Paris Hilton to serve time part 2

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Sharpton Jumps Into the Paris fray here...sorry if this has been posted...

Rev. Al Sharpton met with Sheriff Lee Baca today to discuss recent events surrounding Paris Hilton and how they relate to other prisoners in the jail system. Sheriff Baca is the guy who reassigned Paris from a Lynwood jail to house arrest, under a s**tstorm of controversy.

Sharpton, founder and president of the National Action Network, met with reporters after the meeting, saying, "I told him what prompted this is the feeling that ... there is an unfairness in how reassignment and early releases have been meted out."
more at link
I was thinking - I doubt you become a celebrity psychologist by telling your patients what they don't want to hear. Paris may be getting the best counselling she's ever gotten in her life right now. I'm skeptical - quite likely this is all just a PR pose, but it could be real too.

No matter what, this is very much what Paris needs - some exposure to the real world and real consequences.
I can't believe that Paris is 26 years old. I thought she was about 21. Paris must be an alcoholic and just wants to keep her fame. I don't believe that she has had a turn around because she really isn't admitting to anything other than "acting" dumb and how she's seen by the public or her teeny bopper fans. She's all about public relations and appealing to which ever group of people who will want to know about what she does and keep her in the limelight.
I'm with you, txsvicki. I kept hearing people referring to Paris as a "young girl" and didn't understand that. At 26, she's not a "young girl", she's an "immature woman".
its the prison meds talking:laugh: I would bet as soon as she gets out, she orders one HUGE get out of jail party.
Rumor has it that Papa Hilton is already on it. He's in the midst of planning a big bash according to Fox News. If I heard right, maybe Vegas. They asked TMZ about it today and Howard said he hadn't heard about that, but it wouldn't surprise him.
I am officially burned out on PH.

I thought I was too, but here I am 4000 miles away at my son's University Convocation and I'm sneaking onto his computer to check this forum out.

I am officially crazy!!:bang:
I thought I was too, but here I am 4000 miles away at my son's University Convocation and I'm sneaking onto his computer to check this forum out.

I am officially crazy!!:bang:

Did you hit the good shops, or try the smoked meat yet, Jilly?!!!:dance:
Did you hit the good shops, or try the smoked meat yet, Jilly?!!!:dance:

Couldn't find the smoked meat on rye!!:( We were so confused for what to eat that we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe!:banghead: It was pretty good though - can't beat their nauchos!! :woohoo:

Sorry everyone for o/t!
I thought I was too, but here I am 4000 miles away at my son's University Convocation and I'm sneaking onto his computer to check this forum out.

I am officially crazy!!:bang:
Congrats to your son Jilly.
It is my belief and prefernce that Justice be served with the greater good of man kind as its ultimate goal. A Justice system that sentances a screwed up young lady to wither away in a jail cell while going thru withdrawls is in my opinion pathetic. This is a young women who has obvious huge mental issues. She needs to be sentanced to a mental facility with rehab to hopefully get her life together and then due community service and drug and alcohol conceling once she gets out. It is not about excusing a rich persons actions. Its about recognizing the diferrence between punishment for the sake of curelty and Justice as a tool for rehabilitation and self improvement. Paris Hilton needs our help, not our ridicule and mokery. Society needs to be able to recognize youth in trouble give them an opportunity for help and redirection irrregardless if they are the homeless kid on the street or Spoilled Rich kid in the Mansion. Shame on us for alowining our legal system to behave so deterimentaly. Double shame on all of us including myself who finds enterantinment out of this failure of humanity.


Yes I agree, our justice system should be there to rehabilitate people and in a humane manner. I don't feel glee that Paris is in jail but I do think she and all celebrities and the rich need to be sentenced to the same kind of punishment or treatment as anybody else. If you were in jail and wanted out and felt sick and one at the jail would give a would stay locked wouldn't get out because you cried or felt sick. If she had an alchohol and drug problem where were her parents then? why were they not spending big bucks on rehab and treatment and intervening in the train wreck their daughter was becoming?

So, Paris the repeat drunk driver will get my sympathy long, long after some other inmates get my sympathy....and their are thousands of peopel who are mentally ill and have been locked up for wandering drunk and drugged on the streets and getting into trouble...many with no family to help them to rehab or treatment and instead they are punished and not helped.... or all the poor and homeless who are locked up for stealing something to eat, or the struggling single mom's who get arrested up trying to steal shoes on their kids feet, I work at a store where people are arrested for shoplifting all the time....sad thing is when a mother is shoplifting powdered formula for her baby or an elderly person is trying to steal a can of kind of makes you feel bad as you know it was desperation and not a wish to break the law that motivated those crimes. Those people have my sympathy more than Paris.

Yes, she is still receiving favoritism in jail, but this is good news:

Meanwhile, the Endeavor talent agency has dropped Hilton from its roster of clients, Michael Donkis, a spokesman for the company, said Tuesday.

"She is no longer a client," he said, declining further comment.

At least the talent agency realizes that her behavior is unacceptable and undesirable and she could now be a liability.
I must have missed something, what exactly was her talent?
From what I've read she never had a legitimate modeling career, her record flopped and her hamburger commercial was like a *advertiser censored* film for fast food. Such a sad commentary. This chics only real claim to fame is that her grandparents started a business that made them billionaires. She's only sudofamous due to association with her families money.
I must have missed something, what exactly was her talent? From what I've read she never had a legitimate modeling career, her record flopped and her hamburger commercial was like a *advertiser censored* film for fast food. Such a sad commentary. This chics only real claim to fame is that her grandparents started a business that made them billionaires. She's only sudofamous due to association with her families money.

lol philamena....exactly what I was going to ask!

I think she is a professional party-goer. She's been paid to show up at parties...although looks like no one but the Sheriff wants anything to do with her.
Does anyone on here watch "The Simple Life?" I tuned in for like 1 and 1/2 seasons but then gave it up. I was disgusted by Paris & Nicole both.
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