Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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Melisinde said:
Maybe not. I'm just trying to understand. I remember there was a thread awhile back about gay marriage. While I don't remember the particulars, I remember one person came forward and said that gays should not be allowed to marry. When a lot of people came forward and asked why not and then gave some good reasons, the person actually recanted their position and said that you know what, they really COULDN'T see a good reason why gay marriage should be illegal.

I just honestly cannot understand the viewpoint and I want to be able to. It's just something that is interesting to me and I'll be willing to listen to anyone give me reasons for why it should not be allowed. I just myself cannot think of ONE reason why it shouldn't be.
This is how I feel, too.
Thank you Melisinde for at least being open minded. Most of what I posted was all being sarcastic anyway- or I shouldn't say sarcastic but more extreme. I truly believe that I do not want my children exposed to homosexuality or gay marriage. I understand that it IS out in the world today and cannot be avoided and as an adult I am accepting to whatever lifestyle someone wants to choose-it's not my life to choose. However, it IS my choice to shield my child from something I think is immoral. NOW listen up.... just because I think it's immoral does NOT mean I am not accepting of the human being just not accepting of their choices. Everyone deserves respect and love and kindness-except child molestors and murderers of course. But it is MY choice when and if my child gets exposed to sexuality. I believe these things not because I am a bible freak 9I don't even go to church on sundays) but never the less I am christian and do believe in the word of God. Hope that explains it.
Melisinde said:
I'm curious as to how anyone being gay directly affects you. I'm really serious too.

I wish you wouldn't compare me to people who cheat on tests :), but I know what you mean.

I'm curious, too...
Kitty5001 said:
Oooh I know religion is sooooooooo BAAD!
No one is saying religion is "sooooo BAAD." People were questioning why a person's religious belief that homosexuality is wrong is a COMPELLING ARGUMENT FROM KEEPING THIS TAPE OUT OF SCHOOLS. Religious belief appears to be the only reason to keep this out of schools. Well, since religion cannot go into school (separation of church and state, you know) then... that one argument goes out the window, yes?

I just would like to know what is so wrong with gay people existing? I mean, if you believe gay people are going to hell for their "sins", then why is it of consequence to you? God says 1.) love thy neighbor and 2.) live a good life. If you live a good life, you go to heaven. Nowhere does it say that you go to hell for other peoples' sins though.
Dalilah said:
Oh sheesh! That's awful! I am so sorry for your family. I suppose my family has been much more fortunate than I had originally thought.

Maybe, but thanks for reminding teonsprincess and me that things do change, even if not as fast as we would like.
Kitty5001 said:
Thank you Melisinde for at least being open minded. Most of what I posted was all being sarcastic anyway- or I shouldn't say sarcastic but more extreme. I truly believe that I do not want my children exposed to homosexuality or gay marriage. I understand that it IS out in the world today and cannot be avoided and as an adult I am accepting to whatever lifestyle someone wants to choose-it's not my life to choose. However, it IS my choice to shield my child from something I think is immoral. NOW listen up.... just because I think it's immoral does NOT mean I am not accepting of the human being just not accepting of their choices. Everyone deserves respect and love and kindness-except child molestors and murderers of course. But it is MY choice when and if my child gets exposed to sexuality. I believe these things not because I am a bible freak 9I don't even go to church on sundays) but never the less I am christian and do believe in the word of God. Hope that explains it.

It does a little bit. Can I ask what the harm is in your children being exposed to the CHILDREN of gay parents? Will you tell your children that they cannot play with Johnny because he has two dads? All I'm saying is that I've seen the tape and it says that you should not berate the human being. It doesn't say ANYTHING on the tape about liking the choice... just that you should not hate those for whom the choice has been made.
Kitty5001 said:
Thank you Melisinde for at least being open minded. Most of what I posted was all being sarcastic anyway- or I shouldn't say sarcastic but more extreme. I truly believe that I do not want my children exposed to homosexuality or gay marriage. I understand that it IS out in the world today and cannot be avoided and as an adult I am accepting to whatever lifestyle someone wants to choose-it's not my life to choose. However, it IS my choice to shield my child from something I think is immoral. NOW listen up.... just because I think it's immoral does NOT mean I am not accepting of the human being just not accepting of their choices. Everyone deserves respect and love and kindness-except child molestors and murderers of course. But it is MY choice when and if my child gets exposed to sexuality. I believe these things not because I am a bible freak 9I don't even go to church on sundays) but never the less I am christian and do believe in the word of God. Hope that explains it.

Not really. I promise you I find your beliefs just as immoral as you find my actions.

But I don't feel a need to hide you from children, to pretend you don't exist.

(And I do appreciate you admitting that I am different from child molesters and murderers. I'm not kidding. Not all people understand the distinction.)
Nova said:
I wish you wouldn't compare me to people who cheat on tests :), but I know what you mean.

I'm curious, too...

Aww, Nova. I'm really sorry! I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry I offended you. :( I guess basically what I meant was that if another person's choice does not directly affect me, I shouldn't worry about it. :)

Btw, I would like to say thank you Kitty for sharing your viewpoint with us. I do mean that sincerely.
teonspaleprincess said:
I am also in an interracial marriage but unfortunately, my kids are not always treated so kindly. My neighbors do not allow their kids to play with mine, and they have gotten teased and called ugly names. The only place that they felt well received was when they went to a 99% black school.
I am so saddened reading this. If you don't mind my asking, do you live in a city or in a smaller town? I am so sorry your children have to go through that.

When my boyfriend and I started dating, my father expressed his concern about the criticism and bigotry we might experience. He was especially concerned about how our children would be affected. Now keep in mind, we had only started dating at this point and my father did not approve of interracial relationships. Fast forward 6 months later, my dad adores my boyfriend. Now 2 years later I think my dad loves mr. Masterj more than he loves me - lol. Opening your mind and your heart to new experiences is a wonderful thing. A little enlightenment and education certainly never hurt anyone. I am glad that I live in a diverse city and surround myself with people who refuse to judge others by their sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. I have no room for hatred and toxic people in my life. As reading some of these posts have proved to me, people full of judgment and hatred only zap the energy out of me and it certainly is not worth my getting worked up over someone elses closemindedness.
The choice for them (my son) to even be aware of at that age is too much information. I would never tell my child he couldn't play with anyone for reasons like that. It is NOT a tolerance issue it is a moral issue.
Kitty5001 said:
The choice for them (my son) to even be aware of at that age is too much information. I would never tell my child he couldn't play with anyone for reasons like that. It is NOT a tolerance issue it is a moral issue.
So you would be ok with your son playing at Johnny's house, with Johnny's two dads there?
Not really. I promise you I find your beliefs just as immoral as you find my actions.

But I don't feel a need to hide you from children, to pretend you don't exist.

What part of my beliefs would possibly be immoral-my opinions are not actions. Your actions are not opinions. there lies the difference.
Masterj said:
I am so saddened reading this. If you don't mind my asking, do you live in a city or in a smaller town? I am so sorry your children have to go through that.

When my boyfriend and I started dating, my father expressed his concern about the criticism and bigotry we might experience. He was especially concerned about how our children would be affected. Now keep in mind, we had only started dating at this point and my father did not approve of interracial relationships. Fast forward 6 months later, my dad adores my boyfriend. Now 2 years later I think my dad loves mr. Masterj more than he loves me - lol. Opening your mind and your heart to new experiences is a wonderful thing. A little enlightenment and education certainly never hurt anyone. I am glad that I live in a diverse city and surround myself with people who refuse to judge others by their sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. I have no room for hatred and toxic people in my life. As reading some of these posts have proved to me, people full of judgment and hatred only zap the energy out of me and it certainly is not worth my getting worked up over someone elses closemindedness.

You are way ahead of me Masterj, reading posts from people with so much judgement and hatred makes my blood boil.
For every kitty, there's a million+ people that think just like her, and that scares me.
So you would be ok with your son playing at Johnny's house, with Johnny's two dads there?

Nope- my son doesn't need to be exposed to that in order to he Johnny's friend. Johnny is welcome at my house though -anytime....
Kitty5001 said:
So you would be ok with your son playing at Johnny's house, with Johnny's two dads there?

Nope- my son doesn't need to be exposed to that in order to he Johnny's friend. Johnny is welcome at my house though -anytime....
So... Your opinions are actions.
You are way ahead of me Masterj, reading posts from people with so much judgement and hatred makes my blood boil.
For every kitty, there's a million people that think just like her, and that scares me.

What part of just because I don't agree with choices makes me a hater? boil boil away
Jeana (DP) said:
Being gay isn't a sex act. You can be gay and be celibate. Being homosexual is determined while the fetus is still in the womb. So, by that logic, households made up of homosexual parents are diverse. How on God's green earth you can equate sado masichists or swingers into this discussion is beyond my comprehension. Why not slip outside your protective bubble and go to a gay household. I think you'll be surprised at what you would find there. I think its child abuse to allow hatred of those who are different from you to sink into your kids. Its a sad, shameful thing some parents do.
Excellent points :clap: - also I'd like to add Beastiality, Child Molestation and Polygamy (with the exception of Utah) are all acts that are illegal in this country. It is not illegal to be gay.

I don't care about swingers - or people into S&M - consenting adults can do whatever they want in their own beds as far as I'm concerned.
Nova said:
I wish you wouldn't compare me to people who cheat on tests :), but I know what you mean.

I'm curious, too...

The funny thing is, every time someone has made a revelation to me about their sexual preference, I already knew, and I felt so terrible that they even worried about my reaction! My one friend used to joke that I "couldn't be a Republican" (we always argued politics). (Kinda like kitty saying an atheist can't be a Republican). HUH?

My ex had a little trouble dealing with his brother coming out and how it would affect our kids and I just knew everything would be fine and it has been. He's the one I miss after the divorce (my bil), in fact.

I guess once you experience a good friend or family member being gay, all the stereotypes and worries go out the window.

Now if people would just stop assuming that I'm an anti-Gay intolerant redneck bigot because I am a Republican.

Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Kitty5001 said:
So you would be ok with your son playing at Johnny's house, with Johnny's two dads there?

Nope- my son doesn't need to be exposed to that in order to he Johnny's friend. Johnny is welcome at my house though -anytime....
lol - right. But no judgment or intolerance. Because - GASP - what if those deviant homosexuals start performing unnatural acts in front of your children. :rolleyes:
So... Your opinions are actions.

When your actions cause me to react or respond then YES they are. Right now as it relates to this topic they are just opinions.

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