cases.... and I think, not give gay people their fair day in court/due process/etc. One of the women in our class who says she is writing a book on gay marriage says that there are 189 separate rights that gay couples cannot be granted that straight people are. That to me is completely amazing. They're still people... and I thought our country believed in equality for all people. *shrug* What do I know? Most of my views do not agree with my Church.

It sounds like a terrific class!!!!! The honest fact is that most of the children in the foster care system have medical needs or emotional needs and are basically the "unwanted" kids. Gay families are willing and ready to take these children into their homes and give them the love, acceptance and medical treatment that they need to grow up to become productive members of society, but the government seems to think they'd be better off shuffled from one foster home to another. I'm not an expert on the church, but I believe "love thy brother" is in there somewhere and it didn't have an * on the bottom that says (*but not if they're a *advertiser censored*).
Melisinde said:
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get my motorcycle license so I can ride next to Nova and Jeana.

And very welcome ye shall be!

You and Jeana have hit the proverbial nail precisely on the head: this about how the children are treated.

Like I give a flying fig whether a bunch of 8-year-olds "approve" of my relationship with my partner. But whether our children and grandchildren are ostracized is another matter indeed.

You would not believe the abuse my stepdaughter suffered in COLLEGE, because she had a picture of her dad and I on her dorm room wall. (No, we weren't even touching in the photo, but when people asked who we were, she told them honestly.)

And she went to a very liberal, private school in Massachusetts! But it was over 10 years ago; maybe with a little diversity education, things will be different for her children. I hope so. Their only "sin" is being loyal to their family (which is supposed to be a conservative value)!

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