Pastor of mega church says wife has gone away for 1 year...

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I was believing something more sinister previously in my other posts, however, I tend to agree with all of you now...I saw the whole "message" in its' entirety.

I believe the "seed money" was all of $1000.00 though, but to throw a facet of the seed money in with their "restoration" was obnoxious to say the least. It was a "message" all about Ron being the victim, sanctifying his wife, and bringing his flock to a higher standard of marriage and him being the pastor who saved his wife.

The story that his wife was looking to throw herself in front of a car when she was found by a staff person...down the road from the "facility" gave it a measure of dramatic tension....and just at that very moment, Ron had called her at the facility, telling her that he would never abandon her. What a perfect perfect, that the revelation of it all fell on Valentine's he announced about 5 weeks ago...everyone knew what would happen.

Now, he will be selling his "message CD" and make millions off of it. He claims he is the pastor who is "raw" and who leaves nothing from the imagination. (My husband said, "He wants to leave nothing in your bank account either!!")

He didn't let Hope tell her side of the story...or was there a side of her story...Ron seemed to have all the answers today...even for his flock who had hurting marriages.

Now, seriously, if they have made up all of this just to make a buck, then they have truly placed their marriage in jeapardy, and they are actually laughing at the "adultery" issues that people face all the time in their marriage. They make restoration seem so easy...and it was like clockwork!! O PuLeaeaease!!!!! Someone pass me the barf-bag!!!!
Just my opinion, but this seems no better or worse than any other church.
I called this crock/scam from the get go.. Geez pathetic.
Anyone who believes Hope has not been 100% involved in this scam from the very beginning should consider joining their "church" ASAP.

It frightens me to know how many "followers" these fakes have. Gross and scary.
Anyone who believes Hope has not been 100% involved in this scam from the very beginning should consider joining their "church" ASAP.

It frightens me to know how many "followers" these fakes have. Gross and scary.

Totally agree. I've been reading this thread from the beginning off and on and it was mind blowing to me that there was any discussion about "poor Hope," that he'd done something to her, etc. They are the "church" of the dollar. Period. It couldn't be more obvious. I don't feel at all sorry for anyone who's been sucked in unless they have a diagnosis. jmo
Hope, right before the Valentine's Day "kiss" ...


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So the pastor in the pulpit can commit the sin of taking the Lord's name in vain, and no one in attendance at that mega audience calls him on it?

Whatever. "Pass the collection plate. And remember, the Lord don't wanna hear no change rattlin." -some random fake tv preacher from back in the day that my mom always quoted.
Dude, wait, WHAT?!?! Give me a break. BOTH were in it from the get go. What a pair of disgusting life forms.
Pretty revolting indeed.

How dramatic and such sacrificing to give the 10,000 money to that church. It's not like it was her last dollar and she didn't have a millionaire husband and partnership in a very successful Koolaid Factory and Snake oil empire with the atle Ron. Good lord, who buys this carp and falls for this BS? Apparently a lot of people do.

I think Hope went off and had a facelift, plastic surgery, body sculpting, whatever. Now she can return looking refreshed and "reborn or resurrected", whatever they want to call it. What a dramatic sight for those stupid enough to fall for it.

Now she can launch "Hope 2.0" and Ron can really market his marriage seminar BS and his continuing testimony as the most tested man since Job.

Oh dear, That poor man, of how he has suffered and been tested and what calamity will Ron face next? Just keep tithing and stay tuned to the Ron and Hope show.

I'm praying for them but my prayers for them are that God will reach his hand down from Heaven and thump them both upside their over-sized heads.
The coughing bothers me too. Is it a tic? Like the neck and arm thing he does? I'd like to see his mannerisms when he isnt on his "pulllllllpit".

Every time he coughs, I think the Debil himself is gonna jump right out of his lying liar hole!

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The coughing drives me crazy. I listened until the Valentine's kiss. I imagine that they will be offering high priced workshops on healing marriages. Sickening!
I still think someone caught them living it up and caught them big time, so they were forced to come up with this crazy plan, and maybe even pay off some blackmail. There might have been some drug addictions going on as well, but the way he has painted Hope still makes no sense. Their huge church must have enough groups within the big group who pay no real attention to these two. They'd be nuts to just follow after these people. Maybe that will be their downfall. One can hope.
I still think someone caught them living it up and caught them big time, so they were forced to come up with this crazy plan, and maybe even pay off some blackmail. There might have been some drug addictions going on as well, but the way he has painted Hope still makes no sense. Their huge church must have enough groups within the big group who pay no real attention to these two. They'd be nuts to just follow after these people. Maybe that will be their downfall. One can hope.

well im not saying it was me.....really im not lol
but I had found 2 references to hope being home on twitter/instagram and posted it here right away. then after that ron was being confronted about it on his FB and some blog someone (not me) is writing about hope and he was lashing out about those confrontations. shortly after there was the announcement of a huge announcement for Vday....then we were all just waiting and knew what it would be. we were right.

I truly believe they got caught because the daughter-n-law screwed up by posting the pictures on her instagram (more than likely not thinking anyone would see) they couldn't claim she was away after that!
Just my opinion, but this seems no better or worse than any other church.

The sermon I heard yesterday was about grace. Grace that is free. It is for anyone who wants it. No strings attached. Not all churches...or pastors are from the same mold.
A few months ago I was certain that wifey would be found 30 years from now hidden somewhere. I didn't think she'd present herself during church,...what a lowdown game she and dh played.
DTLJ, thank you for correcting the amount of "seed" Hope sowed. The amount is $1,000; everything she had in her account.

God bless you, Killarney Rose. I agree, on the surface Ron's message is about grace, but I implore you to take a deeper look. Satan, and I am not calling Ron Satan, but Satan uses subtle deception.

I’m going to attempt to uncover error in his testimony. If I get it wrong, please tell me. I love Christ with all my heart and would never seek to misrepresent Him or his beloveds. Praise God!

I will use quotes from the Christian post website (CP), statements from his message on Sunday indicated by the time stamp of the statement, and my own thoughts in italics. I make a lot of typos, but please stay with me.

According to

Ron testified that:

"I don't know what happened," a distraught Carpenter told his equally distraught congregation. "I went home to a person that for the next 10 years I did not marry and I have not known."

Calling his wife's behavior "erratic, reckless, nonsensical, (and) destructive," Carpenter told his flock that he "sat through two years of grueling therapy with her to no avail" and that the situation continued to grow worse. It got even worse, he said, when his wife confessed in 2010 that she had been carrying on an extra-marital relationship for the past five years. (CP)

His wife confessed of an extra marital affair in 2010, yet they had a marriage conference in 2011.

(31:00) The first time mine sees trouble everything I’ve been preaching can’t stand the test (speaking about his marriage). I’ve had marriage conferences for 10 years and then when I have to face what everybody is in there trying to get help from me to face I can’t face it myself.

The first time? Didn’t you just go through two years of grueling therapy sessions? I’m confused pastor. Surely, you didn’t forget all the previous hurt and pain that caused you to “lose 12 lbs in 4 days.”

After believing that their restoration process would produce positive results after the initial affair was revealed, Carpenter said his wife disclosed a second relationship that had been going on throughout the restoration process. (CP)

(29:00) A man can ONLY put away his wife because of the hardness of his heart.

The Holy Bible teaches, that sexual immorality is grounds for divorce (Matt 5:31–32 and 19:1–9).

"If I had been a regular old guy, I couldn't have took it," confessed Carpenter, explaining how and why he chose to remain with his wife at the time, instead of separating. (CP)

Ron thinks he is more than a regular guy. Prideful at best.

(46:45) Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for her to sanctify her and offer her back without spot nor wrinkle. Ron (God speaking), I’ve assigned you to take the wife—and sanctify the broken places and you are to get her and bring her back to me and present her to back me without a broken place, without a spot nor wrinkle and he said, “if you can’t do that you are not a husband because that’s what a husband is.

Here God gives Ron His job (Ps 147:3). Ron does not have the power to sanctify himself let alone his wife. Jesus asks God to sanctify them (us) with your truth (Jn 17:17). Let God be true, and every man a liar (Romans 3:4).

God will never command a husband to “fix” his wife and present her back to Him. Why did His precious Son die if husbands had the divine power to “sanctify”? This idea alone makes a mockery of the cross and God’s redemptive power through the Holy Spirit. The devil is a liar (Jn 8:44).

And just a quick challenge. Where in the bible does God command to give "seed" money in order to receive a miracle? "Seed" money is not tithes and offering. It is additional money to help move the hand of God.

Please enlightening me on the scriptural authority of this teaching. I'm so confused. My Heavenly Father said, "Ask and it shall be given" (Matt. 7:7).
To answer your question...And just a quick challenge. Where in the bible does God command to give "seed" money in order to receive a miracle? "Seed" money is not tithes and offering. It is additional money to help move the hand of God.

I actually went to Biblegateway and put in those words, especially in the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible, and there was nothing there.

There are about verses in the Bible with the word "seed" in the Bible, but all of those verses are related to the definition of genetics - heredity. No where is there a reference to seed money.

Now, I have heard a sermon preached from Isaiah 58, convincing his audience that if they seed "$58.00" to this ministry, then your offering will come back to you, doubling your money...or something to that affect, but that chapter is only talking about fasting and having faith in God, expecting miracles in restorations...nothing is noted about "money".

Your very wise to question the scriptures like this, because alot of what is just plain "man-made" or heresy!!
DTLJ, thank you for correcting the amount of "seed" Hope sowed. The amount is $1,000; everything she had in her account.

God bless you, Killarney Rose. I agree, on the surface Ron's message is about grace, but I implore you to take a deeper look. Satan, and I am not calling Ron Satan, but Satan uses subtle deception.

I’m going to attempt to uncover error in his testimony. If I get it wrong, please tell me. I love Christ with all my heart and would never seek to misrepresent Him or his beloveds. Praise God!
*snipped for space* [/I]

welcome to WS and thank you for posting your thoughts and perspective on this! you point out some valid points....

(oh and don't worry about your typing here....I write 'A' college papers and my typing on forums is crap lol )

really. none of this surprises me. and my initial reaction was scam from the very beginning. I really hate to talk negatively about "the church" as a whole because there are good people, pastors, congregations out there. but I admit, I have seen such a very very dark side to it all, I am very jaded.

ever since the 'outing' (for lack of better word right now) of the DNL's photo of her LV handbag gift from hope and picture with hope....there has been no other postings about hope. not surprised there. they let a cat out of the bag and quickly locked it back up and damage control began quickly. lol

the amount of accolades posted to ron's FB and twitter is nauseating and it shows how many people out there just blindly follow. THAT is how people like jim jones, etc collect such a huge following. its weird to me that people just don't ask questions. I would assume most would say "well its none of my business....." as they hand over their money. *insert huge eye roll here* its a waiting game on when their next marriage seminar is and when she begins speaking again. her twitter is still silent. and she doesn't appear to have a FB.

hey. at least she isn't dead. right?
Having way too much money and adoration is partially what's wrong with these two, imo. I wish all the mega preachers and their major supporters would be exposed and forced to get jobs. I highly doubt that any of them would even attend church if that happened.
I don't like the way the pastor is giving the lowdown on his wife's apparent mental health issues and she is saying nothing. I hope she really is okay, and is okay with the way she is being discussed by him as well.

Am I wrong to be concerned?
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