Pastor of mega church says wife has gone away for 1 year...

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Having way too much money and adoration is partially what's wrong with these two, imo. I wish all the mega preachers and their major supporters would be exposed and forced to get jobs. I highly doubt that any of them would even attend church if that happened.

Not all mega church pastors are scam artists, and not all mega church attendees adore pastors from afar. Although the idea of working outside of church is good, perhaps almost impossible when you consider the hours of service, family, and teaching hours.

Don't his parishioners have responsibility to know where and how their tithes and offerings are being used?

The churches I have attended, even the mega variety have open books if you are a financial supporter.

sent from my galaxy 4 using SWYPE, expect typos.
Amaziah.......I did not hear a sermon on grace preached by Ron! That charlatan creeps me out! I heard that at my church! No way could I would i listen to him!
I am so sorry, Killarney Rose. I thought you were deceived by Ron's acting abilities. Thank you so much for correcting me. He bothers me so much. I live in Greenville, SC and a lot of my friends follow him and will turn their backs on anyone who dares to speak against the "apostle". It is horrible! Again, I am sorry and thank you for responding.
Not all mega church pastors are scam artists, and not all mega church attendees adore pastors from afar. Although the idea of working outside of church is good, perhaps almost impossible when you consider the hours of service, family, and teaching hours.

Don't his parishioners have responsibility to know where and how their tithes and offerings are being used?

The churches I have attended, even the mega variety have open books if you are a financial supporter.

sent from my galaxy 4 using SWYPE, expect typos.

I like Charles Stanley, but don't really trust any of them with money, and have never been convinced that any of today's preachers actually work 40 hours per week once they get good at giving sermons and have the Bible memorized. Maybe I should follow one around for a week if they ever tell what they do, but with secretaries, financial people, associate pastors, youth ministers, single people leaders, the elderly, elders, and a bunch of groups that do ministries I figure they have lots of help.
I am so sorry, Killarney Rose. I thought you were deceived by Ron's acting abilities. Thank you so much for correcting me. He bothers me so much. I live in Greenville, SC and a lot of my friends follow him and will turn their backs on anyone who dares to speak against the "apostle". It is horrible! Again, I am sorry and thank you for responding.

Lol, no problem, my OP wasnt clear enough! So, do local people as a whole believe in what this creep says?

"I've got to call out the leaders in America," he explained.

Pointing at the cameras recording his message and broadcasting it live on the Internet, the pastor added, "I love you guys and I may be risking a lot of relationships right now, but when I said I wasn't getting reconciled, you immersed me in support.

"Now that I've announced that I'm gonna fight for my vows, I ain't heard from none of you. None of you. The only two that I have heard from, you ridiculed me. If that's where the leaders' standards are, no wonder the people are so jacked up."
Truth be told, "Apostle" Ron has changed and help a lot of people throughout Greenville. He is looked up to as a role model because he is not afraid to expose his jacked life–therefore, being relatable. He holds a lot of men responsible for their families which has caused a fair number of immature men to grow up and start respecting the wife and home. His church is the center of a lot of activities it the area. The hold a lot of huge festivals for the 4th of July and New Years. There are huge fitness facilities called the imagine center ( I attended the church once a while back and there was talk about building a community of homes to help those who need one. Ron talks of big constantly. Shopping centers and city takeover projects (it has another name). Ron has a few satellite campuses so to stay small is beyond his ability and the main reason he can't take time to be with Hope because his enterprise might die. Well, that and the fact he lied. People who are close to Hope could not believe the accusations, yet he claims everyone noticed changes in her. He hires people who probably wouldn't be able to get a job due to their checkered past (

Many people in that area truly feel that they have been blessed because of him. He also claims to say things no other preacher would say giving him an air of righteousness above others.

His son was a drug addicted ( In the video, Ron reveals the struggle he and his family had dealing with his son's drug addiction. I believe he was sent to rehab for a year. Financial support poured in to help the family.

People remember Redemption and many know how active they have been in the community. There was talk of lawsuits and drama–then the book The Necessity of an Enemy ( I never read it, but it has been reported that the book is an open account of his life. I never paid a lot of attention to what was being said because truthfully, I didn't think people would continue to contribute to his growth projects, but they did. They believe the things he say even though somethings greatly contradict scripture, but don't point it out because who are you to judge. I am just going to keep an eye on this and continue to watch as he now sets himself to be the only righteous preacher left since no one... not even TD Jakes... NO ONE... is standing behind him.
More directly I believe a good number of people doubt the account of what happened in regards to Hope. However, because of the fear of speaking against God's anointed they stay silent. Now that they are back together people feel even more apprehensive to criticize because you never know how God is working.
welcome to WS and thank you for posting your thoughts and perspective on this! you point out some valid points....

(oh and don't worry about your typing here....I write 'A' college papers and my typing on forums is crap lol )

really. none of this surprises me. and my initial reaction was scam from the very beginning. I really hate to talk negatively about "the church" as a whole because there are good people, pastors, congregations out there. but I admit, I have seen such a very very dark side to it all, I am very jaded.

ever since the 'outing' (for lack of better word right now) of the DNL's photo of her LV handbag gift from hope and picture with hope....there has been no other postings about hope. not surprised there. they let a cat out of the bag and quickly locked it back up and damage control began quickly. lol

the amount of accolades posted to ron's FB and twitter is nauseating and it shows how many people out there just blindly follow. THAT is how people like jim jones, etc collect such a huge following. its weird to me that people just don't ask questions. I would assume most would say "well its none of my business....." as they hand over their money. *insert huge eye roll here* its a waiting game on when their next marriage seminar is and when she begins speaking again. her twitter is still silent. and she doesn't appear to have a FB.

hey. at least she isn't dead. right?

So what's the update? Has she been located? Is she alive? Are they together again? What happened?
Ron is a liar! He said that he learned of the betrayal two years ago and has sat Hope down from speaking. Thus, was also the reason for the cancellation of the marriage retreat for 2012. Only her twitter page shows women giving her praise for her word on roles and places of authority in the home. Weird, maybe Ron forgot.

Also, there is a site called It will let you type in the url of a web site and see saved versions on specific dates. August 5, 2013 is the latest version before the big announcement of Hope's crimes. November 27, 2013, is the closest saved version to the date of the reveal. On August 5, Hope's conference titled 'I am Woman' is being advertised and she is very included on the website as a senior pastor. On November 27, there's no Hope! Just Ron is shown as senior pastor.

Why the sudden stripping away of Hope's title and image. Is she being punished? Ron's claims about her do not add up. Yet, if they are true and he knew she was not right before the Lord and he permitted her to speak and hold conferences then he is condemnable. Yet, if he continues to declare that he sat her down then he is condemnable, because the evidence states otherwise. He is too haughty. I still feel Hope is in danger and this is a power play by him to show her that he can destroy her world if she doesn't play nice. It also still bothers me that her hair was brown for Christmas and now it is blonde. Was she in disguise? Okay, it maybe overkill–something just isn't right.

Links to my references:

Hope's Twitter Account:

Web Archive:

Aug 2013

Nov 2013
I sometimes wonder if there should be a sub-forum for religious professionals involved in crime. There are certainly enough of them.
Ok...after going through one week of this supposed "reconciliation", I was looking for more articles and blogs on Ron and Hope Carpenter. It seems that when all the "gushy stuff" is gone, then the media, including the religious magazines become silent or they only relay the news that was seen last debate either way. I am alarmed by that because that gives everyone the "picture" that "All is quiet on the western front"??so to speak? Really?

Many of you have questioned his motive on this, emphasizing the fact that his "story" was all a scam, just to rake in more money, which I agree with.

However...there are some dark holes left behind this thing in the path of near destruction of his are my thoughts....

No one has a picture perfect marriage

No pastor can create a sordid scene of hoplessness and then on the upwardbound...suddenly without question...a scene of sheer joy that the marriage will be saved...this is unprecedented...especially using his own wife in this fiasco.

He sold millions on the "story" of his "come-back" kid for drugs when he released his CD, telling his church that he had permission from his son to tell the whole story...but that his son was still in re-hab. REALLY? Is the church gullible enough to believe this?

And now, I'm sure that he will be selling his Valentine Sunday CD for even more money, so that all can see the glorious work that RON HAS SANCTIFIED HIS MARRIAGE - true...he actually claimed that the Lord told him that HE was to sanctify his marriage. :takeabow: Note: God had nothing to do with this according to Mr. Carpenter

Now...since those things are out of the way, I am horrified at what he has done to those who have actually been through the torture of adultery and divorce...

Here are my reasons...

He has reasoned in his own mind as to how "adultery" plays out in the real world...but I don't believe for a moment that he has a clue.

He deemed "adultery" as a mental issue - it is not a mental issue, but it is outright rebellion against the unsuspecting spouse and God.

The dramatic description of his "wife's adultery" stated in the October 13, 2013 family meeting, was played out as if Hope was the ultimate adulterer...there was no hope in the marriage...and there was no other like Hope...BUT he had not met my he hasn't a clue as to what a spouse is up against when they are faced with a spouse with multiple affairs...if the affairs had taken place...and had he experienced the evil that saturates each adulterated event...then he could have never, ever gotten up in front of that church and spoken those words against his wife. WHY? Because he would have been sorely afraid of his own wife, and he would find that he absolutely had no power over her because of her supposed "Jezebel Spirit" BUT! IT'S JUST THE OPPOSITE HERE...AND MEN CAN HAVE THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT TOO!! READ THE LINK TO THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT AND YOU WILL FIND THAT IT WASN'T SWEET HOPE WHO WAS ENTRENCHED WITH IT!

And so to "play out the scene of his wife's adultery" in front of his congregation, God and his collegues is to undermine what the real terror of adultery is.

Adultery is not curable by a spouse's sanctification as he indicated.

Adultery is a total rejection of the marital bed and an absolute engagement in forbidden partners.

Adultery is not curable by a year's stay (same amount of time as his drug addictive son to get well) in a mental institution.

An adulterer is not going to be placed in a mental health facility just because the "scorned spouse" wants them's just not so...because the adulterer side-tracks every move they make and will be "out of Dodge" before the next revelation occurs. It just doesn't happen that much as this "dear pastor wanted everyone to know...especially his dear collegues".

Adultery gets really messy, especially if it involves two spouses and a bunch of kids. It gets really messy. So, if she was as bad off as he described her to be, then he could not have swept her back into his "boxed church" and called on the whole congregation to come and straighten out their marriage just like Ron and Hope did. Hope would not have been ready...and probably her alleged partners would not have been all. They probably would have been fighting over her...and him. I say "they"...didn't Ron say there were "multiple affairs"? Ron...your story was just not believeable!
And the timing was well, "well-rehearsed" should I say, when she was placed right in front of everyone on Valentine's Day Sunday, all pretty and all smiles, gloating over a husband that wanted her back and smiling over a man who was bringing home the bacon! It was just too perfect for everyone! TRUST ME! ADULTERY DOES NOT WORK OUT THAT WAY...IT WORKS OUT IN A TOTALLY OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
Just letting the church folk know it doesn't happen to their just might, ya know!

Last but not least, I speak to those who are in his congregation who are neck-deep into the sins of their adulterating spouse. You must find your purpose in God...and no other being...not even a pastor. You cannot trust that your marriage will be put back together like the Carpenters' marriage...because there are questions that demand an answer...but the question remains...will he reveal the real truth as to why he threw his wife, Hope Carpenter, under the bus?

For all we know, some kind of law enforcement agency was on his tail to put it all back together, so he chose Valentine Sunday to bring her back! Ok...I know. I'm jumping to conclusions I'll just stop!

Wonder where the kids fit in all this? Do they see Ron and Hope's deceit? Etc
Also going to his facebook page there are no pictures of her included with the family pictures going back years??

Welcome Amaziah33! I have so enjoyed your posts!!!
Wonder where the kids fit in all this? Do they see Ron and Hope's deceit? Etc
Also going to his facebook page there are no pictures of her included with the family pictures going back years??

Welcome Amaziah33! I have so enjoyed your posts!!!

obviously the kids are in on this. whatever this is (a scam IMO). my reasoning for this is because last thanksgiving the daughter-n-law who is very active on twitter and instagram posted a picture of a gift from hope. a very expensive gift that she had just given DNL. she then proceeded to comment on how wonderful hope is and how much she loves her. I find that a very very strange reaction about a women who has done something so horrible and is in such dire straights (at her own hand) that she had to be sent away with mental evaluators saying she is the worst case ever.

next, shortly after that Christmas time, a picture of hope and DNL all smiles....along there being a picture of ron, his son and grandson all smiles at the same time/location.

reading the DNLs twitter is eyeopening. she is VERY VERY secular. now I personally have no issue with this (because im not an angel - but I grew up a pastor's daughter and I know what was EXPECTED of my outward appearance); however, as the DNL of a mega pastor who seems to have a reputation to uphold....the DNL sure does make Christianity seem like a joke while she swears like a sailor, makes sexual posts, is very narcissistic, incredibly wordily and materialistic, trashes other people (she seems to be in a war with some other 'chic') and so on. again, I have no personal issue with a young girl being like this. however, it is not really the image a mega pastor would normally accept. but apparently they do.

the whole entire family is F'd up in my opinion. they are all charlatans and money hungry narcissists.

to summarize. I do not believe hope was EVER away at some facility getting therapy for whatever sin/ailment she had. I believe the entire family relishes in the riches that being a mega church pastor can offer and look for any opportunity they can to bring more in. its a schtick for them and they have to keep the show ever changing to keep the people around and bring in more $$. tragedy for them = attention and $$$. if a real tragedy doesn't happen, they will invent one.

I could be way off base.....but based on everything I have seen, I hold to my opinion on the entire situation unless something shows me im wrong.
The way the whole religious scheme is set up with restorations and reconciliation mumbo jumbo, they can live just about any way they want and do what they want. Who cares as long as they go through this ridiculous process to get back in that church. What on earth happened to the old days when the likes of Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Baker were caught and exposed then knocked off their pedestal. I think the terminology and new way of teaching was created just to protect them when caught. They can always wriggle their way out of it.
one question:

Since it is said that Hope is back... Did ANYONE see her in real...?

More directly I believe a good number of people doubt the account of what happened in regards to Hope. However, because of the fear of speaking against God's anointed they stay silent. Now that they are back together people feel even more apprehensive to criticize because you never know how God is working.

This guy is not god. He has no special insight on god's workings any more than you or I. He gets his power because he says he does, and people believe him, but anyone who says that is a fraud.
He deemed "adultery" as a mental issue - it is not a mental issue, but it is outright rebellion against the unsuspecting spouse and God.

Adultery has nothing to do with god, it is something that happens after a relationship has broken down. By the time it happens a marriage has failed a long time ago, all that is still there is a shell that is being maintained for appearances or some other reason. God is not involved at all.
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